18. the one who was felt like a teenager

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"I've been waiting for this"

My brain slowly remembered everything that happened yesterday. We talked. We kissed and we became a team, we became something. God knew how much I dreamt about this moment and it finally happened. She was mine and I was hers, it sounded so good now.

My eyes flashed her wearing this tiny dress that embraced her shapes perfectly. Her shaved legs with her white heels. Her smile when I told her that I liked her. The way she asked us to be a team, the way we kissed. Everything was perfect.

Someone slowly opened the door, I looked up seeing Rachel closing and locking the door behind her.

I stood up and walked to her. "Hey" I whispered softly. "How are you?"

"Hey. Great and you?" She asked as she walked to the bed but I grabbed her wrist and brought her closer to me. "What are you doing?" She chuckled

I giggled and laid my lips on hers, her lips slowly started to move in sync with me. "I've been waiting for this," I told her as she shook her head

"Me too" She answered truthfully. "Love those lips"

"Gosh, you don't even know since when I've been waiting for this moment," I said to her. "You know calling you mine and be the guy who kisses your lips every day" I added with a smile

I was feeling much better since she was here in this house. I've been struggling with my bad temper and my mood swings since five years now, no one was helping or caring about it because for them it was only for a moment and then everything was going to be okay. But Rachel understood that I couldn't manage it, and she promised to help me.

Her head on my chest as we talked about everything. The way she laughed when I told her something about me when I was younger. The way she hit my chest playfully when I said something stupid or that made her blush. She was amazing.

"Are we going to tell the guys?" She asked

"Not now. Wait for the party next Wednesday" I told her. "I kinda like the part where you sneak into my room in the morning," I said as she laughed

"Shut up! I feel like a teenager" She groaned as I kissed her forehead. "What time is it?"

I grabbed my phone and looked at it. "ten" she nodded and sat up.

"I have to leave my shirt starts in one hour but come pick me up tonight, and we're going to look at for a car because I really need one," She told me as I nodded.

"Wait come here" She climbed on the bed as I softly kissed her lips and let her go.

Once she left the room, I grabbed my phone and looked at it. Few messages and notifications.

Hey sweetie! I need you to come whenever you can, we need to talk it's important. Thanks! x

Hey mom! Coming in thirty see you soon! x

I didn't know why she needed me but I felt like it was a bad thing.

I decided to post since it was Valentine's Day yesterday buuut don't except updates right now.

I will start to update, next week! Don't worry. I love you guys thanks for being understanding about my little break.

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