36. the one who had a cute accent

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"English accent making him extremely cute."

I quit my job at the café five month ago and started to work in a music company, I was basically doing the finance in it and I liked it.

"Babe, do you really need to go?" Groaned Shawn next to me as I nodded.

"I can't skip work like that." I answered as he whined

"Just call and tell them that you're sick." He told me and grabbed me by the waist

I chuckled. "Baby, please." I pouted as he laid his lips on mine.

"Okay, okay I'm letting you go but I'll come for lunch, alright?" He smiled to me

"Yeah sure." I smiled and kissed his cheek. "Alright see you at lunch babe." I yelled walking out the door.

I drove to my work, greeted the lady who did the welcoming and enter the elevator. When I stepped in, I saw James standing and looking at me.

"Hey James." I smiled as he smiled

"Hey Rachel, you look lovely today!" He cheered as I thanked him.

James was from England, he lived in London before he had to move here and work in Toronto. He was tall, blond, blue eyes and had an amazing body also his English accent making him extremely cute.

"So, how was Christmas?" He asked as we stepped into our floor.

"I spent Christmas with my boyfriend's family, it was cool and you?" I asked taking a sip of my black coffee.

"I spent Christmas alone, unfortunately." He smiled sadly.

"But, I thought your family was coming here?" I told him as he shrugged

"They couldn't come." He answered quickly. "But I had fun." He added

"Great." I grinned. "I'm going to work, bye!" I said but he grabbed my wrist and brought me back

"Do you...erm..to grab lunch with me today?" He asked nervously

"I'm sorry, I can't. My boyfriend is coming today." I replied as he nodded in disappointment. "But, tomorrow?" I asked as he looked up and smiles.

"Tomorrow." He added smiling and waving at me.

The morning was very fast, I was so busy with works that I didn't see that it was already the time for lunch. I took my phone and looked through it : 5 missed calls and 10 messages from Shawn. I stepped out of my office and headed outside, once I was outside I spotted Shawn leaning into his Jeep and waiting for me.

"Hey babe." I kissed him softly as he chuckled and kissed me back.

"Rachel! You forgot your papers in my office!" Yelled James as he brought them to me.

"Thank you, James." I smiled to him as he stared at my boyfriend. "Oh yeah, Shawn this is James my co-worker and James, this is Shawn my boyfriend." I said as they both nodded

"Nice to meet you, Shawn." Said James as Shawn nodded. "See you later, Rach."

Once he left, Shawn groaned and started the engine and drove to a little restaurant where we came a lot when I worked. We ate in silence until he drove me back to the office.

I leaned in and pouted. "Don't be mad, please. I love you." I kissed his cheek and got out of the car.

"Wait!" Screamed Shawn jogging towards me and hugged me. "I love you too."

I smiled as he kissed my forehead. "Kiss me on the lips instead." I whispered as he chuckled and met my lips in a tender one.

"See you tonight, handsome." I said to him pecking his lips one more time.

He slapped my bum lightly making me jump, I showed him my middle finger and walked in.

"Rachel? The boss wants to talk to you." Said Amanda.

"Of course. I'm coming." I answered and walked to his office. I knocked lightly and waited for his answer.

"Come in!" He yelled as I turned the doorknob. "Oh, Rachel." He said.

"You wanted to see me sir?" I asked feeling the lump in my throat.

Whoop whoop

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