Chapter 13

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My exhaustion persisted throughout the night, contributing to a much-needed dreamless sleep. When I awoke, however, the dread and fear quickly resurfaced, hitting me like a ton of bricks. I quickly got dressed, leaving a note for the others, and swam out into the open water, heading for the Whispering Reef. The smell (similar to that of a rotting piece of meat) hit me as soon as I got within a foot of the reef. I swam in front of the body, my heart pounding, and gasped.

It was the same as yesterday; only this time, the merman had grey eyes instead of brown. The only thing that kept me from bursting into hysterics was his hair colour. It was a dirty blond, completely different from David's black hair. Everything else, however, was a mirror image. He was laying on his back, eyes staring blankly at the surface and mouth open in a silent scream.

My very bones were screaming at me to swim, to get as far away as possible. But I knew Tiger Shark would somehow find out if I didn't complete my task. Hands trembling, I swam to the body, placing one hand on his chest and securing my other on his back. I tried not to recoil at the stiffness as I half-carried, half-dragged the body over to a ravine, the drop yawning open before me.

I fully expected Tiger Shark to be lurking in the shadows, but I was alone. The feeling of eyes on me persisted, however, as I finished with the body. When the hand landed on my shoulder, my heart almost stopped. Dark-blue eyes met mine as I turned around.

Expecting some kind of admonishment, I waited, barely breathing. He merely looked behind me, surveying the body. When he looked back at me, a terse nod was his only response.

My hands shook uncontrollably as I swam back home, that familiar hopelessness engulfing me. Jay took one look at my face and swam to my side, putting an arm around me and leading me to our bedroom. He didn't say a word as I got into bed, turning on my side and folding an arm under my head.

Only when he had slid into bed beside me did he try to sign. Where have you been? Are you okay?

My expression on my face explained everything words couldn't. Tears welled in my eyes, spilling down my cheeks. I wasn't sure I could even try to describe what I was feeling.

I'm not sure how long we stayed like that, but I must've fallen asleep, because the next thing I knew it was morning. Jay was at my side in an instant, a hand on my arm.

We have to keep moving. How are you? The concern was still fresh in his eyes.

My hands were moving without me even realising it. Fine.

He didn't press me, but I could tell he clearly saw through my lie. He gripped my hand as we swam out into the open water. I had to bite down on my sob of relief as I saw David.

We had a mostly uneventful swim. After swimming flat-out, we stopped for a break under an overhang. That's when the smell hit me. I gasped, the scent so strong tears came to my eyes. Jay put a hand on my arm, worry in his eyes.

I shook my head, swimming behind the overhang. What I saw knocked the water from my lungs. I couldn't take in everything at once. Mom. Tiger Shark. Bodies. He swam over to me, a furious expression on his face as he grabbed me by the hair. My chest tightened to the point of pain as I gasped for water. Mom swam in front of me, a disappointed expression on her face.

Rissa, we really didn't want to have to do this. We had hoped you would just do as you were told. But, then again, that's never been your strong suit, has it? Her words were like rocks, pelting me in the face.

Sobs rose in my throat, but I shoved them down, shoved any emotion off my face and replaced it with a blank expression. Tiger Shark grinned, noticing the others' shocked expressions. In a flash, my notepad was in his hands as he scribbled a message before handing it to me. You didn't tell them?

My breathing uneven, I stared straight ahead, refusing to even yield an inch. He grinned, rubbing his hands together before letting the bomb drop. The secret that I had successfully kept hidden thus far—even from Jay. I was to divide my time between Tiger Shark's residence and home. When I was with... him, I would continue cleaning up his messes. Two weeks every month.

I looked at the ground, unable to meet their eyes. Jay's eyes. The crushing hopelessness engulfed me as I sank to the ground. My shoulders shook as I cried. Strong hands appeared on my shoulders, lifting me off the ground. Jay's warm grip was tight on my shoulders as I clung to him, sobbing.

David swam to me, a shocked expression on his face. I could barely see through my tears to sign. I'm sorry. I'm so, so sorry. I wanted to tell you. So many times. But... I was afraid he would somehow find out.

Jay didn't respond as we arrived home, carrying me to our bedroom, and shutting the door behind him. He got into bed beside me, turning my tear-streaked face toward his. Look at me. I could never be mad at you. I completely understand why you couldn't say anything. I love you.

What I saw in his eyes, however, told a different story. Anger—not at me, but at Tiger Shark, for forcing me into this situation. Raw, unchecked anger.

I fought back a shudder as he kissed me on the cheek. I clung to those three words as I fell into a fitful sleep. I love you... I love you... I love you...

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