Chapter 15

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I tossed and turned in bed that night, unable to banish the image from my mind: Tiger Shark, moments after I'd stabbed him, his gaze going blank. The ghosts returned also, to my dismay. They again caressed my cheeks with transparent fingers, their touch ice-cold on my skin.

But something was different this time. A merman swam up to us, a dagger in his hand and a merciless expression on his face. His dark skin was flushed as he stared at the body. With a jolt, I realised who it was: David.

Tiger Shark's lackeys immediately swam in front of the body, blocking David's view and preventing him from getting closer. My heart thundered in my chest as I watched, unable to move or so much as open my mouth. One of his lackeys snapped his fingers, and another merman swam into view, gripping the shoulder of a very scared, very familiar mermaid. Her blonde hair was limp on her shoulders, face deathly pale and emerald-green eyes wide.

When Naia saw me, she burst into tears. Her hands were trembling so badly, it took a few tries for me to understand what she was saying. Rissa, please. You don't understand. She said she would kill you and Meri if I didn't join her.

My heart stopped dead in my chest, the world slamming to a halt as her words washed over me. If I didn't join her...

I stared at my sister as if I'd never seen her before, a mix of shock and disbelief on my face. She betrayed us. Worse, she betrayed me. Her sister. My hands began to tremble uncontrollably as tears filled my eyes, threatening to spill over. The ghosts reappeared, their gazes hungry as they gazed at me.

I squeezed my eyes shut, desperately trying to wake up. When I opened my eyes again, however, Naia was still there, her tear-stained face pleading as she looked at me. I closed my eyes, counted to three, and threw myself awake, a muffled sob breaking from my lips.

The ghosts quickly vanished, replaced by familiar green eyes. Jay gripped my hand, his wide eyes searching my face. Are you okay? You started crying. My chest was heaving as I stared at him.

I took a deep breath, exhaling slowly. As your wife, I'm queen of Aegrem, right? The thought, while not outrageous, had never occurred to me before today. The power that came with it.

Confusion filled his eyes as he nodded. Of course. What are you thinking?

I silently rose from the bed and got dressed, my muscles rigid. Jay had given me a gorgeous purple-and-grey gown after we'd gotten married, twin to his own attire as the king of Aegrem. My eyes shone with tears as I swam through the house and out into the open water. He caught up with me, his brows creased in worry.

Tell David and Bella to gather the citizens of Pelathas and meet near Whispering Reef. I'll do the same for Aegrem and Nepptheas.

His hands were steady as he responded. What's up?

My own hands were shaking when I lifted them. It's time they knew the truth. We'd kept it a secret for too long. If they decided to attack again, we needed everyone to be prepared.

I put on a burst of speed, zooming towards Aegrem. The citizens were suprised to see me, but they quickly realised I wasn't here for a social visit. I need everyone to meet near Whispering Reef. Please.

They nodded, quickly spreading the word. I saw the confusion in their eyes, but the expression on my face convinced them not to press me. I gave a similar request to the citizens of Nepptheas. They also wore confused expressions, but nodded nonetheless. I was shaking as I swam to Whispering Reef.

Once everyone was gathered, mermen and mermaids alike, Jay, David, and Bella swam to my side. They all had concerned expressions on their faces as they stared at me. I glanced at Jay, tears in my eyes. I need you to translate.

He nodded, squeezing my hand. I took a shaky breath, then began signing. I come to you today not as your queen, but as a concerned citizen. Last night, I was heartbroken to learn that my own mother, Talia Singh, and sister, Naia Singh, were working for Tiger Shark. I don't know if Talia is planning to take on the mantle or if Naia is planning on helping her do so, but I do know one thing: Talia and Naia Singh are now considered fugitives. If anyone sees them or may have knowledge on their whereabouts, contact me or my husband directly. In the meantime, be vigilant. We don't know if or when they might strike next.

As Jay finished the final word, my heart, already perilously close to breaking, shattered into a million pieces. I sank to the ground, unable to move. I was drowning again, but this time in grief and pain.

Jay and David swam to me and took one of my arms, helping me off the ground and back to the house. My body shook with sobs, tears moving in rivulets down my cheeks. Jay swam with me into our room and helped me into bed. Do you need anything else?

I honestly didn't know what I needed. Stay with me?

He kissed me on the cheek, gently interlacing our fingers. As long as you need.

Despite the maelstrom of emotions inside me, exhaustion quickly dragged me under, that glorious blackness swallowing me up until I knew no more.

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