Chapter 8

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My nightmares were a mirror image of the previous day—with one enormous difference. My face no longer graced the posters. Instead, they were a mixture of faces—very familiar faces, I might add—each one more heartbreaking than the last. Jay. David. Naia. Meri. Isabella. Every poster I passed showed a different face. The reward was staggering—one million gold Perles.

I jolted awake when I felt a phantom hand shaking my shoulder. Groaning, I squeezed my eyes shut, pulling the blanket tighter around myself. My eyes flew open as I bit down on a scream. Whoever was above me had grazed my injured shoulder. I looked up into unfamiliar blue eyes—so blue they sparkled like sapphires.

The world spun as pain made stars swim in my vision. I had just closed my eyes again when I felt the hand clamp down on my shoulder. Familiar faces stared back at me, each with pleading expressions. Jay. David. Meri. Naia.

I clamped my mouth shut, shaking my head. No matter what they did to me, I wouldn't give them anything. The merman who'd touched my shoulder swam over to Jay, an evil smile on his face. Jay's face was deathly pale as we stared at one another, his breathing uneven.

It was only then that I noticed that they were all bound to chairs. Jay's left shoulder was hanging limply by his side. Before I could do anything, however, a familiar figure swam into the room, her hands clasped to her chest in delight.

I couldn't breathe as a stifled cry escaped me. I could only stare as the merman produced a syringe filled with a clear liquid, inserting it into my shoulder. A familiar pain overtook me, shorting out all my senses. The ghosts returned, their expressions hungry as they looked at me. I tried to stay awake, but the pain was too much. My vision faded to black as I surrendered to unconsciousness.

The world tilted and blurred as I woke up. David's face swam in my vision, his eyes filled with guilt. I'm so, so, sorry Rissa. It's all my fault. I did everything I could. My heart skipped a beat as I noticed the exhaustion on his face and silt on his clothing. Whoever had taken Jay had obviously known what they were doing.

For a long minute, I could only stare at David, shame and gratitude warring inside me. Other than his longtime friendship with Jay and his relationship with his sister, he had no reason to stay and fight. Yet he'd been by our side all this time, ready to fight beside us against whatever came next.

Hysteria bubbled up inside me. I shook my head, hands trembling as I signed. No. You... you don't understand. They... They're going to come for us. All of us. We need to get out of here.

I rose and swam to my bag, stuffing clothes and food inside. David swam over to me, a confused expression on his face. What are you talking about?

My face was deathly pale as I looked at him. Tiger Shark. He... he sent me a letter weeks ago informing me that the queen and king of Aegrem had issued a royal pardon for the safe return of their son. I looked down at my hands, not wanting to see his expression. Jay.

David's eyes were so wide, I thought they would pop out of his head. He said I had two weeks to deliver Jay safely to Aegrem. My family's lives depended on it. The two weeks ended a few days ago. I... I haven't heard from Naia or Meri since the last time we saw them.

The confused expression quickly melted into an ashamed one. It's too late, Rissa. I was too late. They're... they're already gone. I got a letter late last night explaining everything. It was the only way to keep you safe. They're in an undisclosed location. No one knows where they are.

Before I could so much as try to move my hands, the door flew open. David had me behind him in a heartbeat, shielding me. I don't think either of us were prepared for who swam inside.

Jay. His hands were coated in blood, his clothes spattered with it. Thankfully, after a quick examination of his body, I realized none of it was his. His eyes were haunted as he shut the door behind him. David swam to him, talking quietly.

Jay was staring blankly as David spoke, but when he finished, he allowed David to guide him into our bedroom. I cautiously swam in behind them, sliding into bed beside him. I could feel him shaking against me.

I'd never seen him like this. He was normally so calm and focused. A shudder ran down my spine as I wrapped an arm around him. We laid there until I felt his body relax and his breathing even out. Within minutes, he was asleep. I laid awake for hours before finally falling into a fitful sleep.

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