Chapter 19

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I heard a heartbreaking wail shatter the silence, but I couldn't tell where it came from. My heart had fractured into a million pieces when the news had broken, never to be whole again. That had been Kailani's plan all along, I realized distantly.

To break me—thoroughly and irrevocably. She'd tried to once before, with Jonah, but had failed. So she'd set her sights on my dear friend, figuring if she couldn't get directly to me, she might as well target the people whom I loved.

I was shaking as I heard yet another wail. This time, I think somewhere deep inside of me, I registered that I was the one who'd cried out. Tears blurred my vision so much that I only saw shapes rushing toward me. I couldn't speak. I could hear perfectly, though, and I heard snippets of conversations as multiple voices talked over one another.

"Faye? Are you hurt? What happened, honey?" "Faye? Honey, can you hear me?" "I think she's in shock. Let's get her inside." I didn't realize it then, but I had indeed gone into shock, which was evident by the violent shivers wracking my body.

My body may have been at the palace, but my mind and heart were still trapped in that awful moment near The Bronze Mermaid. Waverly's agonized face was frozen in my mind, as was her mother's as they clutched each other. When I felt hands on me, I thrashed, desperately trying to free myself. Why had I left them? Why had I swum away?

"I—I have to go back. T—they need me." My pleas, however, were feeble as I succumbed to the fatigue steadily creeping up on me. I was all but limp as someone carried me to my suite.

I was distantly aware of being pressed against a warm body, of solid arms encircling me. When the soft voice whispered in my ear, I didn't even flinch. The shivers had long since subsided, leaving me with a hollowness I hadn't felt in recent memory. "Okay. After you rest. It's okay to sleep. I'm not going anywhere."

Jonah's voice was soft, worried. My eyes closed before I could protest. Fatigue and grief weighed on me so heavily that I immediately fell into a dreamless sleep. Some hours later, I jolted awake, disoriented.

For a moment, I couldn't remember what had happened. My body felt heavy and weary, like I'd swum a great distance. I lifted my head from where it rested on Jonah's chest, taking a deep breath. He met my gaze, eyes filled with worry and concern. "How are you feeling?"

In a blinding rush, it all came back to me. The sound of singing, leaving the hospital and somehow ending up near The Bronze Mermaid. Seeing Kailani and a dozen other mermaids, the former wearing her trademark smug smile as she inclined her head. Following the movement and seeing Mica, the two mermaids beside her.

The tears glittering in Waverly and her mother's eyes. The agony on the latter's face as she looked at me. My words filled with weariness. Kailani's response, her own bitter and vicious. Catching Waverly as she faltered, her heartbreaking sobs filling the horrible silence that followed Kailani's answer.

Jonah reached up and brushed a stray hair off my forehead. It was only then that I realized we were alone. I was back in my suite. I looked at Jonah, my eyes widening. Before I even had the chance to open my mouth, he spoke, recognizing the questions in my eyes. "I'm feeling much better. The hospital discharged me this morning with strict orders to rest and recover."

I let out a breath I hadn't realized I'd been holding. "Where are my parents and Drew?" I vaguely remembered snatches of conversation when I'd reached the palace, multiple voices talking over one another.

"Checking on Waverly and her mother. Last I heard, your parents had given them a suite near yours. Waverly wanted to see you immediately, but your parents, Drew, and I all agreed that the three of you needed all the rest you could get." Grief was etched on his face, in his eyes, and he took a breath when he finished speaking.

That feeling of drowning overtook me again as he squeezed my hand. I looked up at him. "I need to see them." Even though I knew I'd most likely have to reveal my history with Mica and Kailani, I had to see them—make sure they were okay.

Jonah nodded, gripping my hand as I rose from my bed—realizing that my dress was stained with silt and tears. It would have to do; all my energy went into staying upright as I swam. It seemed to take us an eternity to reach their suite—even though, in reality—it only took a few seconds.

I hesitated when we got to their door. Facing them wasn't what scared me; it was dredging up those memories and emotions that had me pausing. Jonah squeezed my free hand, drawing my gaze to his. "I'm right here."

I took a deep, steadying breath and let it out slowly before gently knocking on the door. Before the sound had even finished echoing in the silent hallway, the door opened. Waverly's face was pale and stained with tears when she met my eyes. "Faye," she sobbed, fresh tears filling her eyes.

Silently, I opened my arms, offering the only comfort I could. My friend started to swim towards me but faltered a heartbeat later. I caught her before she fell, gripping her tightly. I was positive my grip was the only thing keeping her upright. Her sobs cut right through me, my heart aching for her. Several minutes passed before her tears finally subsided.

She lifted her head, eyes red-rimmed. "Did you know?" The words were full of exhaustion, yet I could sense the curiosity in them as well. She wasn't mad at me—she was genuinely curious. I didn't so much as glance at Jonah; it was as if he wasn't even there.

My own eyes filled with tears as I choked on my response. "No. If I had—" My voice broke off, a sob escaping me. I took a shaky breath, glancing around. We were alone, but I knew this wasn't the right place for this conversation. Inclining my head beyond her, I gently led her back inside their suite, shutting the door behind me. Jonah trailed me, not saying a word.

Laguna appeared seconds later, her eyes darting between the three of us. She moved beside Waverly, gripping her daughter's hand. I swallowed hard, then tried again. "Even if I had, I wouldn't have told you. It wasn't my secret to tell." Even though my words were valid, I felt a tiny, minuscule piece of my heart break off and shatter.

Waverly shook her head, swiping at her cheeks. "I don't blame you. But..." She trailed off, covering her mouth as she sobbed.

Laguna spoke then, her voice soft. "Why did she come after us? She barely knows us." Like her daughter's, the words weren't accusatory—they were merely curious.

I shook my head, shrugging. "I honestly have no idea. I didn't tell her about you, nor did I mention either of you in conversation." My voice broke on the last word, exhaustion crashing into me. Even though I'd slept a few hours this morning, it wasn't nearly enough to restore my energy. I still needed rest—particularly a deep, dreamless sleep.

My eyelids grew heavy like I had tiny anchors resting on them. Waverly noticed, concern filling her eyes as she swam towards me. Her eyes flicked to Jonah, then back to me. Wrapping her arms around me, neither of us let go for a few moments. "Get some sleep, Faye. You've done enough. I love you." When we broke apart, she squeezed my hands and then let go.

Laguna looked at me, then Jonah. "Thank you for taking care of her." Like her daughter, I don't think she'd figured out the specifics of our relationship, but she knew there was something between us other than just friendship.

Jonah nodded, face expressionless. "I'm just sorry you all had to experience that. If there's anything else I can do, please don't hesitate to let me know." I could sense the sincerity in his words, though wedged beside it was anger.

He wanted Kailani to pay just as much as I did. I squeezed his hand in thanks. I loosed a heavy breath, exhaustion evident in the sound. Jonah inclined his head toward the suite door, gently taking my hand. His voice was low, just for me as he spoke. "You need to sleep."

I barely registered the comment. It was all I could do to keep my eyes open. I don't even think I realized we'd left their suite and had swum back to my own until we stopped before my door. He gently kissed my cheek as he opened the door and led me inside.

We swam into the bedroom, and I hesitated slightly as I approached the bed. My body was practically crying out for sleep, though my mind was apprehensive. What if my nightmares conjured up something worse than I'd already experienced?

Jonah kissed my cheek again as he pulled back the covers and eased me onto the bed. He started to pull away, and I gripped his hand, silently begging him to stay. Smoothing a lock of hair from my forehead, he shook his head. "I'm not going anywhere. I'll be right here when you wake up." He pulled a chair beside my bed, settling into it and never letting go of my hand.

My eyes had nearly closed by the time he finished speaking. Despite the lingering fear and anxiety plaguing me, I genuinely believed his words. I felt safer with him around. As I'd hoped, I fell into a profound, dreamless sleep moments later.

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