CHAPTER EIGHT, camp prom is a thing?

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When Oliver got his phone back, he called his mom, Harley. He had been feeling more anxious about the reality show and now that the play was only a day away, the anxiety was building. But talking with his mom helped calm him down. He felt a little more confident about the show, but there was still that nagging feeling. He knew it was because of his anxiety. But he tried to forget about it and just focus on today since today was camp prom. Oliver stood next to Carlos and some of the other boys the next day, all of them cheering Ricky on as he tried to finish the last pizza slice he was eating. Another thing on his bucket list was to eat three whole pizzas by himself. Oliver was surprised he didn't get sick yet.

"Can everyone please stop singing?" Ricky grumbled, causing the others to grow quiet and share a concerned look.

"He's hallucinating." Carlos realizes. "Ricky, you don't have to do this. We love you."

"Turning eighteen tomorrow. Three pizzas. One more bite." Ricky said firmly. "Must finish bucket list."

"I can't watch." Carlos covers his face as Ricky ate the last bite. Oliver cheers along with the other boys. "Gross." Carlos grimaced.

"Wow. You did that. How do you feel?" Jet smiled.

"I can smell colors." Ricky replied with a grimace.

Oliver snickers. "That's great, dude."

"There you guys are." EJ's voice causes them all to look over at the door of the Canteen where EJ had walked in. He was dressed in a pink suit that looked like it was from the eighties. The boys all 'oohed' at his fancy outfit. "Y'all, we take camp prom very seriously around here. Stop eating pizza and start thinking about your outfits."

"Does it have to be straight out of a problematic 1970s sitcom?" Carlos inquired, referring to EJ's outfit.

EJ glances down at his outfit, looking a bit offended before he smirks and did a spin. He then posed like they would back in the 70s and grins, outstretching his arms. "It's tradition."

"Okay." Carlos said in amusement.


Oliver was now in the cabin with the boys, getting ready for prom. They were all wearing seventy themed outfits. Oliver wore a leather jacket, a red and orange t-shirt with different designs and have the collar open, tan jeans and black shoes. He was currently finishing buttoning his shirt up until he stopped at the collar.

"Don't blink, don't blink." Carlos warned as he put on eyeliner on EJ.

"Remember, I want David Bowie, not Rupaul." EJ reminded him.

"I have never shown this much cleavage." Ricky mumbled, staring at himself in a full length mirror while he buttoned up his shirt.

"So, we love a dance and we love a theme," Carlos continues. "But why is there a dance and why is there a theme?"

"I think the seventies is when Susan Fine either got married for the second time or, like, ate her first camper?" Ricky suggested, grabbing his navy vest to put on over the shirt he had on.

"It's one of many traditions for the night ahead." EJ smiled.

"Thank you. Yes, I'm trying not to think about that because it's such a hard pass." Carlos admitted.

Ricky shrugs. "I'm kinda with Carlos on this one."

"I don't really care. It sounds fun." Oliver confessed, gaining a grin as EJ pointed at him.

"See? Ollie gets it. But, guys, it's the coolest. You get all overheated at the dance, and then you pour freezing water on your head, and take a shirtless picture for Shallow Lake memory wall. It's tradition." EJ explained.

"Sounds like the craziest tradition I've ever heard." Oliver mumbles. "Camp prom is a thing?"

"Exactly." Ricky agrees. "How is that a tradition?"

"Ricky, anything can be a tradition if you do it more than once." EJ replied.

"Can I do the ice water thing in a suit?" Carlos questioned, looking nervous.

"Your birthday suit." EJ joked.

"Okay, well, now I miss Color War." Carlos frowned.


The barn was now decorated for the camp prom, everyone dressed up as if they were from the seventies. There were balloons everywhere and music playing through speakers. Oliver was currently standing by Ricky and Carlos as they got a glass of punch.

"Man, I feel like John Travolta in 'Saturday Night Fever'." Ricky commented.

"I feel like John Travolta in 'Hairspray'." Carlos chimed in.

Oliver chuckles lightly along with Ricky, rolling his eyes when he saw EJ had a script with him. "Dude, is that a script?" Ricky heavily sighed, looking annoyed and Oliver didn't blame him because he felt the same way. EJ shouldn't be going over the script at the prom, he should be having fun.

"The show's tomorrow. This is the only time it makes sense for everyone to run lines. Miss Jenn said as long as you guys know your dialogue, you're good. So I'm making sure you do." EJ explained.

"Totally normal behavior at a dance." Ricky remarked.

"Not weird at all." Oliver added.

"Okay, Oliver, what do you say when I say, 'Elsa freaked out because I only just met him, you know, today'?" EJ asked.

It took Oliver a few moments to go through his brain to find the next line, but he smiles proudly when he got it. "'Wait, you got engaged to someone you just met?'. Honestly, I agree with him." He admits. "Being engaged to someone you just met is crazy."

"Great job with remembering the line, Ollie." EJ comments with a small smile and Oliver returns the smile. He sighs, walking over to stand by the other side of Ricky. "I just gotta stay in the zone tonight. No distractions."

"Yes, sir." Ricky chuckled.

When the door opened, that caught the four boy's attention. Oliver had been taking a drink of his punch, but he almost choked on it, his eyes wide and face turning pink at seeing how hot his girlfriend looked. Ashlyn, Blythe, Gina, and Kourtney walked into the barn together, each of them looking as fabulous as ever. The four boys stared at them in awe as they walked over to them.

"Hello, boys." Gina greeted with a smile.

"Wow." EJ and Oliver spoke in unison but they were staring at different girls. EJ was in awe while looking at Blythe. While Oliver was in awe looking at Gina.

"You guys look amazing." Ricky commented.

"Thank you," Blythe grins. "And I mean, I would hope so 'cause we took, like, forever to get ready."

"Ooh, the photo wall is it!" Kourtney squealed excitedly, bringing their attention to her.

"We're stealing her, Ollie." Ashlyn grins at Oliver, grabbing Gina's arm. "Come on."

"Okay, but I'm stealing her after you're done." Oliver called out, causing Gina o look back at him with a shy smile as she walked away with her friends. As the dance continued, Oliver found Gina again after she was done with the girls with taking photos. When he got to her, he smiled wide and grabbed her hand before he spun her around. She giggled, her face heating up a bit. Then when she faced him, he placed his hands on her hips, staring at her with nothing but love and adoration in his eyes.

"Well, hello to you too." Gina greeted with a laugh, her arms wrapping around his neck.

"Hey, babe." Oliver's grin widens, his heart racing and face turning a bit red. "Sorry, I couldn't help it. You look absolutely stunning, G."

"You're not so bad yourself, handsome." Gina teased with a smirk. Oliver chuckled, looking down shyly as his face grew more red. She smiled softly, reaching up to brush his hair away from his face. Her hand rested on his cheek afterwards, caressing it gently. Oliver leaned into her touch, closing his eyes. They stayed like that for a few moments before opening their eyes, meeting each other's gaze. "Are you okay? You've seemed a little tense lately."

"I'm fine. It's just..." Oliver trails off, sighing as he tried to find the right words. "I'm kind of scared for the show tomorrow. This will be my first time preforming anything live and my second time with a lead role. And what if I mess up? What if I'm not good enough and everyone will hate me? What if-"

"Woah, woah. Ollie, hey, calm down. Breathe." Gina interrupts his rambling. Oliver didn't even realize he was beginning to hyperventilate. His mind was racing and so was his heart. Since it was the night before the play, he had been getting more anxious and nervous but he mostly kept it to himself. Though, sometimes it would slip out. Like right now. He didn't want Gina to worry. But of course she worried, he was her boyfriend. And she was a caring person. So it made sense. She had a comforting smile on her face as she grabbed his hand, gently tugging him towards outside. She knew he could calm down easier when there weren't a lot of things going on.

They stepped outside and Oliver was already starting to feel a little better, but he was still breathing heavily and panicking. She guides him over to the bench on the porch and she sits him down, sitting next to him and holding his hands. She gives him a reassuring smile and it helps a bit.

"Okay, breathe, baby. Follow my breathing, okay? I know it's scary, but you'll be fine. I believe in you. Your parents believe in you and so do your siblings. We all do." Gina spoke calmly. She started taking slow deep breaths and Oliver followed her. It took him a while, but he calmed down and was able to breathe properly. His mind wasn't racing as much. He still felt anxious, but it wasn't as bad as before. With a shaky sigh, he leaned forward, leaning his head in the crook of her neck. She wrapped her arms around him, rubbing his back comfortingly. "You okay now?"

"I'm getting there." Oliver replied, his voice soft and quiet.

"Do you need anything?" Gina questioned.

"Just you." He responded, lifting his head up and smiling weakly. She returned the smile and leaned forward, connecting their lips in a sweet, loving kiss. It was gentle and soft and filled with all the emotions they had for each other. Their hearts raced, their faces flushed, and the world disappeared. All they could focus on was each other.

"I love you, Ollie." Gina whispered, their lips still touching.

"I love you too, G." Oliver whispered back, resting his forehead against hers.

They stayed like that for a few moments, holding each other close. Then when they were ready, they headed back inside to the dance, hand in hand. Oliver was still feeling a bit anxious, but he knew he had Gina there to support him and help him calm down if he got too stressed. They both heard singing and music playing. Oliver smiled as he recognized this song. It was 'Wouldn't Change A Thing' from 'Camp Rock 2'. He noticed Carlos and Seb were on stage, singing along with Maddox and Jet. Oliver's smile widens, happy that the two siblings seemed to have worked things out.

"Can I have this dance?" Oliver asked, glancing at Gina with a soft smile. She looked surprised he's offering this, especially after he almost had a panic attack. But then her gaze softened and she stared at him with loving eyes.

"Of course, handsome." Gina grinned. He grinned back, leading her onto the dance floor. The lights had dimmed and the spotlight was on Seb, Carlos, Jet, and Maddox. They danced along to the upbeat song, everyone else dancing along as well and having fun. Ricky even gathered everyone to form an aisle for them to dance down. Blythe was stood off to the side where she caught up with Madison, who had came for Maddox when she noticed EJ walking out of the barn. Oliver saw this as well, confused and concerned for EJ, but he knew Blythe could help calm him down. His attention was then brought to Gina, who dragged him over to the aisle so they can dance down it together.

Ashlyn and Ricky danced down the aisle first, Oliver and Gina went next. They laughed as they danced down the aisle, twirling each other around and having fun. Carlos and Seb went after them before they got on stage to sing along with Maddox and Jet. 


Meanwhile, Blythe went to follow EJ to the Canteen where he had headed. She found him pacing around and she could tell he was anxious. She had no idea what was going on, but she wanted to help him calm down.

"Hey, Caswell, you okay?" Blythe asked, her voice soft and gentle as she approached him. He stopped pacing, looking over at her with wide, anxious eyes.

"Not really. I've got a lot on my mind and I can't stop thinking about it. Like, what was I even thinking that I could be a director and in the play at once? And I feel like I haven't really got any fun in at camp, just been working and studying. Like, what's wrong with me?" EJ rambled. Blythe was taken back by all this. She never thought that she would see this side of EJ, but it was understandable. He had a lot on his plate. So, she decided to help him, even if she was horrible at advice.

"Okay, listen, Caswell, I'm not the best at giving advice. I don't even listen to my own. But, I think you're stressing out over this. I get it, you want it to be perfect so you don't have to go to your dad's boarding school, but it's summer. Take a break and enjoy it, have fun. Be yourself and just forget everything for a little bit." Blythe advised.

"It's just really hard, you know?" EJ mumbled, sitting down at one of the tables.

"Yeah, I know. Believe me." She chuckles, sitting beside them, neither one minding that their shoulders were touching. "You know how my mom can be, but I'm here at camp because it's not what she wants. It's what I want."

"You don't want to be a lawyer or a doctor like her?" EJ inquired, glancing at her.

"Heck, no." Blythe scoffs, shaking her head. "I hate being compared to her. And I'm not as smart as her or as driven. But, I'm trying. I've been trying. I want to make her proud, but I don't wanna be her."

"So, what do you want to be?" EJ questioned curiously and she mentally scolded herself for how her heart melted as he looked at her with a soft gaze.

"I don't really know, to be honest." Blythe sighs, looking down. "I haven't found what I'm passionate about yet."

"Well, I think whenever you find it, you'll be amazing at it." EJ tells her, reaching out and placing his hand on top of hers. She smiles a bit, feeling her cheeks heating up. "You'll be amazing at whatever you do."

"Thanks, Eej." Blythe's smile widens and her cheeks grow pink.

"Anytime." EJ grinned.

Blythe smiles back, staring at him with loving eyes. But she was confused about why she was staring at him like this. And why her heart was racing and her face was flushing. No. She couldn't be falling for him. That's crazy. Right? "We should get back." EJ suggested, bringing her out of her thoughts. "Maybe we can catch the last song."

"It's probably over by now," Blythe said softly, frowning as she noticed he looked a bit upset. Then she smiles and her eyes lit up as she got an idea. "Elton John," She teases, earning a chuckle and a playful eye roll from him. "Can I have this dance?" She asked, jumping off the table to reach her hand out to him.

EJ looks surprised, his face heating up and his heart races. "But...There's no music." He stammered.

"I can change that." Blythe murmurs, pulling out her phone and choosing one of her playlists on Spotify. A slow song came on and she sat her phone on the table. She outstretches her hand to him with a soft smile. "So, Caswell, are you gonna dance with me or what?"

"Well, when you put it that way." EJ smiled, standing up and taking her hand. She pulled him close and they placed their free hands on each other's hips. They stared at each other lovingly, the world disappearing around them. They danced to the music and swayed slowly. They may have missed the last song at the dance, but they both thought this was way better.


Oliver had been going back to the cabin after prom ended when Ricky, EJ, and Seb stopped him and told him Carlos wanted to do the tradition. He smiled, looking surprised yet happy. It was obvious how nervous Carlos was for taking his shirt off in front of others so he was happy that he was going to do the tradition. Oliver followed the boys over to where a picnic table was as some of them carried buckets with ice cold water. One by one they took their shirts off, someone else pouring the freezing water on them. Oliver cheered along with the others as Carlos got water poured on him. They high fived him and congratulated him while EJ handed him a towel to dry off.

"Wait, so, wait. EJ is directing a movie for the Disney Channel?" Seb questioned after Carlos had explained the situation to him.

"Honey, no. EJ is directing 'Frozen', the stage version, and Corbin Bleu is directing the documentary. And it's not for Disney Channel, it's for Disney Plus." Carlos explained.

"Okay," Seb slowly nods, still looking confused. "Which one was Quibi?" Oliver chuckled lightly to himself, smiling with amusement.

"Let's get you home." Carlos decided.

"Carlos, I'm proud of you for doing that tonight." Oliver said to him before he and Seb left. He smiles, patting Carlos' shoulder. "That was really brave."

"Thank you, Ollie. I do gotta admit though I'm relieved it's done." Carlos chuckled, earning a few chuckles from the other.

Oliver then excused himself from the others, a towel around his neck. His hair was still a bit damp from the water, but he didn't mind. He had a smile on his face as he made his way to the cabin. It had been a long day and he was tired, ready for bed. When he ran into Gina, a smile tugged on his lips. "Hey, beautiful. What are you still doing out here?"

"I was helping Kourtney with the girls come over her fear of heights." Gina replies with a smile. "She did great. Why are you soaking wet?" She chuckled.

"It was a tradition." Oliver shrugs, grinning. "It was freezing cold, but honestly kinda fun."

"I can tell." Gina laughs. Oliver chuckles, smiling as he wrapped his arm around her waist. He pulls her closer and connects their lips in a quick, sweet kiss. She kisses back, a smile tugging on her lips. She rests her hands on his chest as they parted, their foreheads resting against each other. "You ready for tomorrow?"

"No." Oliver admitted, chuckling nervously.

"Hey, it's okay." Gina assures, pulling back and giving him a reassuring smile. She takes his hand and intertwines their fingers. "Everything will be fine, okay? I promise."

"Okay." Oliver sighs. He still felt nervous, but Gina's words helped him calm down a bit. He smiles fondly at her, squeezing her hand and bringing it up to kiss the back of her hand which made her smile shyly. "Thank you, baby."

"Anything for you, handsome." Gina whispered.

Oliver's heart skipped a beat because he knew she was serious. The same went with him for her. They'd do anything for each other.

"I'll see you in the morning." Gina said, giving his hand one last squeeze before pulling away.

"Good night, beautiful." Oliver smiled softly, blushing lightly as she watched her smile shyly at the nickname.

"Good night, handsome." Gina responded, returning the smile. Then she turns around and heads back to her cabin.

Oliver sighed, smiling softly and dreamily as he headed to the cabin, getting ready for bed. He hoped that everything would go well with the play tomorrow. He really didn't want to let his family or his friends down. But, he's sure it would all turn out alright...Right?

A/N olina are adorable !! i love them so much, i'm loving ej & blythe too, they're so cute!

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