CHAPTER FOURTEEN, beating North High at their own game

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So apparently Kourtney is talking with Howie again. And Howie told her that North High's drama club is going to post a video about East High's drama club, basically talking trash about them. That's why Oliver was now on another Zoom call with his friends.

The ones who were on the call so far are Ashlyn, Big Red, Carlos, Miss Jenn, Oliver, and Seb. Seb had just joined the call a few seconds ago. He smiles. "Ashlyn. Big Red. Miss Jenn. Oliver." His smile fell when he gets to Carlos, speaking in an angry tone. "Carlos."

Oliver raises his eyebrows and Big Red asked the question he was thinking. "Wait, are you guys fighting?"

"That would imply that we're speaking." Carlos replied.

EJ takes a seat beside Ashlyn, both of them sharing the same screen and Nini joins the call as Seb speaks sassily. "Who has the time to talk when you're busy posting selfies with random guys in a cabana?"

Kourtney joins next, waving at everyone. EJ smiles. "What's up?" "Hey, Kourt!" Oliver greeted, waving back at her and Kourtney smiled.

"Wildcats, quiet!" Miss Jenn yells causing everyone to grow quiet and look at her. "I've called you all here for a very serious reason."

"Miss Jenn," Nini speaks up. "They've just dropped the video on their Instagram."

"Are you ready?" Miss Jenn inquires and Nini nods. "Ready, Miss Jenn."

"Kids, Nini is going to share her screen, so we can all watch together." Miss Jenn explained.

"Alright, three, two, one." Nini pressed a button and North High's drama club video showed up on the screen.

The video was about how East High's drama club had fame and popularity because of the High School Musical movies being filmed at the high school and all about how if they deserved the fame and popularity. Lily, who was the narrator of the video, went on to say it was time to give North High a shot at the spotlight, saying how North High spent their Spring Break rehearsing and practicing while East High has been slacking off in style. Watching the video made Oliver hate North High even more.

"Okay, okay." Miss Jenn quickly speaks up and Nini pauses the video. "We've seen enough." Nini turned off the video.

"Did you just watch what I watched?" Carlos asks with a wide-eyed expression. "That was insane."

"Yeah, everyone calm down." Miss Jenn spoke.

Oliver looks at her with disblief and throws his arms up out of frusturation. "Calm down? How can you calm down after watching what we just watched?!" Yes, okay, so he might be freaking out just a little bit. Could you blame him? North High is bashing East High just because they're taking a break.

Miss Jenn sighs heavily. "We just need a plan. If we want to beat them at their own game, we need to play their rules. But add a twist, of course. Let's do something subtle, but public. To show them that we're still in this to win it."

Carlos furrows his eyebrows. "I don't really do subtle."

"But you sure do public." Seb snarked.

"We're on it, Miss Jenn." Nini nodded.

Miss Jenn sighs. "Godspeed."


Oliver was mindlessly playing his acoustic guitar once he had finished texting Ricky. He had decided on checking on Ricky since he hasn't heard much from him. Ricky didn't reply back to him which made him wonder maybe Ricky had his phone off, so he decided on just leaving that one text and to play some guitar. He stopped playing and glanced at his phone, seeing a text from Ashlyn. He picked up his phone, seeing that Ashlyn had asked him if he wanted to help her and Nini with writing a song that would be East High's way of getting back at North High. He smiled, happy that they both had wanted him to help out and, of course, he said he would love to help out.

Oliver told Ashlyn that he would figure out with brainstorming some stuff for the music on the song while she and Nini worked on the lyrics. He sat his acoustic guitar on the floor and went over to where his keyboard is sat at, deciding on using his keyboard for this song. After turning on the keyboard, he just started playing some random chords and melodies. It wasn't until he had checked in on Ashlyn and Nini to see if they had come up with anything yet that he finally figured out something that sounded good.  

He had made a video of video of him playing the music he came up with on the keyboard with the lyrics the girls came up with so far and sent it to them to see what they thought how it sounded. He was now facetiming Ashlyn and Nini, still sitting at his keyboard with his phone propped against the music sheet stand in front of the keyboard. Ashlyn and Nini were commenting on each other with the lyrics they came up with and Oliver had chimed in with agreeing with them that the lyrics are awesome.

"Okay, Ollie, the fact that you came up with your own notes and chords and everything is amazing." Nini commented, looking at him with a wide smile.

Oliver smiles a bit, but he couldn't help to still feel worried. He bites his lower lip, fiddling with the sleeve of the blue long sleeve shirt he wore. "Really? 'Cause I wasn't for sure if it was good or not."

Ashlyn nods and grins at him. "Don't worry, the music you came up with goes perfect with the lyrics!"

Oliver feels relieved upon hearing that and his smile widens. "Okay, good."

"So, um, Nini," Ashlyn turns her attention to the brunette-haired girl, sending the girl a smile. "How are you feeling?" When Nini looks at her with a bit of confusion, Ashlyn adds, "You know, after Ricky?"

Oliver was wanting to know how Nini was doing as well after the break up, but he just didn't know how to ask her and when to ask. So he was glad that Ashlyn asked instead of him.

"I'm good." Nini nods. "I'm fine." Oliver raises his eyebrows upon hearing that. He lives with a girl and usually when a girl says 'i'm fine' it means they aren't fine, but he decided not to say anything. "Um, writing a song with two willing collaborators," Oliver smiles along with Ashlyn. Nini smiles at her friends. "Doing something with my friends," She nods. "It all helps."

"Um, let's share it with everyone." Nini suggests. She looks at Ashlyn. "Has EJ heard it?"

"Oh," Ashlyn looks around her for her cousin. "He just disappeared a second ago." She looks back at her friends with a teasing smile. "Maybe it's nap time?"

Oliver and Nini chuckles. "Nap time?" Oliver asks. "What, is he cranky today?"

"No," Ashlyn chuckles. "But he found a box of our old toys in the attic earlier and has been acting like a kid ever since then."

Oliver laughs a bit. "Yeah, I'm not surprised."

"Okay, you two stand by." Ashlyn writes something in her notebook that was on her lap. "I will send you guys and the gang a file." She looks at them with a nervous glance. "I hope everyone's okay with learning a song in one hour."

"We're theater kids," Oliver chuckles, sending Ashlyn a reassuring smile. "We can do this."

"Exactly." Nini agrees. She smiles and shrugs. "And, hey, what are spring breaks for?"


Everyone recorded their own part for the video and sent the videos of themselves to Big Red, who edited the video. Oliver had to admit Big Red did a great job with editing. Big Red was much better at editing videos than he was, but he is getting better at it thanks to the videos he does for his YouTube channel he has to edit sometimes.

When he saw Gina's Instagram story that said her flight is cancelled and she was Ubering back to Ashlyn's place, Oliver decided on going to the airport to pick her up. He knows that Gina is more than capable of taking care of herself, but he would just feel better if he took her back to Ashlyn's and not an Uber. 

Oliver arrived at the airport and walked over to the escalators. He stopped in front of the middle one, his lips forming into a smile upon seeing Gina. His smile grew and he felt his face heat up at seeing she is wearing the Pilot Academy hoodie he left at Ashlyn's. He walked up the escalator beside the middle one so he's standing by her. 

"Hi, sorry to bother you," Gina looks over in his direction, confused when she heard his voice since she didn't think he would be there, and she looks at him with surprise. "But you haven't seen a Pilot Academy hoodie anywhere, have you?" Oliver questioned, looking at the dark-skinned girl with a smile.

Gina chuckles in disbelief, smiling brightly at him. "Ollie, what are you doing here?"

Oliver walks down the escalator, which was kind of hard since it was going the opposite way he was, walking over to stand in front of Gina. "I saw on Instagram you were Ubering to Ashlyn's and decided to come pick you up to take you to Ashlyn's." He shakes his head with a grimaced expression. "And besides, Ubers are sometimes creepy."

"Um, thank you." Gina responded, still looking at him with surprise but a smile grew on her lips. She got off the escalator when she reached the floor, picking up her two suitcases to set them on the floor. 

Oliver shrugs, showing that it wasn't a big deal. "I can bring you back in the morning if you want." Gina couldn't help the wide-eyed look that formed on her face because she was just surprised that someone would go out of their way to do something like this for her. Oliver gets something out of his pocket and speaks before Gina could. "And I figured you might be hungry so I brought a granola bar."

Gina's smile widens, chuckling in disbelief as she takes the granola bar from Oliver after he handed it to her. Oliver ignored the way their fingers brushed against each other and how butterflies swarmed in his stomach at the feeling. Gina felt her face heat up when their fingers brushed against each other which caused her to look down shyly. He then picked up her suitcases, looking at her with a shy smile and gestured with a nod of his head for her to follow him before he started walking to the front doors of the exit.

Gina stood there for a few moments, staring at Oliver's retreating figure with shock. No one has ever come to the airport to pick her up just so she wouldn't have to Uber home. The fact that he was kind enough to bring a granola bar in case she was hungry and carried her suitcases for her warmed her heart. At this moment she remembered her first kiss with not just Oliver, but with anyone.

It has been a few days since that one night at Ashlyn's house, but she couldn't stop thinking about the kiss. She wanted to be something more with Oliver, but she didn't know if Oliver wanted to be something more as well and she didn't want to ruin what they have now. She loved their friendship and she would never forgive herself if she lost him because of her feelings.

"G," Oliver calls out to her, stopping when he saw Gina wasn't with him. He turns around, facing Gina with raised eyebrows and a small smile. "You coming or what?"

"Yep-Yeah," Gina shakes her head, bringing herself out of her state of shock. She starts walking over to him, her smile widening. "Right behind you, Ollie."

Oliver smiled at her and even though he had smiled at her countless of times before, this one for some reason made butterflies swarm in her stomach and she felt her face heat up. She couldn't help but smile back at him which caused his smile to widen and he nodded before he turned around and continued walking to the front doors of the airport.

A/N ah olina are cuties !! & i am loving the trio of ash, nini & oliver tbh 

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