CHAPTER TEN, sneaking into North High

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Oliver didn't fail to notice the fact that EJ and Gina have gotten quite friendly with each other over the past few days. Gina even agreed to be the co-host of the first ever East High Morning Show that EJ was in charge of since he's president of the AV club. Was he jealous? Maybe a little.

"Hey, is that Nini on the tv?" Big Red asked him and Ricky, walking over to stand beside the two. 

Oliver and Ricky stood in the hallway where a tv was at, watching The East High Morning Show. EJ and Gina were interviewing Nini since her song Carlos posted a video of on East High's Instagram was the most viewed post in drama club Instagram history. 

"Yeah, and she's killin' it." Ricky smiled.

"Wait, Oliver, are you okay with it not being a duet?" Big Red questioned, glancing at the boy standing beside his left side.

Oliver nods, shrugging his shoulders. "Yeah, I don't mind." He smiles. "I'm just happy that people are enjoying her music. She's super talented and deserves to be loved by all."

"So you're not hurt?" Ricky furrows his eyebrows, glancing at him curiously. "Or offended?"

"Nope." Oliver responds, popping the 'p' in the word he spoke. He looks at Ricky, tilting his head to the side. "Do you feel those things about the song 'cause you think it's about you?"

"What?" Ricky scoffs, shaking his head. "No. I don't think the song's about me." Oliver narrows his eyes at him, knowing that Ricky was lying. "I mean, it's just a showtune. It doesn't mean anything."

The three boys look back at the tv when Nini says, "But it means so much to me. So thank you guys both for your support."

They each look at each other. Ricky's shoulders drop in defeat, looking at the tv with a small frown. The bell rings, signaling for everyone to get to their next class. "Come on." Big Red sighed, grabbing Ricky's arm and pulling him along to class with Oliver following them.


"Everyone attention please!" Miss Jenn exclaims. The chatter in the dressing room died down and the main cast members looks at her. "I'm sure you're wondering why I called this special midday drama club meeting."

"Oh, are you announcing the fall musical?" Seb asks with a grin. "I vote for 'Dear Evan Hansen'."

"I second vote that." Oliver chimed in from his place standing beside Seb and Gina and he shared a smile with Seb. Yes, that's right. Oliver is a 'Dear Evan Hansen' fan. He's a fan of musicals overall, but 'Dear Evan Hansen' was one of his favorite musicals of all time.

"No, Seb. It's March." Miss Jenn replies. "And sorry boys, but the rights aren't available for five years. I tried." 

Oliver pouts, upset to hear that but it was nice to know that she at least tried. Gina chuckled quietly upon noticing his reaction to what Miss Jenn said. She patted his shoulder, sending him a sympathetic smile when he looked at her. She had to admit he looked cute at that moment. Well, in her opinion he looked cute all the time, but she wasn't going to admit that to him. At least not yet.

"I am announcing that we are in such a good place after our improv workshop." Miss Jenn continues. "We're getting one step closer to our Menkies gold. And today, our wonderful actor/designer," She looks at Kourtney with a smile. Kourtney smiles at everyone. "Kourtney Greene, is going to show you your completed costumes!"

Cheers erupted in the dressing room. Everyone was equally excited to see the costumes Kourtney had made. She had such talent with making costumes and the fact that she had a killer voice even made her more talented. Nini took off the white sheet off the clothing rack near her and everyone cheered again upon seeing the amazing costumes.

"Speech!" Nini encourages, looking at Kourtney with a smile. "Speech!"

The cheers died down as Kourtney begins to speak. "Okay, um, guess I'm making a speech." She chuckles. "I'm super excited for you all to see your costumes because..." The sound of an elphanent interrupted her sentence. She glances at her phone with a smile. "Oh, uh, sorry, that's Howie."

"Anyway...With your costumes this semester I really tried to..." Her phone went off.

"Can you not keep your phone on silent in rehearsal like everyone else?" Carlos asked, obviously annoyed by the constant interruption.

"'Sorry, everyone' is what Carlos would say if he were more like me." Seb spoke.

"Okay, Kourt," Carlos turns to face the dark-skinned girl. "I am sorry, but listen to this caption from North High." He looks at his phone. "'It took 20 people over 50 hours to create our Belle dress. Beast costume ever'."

Ricky shakes his head. "Terrible pun."

"Yeah, it's awful." Oliver agreed.

Kourtney nods in agreement and scoffs. "Lame."

"On the day we're unveiling our costumes?" Carlos went on to say. "How did they know that?"

Kourtney's phone goes off again, but Carlos ignored it. "They've been trolling us like this for weeks, you guys, and I'm trying to not let it get to me..." This time when Kourtney's phone went off Carlos looks at her with an annoyed expression. "Is your phone hungry? I don't understand what I'm hearing."

Kourtney sends him a look of offense. "Okay, okay," Miss Jenn cut in. "Let's get back to our costumes." She gestures to Kourtney. "Go ahead, Kourt."

"Anyway, took me awhile," Kourtney walks over to the clothing rack and picks out Gaston's costume, showing it to EJ. "But I built you some abs that would make Captain America proud."

While she did that Nini and Miss Jenn handed out the costumes to the rest of the main cast. Oliver's attention was brought to Seb when he started putting on Chip's costume which made him laugh a bit. "Seb, I don't think you have to wear that yet."

"I know, I just wanna try it on." Seb smiled. 

"Ollie!" Kourtney gets his attention and he looks at her with raised eyebrows. "Get your butt over here 'cause every Gaston needs a Beast." 

Oliver chuckles and went over to where she was standing. A wide smile tugs on his lips when she hands him his costume. "Kourt, this is literally so amazing. Thank you."

"Oh, it was nothing." Kourtney waves a dismissive hand to show it wasn't a big deal, her lips formed into a smile. She looks back at the clothing rack, looking through the costumes that were for the rest of the cast. "Oh, that's weird. Your mask should be here."

Kourtney turns to face everyone with a curious expression. "Um, has anyone seen a Beast mask?"

"Haven't seen it." Big Red replied.

Ashlyn twirls around, holding onto the blue Belle dress with a smile. "We're too busy being obsessed with our costumes."

Chuckling filled the room but everyone grew quiet when Carlos said, "You guys, I know where our Beast mask is." He turns his phone around to show everyone a picture on North High's Instagram drama club page. It was a picture of Lily, the boy who was playing Lumiere, and a girl who apparently was playing Babette and they were with their costumes in the dressing room at North High. 

Everyone leans in to get a better look, but no one knew what they were supposed to be looking at. EJ asks the question everyone was thinking, "What are we looking at?"

"Look at the trunk." Carlos zooms in on the picture, specifically on the trunk in the dressing room. That didn't help at all since everyone was still confused. "Hello?" He emphasizes the word, shaking his head. "That's obviously Beast fur." He was referring to the fur that was peeking out of the trunk. "Look, it all makes sense. Our masks just happen to go missing on the same day they post this? They snuck in here and took it."

"I hate to say it," Ashlyn speaks up. "But that did kind of look like a Beast mask to me."

Big Red nods, pointing at her in a sign of agreement. "Classic Beast."

Seb furrows his eyebrows. "Do you really think they'd steal from us?"

"I would." Gina responds. From her place on the left side of Gina, Nini gently elbowed her. Gina chuckles, shaking her head. "No, I mean, I used to be that kind of person, before the present day."

"We have to get even, right?" Big Red inquired.

Words of agreement from the main cast members filled the room. Carlos glances at Miss Jenn, seeing she looked hesitant about this. "Miss Jenn, we have to at least say something."

"Guys, guys, guys. Enough." Miss Jenn stops the chatter in the room. "Do you really think that North High would stoop so low as to sneak in here, break into the costume room, and steal Kourtney's work?"

Everyone nodded in response. "And they just posted something new," Seb notices, glancing at the picture on Carlos' phone that the boy shows him. "Captioned, 'North High's gonna steal your heart this spring'."

Oliver had to admit that was certainly suspicious. It couldn't have just been a coincidence that North High posted something like that on the day they all lose the Beast mask. "Are they a witch?" Carlos asks. "How do you explain these coincidences?"

"It's just that, a coincidence." Miss Jenn shakes her head. Oliver rolls his eyes, thinking differently. The North High drama club were up to something. "Now, I want you kids to keep looking for that mask and let the rest go."

"As I learned when I appeared in the production of 'Anything Goes', opposite of a woman who once sued me for libel, you should never dance with the enemy." Miss Jenn speaks, looking at everyone. "Understood?"

"Yes, Miss Jenn." The main cast members spoke at the same time in a quiet tone.


The main cast members didn't listen. They knew something was going on and they had a feeling that the North High drama club did steal the mask. So they decided to go sneak in North High and look for it. Carlos suggested for them to blend in by wearing the school's colors, but Ashlyn was the only one who did that.

The group were in the hallway in front of the front entrance of the school. They were standing in a half-circle and Oliver found himself standing between Gina and Kourtney.

"The plan is simple." Carlos said. "Based on that Instagram post, the mask looks like it could be in their costume shop. We know from their Instagram overshares, that North High has a dance rehearsal today so they'll be in their own dance studio."

Gina's eyes widen. "They have their own dance studio?"

"We're raiding their costumes and not leaving until we have our mask back." Carlos continued.

Seb tilts his head to the side. "Isn't this kind of trespassing?"

"It'll be fine." Carlos assures him. He looks at everyone with a reassuring smile. "They'll still be people here after school for clubs. We'll blend in." He glances at Ashlyn. "Though, Ashlyn, you may have taken the camouflage thing a little too far."

Ashlyn looks down at the North High clothes she wore and shakes her head. "No, today I'm Diane." She smiles at everyone. "I play volleyball and I love North High."

"Diane, isn't it?" Big Red asks, looking at her with a smile. "How would you feel about dating a guy from East High?"

"Oh," Ashlyn gasps, looking at him with a grin. "A forbidden romance." The couple share a smile with each other and chuckled.

"Focus!" Carlos exclaims. "Who's gonna be the lookout?"

"I'll do it." Gina responds. Everyone looks at her with a bit of surprise and she scoffs. "If you leave me unsupervised with their costumes, I cannot promise I won't go all Gina 1.0 in there."

Carlos nods. "Just stay calm and act natural, okay? You got this." He looks at everyone with a smile. "Everyone ready?"

Everyone nods in response. Ricky then put his hand out in the middle with a smile. "What team?"

"Wait," Carlos cut in. "Maybe we shouldn't yell."

Everyone yelled anyways as they put their hands in the middle and raised them up at the same time. "Wildcats!"

While nodding Carlos presses his lips together in a tight line. "Strong start."


The group found the costume shop and started searching for the Beast mask. Oliver felt bad that Gina had to be out in the hallway all by herself so he decided he would go check on her. When he got to the hallway by the entrance, he noticed an unfamiliar boy talking with her. He assumed the boy went to North High because he noticed the boy wore a North High jacket. 

Oliver easily could tell Gina was uncomfortable, especially when the boy asked for her Snapchat. So he went over to them, deciding that if he pretended to be her boyfriend then maybe the boy will get the hint to back off and leave. 

"Babe, there you are." 

Gina glances at him and she looked surprise, but she quickly replaced that expression with a happy one to go along with his plan. "Babe, hi!" She smiled, wrapping her arm around his waist and ignoring the butterflies she felt in her stomach when he wrapped an arm around her shoulders.

"Sorry if I was late to pick you up from dance practice," Oliver lies, trying to make it seem like they were supposed to be at the school and that they didn't sneak in with their classmates from East High. "Ready to go to Slicers?"

The North High boy had a tight-lipped smile as he nods. "And that's my cue." 

Oliver and Gina shared a laugh once the boy had left and even though neither of them wanted to pull away from each other they did. "Okay, what's up with dance practice and Slicers?" Gina chuckled as Oliver moved to stand in front of her.

Oliver shakes his head and snickers. "No idea. I guess the improv thing Miss Jenn made us do really helped."

Nodding, Gina chuckles. "Yes, and it also made you weirder." 

Oliver rolls his eyes playfully. "I was weird before the improv thing. And to be honest, being weird is better than being normal." 

"I totally agree." Gina smiles. Realizing that he was supposed to be helping the others, she looks at him with confusion. "Wait, what are you doing here?"

"I felt bad you were out here alone and wanted to check on you." Oliver responded, rubbing the back of his neck with a shy smile on his lips.

Gina's eyes widen, her lips forming into a smile. "Seriously?" She smiles fondly at him. "That's...That's actually sort of sweet."

"Well, I mean," Oliver shrugs and smiles at her. "I'm sure sort of sweet is one of the traits of a fake boyfriend so I would be a pretty bad one if I wasn't sort of sweet."

As the two shared a laugh and continued their conversation they didn't see Lily walking out into the hallway behind them. Lily's eyes widen upon seeing the two and got her phone out to text someone that the East High drama club were there.

A/N i literally love olina so much you guys

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