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Scarlett's POV

I sit on the couch beside Joseph waiting for the boys and Brandon and Haley to come back to the living room.

"So Joseph, how old are you?" Holland sits on the love seat with Natalia smiling.

"I'm 21, not that old yet. Thank God."

We all laugh then more questions start pouring out. I finally see Brandon and Haley sneak back into the room, note that they were together.

Getting up from my seat I sit beside Haley and whisper, "Where you just with Brandon? What happened?"

She smiles, "Nothing. We just talked. He apologized for everything and now we're good."

I cringe, "Together?"

She laughs holding her head back, "No Scar!! Once a cheater always a cheater. I love him but if I can't trust him then there's no point. Its okay I'm happy we talked. We're still friends so no more awkwardness."

"Awesome! Well I'm happy you guys worked it out... So Hail..."

She looks over at my smirking face and frowns, "Ugh I'm scared... What?"

"Sooo Joseph was asking about you. I know it's a little fast but he wanted to know how you've been. He used to have the biggest crush on you."

"He did?" Haley smiles looking at Joseph as he talks to the other girls.

"Mhmm but you were always with Brandon."

"Weird, when me and Brandon we're on a break a year ago I kinda found myself stuck in a little infatuation over Jo. You know high school girl college boy. The whole story just intrigued me. He's really sweet and very smart but he would never go for me now. I bet he's met a ton of sophisticated women at college who all are studying to be doctor's and nurses and all that."

I smile and look over at Joseph, "Well you never know if you don't try."

"Right." Haley smiles then looks down at her hands.

Patting her shoulder, I stand up and go back to my seat by Jo. After everyone talks for a few more minutes I yell for Greyson and Cayton to come out. They've been in the kitchen for a while. I wonder what they were talking about. Hopefully no one is fighting.

I let out a huge breath as they both walk out the kitchen non bloody and with no bruises and black eyes.

Cayton steals the seat on my right leaving Greyson to sit on the other chair with Kallen, Brandon, and Sierra.

Hairs fly up on the back of my neck as Cayton puts his arm over my shoulder but I try not to say anything. Just a friend sitting next to another friend.

"Alright so rules of Truth or Dare!"

Haley stands up from the floor and holds her red Solo cups in the air.

"Obviously you get two choices. You choose truth you have to answer the question. If you don't then you lose a piece of clothing and you have to take a shot. You choose the other you take a shot and then complete your dare. Sound easy enough?"

Everyone nods and cheers. Haley looks around for a second, "Crap we need an empty bottle."

"I gotcha." Joseph says as he grabs a beer from the table.

While everyone chants over and over again, Jo chugs the beer in less than 30 seconds.

"Impressive. Thanks Jo." Haley smiles taking the bottle from his hand.

"You're welcome beautiful." Joseph smiles as Haley's face tinges pink slightly.

"Well this is gonna be a fun night. Alright who's first?"

She spins the bottle and it lands on Holland.

"Wooo Holland!!"

"Holland truth or dare?"

Holland smirks when standing up, "Let's start this night off right, Dare."

"I dare you to go in the kitchen get the whipped cream and lick it off of one of the guys abs."

"Why a guy?" Natalia laughs as she watches Holland stick her tongue out and go to the kitchen.

"She's a lesbian. I think it would be fun to watch her squirm a little." Haley smirks as she sips some of her drink.

"And the Haley we all know and love is finally back." Greyson smiles while clapping.

"Thank you thank you." Haley bows laughing.

"Alright I got the whipped cream. Which guy? Hmm which one doesn't repulse me the most? I guess Cayton."

Everyone looks in surprise.

"Really out of every guy in here he's the one that doesn't repulse you?" Haley laughs.

"Hey there is nothing repulsing about this." Cayton says as he yanks off his shirt and stands in his half naked glory.

"Welp he's got a point." Sierra says staring at Cayton.

"Thank you." Cayton smirks and winks at Sierra.

"Whatever. Let's get this over with."

Holland takes the can of whipped cream and puts it all over Cayton's abdomen. I laugh as he lays on the ground with his arms behind his head smiling as if he was the happiest person alive. Holland leans over and starts to lick off the whipped cream. We all cheer her on and laugh at her uncomfortableness.

"Don't be afraid to-"

"Don't make this worse than it already is." Holland puts her hand over Cayton's mouth interrupting him.

Finally, she is done and Cayton puts his shirt back on.

"That was just the beginning." Holland smirks looking around at everyone.

Now I'm scared.


As the game goes on, it becomes more and more intense. So far Cayton has lost a shirt and jeans, Brandon, Greyson, Jo have lost their shirt, Sierra has lost her shirt, I've lost my shirt, and Haley had lost both her shirt and skirt.

"What it's just like wearing a bikini!" Haley laughs as she saunters around the living room.

"Except your bikini is a thong." Natalia chuckles.

"Hey at least I look good in it."

"I second that." Jo smirks.

Haley looks over at him and tries not to smile, "Thanks."

"Alright Brandon you're up."

Brandon spins the bottle and it turns and turns and turns until it lands on Jo.

"Woohoo go Jo."

"Jo true or dare."

"Dare of course."

"Good choice... I dare you to go in the closet for seven minutes in heaven with Haley."

We all gasp looking back and forth at the three.

"You've been flirting all night might as well."

Jo chuckles and stands up then walks over to Haley and holds his hand out, "my lady?"

Haley smiles and takes his hand making us all cheer as they go into the closet.

"Your seven minutes start now."

"I'm gonna go get a drink." I say as I stand and walk to the kitchen.

I pour some vodka into my cup and then start to drink it all. Shaking my head as the burning liquid goes down my throat, I let out a gasp when I feel a hand slither it's way into my waist.

Turning around, I see Greyson looking at me with intense eyes.

"You Lettie have been a very bad girl." He whispers as he placed a kiss right below my ear.

"What did I do Grey?" I ask innocently.

"Oh you know what you did. You could've answered that question but instead you chose to lose a piece of clothing... Why?"

I try to contain my beating heart as he places light kisses down my neck. I let out a giggle as he moves to my lips.

"I just love to make you squirm. You always do it to me I wanted my fair chance."

He lightly nibbles on my bottom lip making me moan, "Baby... baby... baby you have no idea how much you actually make me squirm. Even when you're not trying."

His hands wraps around my body and lightly grope my butt. My arms go around his shoulders and my hands get lost in his hair.

"Greyson you're killing me here..."

"Am I? I had no idea..." His lips move down again and suck on a spot on my neck making all air disappear from my lungs.

"Oh yes you did. Tipsy Greyson is horny Greyson." I moan as he leaves a hickey on my neck.

"Yes he is... And right now he wants you."

Without hesitation, Greyson lifts my body up onto the counter and kisses me. Our lips move together quickly trying to keep up with one another. I moan as his tongue finds it way to mine. He groans and grinds his hips into me as I lightly tug on his hair. Greyson leans more and more into me making me almost lay flat against the counter. My legs wrap around him as his body stands in the space. As he grinds more I lay my head back to finally catch my breath.


Sierra's POV

Stumbling into the kitchen, I see Greyson and Scarlett almost having sex on the counter.

"Wow you guys have had way too much to drink." I laugh.

They quickly separate and Scarlett gets down from the counter not majestically may I add. She falls to the floor as her feet hit the ground. Laughing she struggles to get up. Greyson pulls her up with one hand laughing with her.

"Yeah I'm pretty sure I'm gonna be gone after this last one. But I need it so bottoms up." Scarlett chugs the last of her drink and then shakes her head.

"Gosh I hate vodka." She laughs as she stumbles out the room.

Greyson shakes his head smiling as he watches her leave.

"So Greyson are you guys together yet?"

"Nah not yet. Trying but some obstacles are being thrown at us."

"Oh but you do want to be?"

Greyson smiles looking looking down, "I mean yeah I love her."

I smile slightly then frown thinking about Kallen and Cayton in the kitchen the other day. They were both plotting Scarlett and Greyson's demise. I got to talk to Kallen after this. The chasing has to stop.


3rd Person's POV

Cheers flood the room as Jo and Haley finally come out the closet. Jo has lipstick marks all over his face and Haley has one small hickey that she tries to hide with her hand as see walks to her spot on the carpet.

Scarlett wipes off Jo's face laughing as he questions about her hickey.

"Okay so now Jo spin."

Joseph spins the bottle making it land on Kallen.

"Yeah finally Kallen!!" Natalia cheers.

"Alright Kallen truth or dare?"

"Mmmm dare."

"Okay... I dare you to spin the bottle and whoever it lands on you have to kiss them. And it can't be a quick little peck either."

"Alright minus Sierra. I'm not kissing my sister." Kallen laughs as she spins the bottle.

Everyone sits in since watching the bottle spin and spin and spin and spin. It starts to slow down and finally it lands on the one person no one thought it would.

"Oh shit. Sorry Scarlett."


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