The Crew

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Kallen's POV

First period- Home Room with Mrs. Johnson

Second period- Gym

Third period- Home Ec with Mrs. Johnson

Fourth period- Honors anatomy

Fifth period- Honors literature

Sixth period- Acc Calculus

I walk to my first period and notice I'm late. Well I did get lost three times.

I knock on the door and the teacher says come in. The class is set up with the teachers desk in the front right by the door, then tables that seat six people. In the back, are a few computers, sinks, stoves, and cribs.

"Welcome to Home Room, I'm Mrs. Johnson or you can call me Mrs. J. Why don't you tell the class about yourself!" She smiles and pulls me over to the front.

She seems really happy and nice. Thank god there might actually be nice people at this school.

"Um well... I'm Kallen Davis. I moved from Kansas with my mom and sister. My sister goes here too, her name is Sierra. Um my favorite color is blue and I love the beach."

"Well, it's a good thing you moved to Florida then. Great so let's see where you can sit!" She says while looking around at the full class.

A hand goes up.

"Yes Scarlett?" The teacher asks.

"We have an open seat at my table. That is if the newbie is okay with it." Scarlett smiles at me and the teacher.

"Oh great. How about it Kallen?"

"Uh yeah sure." I make my way to the table in the back. Mrs. J continues class as I continue to walk.

When I get to the table, I see the three guys with Scarlett and the Hispanic girl; whose name I still don't know. I sit between Scarlett and the girl across from the guys.

"Well newbie, I'm Scarlett... You can call me Scar if you want. Don't worry we don't bite." She smiles.

"Speak for yourself." The black boy says winking at me.

"Ew Brandon." Scarlett slaps him on the back of the head while cringing.

"What?! Haley likes it rough." Brandon smirks at the other two guys as they fist bump him.

"Pigs!" The Hispanic girl says smiling.

"Aw Nat, you wound me." The really cute guy says while putting his tan hand on his heart.

The two girls laugh and stare at each other then at the guys. Then everyone looks at me.

"That's Natalia, Cayton, Brandon, and Greyson." Scarlett says pointing to each person.

So, Chris brown look alike is Brandon. Bad boy is Cayton. And cutie is Greyson.

"So how are you liking Florida." Natalia asks.

"Well it's hot really hot, but really pretty. There's a lot of great views." I say.

"Yeah, I'm glad that it's so hot here. That way I get to see hotties in bikinis. And yes I'm talking about you Scar." Brandon says while winking at Scarlett.

Her and Natalia laugh and shake their heads.

"Gosh you are such a pig. Do you remember Haley I dunno your girlfriend." Scarlett says.

"Oh yeah." Brandon looks up at the ceiling like he's reminiscing.

"He's probably thinking of him and Haley having sex." Scarlett whispers to me while pretending to throw up.

Me and her laugh and I look at her and see her glowing.

Wow she's so pretty.

"Oh thank you!" She smiles at me.

Oops did I say that out loud.

"Yeah and you're still talking out loud." Natalia says.

"Are you guys whispering about me again?" Cayton says while smirking.

"Oh yeah and we're talking about how much I want to fucking claw your eyes out!" Natalia looks at him and glares.

"Aw that's too bad. I really was hoping for some Nat and Cay time. Maybe my room... my bed. You know what happens next."

"Yes, I murder you then we celebrate." Nat smiles.

"Aw come on Nat just give in we know you love Cayton." Greyson says in his hot deep voice.

"Guys leave her alone. I mean lesbihonest... we know she's a lesbian and she's not gonna change just for Cayton's tiny penis." Scarlett smiles at Cayton who is still smirking.

Who knows why he just got insulted? And wait Nat is a lesbian?

"Scarlett we both know that's a lie." Cayton says. The others look over at Scarlett with surprise.

"It was an accident. Guys I just walked into the bathroom and it was occupied. Okay?" Scarlett tries to reason with everyone who is now laughing.

"Grey tell them to stop laughing." Scarlett gives Greyson the puppy dog eyes.

He looks at her and smiles while his eyes twinkle. "Guys leave her alone."

They say fine and go off in their own conversation.

"Thanks Grey." Scarlett kisses him on the cheek.

"No problem Lettie." Greyson kisses her forehead. They look at each other for a few seconds then go into the conversation with the group.

Cayton glares at them for a second. Then sees Scarlett smiling at him and he smiles back.

Wow she got the bad boy to smile instead of smirk.

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