Chapter 08

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Jimin and Jungkook decided to sleep in a small couch on the living room. Though, it's not really comfortable to sleep on, it's fine with them by just knowing that they're breathing in the same air as Taehyung.

Jungkook is wearing his white sando and black boxer while Jimin is sleeping half naked and wearing his colorful boxer.

Taehyung and Yoongi on the other hand sleeping next to each other. First, Taehyung is against about the sleeping arrangements but he decided to gave in because of he knows how fragile he is right now and how pathetic his situation will be if his panic attack comes and hit him again.

Yoongi who's wearing his long black sleeve shirt that was a gift by Jimin and his pair of boxer, strutting downstairs to prepare for their breakfast..

At first he startled seeing the two sleeping on the couch but recover when he suddenly remembered what happens last night.

Taehyung cannot take seeing sad his friends so he agreed that they can stay for a week. That's all, no adding few more days or months or whatever it is.

He take out the fresh fruits and meat out of their refrigerator, he decided to prepare something edible. Especially for Taehyung.

He can't eat unhealthy food courtesy by Min Yoongi. He chopped the fruit first which is orange and strawberries. He put in a simple bowl then set aside to make something delicious which is bulgogi. Sounds heavy meal but Yoongi is hungry as fuck so be it.

Jimin wake up from a noise from the kitchen, he saw Yoongi wearing his gift and smile. "Hyung, you wear it again." Jimin cooed and poke his hyung waist.

The pale guy muttered curses and roll his eyes continue what he's doing. "Stop poking me, what if i cut my hands idiot."

"Sorry hyung. Keep going." Yoongi nods and continue what he is doing.

Taehyung on the upstair, breathing heavily. He cannot breathe proper again and his head aching too much with a sore throat that stopping him to speaks properly.

He closed his eyes, reminiscing the moment happen that night. Its too much and worst for his own sanity.

He think he deserve to die early because of being a klutz.

Because of being an easy-going person and giving easily his trust for a short period of time.

"I deserve this, no doubt. I dont need to explain myself to everyone. Its good thing that they think I'm really a bad person." Taehyung whispers with his head bobbing, as if he convincing himself with too much lie. "Yeah, that's right. No one will no about this, i will carry it until my last breath."

He wiped his face using his shaking hands to brush the tears keep on streaming down to his cheeks, Latterly, he decided to stand up and clean himself by brushing his teeth and washing his face.

When he finally finished. He go downstairs seeing Jungkook sleeping on their couch.

Even though, his body was sore and he is limping right now, he walk quietly and sat next to the young one.

He brush the fringe that covering his beautiful features and smile weakly. "Our Jungkookie is growing up." He cooed pinching the latter cheeks and squish it.

Knowing the maknae who is heavy sleeping will not wake up even if you keep on pinching his flesh. "I will miss you, Jungkook-ah. Hyung will miss you so much so be happy." He whispered again and give the other one a warming hug.

Jungkook flinch and hit Taehyung face, it hurt him. But he just laugh and kiss the young one cheeks and leave him to go straight on their kitchen.

Jimin is swaying his legs because he can't reach the floor, and look like he's waiting to Yoongi to finish his cooking.

Taehyung once again turn on his wall. Wall that protect him from being so soft and warm to everyone.

He sat in the available chair next to Jimin and didn't say anything.

Yoongi saw him and nods. Jimin was shock but carry on giving his smiling faces and eyes to his dongsaeng.

Taehyung wanted to smile back, but he stop himself and poker face. "Stop smiling, you look like an idiot."

Jimin pouted but smiled again hugging Taehyung tightly. "My Taehyungie is being mean again, but don't worry! Jimin hyung will always be as patience as ever! I love you, Taehyungie!"

Taehyung sighed but inside he want to cry. Jimin, his best friend that always there for him to support him and keep his patience long even if he bullied him. "W-whatever!"

Yoongi smiled from afar, he's dongsaengs that being sweet again.

He sneakily called Jungkook to wake him up to eat and he saw that latter, crying from the couch.

"Why the fuck all of you being a drama queen." Yoongi muttered.

"Taehyung h-hyung said, he will miss me." He sobbed. "Does TaeTae Hyung will leave us and never come back? Hyung?!" Yoongi didn't know what to answer, even himself doesn't have my idea what running on the blonde mind.

But one thing is for sure.

He will figure it out, soon.


Back at the dorm, the remaining member gathered in their small portion of living room sitting their asses off while watching television.

Everyone is quiet, but the sound of the cracking nut biting and crunching bombarded the edges of the room.

While they're busy watching goblin, a flash news appear in the screen that made then snorted. The scene is going smooth but then cut by a news.

"The actor Do Jihan, reportedly died in a disease called HIV, the actor had been suffering for almost four years-"

"Isn't that the actor with Taehyung before?" Jin asked Namjoon, Jimin and Hoseok.

They're all shock and think, bottomless.

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