chapter one

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Season one, episode eleven

  HUNTER SALTZMAN WAS SOMEONE WHO NEVER GOT up early, and he wasn't going to start going just because his uncle was a teacher. Or so he thought, because Alaric woke him up at about 6 am and hadn't let him return to bed since.


Troubles of being in a house you aren't used to? Things tend to piss you off when your habits are interrupted.

"I honestly don't see the point, you want me to get educated so I can end up an alcoholic teacher like you? Breaking news uncle Ric, i've got the alcoholic part down pact." Hunter explained as he threw his book bag over his shoulder lazily.

"That's another thing that isn't happening anymore." Alaric shook his head, disappointed at how far gone is nephew was. If he knew that Hunter would get so involved into things like drinking or drugs, he would've taken custody long before he did.

"You don't need to get a father of the year award, it's not like you are my dad or anything." The Saltzman boy leaned up against the wall. "Is this even a good school anyways? I heard their football team sucks, and I happen to enjoy watching football games. As a matter a fact, can you even trust a school with a shit excuse for a football team? I think not."

"What does the football team have to do with anything?" The older man asked with knitted brows.

"I'm a high school football enthusiast, I just told you that." Hunter opened the door to the discombobulated bachelor pad he had just moved into, making his way into the hallway.

"This is why I didn't have kids." Alaric sighed, rubbing his forehead as he followed his nephew out the door, a scowl on his face.

"You don't have kids because you are a single lonely old man." The younger boy retorted, still wearing a smile. "If this is my future, it's not too bright."

"Be quiet, Hunter." The older man spoke, rolling his eyes.

His nephew wearing a sly grin as they left for school.

  HUNTER WAITED AS HIS UNCLE RIFLED THROUGH his car, looking for something that he didn't particularly care about. He seemed to not care about most things anymore, he had learned not to. Life was bound to fail him in some way, it was best not to dwell on how.

"Hey, Mr.Saltzman." Both Saltzmans turned around at the same time, looking at a dark brown haired boy.

"Hey, Jeremy." Alaric smiled. "This is my nephew, Hunter. He's going to be coming to school here."

"Sup, man." Jeremy extended his hand out for the Saltzman boy to shake, the other boy taking it.

"Nice to meet you, Jeremy." Hunter shook the boys hand. "I'm going to let you two talk, i'll go find my way around school, shouldn't be too hard. I'm sure some perky blonde cheerleader will welcome me at the door or something."

Hunter was honestly joking but, there was a perky blonde cheerleader that went to Mystic Falls high.

"I'll see you around." Jeremy smiled politely as Hunter started to walk away, the boy wearing a smile on his face.

"Sky would love that kid." He mumbled, approaching the green grass. He wasn't really planning on going into school, Hunter wanted to find a nice bench to sit on most of the day so he could pretend he was a good student for Alaric's sake.

There was a picnic table right near the building and he took a seat, while a duo sat at the bench next to his.

"I have Elena's necklace, I was hoping you could find her." The male one in the pair said as he handed the locket over to the teen girl, she was beautiful, Hunter could say that much about her.

"How do you know I can do this?" She asked, obviously scared to preform a spell, or find her as they called it, some people were just too scared for others to find out about magic, that they ended up finding out anyways.

"Because i've known a few witches over the years. I've seen what they can do." He replied, trying to comfort the girl in some way.

"I'm still new at this." She replied worriedly, that was enough for Hunter to get out of his chair and sit across from them.

"You guys really need to be more quiet when you are talking about magic." The Saltzman boy said confidently with a smile.

"Who are you?" The brunette boy questioned, ready to get up and fight him if need be, it wasn't needed, but he could for sure kick the witch's ass.

"Relax, i'm here to help Sabrina the teenage witch here." Hunter pointed to the necklace. "May I?"

The brunette haired witch glanced at who the Saltzman boy could only guess was a vampire.

"Or, I could just go back to my bench and leave hopeless, what was her name again? Elena, wherever she is now." Hunter shrugged his shoulders, not really caring for anyone's well being but trying to help because he was extremely bored.

"No, wait. Help me." The girl insisted, feeling desperate to find her best friend in that moment.

"Fine. I'm going to coach you through it, i'm kinda not allowed to do magic without tons of consequences." The Saltzman boy admitted, leaning forward toward the girl slightly.

"What does that even mean?" The boy across from him questioned.

"Long story short, i'm cursed. Fun little fairytale type thing actually, not that any of us have time for it." Hunter looked at the people across from him. "Do I get your names or am I just going to call you hair guy and witch girl?"

He noted they sounded like super hero names, and smirked at that slightly.

"I'm Bonnie." The girl smiled, not knowing how to feel about the mysterious new boy.

They already had one of those recently, and it wasn't turning out so great so far.

"Stefan, now can you help?" The vampire asked eagerly, not caring much for introductions.

"Like I said, I can't help directly but I can coach Bonnie through it." Hunter made direct eye contact with the girl. "You need complete focus, close your eyes and I want your mind to only pay attention to the necklace and the sound of my voice, okay?"

"Okay." The Bennett girl nodded slightly, closing her eyes per Hunter's instructions.

"Now, try to picture Elena. I'm guessing that's her necklace so, all you need to do is think about her. It won't come all at once, you'll only get little pieces of the puzzle." The Saltzman boy joked about a lot but never magic. It was his one passion, even if he was incapable of doing it without repercussions.

"I can't see anything." Bonnie replied helplessly, feeling frustrated she couldn't do magic.

"Just keep trying, you'll get there." Hunter replied reassuringly, he could tell there was something blocking her mind. Like she didn't want to help Stefan.

"I can't." The Bennett opened her eyes and put the necklace down. "There's something wrong."

"With Elena?" Stefan asked, his brows furrowed.

"No, with me. I-..i'm sorry Stefan I can't do this." Bonnie answered before shaking her head and running off.

"Sorry man." Hunter shrugged his shoulders, getting up from the bench table. "I tried to help."

Not much he could do, not with her blocking the magic from her mind.

    HUNTER STARTED TO WALK TO ALARIC'S CAR as soon as he noticed students passing by towards the end of the school day, he hoped that his uncle hadn't tried to check up on him in any classes because well, he wouldn't have been there. As he waited however, he noticed Bonnie passing by and waved her down. He couldn't help but think about why her mind didn't want to help Stefan, or why their friend was missing in the first place.

"Hey, this sounds really weird but I can help... with your magic." He said in almost a whisper so nobody could hear as the girl approached. "I could see you were blocking it out and letting too much float around in your head."

"What do you mean?" The Bennett girl furrowed her brows slightly, confused as to what he was talking about, she didn't know that her mind wasn't allowing her to do the spells she wanted.

"You're scared of something." Hunter shrugged his shoulder lightly, leaning up against someone's car. "It's happened to me before too."

"What were you scared of?" Bonnie questioned, moving her hair behind her shoulders nervously.

"What are you scared of?" The Saltzman boy asked, neither of them answering the others question. "Looks like we both have secrets to keep Bonnie Bennett."

"I guess we do." Bonnie smiled, a genuine smile and tilted her head slightly. "If you want to help me that would be great, sometimes asking my grams for advice is terrible, you know how it is, we just have.. a block sometimes? Like she doesn't get what it's like to be a teenager anymore."

"Not really, I didn't have a grandma, or like anyone but a whole bunch of aunts and cousins from my moms side." Hunter shrugged his shoulders lightly, but before she could respond they were interrupted.

"Good afternoon, Bonnie." Alaric said as he approached his car, turning to his nephew a second later. "Hunter, we are having a serious talk when we get home."

"Hm, a serious talk? Bonnie, do you have a car?" The Saltzman boy asked, tilting his head in her direction.

"Yeah, why?" She furrowed her brows slightly and looked at her teacher, then back at the boy she had just met.

"Because, now we are running to it." Hunter took her hand and started to run, the Bennett girl following him the whole way.

No way was he putting up with more badgering from uncle Ric.


Here's chapter one! I'm really excited for Hunter to grow and learn along with Bonnie, like they are going to be so adorable.

Obviously they aren't getting together for a LONG time and will probably stay friends for their Junior year but anyways lmk what you think.

Who should be Hunter's main friendship? I was thinking Jeremy or Stefan but you can suggest someone else too! (he hates damon)

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