This is a roller coaster of emotions

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Both dares are from: theishfudge87

1. I dare Garroth to text Zane and Laurence to text Cadenza.

3:48 pm
Heyyyy cadencs
(Hey Cadenza)

Um hi sweetheart.. what's wrong?....

(Hsja nothings wrong! Hoe a whole!)

what? Is this some kind of prank?

NOOOO qhyddd I prsbk yiu?
(Noooo why'd I prank you?)

Are you drunk?

Onhcyfcfcfyfycdswweryujnvds ye
(Onhcyfcfcfyfycdswweryujnvds yeah bye!)


2:09 am

BAybyyyy broyget! Hie ate yip
(Baby brother! How are you?)

Garroth why are you texting me so late??

Hydt anewer thr gkuopin qiedtikn
(Just answer the flippin' question)

Garroth... are you drunk??

I'm niy dthbj!!!,,!,
(I'm not drunk!)

Zsbnree! Comrrr bsxj!
(Zane! Come back!)

Fibbrrrrrrq btttrrr
(Fine bye)

2. I dare Garroth to watch sad films then sober Laurence too come in

G: * sobbing* WHY DID YOU HAVE TO GO!! THE ROBOT LOVED YOU!!*intense sobbing* (the video is on the top)

L: *opens Garroth's bedroom door* (he is drunk he can't brake doors...Right???) GARROTH!!

G: *looks at his lov- I mean Laurence*  H-he *sob* t-ook bat-teries in her po-cket be-cause he thou-ght sh-e'd live again!! * heavily crying*

L: what?

G: *cry* l-Ook!!!

L: Garroth. It's alright.

G: Buttttttt theee mother flipin' *hic*

L: it was just a video.

G: * sob hic* no it wasn't!!!

L: * sigh*

G: * faints from alcohol and crying*


L: who the heck are you?!

S: I'm Sylvia the writer of this book..

L: This is A BOOK?!

S: god damit the forth wall

L: huh?

S: * suddenly disappears*

L: that was weiRdd...

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