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Irene eyed the amber liquid and the golden glow of the glass-like cubes. She poked them with her perfectly manicured nail to hear them jingle in the pre-dawn silence. She watched, entranced, as they bounce back up- remaining mostly submerged like mini icebergs. Wrapping her long fingers around the glass, she felt her heat leach into the drink. Alcohol. The elixir of her life. She raised the glass to sip, feeling the keen burn on her tongue and throat- a burn that made her recoil as a girl. Yet now it was a feeling she longed for right from the end of her horrid night. By the time she inserted the key into her lock the single malt was on a closed loop in her brain, on endless replay until she watched the bartender unscrew the cap. Irene watched as he lowered the glass to the table, letting it fall heavily, but not so much it spilt. She rested her head in her left hand, still mesmerized by the fluid, only now she observed the red lipstick on the rim. She had been sitting in that position for hour downing glass after glass like their was no tomorrow. She was never like this; she rarely touched this wretched thing unless called for. She signalled to the bartender to give her another shot ignoring the concern or pity that she saw in his eyes. "Do your job and pour the fucking glass." She spat impatiently, glaring at him as he rushed to pour her a shot. "Ma'am is there some I can call-" she cut him off rudely shooing him to one side as she brought the cool glass to her lips, sipping slowly on the drink. She knew she should stop. She knew she would regret drinking the following morning. She could already feel the earth shattering migraine that was waiting for her on the other side. She cursed quietly losing herself in her thoughts. The thoughts of him that hadn't let her breathe for months; the constant back and forth becoming unbearable as it suffocated them, exploding in their faces. She was angry. She rubbed her temples as her mind drew back to the fight they had three hours ago. The fight that caused her to walk out.

///////////////2 hours ago ////////////
Jackson had been waiting on the couch for the past three hours, watching his watch tick in frustration as he looked at the time, eyes ghosting to the door every five minutes. She was out. Again. It felt as though she was avoiding him and she was. Minutes later he heard the door open, Irene stumbling over some of the bags she had in her hands. She placed them to the side, her eyes casting up, locking on to his as she looked startled. She could see the fury within his eyes, her own trying to suppress the attempt to roll her own. She walked further in. "Hi." She whispered, smiling in vain as he stalked to her pinning her to the wall. "Where the fuck have you been Irene?" He exclaimed, his hand resting firmly on her waist the other on the wall blocking her escape route. He pinned her eyes to his, searching, his composure slipping as she openly rolled her eyes. "Irene what the hell... we were supposed to go out today, after weeks." "No Jackson after months, because your always so fucking busy that you can't squeeze me into your life, it feels like shit doesn't it...having to wait for me to show up, not knowing if I will or not, that's exactly how I've been feeling for months. Now all of a sudden when you can make time you expect me to just drop everything and reschedule my day to fit around your plans. Well sorry but that's not how it works." She breathed heavily pushing his arm of her waist to walk away. He grabbed her waist again pushing her back into the position she was in, as she moved her head to the side to avoid his gaze. "So what is this revenge then? Honestly Irene your becoming so immature..." Her head snapped back onto him, as he read the pain in her eyes. "I didn't mean it like that-" he begun only for her to cut him straight off with a bitter laugh. "If I'm so immature why the hell are you still with me?Why have you been prolonging this relationship?" She shook her head... "Another thing that doesn't get answered with you, you can point the fingers at me all you want Jackson but your to blame for this....I've tried. I've tried so fucking hard to reach out to you, for the past year. Ever since your career sky rocketed I was there for you every step of the way, being the rock you needed, carrying the weight of your world atop of mine when I was already buckling under the pressure...I did it because I love you. Yet you call me immature...who was the one who couldn't be fucking bothered to pick up my phone calls?, who was the one who would read messages but would leave them open?, who was the one who would stand who up on dates?... because it wasn't me. Now all of sudden I give you a taste of your own medicine and you can't handle it?...that's rich." She laughed again attempting to move away from him. "Irene..." he whispered his anger calming down at the truth of her words. "How long have you been feeling like this?" She laughed again "Does it matter?" She mumbled something making an effort to move past him "Irene stop walking away, let's fix this rather than going to sleep with unsaid feelings." He watched as she whirled around her eyes blazing as though he had set of a bomb. He watched as she entered the kitchen pouring a glass of water mumbling incoherently. "Irene..." "You want to know how I feel...fine but don't blame me if you can't handle it." She took a sip of water turning back to him. "I think you've been cheating on me." She watched as his face recoiled in pain as she let him soak in her accusation. "I think that whilst you've been away 'Working' as you claim that secretly your meeting up with some hoe...someone who probably gets to see you more than I do. Someone who touches you more than I do. That would answer all the questions regarding you not answering phone calls and messages and why you leave me hanging on dates...because your too busy entertaining that hoe. Probably giving her a good little fuck right?" She questioned. Her heart constricted at the look on his face, she knew it wasn't true, she had never thought that for a second, but she wanted to hurt him. Hurt him in a way that he was hurting her. She looked up to see tears lining his eyes, her heart begging her mind to stop torturing its owner. Dead silence resonated from the hour corners of the house as she watched him. "Is that how you really feel?" He looked up at her. No her heart chided. "Yes." She vocalised. He caught the lie the second it was said. He watched her as squirmed under his watchful gaze. "Leave then." He hurled back. Seconds turned to minutes as she now took the time to comprehend his words. He watched as her walls threatened to break. He watched as she cast her eyes to the side moving past him to grab her keys and purse. He watched as she ran for the door slamming it shut behind her. He watched in silence as she ran out of his life.

////////////// back to bar//////////////
She wracked a hand through her hair hating herself more every passing second. She drank another glass in attempts to numb the pain she caused, thankful that she had a high tolerance for the alcohol, but she knew...two more glasses and she was gone. Irene cast her side to the brewing commotion on the side, a buffed man teasing some minor who looked to young to be in the club. She watched as he put his hands on him slapping him hardly in the back. She downed a final glass getting off her stool as walking towards the scene. That was the breaking point of her patience. At that moment, She was blinded by a five-course serving of rage that tasted bitter, yet surprisingly satisfying. She reached out "That's enough." She stated, her anger brewing further as he mocked her. She went to punch him in the face. Her fist coming  in contact with his jaw causing him to fall to the ground wailing in pain. Much like coffee, its bitterness drew her in to take another sip knowing She would be more awake than minutes before. She tackled him and held him down so he could not fight back. She seriously doubted  he could've anyway as her fists continued to hit his face. She felt an ounce of guilt, but She couldn't stop. So many years of subtle bullying that sunk deep into her childhood and the added divine spice that completed the vexed dish She was serving. She knew She should've put an end to it, apologize before She ended up making it worse, but She just didn't have it in her to stop. Seconds later the bartender forced her off him walking her back to her seat as she glared at the man in disgust. She downed another three shots as He was kicked out the bar seconds later, she turned sticking her middle finger up at him.

She felt herself become slightly dizzy as she saw a fuzzy image approach her after talking to the bartender who pointed to her. "Irene..." she heard. Her eyes closing at his voice. She pushed herself up her feet colliding with floor, her legs giving way as he caught her, his hands wrapping around her form pulling her into his warmth. "Babygirl what have you done to yourself?" She heard him question. She giggled stumbling into his chest. She was officially drunk. Her five year old self taking the wheel as she broke out of his embrace, she ran for the door, him taking after as she stumbled on her own two feet. He sighed, sweeping down to pick her up bridal style. He looked around, not remembering where he parked the car. "Oi it's that bitch..." Jackson looked up confused, as he began speeding up; reaching his car and setting her in. He made sure to lock the car as he turned around, relieved to find no one there he had successfully lost them. He got in the drivers seat, leaning over to put her seatbelt on. "NOOOOOOO!" She screamed in his ear, his head turning to the side as his ear drums broke. "Babygirl you need to let me put this on." "No." "Irene." "Hah that's my name..." "I know Babygirl." She giggled as he managed to put the seat belt on. He begun driving seconds later. "Hawh your handsome." He chuckled. She moved taking her seatbelt off "Irene put it back on." She then came closer to him, her face inches away from his, his concentration levels rapidly dropping as he pulled over. "Irene." "Shhhhhh" she said placing a finger on his lips trailing it down to his chest. He watched as her eye brows furrowed in confusion, as she sunk back in her seat. Thankful to the gods above he re-fastened her seatbelt taking off. They reached home twenty minutes later, Jackson carrying her bridal style up to her room, her head laying on his shoulder in silence, her hands placed on the other.he carefully manoeuvred her in to the house sitting her on the couch as he went to go get a glass of water. He handed it to her as he helped her drink. She looked up at him, seconds later walking for the door. He grabbed her "I need to go... i have a boyfriend waiting for me." He looked at her eyes that shone with tears. "I hurt him today...I said he was a cheater but I know he's not. I wanted to hurt him...I'm a bad person." She said cutely shaking her head solemnly "Babygirl look at me." His fingers brushed her chin forcing her eyes to his "I'm here...I'm right here Irene..." "Jackson."  She exclaimed jumping into his arms, her legs wrapping around his waist.
"I'm sorry...." she whispered repeatedly, kissing his face all over. "It's okay." She smiled, which soon dropped as her she looked at him before making a break for the bathroom. He followed seconds later as she vomited. He sat on her side, holding her hair and rubbing her back as she hurled her insides out. His own face grossed out as he turned to the side. After she finished she somehow brushed her teeth before walking to their room. He sat next to her, tucking her in her eyes closing as he did. He bent down kissing her forehead before getting up. She grabbed his hand pulling him down. "I'm drunk on your love Jack." She whispered. "I love you too Babygirl." He smiled watching her. She was still his, and that healed the wounds her words had created. She was his and he was hers. And that's all that mattered.

Authors note:
MEGA updates coming tomorrow hope you all are ready for it. I was gonna post this tomorrow but I thought what the heck why not. So I hope you enjoy this one. Let me know what you think. Lots of love.

Lol this was supposed to be published yesterday guess it didn't 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️

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