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I was never a believer in the supernatural. Magic, spirits, auras, gods... For me, all of these were not true. They were just fiction. Made up by humans long ago, unaware of science. They stemmed from fierce imagination and the thirst for understanding unexplainable things.

I never believed in fate.

Until the night that I met him.

It all started with one morning. I was excited to start my day then. There was a new job for me, according to my agency's text message. Being a fashion model in your mid-20s was hard because companies tended to look for younger, fresher models as the older ones faded away from the fashion scene. I was extremely lucky to be offered the new work. Since I was little, I've always loved the camera and the runway and could never imagine myself with another line of work. But the truth was that I was already old and sooner or later I'd lose my offers entirely. I didn't want to think about that. Well, yet. Maybe I could stay in the industry for a couple more years, maybe til I'm thirty, and then... I'd think about my future then.

As I walked toward our building, a woman I'd never seen before stopped me and suddenly held my right hand. She wore tattered clothes and reeked with a foul smell. I gasped and tried to extract my hand from hers but her grip was tight. Looking into my brown eyes, she told me, "Tonight, you will meet your soulmate. You will not understand why but you will feel close to each other, and feel blessed. Tonight, your life will turn upside down and you will believe in fate."

I huffed. What was that nonsense? For what? A couple of coins.

"I'm sorry, granny, but I don't give money in exchange for bullshit," I told her as I tried to take my hand.

Again, it didn't work.

She continued, "No. No. Not for money. You look like you need advice. Tonight you will lose some but gain more. Believe in your heart."

Believe in my heart? What an overused cheezy quote. I had no time for such nonsense. "Look, granny, I'm already late for my work."

"Yes. Yes. Of course. Go, now, dear child. Remember: believe in your heart!"

At last, the weird old woman released me.

That night, I exited the company's building crying.

While running.

I entered the first bar I saw and went straight to its restroom. In an effort to look like a proper human again, I straightened my blouse and short skirt and combed my long blond-dyed hair using my fingers. My mascara was dripping with my tears and my lipstick was smudged. Taking a napkin from my bag, I cleaned my face and reapplied makeup.

I was so fucked up.

There was no going back now.

I just ended my whole damn career.

Well, it was not like my career was going to last much longer anyway.

After I fixed myself, I went out of the restroom and sat on an empty chair by the bar. The bartender, a young female with tattoos all over her face and neck asked me what I would like to drink and I told her, "Just vodka soda, please." I looked around the place. It was dim and cozy. I've never been here before. My workmates all told me not to visit certain bars in the area, this included. Something about the owner being wrong in the head and being the sworn enemy of our agency. Well, screw the agency! Whoever the owner of this damn bar deserved my fucking money!

"Here." The tattoed bartender settled my drink in front of me. She watched me drink it in one go. "More?" she asked and I answered with "Yes."

Fuck it.

I was thinking, fuck it.

Five... six... ten...

How many glasses had I emptied?

Shit. Those cost a fortune. Never mind. I'd empty my pockets for now and worry tomorrow.

"Ssenksss..." Might as well leave a huge tip to the kind barten...der...?

Double fucking fuck.

My wallet was not in my bag.

I poured my bag's contents on the bar. The couple near me looked at me like I was some kind of weirdo. I didn't care. What's important right now was finding my damn wallet.

But it wasn't there.

Triple fuck.

"Is something the matter, miss?" The bartender was already in front of me.

"Yess." Damn the alcohol, making me honest. "I sink I l-lostt my wal-- wallet." My drunk hands searched the contents to no avail. "Fuck."

"Excuse me, you lost your wallet?"

"Yes!" That's what I fucking said!

"Then how are you going to pay for all of this?" The now-not-so-kind bartender gestured at the empty glasses.

I scratched my head as I struggled to straighten up. "Y-you. Wait here. I'll l-look outssside..."

"Look what?"

"M-must've dropped it.."

"You're leaving without paying?"

"I'll fucking pay you!" My head throbbed and I was feeling sick. I felt like throwing up. Why won't she believe me? I would certainly not run away without paying.

"I'm sorry, miss, but you can't just leave."

"No! I'll pay!" I stood up and almost stumbled.


"Shut up!" Everything was fucking foggy.

The bartender started panicking for real. "I said, don't go, miss. Guard! Don't let her go!"

Two burly guards in dark uniforms blocked my way. "It'll be better for all of us if you just stay here, miss."

"I-I'll j-just... just--" And then I threw up the alcohol swimming in my tummy with the remnants of my early dinner. Oh, shit. I actually soiled their shining marbled floors. And I didn't have my money with me.

The chime by the bar's entrance chimed, followed by a cool baritone voice. It asked, "What's happening?"

The two guards parted and I saw the finest male specie I'd ever encountered in my whole life. He was tall, very tall, with blue and white brushed-up hair and a deliciously ripped body. If I could only see beneath his tight suit. I stared at him and our eyes met. His yellow orbs and my brown eyes. Instantly, I felt static envelop us.

"Tonight, you will meet your soulmate. You will not understand why but you will feel close to each other, and feel blessed. Tonight, your life will turn upside down and you will believe in fate."

Why did I remember the words of the old woman from earlier this morning?

Was he...

"Boss, this lady here claims she lost her wallet and wants to leave the bar without paying," said one of the guards.

"Really?" He all but grunted. We were still looking at each other.

And, I blamed the alcohol, but I was just so attracted to this stranger that I lifted my body and claimed the bar owner's lips. His body was warm and his mouth made me want more. He stood still, never encouraging me but he didn't move either. I was the one who ended the kiss.

His smile was close to a grin. "Alright," he said, "leave her with me. She'll pay me." Then he hauled my drunk ass and carried me toward one of the private rooms of the bar.

Wait, what?

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