Slipping In School

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Little! Eret Cg! Wilbur, Technoblade

(Highschool au. Eret and Wilbur are juniors and Techno is a senior. Eret slips in class and Wilbur is sitting near him and finds out. Wilbur gets them out of class and gets Techno with them and they hang out in a private room.)

Eret rubbed his hands on the soft fabric of his shirt. He felt half regressed most of the day and felt like they might slip fully any moment. He tried to push the fuzziness away, but it wasn't working so he just doodled in her notebook, hoping the rest of the day would go by quickly.

Wilbur tapped on her shoulder from behind. "Eret?" She looked at him, glad it was work time so they could talk. "You're very fidgety and doodling a lot. Are you little?" Eret shook her head. "Trying not to be." She murmured. Wilbur looked at her sympathetically. "Hang on." He stood up and went to the teacher. Eret watched him talk to her, looking away when the teacher looked at her. She panicked slightly, hoping Wilbur wouldn't tell the teacher.

Wilbur came back and packed up his things, helping them do the same. "I just told her that you weren't feeling the best and hoped to go to a quieter room for a while. I didn't tell her about you being little, don't worry." They sighed in relief. "Thank you Wil." They walked out of the classroom together and Wilbur led them to a vancent classroom. "Wil I sh-"

"Nope, don't try to get out of this. You know how hard it is to push your regression away, besides I already texted Techno to come down." Techno was his other caregiver and could usually get her to regress quickly. "You shouldn't have.. He's busy with class. I shouldn't be taking you away from studies." The door opened and closed behind them. "Eret no. It's okay, besides class is boring anyway."

Eret turned around and ran to his other caregiver. "Techie!" They hugged as Wilbur found the little things he stashed away in his bag. Eret backed up a little. "I sowy, I tried not to." Techno shushed them. "It's okay bub. It's okay." Wilbur stepped up and gave the little a paci he kept in his bag. "You should have just told one of us." Eret nodded sadly, "Have 'erret?" Wilbur glanced around. "Did you put them in your bag this morning?" The little brightened up and nodded, running to her bag. "I did! 'ight dere!" She pulled the ferret stuffie out of her bag and hugged it happily. "Wove 'erret!"

"Okay bub, you gotta be quiet remember?" Techno sat on the floor, Eret following and sitting by him. "Oh yea, sowyyy techieee." Wilbur sat by them and chuckled.

"'Bur? Tan watch movie?" Eret fidgeted with his paci. "Of course bug, would you like Lion King or Dragons?" Wilbur pulled up the movies on his phone. "Umm. I dunno." Eret looked at Techno. "What Techie wan'?"

"What if we watch Lions while we're here and Dragons when we get home?" Techno suggested, knowing school would be over soon, but wanting halls to clear out before bringing Eret out so they didn't get stares. "Oki! 'ilbur, 'ions! (Okay! Wilbur, Lions!) Wilbur nodded and put it on, placing it against the wall. Eret giggled and put his paci back into his mouth. She laid on her stomach and kicked legs happily. "'ions!' Wilbur and Techno glanced at each other, realizing their little slipped more. "Eret? Bub? How old are you?" Eret held up 2 fingers, then turned back to the movie.

"How'd you know she was little and got her out of class?" Techno murmured and looked at Wilbur. "She was doodling and fidgeting a lot. It seemed like they were trying and failing to not slip and, or hide it. As for getting them out of class, I just told the teacher she wasn't feeling great and they let us go." Wilbur explained, not taking his eyes off the little. Techno nodded, "Let's wait a while after school gets out to get them home."


A half hour after the bell rang, Wilbur looked out of the room and didn't see anyone. He looked at Techno. "I don't see anyone. Can you get him and I'll get our bags?" Techno nodded.

"Eret, grab your stuffie and the movie so we can go home." He picked up the little and waited for Wilbur, who was struggling to carry all the bags. Techno chuckled and took one, slinging it over his shoulder. "Come on Wil." He turned and walked out of the room.

On the way to Techno's car they saw one or two people who didn't even bat an eye. Eret wiggled, wanting to get down. "No bub, just wait. We are almost there." Eret pouted, but nodded. "We go an' watch D'agons?"

"Of course bug, we can watch dragons." Wilbur promised and opened the door for Techno to put the little in. He went to the other side and put the bags in, then climbed in himself.

(800) I don't like how I ended this one, but I also didn't know how to keep it going.

(panic attack, slips and is confused) 

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