1 Girl With A Gun > 2 Boys (Xeno x Reader x Stanley)

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"GUYS, GUUUYS!" whispering a yell was not as easy as it seemed, as you climbed up to the hang out spot. The junkyard echoed lightly with your voice as you made your way. Finally, from over the heap you saw the two boys. One sitting in the passenger of an old 1970 Mercury Cougar Eliminator. The other sitting in the back, hanging out of the window, waving.

You were extactic to show them what you brought today!

You raced down sliding down on the junk pile with ease and landing with a jump and hop. Climbing into the drivers seat next to Xeno, Stanely's head popping between you both.

"What's up Y/n?" He asked as he leaned in, almost excited to see what you found this time.

"I want to show you guys- but promise not to tattle on me, ok?"

Stanley nodded eagerly as he watched your hand go into your coat.

"It's not another stupid thing right?" Xeno didn't even look up from his biology book to ask. At that point you grabbed his face with both hands prying his gaze away to look you in the eye.

"No it's really, really, REALLY cool this time, I promise. NO! I PINKY PROMISE IT IS!" at that you grabbed his hand and made yourself physically pinky promise him, because he was right... sometimes you brought lame items to show, but this time would be different.


"Ok, then present this spectacular item." The small pompadored boy rolled his eyes, wipping himself off with his sleeves in disgust of your touch. It really didn't bother you though, Stanley was more intrigued anyway. He normally always was. He made it into a game for everything you brought to show, no matter how lame it could be.

But this was your game, and they both were gunna play right into your hands!

"Alright, well here it is-"

You whipped out the small handgun that you stole from your fathers safe, pointing the barrel at Xeno. His black eyes went wide with terror and surprise. Stanely however, was simply amazed.

"Woe!!! How did you get it?!" He asked while he opened the barrel to see if it was loaded, "Wow!!! And you're actually packing heat too!?!" Your body turned with a bounce on the seat to pay attention to the other male.

"From my father's safe, if you must know, Stan The Man. Also, it wasn't loaded when I got it, I loaded it myself."

"Woeeeee..." he managed to breath out as he continued to look.

"So, you stole it?" Xeno was his normal monotoned self, but still wide eyed with questions.

"Nope, not if I put it back before he finds it gone~" you sing-songed with a giggle.

Stanley was holding the gun properly now, both of you taking turns shooting objects in the junkyard, which he was actually really good at! Xeno was reading again, sometimes looking up to see what you both were shooting at.

"Hey, I have a perfect idea!" Let's see who can shoot the farthest object and the winner gets something from the loser!" Stanely exclaimed at you with a smirk.

"Ok, but what are we putting in?" You moved your head to the side with confusion.

"I know! How bout a full day one-on-one day with Xeno!!!"

"You mean like-like a date?"

"Nononononono! I mean like a day where the winner gets to spend a whole day, together, with Xeno and go do things. Loser has to pay for it."

"Uh huh... well, I'm in! Xeno you good with this wagger?"

"Sure. Whatever you guys want... just be quiet." Xeno brushed you both off with a flick of his fingers. He wasn't even paying attention, this outta be good.

Stanely took the first shot, which was a rather slender glass bottle placed on the trash heap. It was about twenty-eight yards from the car.



the sound of the shot and shattering lingered, as Stanley smoothed his white hair out of his face and handed you the gun.

"Beat that, N/N (nickname)."

"Heh, with pleasure~"
You aimed at something random, but before you could pull the trigger the gun got jammed!?!? You tried slapping the barrel with your small hands until


With a twisting surprise you shot up into the air, and you frowned turning around with a pleading look.

"Let me try again."

"Nope, one shot thats all we get." He grinned you furrowed your brows. You spun around quickly taking aim at anything. Stanley whined as he tried get you to stop, because he had won as was the rules.

Or so he thought...

Suddenly after a few seconds after the spat a hawk came crashing down onto the hood of the car with a thunk.

It was dead.

The blood from the bullet wound stained its feathers, right in the major artory, its heart. Xeno was extactic now looking over the bird with a little bit creepy fascination.

"From the distance it fell and how long it took to actually fall onto the hood. I can say that this bird was approximately, one hundred feet in the air exactly."

"No way..."

"And that game, set, and match, Synder~"

"WhAT?! NO IT ISN'T THAT WAS PURE LUCK! LETS GO AGAIN!" The boy tried to snatched the gun away before failing, and falling onto the ground with rage.

"Lets recall shall we, you said and I quote," One shot that's all WE get." Riiiiggghhhtttt?" You made a pout face. "Don't tell me you'd go back on your word to wittle ol' me, now would you Stan The Man?" You batted your eyelashes as you looked at him on the ground.

Still frustrated he reluctantly gave in, you were right. You had won fair and square.

"Sooooo, Xeno~ I know exactly were we should go on our date tomorrow! I'll be at your house at eight am tomorrow to come get you!" You sprinted off before you could hear the boy reject the obvious win you had been graciously gifted from the heavens.

A real lucky miracle really.

Or maybe yet fate...

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