32: Forever with you

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Hoping you'll get this message
Right here I am always with you

-Wish on the same sky,
Monsta x

"T-this place is too high." Wonho inched away, backing himself up until his back hit the car. A clear look of mortification marred on his face.

I looked below under the hill, a railing that separated us from the landscape down where glimmering lights enveloped the night of Seoul, it was almost as if I was looking at a sky full of stars from above.

A harsh breeze rushed past indicating the cold of the night. It was late, really late yet the city shimmered in the sparkle of joy. It was still Christmas, after all.

My feet trembled a little as I heard Wonho nonstop complaining by Kihyun who stood at my side. It was indeed too high for my liking, the cars backing us up in the broad street, there was a railing in front. I had the seven boys by my side yet my throat went dry thinking about how fatal it would be if I dropped from there.

If the wind was too strong to hurl me forward, or if a rock fell from the tip of the mountain and made me stumble off the railing. The ghastly wind kept blowing and I could feel my teeth clattering.

Minhyuk jostled next to me, our arms brushing and I found him with a leg on the front headlight of the van as he was leaning his body backward. "Someone else is afraid too."

I could feel the seven pairs of eyes instantly peer at me. "You have acrophobia?" Kihyun muttered from the side.

"Nah," Minhyuk brushed him off with a gesture of his hand. "Her is more like fear of falling."

Then he looked forward and continued to bite on the nail of his thumb. "If you feel scared, picture Wonho bungee jumping from a sky high building."

The remark made Wonho shout out instantly as the others laughed. "Where was it? Hong Kong or Dubai?" Shownu crossed his arms on his chest, his ripped sleeves invisible due to wearing his coat. But his hair still disheveled, a small scratch near the corner of his eye. "It's been long."

"Why would you guys want me to remember that?" Wonho complained in a nasal tone.

"I can't even imagine it honestly," I shuddered to myself hugging my flimsy body. "What's the point of having that kind of thrill?"

"Come on! You sound boring!" Minhyuk beamed. "He had to do that because he lost a bet. Imagine letting yourself fall to the gravity, a magnetic pull tuning you closer and closer. A feint smell of death," even in the dark I could see his eyes sparkling like diamonds.

A distasteful look came across my face. "No, I can't." Wonho let out a similar answer right that instant too.

"Honestly, it was not bad. Do you guys remember Kihyun choosing to get chicken for all of us when we were in Thailand, freaking Thailand for Christ's sake," Jooheon scoffed to himself. I could feel Kihyun click his tongue as he became more rigid in his position.

"I got worse," Wonho piped in with a low voice. "How about when we were in China and our friend dared us to order food from another restaurant and eat that in KFC."

All of the boys visibly cringed at the commentary, some making loud noises. Minhyuk sighing exasperatedly by my left ans Kihyun deflating to even a shorter version to my right.

"We got kicked out twice, twice in the same day," Jooheon commented from the further back. Even though I could not see him I could still picture him shaking his head.

"Or the time you all dared me to skinny dip in the sea when it was winter," Changkyun talked for the first time. "I don't know why I'm still with you guys."

"B-by the way," I heard Hyungwon stutter out. "I don't know if this is the right time to tell you guys but my shoulder is hurting." He managed to say in an airy voice and then it came back to me, we were actually here for him because he passed out for a few seconds after that absurd event in the Shinsa Dong club.

"What is it?" Shownu said in an alarming tone, suddenly the calm atmosphere was tensed again. Everyone was on edge and I too.

When I peeked to look at him I saw Hyungwon's face twisting in pain, a hand clasping on the shoulder of his other and the tall lad bending down almost to his knees.

"Should we take him to the hospital?" I barely croaked out before Minhyuk jumped off the car and went towards Hyungwon, Jooheon and Changkyun already trying to hold the boy steady.

"Wonnie?" Minhyuk held the hand that was limp on Hyungwon's side.

Biting on his full lips hard Hyungwon looked up. "Hold me still," he said and Minhyuk could only give him a look of confusion before the tall lad stood straight up and jerked his upper arm with massive amount of strength using his other hand.

A bone cracking sound followed, a brooding silence the next second save for the murmurs of the tall trees trying to reach the stars of the sky with their branches.

Hyungwon jolted up, my heart almost stopping in its track but then he looked ahead at us. "So where were we?"

The indifferent tone in his voice made the silence grow even thicker until Jooheon screamed out. "Did your arm just fell out of its socket?"

"And you popped it back in!?" Wonho shouted from the back.

Minhyuk straight up didn't waste second to attack Hyungwon in a headlock in which the latter yelped in pain and tapped on his arm to let go. "I'm fine now! This has happened before, don't you guys remember?"

"Yes. I do! But you scared me for no reason, asshole," Minhyuk kept his head lock in between his arms and I could not help but laugh.

Laugh so loudly that all of the boys stared at me, even Hyungwon and Minhyuk stopped in the middle of their petty fight.

"Wow, it's my first time seeing you laugh so hard," Changkyun retorted.

Shownu smiled looking down at me now that he was closer with Minhyuk gone from the middle. "It looks pretty on you, Daisy."

The laughter vanished as soon as it came in. Instead, I could feel my cheeks getting painted in crimson. "It's just... You guys have been friends for a long while. And it's good to see the...," I turned away not knowing how to really complete the sentence.

"Bond?" Wonho tried.

"Friendship?" Jooheon added.

I nodded roughly as my eyes met the ground, my loose hair falling by my sides and hiding my flushed face which I was thankful of.

"It's been years, that's why. We went through tough times together," I could hear Shownu let out a small sigh. "But, it's Christmas today and it could've went better if I..."

"I don't see your fault here," Kihyun said before Shownu could finish.

"Yeah," Jooheon agreed and I looked up to see a look of disdain in their faces. "They wanted in and we just don't do those shitty business anymore after your father-" Jooheon stopped abruptly and turned away. "I mean, they need to get it inside their little brain."

I could understand what they were talking about yet I remained silent, as I didn't know if this was my place to say anything. I was still a pretty much outsider amidst them, but I knew what Jooheon was saying was right.

"Hey, hyung, it's all right," Minhyuk suddenly looked serious, a demeanor that he wouldn't often wear. "To me it was the best Christmas. We got to see Daisy ward off gangsters with a fake revolver, what's better than that?"

With that the air around us shifted in lighter note again. Wonho chuckled loudly and the gentle smile was back on Shownu's face. "If it was real I doubt she'd use it," Changkyun mocked with a smirk on his face.

"You wouldn't know," surprisingly (even to me) I smirked back.

Hyungwon's shoulders shook with the oncoming laughter. "She's even joking these days."

"God, I'm excited for new years eve now!" Jooheon stretched his arms about with a loud yawn. "Hopefully it won't be too cold."

"You know what's best in cold nights like this?" Kihyun murmured to himself. "A cigarette."

Instantly I could feel my face shrink in disgust, he was still thinking about that, in a situation like this. But then Changyun groaned out loud.

"You know hyung, I always hated the stench. And I'm glad you don't smoke now so keep the thoughts to yourself too."

The crease on my brows disappeared and I could feel my jaw drop. "You don't smoke now?" I found it hard to believe but then Kihyun stared back at me, and I could not remember the last time I had a smell of nicotine coming from him.

It had been long since I found myself close to him, I had been avoiding him so much that it completely fled my mind that I hadn't seen a cancer stick on his hands for days.

"He reduced his smoking habits," Wonho said from Kihyun's side with a prideful bloating off his chest.

"Yeah, what did he say?" Minhyuk questioned. "I won't have to destress now because I don't have university," he tried to mime Kihyun and the rest broke into a fit of laughter.

I tried to join in too but my brain was suddenly occupied with all the thoughts revolving Kihyun, he really quit smoking?

"We should definitely go on another vacation again, it's been so long," Hyungwon said with his voice gentle and low.

Shownu hummed in response. "Yeah, Daisy could join us too this time."

"I don't even have a passport," I cleared my throat, patting away the hair that messily fell onto my shoulder along with the thoughts.

"Come on," Minhyuk laughed again. "We can take care of that."

"Where should we go?" Jooheon asked with his small eyes wide.

Kihyun shifted beside me. "How about Siberia?"

Out of the blue Wonho scoffed, an offended expression on his face. "Did you just curse on Christmas eve?"

It took me a second to get what he meant and when I did, I could sense the giggles bubbling inside my stomach again.

"No offense, but sometimes you're so dense Wonho hyung," Changyun retorted with a hand massaging the bridge of his nose.

"What did I do?" Wonho asked dumbfounded.

The silence fell again, it was not awkward but enjoyable. The night drifted into a deeper state and the city lights dimmed down further. Jooheon yawned loudly like a cat, Hyungwon almost snoring while standing, Minhyuk singing a distant tune of an old song.

It was peaceful, and everything felt right. As if pieces of a puzzle joined together perfectly.

"Guys, can all of us stay friends for a long time?" Wonho spoke softly against the cold breeze. "Maybe, forever?"

Jooheon had stopped yawning, Minhyuk stopped singing and Hyungwon woke up from his light slumber. The rest stayed quiet too.

"Yeah, we will," Shownu answered back and after a second I could feel his right hand engulfing my left. Then I saw Kihyun holding my right.

It didn't take me much time to notice that all of us held hands creating a chain, the city laid before us and the vast sky above us.

Kihyun gave me a light squeeze in my hand. Slowly I could feel my fingers entwined with his, my other hand still warm in Shownu's.

I wanted to be a part of their forever too.

Or maybe, I already was.

A/n: yo I haven't slept in days.

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