Part 3

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Finally the last chapter! Thanks for reading, voting and commenting everyone. Love you buddies!!! 😘😘😘
This one is long though. Thought of separating this into two chapters.
But meh.... Why keep waiting for another day to the finish. 😉😉😉

Moving on...💃💃💃

"Words in double quotes" - Talking

'Words in single quotes.' - Thoughts

Part 3

Faith. Trust. Belief.

These are things on which relationships are based on.

When you love someone, you give them your trust. You trust them with your heart, knowing that they have the power to break it into a thousand pieces. Yet, you give it to them, because they are the ones whom you believe will keep it safe, cherish it more than their own lives.

It's important to have faith in the one you love. Without faith, there is no hope. And without hope, there is no future.

No matter how bad the situation is, no matter how great the obstacles are, if you love someone truly, you will have faith in them. Even when there is no hope, even when there is no way out, a single ray of hope created by faith may lead to the light at the end of the tunnel.

When you love someone, you aren't afraid to take bold steps. You aren't afraid of being misunderstood.


Simply because you know that no matter what, your partner believes in you. Even if the world was against you, they won't leave you. They will go against the world for you. That strong is there belief.

'Funny... I thought you would do the same for me Ragini. Guess I couldn't have been more wrong.' Sanskar thought as he waited with bated breath for Ragini, who was contemplating whether to take his hand or not.

After a moment, Ragini moved back, retracting her hand. "I'm sorry, but no. Last time I gave my hand in yours, you broke my heart. I...I don't want to go through that again."

Although he maintained a hard face, inside, Sanskar was deeply hurt seeing her hesitate to go with him. 'Don't you even trust me this much, so as to agree to go with me?'

"Good bye Sanskar."

At once, Sanskar grabbed her wrist. Before Ragini could utter a word, he pulled her along with him. "I'm sorry, but like it or not, you're coming with me."

Ragini tried to protest. She tried to break free, but without success.

Sanskar opened the door to his car and put her in the back seat. He opened the front door and got in himself.

"Sanskar, let me go!"

However, he paid her no mind and started the car. "Not a chance."

"Let go of me!" however, only thing Ragini got in return was silence.

After sometime...

Sanskar heard sobbing from the back seat. He adjusted the front mirror to look at Ragini. His heart broke seeing her cry. He wanted to reach out and tell her that he loves her, plead her to trust him, tell her that it's all a misunderstanding. But his anger was still at its peak.

"Stop crying Ragini. It won't help you escape."

"How dare you force me to come with you? Is this the love you claim to have!?"

"I had no other choice but to force you to come as you were being stubborn!"

"So what?! That doesn't mean that you would forcefully bring me with you!"

"Everything is fair in love and war."

Ragini opened her mouth to argue, but paused. She sighed in misery. It looked like she had given up. "Why Sanskar? Why are you hurting me by still telling me that you love me, when you really don't?"

"Because I do damnit! Why won't you believe me?!"

"Saying the same lie over and over again won't make it the truth."

"Ragini, didn't you at least stop to think of why I might have acted the way I did? Love is about trust. Why didn't you try to ask me the truth just for once?!"

Ragini let out a wry smile. "Why do I need to ask you to know the truth, when I already figured it out?"

"Really now? Then pray tell what you have concluded."

"You finally realized your mistake."

Sanskar was confused by her reply. "What?"

"You finally realized who you had chosen to spend the rest of you life with. A simple girl from the middle-class with no high status. A girl who belonged to a simple middle class family that survives solely on the income that they get from their father's small boutique. A family which can never compare to the likes of you!"

Sanskar was taken aback by her answer. He couldn't believe that she thought so low of herself.

Ragini wiped away her tears and continued. "A girl who...who can never compete to the other more beautiful and rich girls. Girls like Kavita. Girls who belong to your world of luxury, girls who you won't be embarrassed to be with. Girls who...who won't make you feel like you're carrying a burden that you can't shake off."

Sanskar abruptly brought the car to a halt in shock. 'How could she be thinking such things?! She doesn't embarrass me. In fact, I'm often insecure that I'm not good enough for her! Ragini, how could you believe all those lies about yourself?!'

Looking at her now, Sanskar's anger was slowly fading. All this time, he kept accusing her in his mind for not trusting him, for not having faith in him, for not believing in him. But now, things were becoming clear.

"Sanskar, I love you. I really do. And maybe...maybe you were right in leaving me. I blamed you, but...but now I think...I think the fault was not in you, but in myself. I should've known that we have come from different families, different backgrounds. I was being petty and clingy to you and...and I'm sorry."

Sanskar's eyes softened looking at her. How could he have missed all this? How did he miss all the signs of her insecurities? How could he have been so ignorant of them? Loving someone does not only mean giving them happiness, giving them support at hard times. It also meant fixing what is broken inside them, understanding their insecurities, their irrational worries, their fears.

And he? He was so engrossed in building dreams of them together that he forgot to pay attention to her.

"You really think I no longer care for you? That I think of you as a burden?"

"I don't think so. I know so Sanskar. I know that you've fallen out of love with me. The decreasing number of messages, your ignorance of me when we are with each other, your ignorance of my calls, you distancing yourself...all are proof of it. You're just with me because you think I would break if you tell the truth. But the truth is, I would have been able to handle it. It's you cheating on me that is breaking me."

Only now was Sanskar realising the whole reason for her accusations. And even if he didn't want to admit it, he couldn't deny that he was to blame as well. 'It's true that you hurt me with your words Ragini. But I guess I am some what responsible for it. For not paying attention to you. Well, this ends now... ' thinking that, Sanskar restarted the vehicle, determined to end all the misunderstandings.

#Jewellery store#

Ragini looked around as Sanskar stopped the car. They were in front of a jewellery store. "Why have you brought me here Sanskar? If you think I'm some petty girl that will be impressed by some expensive gifts then you better forget it. I'm not someone like you who only lusts and values money and status."

Sanskar didn't answer. He just came out of the car and opened the door for Ragini to come out.

Ragini glared with as much hatred as she could muster. "I'm not moving an inch."

Sanskar simply raised an eyebrow. "You're not moving? So I guess I need to carry you there. Would you prefer that over walking?" he teased.

Ragini at once got up. Seeing Sanskar smirk made her more angry. "You disgust me Sanskar. I can't believe I loved you once."

Sanskar's smirk disappeared on hearing her words. Sure he knew that he was not free of guilt for not recognizing her insecurities. But that doesn't mean that she treat him like trash. Nevertheless, keeping aside his hurt feelings, he pulled her by the wrist towards the store.

The store seemed empty. Once inside, Ragini saw an elderly man sitting at the counter. It looked like no other customer was there at that time.

The man looked up as they entered. "Mr. Maheshwari? I thought you would be back to take your order tomorrow. After all, you wanted to make some additions in it."

"No. I want to take it today."

"Okay then. As you wish. Let me go ask Shilpa to bring it to you." saying that, the man went inside.

Ragini remembered the receipt of a ring she found at his cabin. "You mean the order for the ring, Sanskar?"


Ragini couldn't understand why he had brought her there. If he came to get the ring, then shouldn't he bring the girl whom it is for? The one he cheated her for. Why did he bring her? Did he bring her just to gloat about his engagement with that girl?

Before Ragini could question him, a girl emerged from inside. Ragini gasped on seeing her.

It was the same girl from the car.

The girl came with a smile and greeted Sanskar. "Hello! So excited to get the ring that you couldn't wait for a day, eh?" She teased.

Sanskar shrugged. "Well, desperate times calls for desperate measures Shilpa."

Ragini let out a bitter laugh, making both of them look towards her. "So this is why you brought me here? To witness you put the ring on her? To rub salt on my raw wounds? How cruel could you get Sanskar!? Never in my life did I think you had such a disgusting side of you!"

Shilpa looked at her in confusion. "What are you saying ma'am?"

"Oh quit the acting! Go ahead and kiss him, let him put the ring on you. I know everything now! No need to hide the truth. Go and hug him like he did earlier!"

The girl looked at her in bewilderment. Slowly, Shilpa's lips twisted into a crooked smile. "You mean when he happily hugged me after I came out of the car?"

"Exactly! Feeling lucky to have him as yours, aren't you?" Ragini asked scathingly. She could barely hide her spite and jealousy.

At once Shilpa let out a giggle, which soon turned into a full blown laughter. "You think that...ahahaha...this is hilarious!" she could barely speak in between her laughter.

'Is she laughing at my misery?' Ragini felt angry, but at the same time, she wanted to break down crying. On one hand, she was jealous and angry at Shilpa. But at the same time, she felt deep sadness in her heart, believing that Sanskar was now the other girl's. He didn't belong to her anymore, but belonged to another.

Shilpa calmed down enough to form coherent words. "Hehe... You're right. Having someone like Sanskar is every girl's dream. He is a man I wouldn't mind sacrificing my life for. Kind, caring, nice manners, rich, self-dependent...what more could a girl ask for in a man?"

Ragini turned to leave. The girl was speaking all the things she already knew about Sanskar.

Sanskar...the person whom she couldn't have anymore. She felt like Shilpa was shoving a knife in her heart, over and over again, twisting it, plunging it deeper each time.

However, Ragini stopped in her tracks hearing the next words of Shilpa.

"Yes, Sanskar is all I could want in a man. Too bad he has already surrendered his heart to someone else."

Ragini looked back in shock at her. Slowly, she turned to look at Sanskar, who had remained silent the entire time. However, Sanskar's face gave away nothing. He was just standing there, expressionless.

"W-what do you...what do you mean?"

Shilpa smiled at her. "Ma'am, from your actions, I can tell that you care deeply for Sanskar sir. I can basically see you turn green with envy and smoke coming out of your ears." She placed a tiny box on the counter. "You know what this is Ma'am?"

Ragini walked near and looked at the box. "What is in it?"

Shilpa opened the box, which made Ragini gasp in awe. Inside the box, was the most beautiful ring that she had ever seen.

The ring was elegantly decorated with tiny gems, each intricately designed. However, what caught Ragini's attention, was the words written in tiny letters engraved on the ring, beside the moon. She looked closely to make out what is written.

Forever Yours

"Ma'am, sir had bought this ring from here two weeks ago. There was only a rose engraved on it. He asked us if there was a way we can engrave another one too. My father thought it was a hassle. But I knew that Sanskar sir really wanted to make it special. When I asked him, he said it was for the special person in his heart who was his reason of living, his sun, moon, stars...everything."

Ragini was speechless. She knew whom Sanskar often called as his sun, moon and stars. She knew whom he always said was his reason of living. How could she not know?

After all, it was her.

Shilpa looked towards Sanskar with a soft smile. "Sir really cares for you a lot. He even paid us extra for the ring. Today was the day I completed making it. However, I told him that there was a way I could make it more shiny. At once, he agreed to wait one more day. He said he wouldn't be able to come the next day, as he would be busy decorating the place he had selected to spend time with his love tomorrow. That is so romantic, isn't it?"

All Ragini could do was look at Sanskar with guilt. Each passing moment, every second as she stood there looking at him, she felt herself being swallowed in guilt, further and further like in quicksand. 'You bought this for...for me? Oh Sanskar! How could I have mistaken you.'

"However, he said he would be paying a quick visit to the office in the morning, so as to inform his assistant of his absence for the day. So I agreed to deliver the ring to him at the office tomorrow morning at that time. However, I didn't know the location. That was why he had taken me there."

"A-and what about...about the.."

"About the hug? Hehe...sir hadn't yet seen the ring. That was why I showed him a picture of it in my mobile. He absolutely loved it! He was so happy that he hugged me out of happiness and even praised my hands, calling me beyond amazing!"

Ragini felt the world disappear from under her feet. She could feel her entire reality crash in front of her own eyes. Till now, whatever she assumed, everything she believed in...all was...all was...'My own illusion? My own misunderstanding? could I have made such a big blunder? How did I...I? I can't believe I made such a grave mistake!'

She looked up when she heard footsteps approach her. She saw Sanskar come and stand before her, looking at her in anger. "Still believe I cheated you? Still believe I don't love you? Still think I'm disgusting?"

Shilpa's smile disappeared on hearing his words. She thought it was a mere matter of jealousy between the two. But now she knew the matter was serious.

"Di, look at this design. Isn't it amazing!?" exclaimed Shilpa's sister, as she came out. Shilpa motioned her to go in and went inside herself, knowing that Sanskar and Ragini needed some privacy.

As Sanskar stared at her, Ragini could do nothing but look at him in despair. She wished she could turn back time, she wished she never said those things to him, she wished she tried to find the truth, she wished she could take back her words.

In fact, she wished for a lot of things.

But she also knew life isn't a fairytale. What has been said, couldn't be taken back. And the damage that was done would never be repaired.

Sure she could apologize and maybe...maybe Sanskar would even forgive her. But the scars that those words have left in his heart would never be fully healed.

Ragini looked down, unable to look into his eyes. "I...I won't apologize. I won't say sorry. Because I know a simple apology can never make up to the hurt that I caused you."

Sanskar nodded solemnly. "You did."

"I shouldn't have accused you. I should have trusted you more."

Sanskar nodded again. "Yes. You should have."

"I should have believed you. I should have known that you would never, ever do something as low as to cheat me."

Sanskar's response was just another nod. "You should have known that as well."

Ragini grabbed him by the shoulders and shook him. "Don't be like this. Please, scold me! Chide me, hit me if you want. But please, don't stay like this!" She cried out. Ragini would rather have him hate her than behave like a dead body.

Sanskar let out a sigh and leaned on the counter. "I...I'm just tired Ragini. Tired of trying to win your faith."

Sanskar looked at her misery. "I know I did a mistake by not paying more attention to you, your insecurities, you worries, your fears. But this isn't something new Ragini. Ever since we became a couple, you've always doubted me. Yes, I know I used to be a shameless flirt. But after meeting you, I changed myself completely. I'm not the Sanskar I was before."

"I...I know Sanskar. But I just...I just can't phantom why someone like you would date me. I...I can't help but be insecure about it."

"I used to be insecure. I was someone who thought that with my flirty attitude and obnoxious habits, I'll push you away or hurt you. But became my strength. I learnt to trust in myself, have confidence that I will be able to keep you happy, that I will be able to change. All because I had faith in our love. I got my strength from it. Then why not you? Don't you love me Ragini?"

"You know I do Sanskar. I love you more than anything! But what was I supposed to do? You don't spend time with me, and even when you do, you're in your own world. I tried till the last moment to trust you. I really did. But after I saw you hug her I..I just lost it."

"So what if I hugged her? You could have come up to ask me why. I know I should have paid more attention to you. I'm sorry I didn't. But that doesn't me that you accuse me of being so low. You called me disgusting. Do you know how it feels like to be called disgusting by the one you love?"

"I'm sorry. I so sorry Sanskar. I...i just..." Ragini voice broke with each word.

"The reason I couldn't spend more time with you was because I had thought of spending this entire week with you. That is why I wanted to finish off my assignments quickly. That is why I used to do paper work even when I was with you. I understand that you aren't to fully blame in the matter. After all, I did make it seem like I was being distant to you."

"Yes, I am to blame. Look at what I did! Sanskar, I'm really sorry. But believe me, I always loved you and will love you. The only thing that made me angry on you, made me doubt you is not because I love you less. But because I thought you found someone better. It was my insecurities that ruined everything."

"So you finally understood, I see."

Ragini nodded. "After...after what happened today, I will trust you. I won't doubt you in any matter, I won't ever think less of our love, I won't doubt your actions without knowing the truth. I finally believe in our love. Like you, I'll draw strength from it. I won't ever doubt it ever again."

"You really think you deserve a second chance? After everything?"

Ragini shook her head in denial. She broke down crying and fell to her knees. "I'm sorry Sanskar. I'm so so so sorry." Ragini clutched her heart in pain. "And...and I understand if you want to leave me now. After all, I have given you every reason to hate me. It isn't you who is disgusting, but its me. It's me, me, me!"

Sanskar crouched to her level. "Don't say that Ragini. You aren't a disgusting person."

"Yes I am! And I know deep down you think that too. I... I felt hurt and angry when you said that you don't want to live till death with me. And also that...that you won't feel anything if I leave you. But I think it's for the best. I can't keep you happy. I don't deserve you. You think that too."

"No I don't."

Ragini looked at him in disbelief. "Really? Then tell me, would you give me a second chance? Would you trust me enough not to give in to my insecurities again?"

Sanskar gave a dry chuckle. "Give you a second chance? After everything you said? After everything you accused me off? After all that hurt you gave me? Only a fool would give you a second chance."

Ragini already expected this answer. But it didn't mean that it hurt less hearing it from his mouth. She looked down in despair. She felt like she was dying from within.

However, soon she felt arms engulf her in a hug and heard Sanskar's voice. "Then I guess I am one of those fools. I am a fool to want to give you a second chance. If giving you another chance makes me a fool, then so be it!"

Ragini could do nothing but look at him disbelief and wonder.

"Ragini, I told you I don't want to live with you till death, because I plan to live with you forever. And I won't feel anything if you leave because...because if you leave me, I will die."

Ragini couldn't hold back anymore. She hugged back Sanskar with all her might and wept openly. She wailed in that jewellery store, uncaring of the people inside who might hear her.

And Sanskar? He just smiled at her and held her as she hugged him.

"How Sanskar? How could you forgive me? How could you take me back in your life after everything?"

Sanskar broke the hug and rubbed away her tears. "Because true love isn't about accepting only the perfections of a person. It's also about accepting their faults, their insecurities, their imperfections. Even I may mess up sometimes. Would you give up on me then Ragini?"

Ragini shook her head in negative. "I would never. I promise I would stand beside you. Forever and always."

Sanskar smiled at her, this time a genuine smile from his heart. "True love isn't perfect Ragini. A true relationship is one where two imperfect persons refuse to give up on each other because they love each other. And that is what it is between us."

"Are you sure we will work out? Will we be able to live happily as a couple?"

"I already told you when I proposed. I may make mistakes. But I know you're the one for me. Likewise, you may make mistakes as well. That doesn't mean we will give up. In fact, every hurdle we will face will only bring us closer, make our relationship stronger."

Ragini nodded and sniffed. "But next time let's avoid this drama. Tell me the truth if ever this happens again. No need of such surprises that cause these many problems."

Sanskar chuckled and stood up. He reached for the box and took the ring from it. "Do you remember what tomorrow is Ragini?"

Ragini stood up slowly and tried to remember what it might be. "Tomorrow? I...I don't think it's the day you proposed. Its not your or my birthday either. Then what is it?"

Sanskar simply looked at her with a smile. "Well, I thought of doing this tomorrow. But since the cat's out of the bag already, might as well do it now."

Sanskar got down on one knee and looked up at Ragini in the eyes. "Ragini, tomorrow is the date on which I fell in love with you two years back. Tomorrow is the day, I realized that you were the one for me. We knew each other from before as friends. But tomorrow's date is when I first realized what the true meaning of love was. I feel like whatever I've done in the past has led me to you. My choices, my regrets, my heartbreaks, my mistakes...everything."

Ragini knew where this was going. She could feel her heart racing, her pulse rocketing and her mind?

It had ventured off to Kingdom Come long back.

"But even if I could turn back time Ragini, I... I wouldn't change a thing. It's because I fear that one little change might make me never meet you. You're everything I need Ragini. And you don't need to be insecure about anything. You're smart, the most beautiful girl for me, the one who is just simply amazing! I know you have your own demons. I know there are times when we will fight, there are times when we will be angry with each other. But I also know that at the end of the the end of the day, I'll always come back to you and you to me. Every perfection of yours, every fault of yours...all are beautiful to me. I don't want to change anything about it. The only thing I would like to change about you is your last name."

Sanskar put forward his hand for her to take. "Would you, Ragini Gadodia, accept me as your future husband and take my hand for eternity? To become mine forever?"

Ragini had a hand on her mouth to cover her gasp. She couldn't describe the happiness that she felt. She had tears flowing from her eyes, but they were tears of joy. She could only nod and put her hand in his.

"Is that a yes?"

"Of course it is you idiot!" Ragini said with a hearty laugh.

Sanskar smiled and put the ring on her finger. He got up and pulled her into a hug.

They didn't notice Shilpa and her little sister peeping at them from inside, weeping while looking at them dreamily.

"So romantic! I... I wish I have a love story like that. Don't you di?"

"I do! I want my prince as well! I want to feel butterflies in my stomach when I see my guy." Shilpa sniffed.

"Di, I think I'll meet mine soon! I don't just feel butterflies. It feels like an entire zoo in my stomach. You se-ow! Why'd you hit me?!"

"That's your hungry stomach growling for food, idiot! Come with me!"

"But...but I wanted to watch more. Let me!" however, Shilpa dragged her away.

Sanskar broke the hug to look at the smiling face of Ragini. He kissed her hand lovingly and touched the ring delicately with his fingers. "See this two entwined roses Ragini? This is me and you. The one in the middle is you."

"Why am I the rose that is inside of the other?" Ragini asked curiously.

"The little rose lies at the heart of the larger rose, just as you lie in my heart. You're at the center of my heart. I want to keep you safe and I'll always protect you. The little rose is the heart and soul of the other, just as you are my heart." Sanskar pulled her closer by the waist. "And I'm never letting this heart of mine go. Never, ever."

Ragini smiled and put her arms around him. "And I won't leave my guardian rose either. I'm forever yours." saying that, she got on her tip toes to give Sanskar a kiss, one which Sanskar was more than happy to respond with the same passion.

*********The End*********

Love is the weakest when there are more dubilations than trust. But love is the strongest when we learn to trust inspite of those...

Distance doesn't kill relationships, doubts and dubilation does.

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~ 🌹 Mona 🌹

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