Day Trip of Doom

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It's been a day after the talent show. It was not early in the morning, Scrooge had just woken up yawning and stretching his arms and he slips his slippers on and puts his robe on and was looking out his bedroom window. "Ah! Good morning, you gleaming bit of bounty." Scrooge said sighing happily looking at the Money Bin from he window as Beakley came into his bedroom slamming the door open with three toy darts on her face one of them falling off. "Beakley?" Scrooge asked turning to look at her.  "I feel I should prepare you- for what's out there." Beakley said setting down Scrooge's morning tray of tea and pouring him a cup. "How bad can it be? Lid left off the peanut butter., Errant roller skate left on the stairway." Scrooge says as they walks out of the bedroom to see toys darts coming at him so he grabs the tray and block the darts from hitting him as Beakly caught the tea pot and cup. "An elaborate series of cutthroat war games." Scrooge says.

Huey runs past them as Dewey was shooting darts at him. "Take that!" Dewey yelled. "Dewey" Scrooge yells taking the dart gun from him. "Don't yell at your target before you fire. You lose the element of surprise." Scrooge says and gives it back to him because walking away as Louie ran past him.

Louie was shooting darts everywhere laughing as he almost knocked down a vase but Beakley caught it. "Good hands, Beakley." Louie said running. "When I said you should spend more time with your family, I did not mean move them in." Beakley said looking at Scrooge.

"Whoo hoo!" Louie yelled as he turned the corner all while two people were watching him from the chandelier.  "Target acquired." The two said as the same time looking at Louie from their night vision goggles. They both used their grappling hooks to move onto the other chandelier.

Louie looks around nervously having heard something. He was then almost hit with darts by both his girlfriend and Webby as he screamed and ran trying to avoid them until he fell over their pillow trap. "You set traps? It's just a game." Louie said as Jasmine back flipped off the chandelier and landed on her feet in front of Louie. "You're not a player, you're a pawn." Webby said as Dewey showed up. "Webby, maybe take it down a notch." Dewey said. "Tell that to my men you captured in Peking." Webby exclaimed. "What?" Dewey asked. "It's part of my character's backstory." Webby said. "Grizzled ex-special forces pulled out of retirement for revenge. What's yours?" She asked. "My guy has a dart gun?" Dewey said with a questioning look on his face. "Not anymore." Webby said and shoots Dewey with the darts from two dart guns before taking his and she laughs. "Ha ha!" 

Huey then gasps before running from Webby who jumps off the chandelier and running after Huey and Louie. "The foyer's a safe zone." Huey and Louie both said. "The foyer's This is no foyer-" Jasmine said. "This is a tomb." Webby finished as she shoots Huey.

Jasmine looks at Louie. "As Arnold Schwarzenegger once said; Hasta La Vista, Baby." She said and shot him with the dart gun the same time as Webby shot Huey. "Oh, my tailbone!" Huey and Louie said.

Scrooge was laughing softly as this. "A tomb." He said. "Sir, this is out of control." Beakly said walking beside him. "Kids will be kids. For everyone's happiness, we've all got to make sacrifices." Scrooge said as he opened the door to his bathroom. "Um, ocupado." Donald said as he was sitting in the bathtub doing his laundry. "House!" Scrooge said with a tone and his eyes narrowing.

Once everyone was at the table they were all chatting until Scrooge hots the chalk board with his cane to silence them. "All right. Time for some house rules. Rule one: My space is my space. My study, my sleeping quarters. My washroom." Scrooge started to say but continued. "Rule two: Defer to Mrs. Beakley for all subsequent rules. I'm pleased to have you here, as long as it in no way inconveniences me. Good day." Scrooge said and walked away.

"This may be Mr. McDuck's mansion, but it's my house. So my house rules. Exhaustive. Comprehensive. Where are you going?"Beakly asked seeing Donald was walking away. "I got unmentionables to wash." Donald said holding something in his hand. "Rule 58: If you need something, ask for permission first." Beakly said. "Did you hear that, boys? Ask permission." Donald said. "Rule #23: No one is above the rules Donald." Beakly said.

Beakly looks. "If you had simply asked for assistance, we could've avoided what I'm referring to as the "Undergarment Incident."  The kids were then all laughing before calming down. "I can take care of myself." Donald said. "That is not your decision to make. You live here, you answer to me." Beakly said. "I answer to no one!" Donald said as he and Beakly got very close to each-other. "Wait, are they gonna kiss?" Louie asked. "Eww!" All the kids said. "Outside now." Both Donald and Beakly said.

Meanwhile the kids were all outside Webby being the last one out the house. "Death Darts was fun." Webby said. "Again, just supposed to be darts." Louie said holding Jasmine's hand; he wasn't one for PDA but if it's around his family and Webby then he was ok with it. "What do you wanna play next? Mystery Murder Island, Cannonball Fury?" Webby asked.  "How about a nice, safe nap?"Huey asked. "Oh, how about Sacky Sack?"Webby asked as she took out a Sacy Sack and kicked it really hard as Dewey pushed Huey out of the way and Jasmine pushed Louie unfortunately getting hit and hiting a tree hard enough to knock it down. 

Louie ran over to Jasmine worried. "Jasmine are you ok?" Louie asked.  Jasmine nods. "I'm ok Louie this isn't the first time I've been hit by Webby" She said. "Jasmine I'm sorry" Webby said.  "It's fine Webby; I should've seen that coming anyways" Jasmine said. Louie looks happy that Jasmine was ok. He had come up with an idea to cure them of thier broadness. "We could go have some real fun." He said smiling. "You mean" Jasmine started to say. "I do, dear love." Louie said. "It's time for Funso's Fun Zone!" they all said at the same time with the exception of Webby.  "What's that?" Webby asked.  "Only the greatest place one could ever imagine imagining!" Louie said.  "Where your dreams become reality, and reality becomes some crazy kind of hyper-dream." Huey said. "Where punch refills are free!" Dewey said.  "Funso's Fun Zone Where fun is in the zone" Jasmine, Louie, Dewey and Huey all sang together.  

"Oh, yeah. That Funso's. Of course. Everyone knows Funso's. Webby said. "Let's go, boys and gal" Louie said as the four ran off. "Oh, well, have fun." Webby said.  "You coming?" Dewey asked looking at Webby. "What? Yeah! Let me get my stuff." Webby said as she climbs back into the house to get her bag. "I don't know, Webby's great for treasure hunting and mine cart chases, but she's not exactly built for every-day kid stuff." Louie said. "I still see the darts when I close my eyes." Huey said. "Guys, she's been cooped up in a mansion her whole life, of course she's gonna be a little off. She didn't get to have the same freedom I got to have growing up in the manor, but we can help her. She'll be fine." Jasmine said.

Back in the manor Webby was packing her bag. "All right, Webby, just a totally casual hang-out in the real world. Like regular kids do. Play it cool, play it cool." Webby said packing her back. "Whooooo!" Webby said the whole time to the bus stop.

Meaning back inside the manor Beakly was cleaning the floors when the vacuum died. "Hmm" Beakly said as she goes to check it out and finds many things plugged in leading her to the house boat. Donald was humming as he noticed Beakly. "Howdy, neighbor., Kielbasa? I'll just live on the boat while I fix it. Out of your house, out of your way." Donald said. Beakly pinched the bridge of her nose annoyed. "Causing several fire hazards. If you had checked with me, I could've provided safe electrical hook-ups." Beakly said. "I'm good." Donald said. "And how would you like to split the water bill?" Beakly asked. "Richest duck in Duck Burg can't spare a dime. Keep your water." Donald said and he caused a flood in the manor and was making Beakly's eye twitch.

Back with the kids, Webby was excitedly whimpering.  "You've been on a bus before, right?" Huey asked. "Absolutely." Webby said. "So is it assigned seating?" Webby asked as the bus came. 

Before they got on Huey grabbed her hand. "Don't talk to anybody, don't touch anything, don't lick anything, don't go near the emergency brake." Huey said as Webby nods. "Ooh, ooh." Webby said swinging around. "Ha ha! I'm Webby." She said to a complete stranger. "Have you ever jumped a ravine in this baby? Can I try? I'm Webby." She said talking to the bus driver. "Look, a dog, wearing a bow tie. Did he tie it himself? Stop the bus!" Webby said as the bus stopped and they were all kicked off.  "It was a nice bow tie. Sorry." Webby said. "It's fine."Huey said. "It's just a short walk to Funso's." Dewey said. "Through the sketchiest neighborhood in town." Huey said. "Bet it's a faster run. Race ya!" Webby said as Jasmine sighed.  "Wrong way." Jasmine said. "Whoop." Webby said as they then ran the right way.

Meanwhile their was a group of people surrounding a truck mugging the driver. "Hey, is that the McDuck brats?" The big one asked. "Let's get 'em." The smaller one said. "- Uh-uh." the skinny one said. "Burger's right. Ma told us we's only supposed to take down the truck." The bigger one said. "Forget the truck. That's the payday. Think big." The smaller one said.

The big one smirks and picked the tied one up. "Sorry, Carl. Same time next month?" He asked and throws him into the truck.

Soon the five made it to their destination. "Funso's Fun Zone." Webby said in amazement. "Where fun is in the zone" Jasmine, Louie, Dewey and Huey finished before running inside. Jasmine had ran off to the arcade with Dewey. "Pizza? Games? A pit of balls?! " Webby said. "Sweet Webbigail, ball pits are for babies." Louie said. "Walk with me. You're in the zone now. If you wanna get by in this world, you gotta know the people who make it spin. Josie, new token apron? - Nice." Louie said flattering a waitress as she giggled giving him a bag of tokens. "Your usual table, sir." A guy asked. "Merci, Toby." Louie said giving him a token.

He and Webby then sit down. "Webby, your money is no good here." Louie said. "What do they take? I have pounds, pesos, rubles." Webby said. "The oldest currency in the world." Louie said. "Ancient obsidian rune stones?" Webby asked. "No, flattery. Ahem. I can't tell.Is that the heat lamps or your natural glow?" Louie says. "Oh, Mr. Duck, the usual?" The waiter asked. "Yep.One free cup for water, please." Louie said getting his cup and pouring fruit punch into it instead. "That's not water." Webby said. "It's all part of the system. You try." Louie said.

Webby got up and walks over to the waiter. "Hey, you. Uh Ja-nay." Webby said. "It's Jane." She said. "I'm Webby. I was hoping you could hook a gal up with one of those free water cups. You know, fruit punch." Webby said. "You sure you don't want it for water?" Jane said. " Yes, for water. Fruity water that really packs a punch. Am I right?" Webby asked. "I don't know what you mean." Jane said. "I mean fruit punch." Webby said.

Then the manager came out. "There a problem here? What did I tell you about handing out freebies, Jane?" He said and looks at Louie. "You pay for that punch, Duck?" He said. "I was just about to. Yeah. Thanks, Webby." Louie said following the manager.

Back at McDuck Manor, the doorbell rings while Beakly was cleaning all the water up. "Special delivery for D.Duck." The mailman said. "Come around back. Portable generators. Keep your power, Mrs. B. This guy is off the grid." Doanld said. "That idiot is going to get himself killed. Hmm." Beakly said.

Meanehile the Beagle boys were outside of Funso's. "Welcome to Funso's. There's no place finer. All cool adults must be accompanied by a minor. Ba blee ba blam!" The Funso's mascot said while the short beagle boy points behind him. One was dressed up as a child. "You buyin' this?" The big one asked as the mascot shook his head no. The bigger beagle boy then bent his lollipop.

Back inside Webby was heading into the arcade where Dewey and Jasmine were playing a game together. The Beagle boys were also dressing up as the mascot now.

"Uke Or Puke?"Webby asked going over to Dewey and Jasmine. "Behold, the best game ever created! Japanese import." Dewey says. "There's only one in the U.S. and we have the top ten score, so we're pretty much the best in the country." Jasmine says. "You gotta try this." Dewey said. "I don't know. I've never actually played a computer game."Webby said. "Do you play an instrument?" Dewey asked.  "I took seven years of cello." Webby said. "Same thing." Dewey said giving her the guitar and she strums it. "Oh! Your first strum. Cherish it." Dewey said as the computer was speaking Japanese. "Yes, yes, be one with the flow." Dewey said. "I am both uking and puking." Webby said.

The mascot then comes and touched Webby's shoulder. " Strangers are danger!" Webby says. "Webby, no!" Jasmine said as Webby kicked him and made him unplug the game. "I killed Funso." Webby said.

"No, no.Don't you die on me!" Dewey said and pushed Funso back down. "Our scores. No!! It's like I don't even know you anymore." Jasmine said as Webby looks down and leaves.

Back at the manor Beakly was watching Donald turn on all his generators. "Perhaps we could put your nephew up in a hotel. In New Zealand." Beakly says as Scrooge walks past her. "No time. Guest bath's a-callin'. Beakley problem." Scrooge says walking past her as she groans.

Back at Funso's Webby fell into the ball pit. "Ow." She said. "Room for four more?" Dewey asked. "You guys aren't mad I ruined Funso's?" Webby asked. "Please. Funso's is a place of magic and wonder and light." Jasmine says. "Think fast!"Dewey said as they had fun in the ball pit. "Wait. What's happening?" Webby asked. "Nope, you're fine." Huey said. "It's a trap.I'm sinking." Webby said as she sinks. She takes out her grappling hook to try and get out but it backfires and she ruined Funso's and was grabbed by the manager. "I'm Webby." She said nervously laughing.

"You are banned from Funso's for life." The manager said to the five of them. "No, please. I've never been kicked out of anything." Huey said. "And this is why I said we shouldn't bring her. Thanks, Jasmine." Louie said mad and upset with her as she looks down and Webby looked down too. "Funso, take them out." The manager said walking away. "With pleasure. Call Ma." The short beagle boy said laughing.

A bit later Ma Beagle was soon outside of Funso's and walked in after dealing with the manager. "You can't come in without a child." The manager said before being punched in the stomach. "Everybody out!" Ma Beagle said as she opened a door revealing her sons. "This is it, Ma. The big payday. The perfect scam." The short beagle boy said.

"Save it. What's so important that I don't see an armored car parked out front?"Ma Beagle said. "May I present our new meal ticket?" The short beagle boy said as he imitates drum roll. "Scrooge McDuck's family."

Ma Beagle opens the door hearing them all jabbering. "And how did you manage this?" Ma Beagle asked. "Well, we cornered 'em, we captured 'em, and we sent him a ransom note." The short beagle boy said. "You did what? How did someone so brilliant raise such morons?" Ma Beagle said. "I think she's talking about you."The bigger beagle boy said. "But Scrooge will pay a fortune to get them ankle biters back." The short beagle boy said. 

Ma Beagle then his her son with her bag."Do you think he got to be the richest duck in Duck Burg by paying people off? You just painted four twerp-size targets on our backs. Bouncer, Burger, go wait outside." Ma Beagle said. "What about me, Ma?"The short beagle boy asked. "You're on a time-out, mister."Ma Beagle said throwing him into the freezer. "Who are these guys?"Louie asked. "The Beagle boys.-" Jasmine said. "They hate your uncle." Webby continued. "Try to break into the mansion all the time." The finished together.  "Are they gonna ransom us?" Dewey asked. "Scrooge will never pay for all five of us." Louie said. "You're right. He'll probably throw one of us off a cliff to send Scrooge a message." Webby said as the boys all scream in fear.

meanwhile Donald was outside the guest bathroom knocking on the door. "Scrooge, the kids! The Beagle Boys!" Donald yelled.  "Wait.Something's wrong. Much better." Scrooge said now in a tub full of coins. "Mrs.B. ,a brick, a note." Donald said. "Look who's finally coming to ask for my Help!! What is a Funso?" Beakly asked.

"Don't capture Scrooge's brats, Big Time. Don't stick up the policeman's ball, Big Time. Tanks don't float, Big Time. She always treats me like the odd man out - because my ideas are too -" Big Time started to say but was cut off by Webby. "Intense?" Webby asked. "Visionary. Well, I'll show her. I'll show 'em all." Big Time said. :That's not something you wanna hear - when you're tied up in a meat locker." Louie said. "- Startin' with you." Big Time said before being knocked out with a frozen pizza. "Webby?! Jasmine?!" The boys all said. "Oops. Sorry. I'll just-" Webby says. " You could slip out of those ropes the whole time?" Huey asked. "Well, yeah. That's, like, Being Captured 101." Webby said. "So why didn't you?"Louie asked. "Because I don't want you to think I'm weird. I've been stuck in the mansion for so long, and I'm trying really hard to be normal.But everything I do is, you know, not." Webby said looking down. "Normal's overrated." Dewey said. "We need you to be Webby-normal." Louie said as Webby smiles and she and Jasmine untied the boys then Webby puts her goggles on. "I'm gonna break every bone in her body. Or maybe just tie her up. We'll see how it plays out." Webby said and grabs some stuff she would need before they all climbed into the air vent.

Meanwhile outside of Funso's. "All right, boys. McDuck's high-falutin' hooligan Beakley is coming here to take you down. Are you gonna let her?" Ma said.  "Mmm" Burger says. "No, you are not. Beakley may be strong, ruthless and unforgiving, but you are the Beagle Boys. My boys. It's time to mark your territory. Do it for your dear old ma." Ma Beagle said as a brick came through the window and she reads the note. "Dear Ma Beagle, if you ever want to see your son again" Oh, for cryin' out loud." Ma said and saw a car pull up as Donald and Beakly came out. "You take care of them. I'll deal with the squirts." Ma said and goes back inside.

Beakly looks at Donald. "Beagle Boys are slow but quite large. I'll take the big one and Donald"  Beakly says as Donald runs off. "Give me back my boys!" Donald yells attacker Bouncer. "Get off me." Bouncer yelled. "I guess he can take care of himself." Beakly said before joining the fight.

Meanwhile back inside Webby had turned the lights off. "Come on, kids. I don't have time for games." Ma said. "Then you're in the wrong place. Funso's Fun Zone. Where the fun is in the zone" Webby says shooting a dart. "Oh! You can't outrun me. You know how many two-foot terrors I chased around the junkyard?" Ma said. "But I'm not outrunning you. Whee! I'm leading you." Webby said.

"Hi, Ma." Big Time said. "Seriously, Big Time? What the Stupid plastic garbage. Wait, no, stop. It's a trap!" Ma said. "I know, right? Now!"Webby said as Jasmine and the boys trap ma in a net. Beakly and Donald then kicked the door open. "Boys!" Donald yelled hugging them. "A slipstitch. Good choice, you two." Beakly said. "Thanks, Granny." Webby said. "Thanks Mrs. Beakly" Jasmine said.

"It's okay, Ma. I tried, and that's what matters, right?" Big Time asked. "Shut up, Big Time." Ma said. "Why can't we have what they have?" Big Time asked.

Back at the manor. "Now flip the circuit on the boat's panel and you'll have power." Beakly said. "Thanks, Mrs.B. So how does a housekeeper know so much about electricity and Tae Kwon Do?" Donald asked. "Oh, simple. I'm a spy." Beakly says laughing as Donald laughs nervously.

"Nice of Funso's to lift the ban and give us all those free tokens, you know, to keep us from suing them." Huey said. "Yep, the system works." Louie said. "So what should we do next?" Dewey asked. "I don't know." Huey said. "Webby? What do you wanna play?" Jasmine asked. "- Really? You mean it?" Webby asked. "- Any crazy thing you want."Louie said. "Oh, how about a nice game of Medieval Dungeon of Eternal Screaming?" Webby said putting a mask on and having a weapon in her hand.  "I'm on Webby's team."The kids all shout.

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