Woo-oo pt. 2

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Donald who is stapled to the wall and is still fighting the stapler as Glomgold appeared. "You've got the job, Duck!" Glomgold said.

"Seriously? Oh, boy! I'm a real accountant!" Donald said happily.

"Accountant? That was filled yesterday. You're our new sailor!" Glomgold said and holds up a new sailor outfit for Donald. "Welcome to Glomgold Industries! Now, what do you know about Atlantis?"

"Glomgold Industries! Take an idea.Make it your own.Better, faster, cheaper.That's the motto of the world's most beloved Scottish billionaire duck! Flintheart Glomgold! Welcome, new employees, to Glomgold Industries, where our employees are the greatest treasure of all!" The video that was playing says.

"Glomgold! Glomgold! Glom..." Glomgold said and notices that his employees are not amused. "Fine.Enough glad-handing.You're here because you're the best of the cheapest.With your help and my carefully crafted master plan, we'll find the fabled lost Jewel of Atlantis and finally make me the richest duck in the world!" he said and laughs evilly. "But first, here are your company IDs, also good for 40% off life vest rental in case of emergency." He said and hands them their cards as he called their names. "Gabby McStabberson, Hack and Slash, Smashkinov, Donald Duck, Duck? Duck?!" He yelled.

Donald holds up a wait a minute finger at Glomgold; talking to Scrooge on the phone. "Ha! Now remember, bedtime is at 9:00. And no sugar after 7:00."

Meanwhile Scrooge on the top of the submarine talking to Donald on the phone. "Oi, and I run a multi-trillion dollar business. I can handle a few juveniles for the weekend. You just focus on this new job of yours. Besides, we've got a pretty low-key day planned." Scrooge says as Dewey appeared where Scrooge was standing. 

"Hoist the mainsail! Other boat words, to Atlantis! Dive! Dive!" Dewey exclaimed.

"No, no, wait!" Scrooge said.

"Aye aye!" Launchpad said.

"Launchpad, the hatch. Stop the Whoo-hoo!" Scrooge said and  throws the phone to Louie. "Talk to your uncle."

Louie was talking on the phone. "Hey, Uncle Donald. Nope, yeah, pretty boring. We napped, rubbed ointment on our joints, old people stuff."

"Oh, what about the dragon? And the plane crash?" Webby asked as Louie stopped her.

"Whoops, 3:00 pm. Time for dinner. Bye!" Louie said.

Webby looked confused, "Why didn't you tell him the truth?" She asked.

"You didn't tell your grandma we were going to a dangerous underwater city, did you?" Louie asked.

"I kinda sorta didn't tell her anything?" Webby said.

"Webby, that's irresponsible! She'll be worried sick!" Louie said and gives the phone to Webby. "Call your grandma this instant and tell her that you are spending the night at a friend's house, okay? Lying: It's the responsible thing to do." Louie said.

"Launchpad, have you ever piloted a sub before?" Scrooge asked.

"I sunk a helicopter in a wave pool once. Same thing?" Launchpad asked.

"I've done more with less. No matter, I'm back! Unchartered territory. Bold new discoveries!" Scrooge says.

"Hello, bingo! I love road trips! I've got snacks, a playlist of traditional sea chanties, matching family road trip shirts!" Huey said. 

"I appreciate the enthusiasm, but there's no time." Scrooge says.

"But according to the travel itinerary..." Huey started to say before he was interrupted by Dewey.

Dewey was peering over the chair and ripping up Huey's itinerary. "Boo! Adventure isn't about planning, it's about doing! So, what can I be in charge of? The buzzsaw arm?" Dewey asked.

"No!" Scrooge exclaimed.

"Sonic cannons?" Dewey asked.

"No!" Scrooge exclaimed again.

"Hyper-dense zero-point energy missiles to pierce the scaly hide of a Kraken?!" Dewey asked excited.

"None of those things are real things! This is your first expedition, so just stand back and watch an old pro from a safe distance." Scrooge says.

"So what is this submarine equipped with?" Scrooge asked.

"Seatbelts." Scrooge says putting the seatbelt on Dewey.

Dewey looks laughing. "Ha! Good one." He said.

Scrooge sits in a chair and works on a map to Atlantis while Jasmine sat next to him quietly helping him.

"Classic Scrooge-Dewey banter, the seasoned-but-tired explorer passing the torch to his cocky young successor." Dewey said.

"I'm pretty sure he doesn't actually know our names aside from Jasmine and Webby." Huey said.

"I'm sorry, what?" Dewey asked.

"I think he called me "Hurbert" once." Huey said.

"Don't be ridiculous! Hey, Scrooge! When are we gonna set sail, Scrooge?" Dewey asked.

"In a moment, Sonny Jim." Scrooge said.

Dewey looks disappointed; and Huey holds up a travel t-shirt. "I will cram it down your throat." Dewey said.

"Guys, lighten up! We're on a deep-sea expedition with Scrooge McDuck!" Louie said.

Scrooge looks at the kids who smile back at him; he gets out of his chair. "Mr. McQuack, chart a course. Next stop, the lost City of Atlantis!"Scrooge said as everyone cheers. "In about 16:00 hours!" Scrooge says.

"Shanty time! We love to sail the ocean We love to sail Traveled all across the ocean  never have I been lucky" The song went.

Launchpad snoring says. "Driving! Piloting. Driving, right?"

"Hey, Scrooge, First Mate Dewey here. Your map's got us going the long way. I can probably find a shortcut if you just let me..." Dewey said.

"Uh-uh, lad. The shortest distance between two points isn't always a straight line." Scrooge said.

"Okay, but yes, it is, so if you just go..." Dewey started to say.

Scrooge's cane slaps the map out of Dewey's hands.

Launchpad still was snoring; Dewey takes the map. Scrooge turns around and hits Launchpad with his cane, waking him up. "Driving!" Launchpad said. Dewey edits the map so the line goes straight, through everything Scrooge wanted to avoid. He puts the map back on the dashboard. "Huh?" Launchpad said.

"Shortcut achieved! He'll thank me later." Dewey said.

The sub gets caught by a kraken and everyone screams, then some mer-monsters stop the sub and try to break in using the tridents and everyone screams, then the sub gets caught in a whirlpool monster's whirlpool and everyone screams. The kids and Scrooge lay on the floor.

Scrooge gets up. "Oi, you kids'll be the death of me." Scrooge said.

"Dewey!" Dewey says and sits up. "Dewey will be the death of you!"

"Can we make a pit stop? I have to use the bathroom, but it's, um Occupied? Huey said and opens the bathroom door to reveal a sewer monster in the toilet.

"For the love of It's the middle of the ocean! There are no pit stops." Scrooge says.

"How 'bout that conspicuously unmarked tanker?" Launchpad asked.

Meanwhile Donald was showing photos of Huey, Dewey, and Louie growing up. The phone shows Dewey walking on a mattress surrounded by pillows while Donald has baseball gloves on both hands. "Ah, little Dewey's first steps."Donald said. Shows him with Huey whom his finger his covering. "And that's Huey in the playoffs." Donald said. He moves his finger off of Huey's face. "He was the waterboy." Donald said. He shows the phone to Gabby McStabberson. He covers the screen again. "Oh, look! That's us climbing the Grand Canyon" He moves his finger to show him climbing a sign that says Grand Canyon Cola. Huey, Dewey, and Louie are mad display at the supermarket. "Oh and here is Louie on his first date with his girlfriend Jasmine" Donald says. He shows  the picture of both Louie and Jasmine dressed up to go to their school's dance together. "Ah Ah, I miss them so much, but we need this job. So, tell me about your family." Donald asked.

"I was raised by warrior monks who spoke only the language of the blade." She said and holds up a wooden blade she made and throws it on the table behind Donald and uses her blade to cut it in half.

"Uh-huh." Donald says nervously.

The Alert Alarm for Glomgold Industries beeps.

"We've got intruders!" Hack said.

The camera shows Scrooge waiting by a door, tapping his foot.

"Scrooge?! What is he doing here?" Donald asked.

"Strange weather patterns in a mysterious location near treasure. Ha ha! I knew he couldn't resist! Hack, triangulate their sub's course! We'll tail Scrooge and steal the jewel out from under him!" Glomgold said.

The camera shows Huey, Dewey, and Louie running out from a bathroom. Huey realizes that he forgot to wash his hands and runs back in to do that.

"The boys?! When I get my hand on you..." He said squawking."I'm gonna kill him!" Donald says.

"Ooh, better idea! Nab the jewel and kill them all! Somebody's angling for employee of the month." Glomgold says laughing.

A ship gets caught in a storm above the water, meanwhile back to Scrooge's sub underwater.

"The Drake Barrier Reef. Powerful currents combined with rocky terrain make it nearly impossible to navigate, but on that rare occasion when snow falls above the reef, the currents cool, allowing safe passage to..." Scrooge says.

The kids snore before waking each other up.

"Are we there yet?" Louie asked.

"I was just about to..." Scrooge says.

"Right side or the left side?" Huey asked.

"If you'd just let me..." Scrooge says.

"Look! There that thing is! We found it!" Dewey exclaimed.

Atlantis gleams in the lights from the sub.

"Whoa!" Everyone but Scrooge said.

"Yes, good. Atlantis. "Ooh! Aah!" Thanks for spoiling the moment." Scrooge says.

"The whole place is upside down!" Huey said.

"Oh, well, that's a new one." Scrooge says.

The sub glides into the lost city and comes up inside.

Dewey was looking around. "Whoa!"

Louie looks at Webby who is looking at the phone that says 47 Missed Calls Ms. Beakley. "Just call your grandma already! It's no big deal." Louie said. Louie dials her grandmother's number. "Aah! Remember, you're at a friend's house, okay? You got this." Louie said.

Webby rapidly; yelling in the phone. "Hi, Granny, I'm spending the night at a friend's house so nothing is wrong!" Webby said and hangs up the phone.

"Oh, you don't got this." Louie said.

"Ah-ha! Well, according to these markings, the Atlantines were so eager to build an epic city of wonders and death traps, they didn't stop to figure out a proper support structure, and the whole thing fell into the sea! You kids best stay by the sub while I scout ahead." Scrooge said.

"Dewey ran in as soon as you said "death traps.""Huey said.

"Come on, Scrooge! We got this." Dewey exclaimed.

"Boy!" Scrooge sighs and mutters and he follows Dewey with Jasmine behind him.

Gabby McStabberson goes to throw blades at Launchpad but Donald squawks and fall on her, "accidentally".

"Oopsie!" Donald said.

"Hmm? Meh. " Gabby holds her sword at Donald. "You made me miss!" She said.

"Uh if we get rid of them now, we can't torture them later!" Donald said.

"Brilliant! I want Scrooge alive when I shove the Jewel of Atlantis in his smug face! He thinks his so rich and so Scottish, but I'm wearing a kilt, McDuck, a kilt!" Glomgold said.

Scrooge finds Dewey on the ground. "Dah! Lad! I thought the traps would get you for sure!" Scrooge said.

Dewey points to the blades whirring above him. "Stupid upside-down temple! Nothing cool about walking under buzzsaws!" Dewey said.

"From now on, don't touch anything!" Scrooge said.

Dewey kicks a rock, which bounces off of a tiki mask and hits a trapdoor, which causes snakes to drop from the ceiling. Everyone runs and the snakes land on Launchpad, who is bitten and gets a snake venom effect.

"Maybe Atlantis was an ambitious first outing." Scrooge said as he cracks his back.

The phone rings again. Louie tries to get Webby to not answer the phone.

"Hi again, Granny! Still at a friend's house. Uh, her name? Subina! A totally real name for a definitely real person!" Webby said and hangs up.

"Uh, good try." Louie said.

Launchpad stumbles in, with snake venom in effect.

"Launchpad, are you okay?" Huey asked.

Launchpad mumbling. "Ah, a little snake venom never" He said before gibbering; as Huey touches his arm. "Hi, nice to meet you! I'm everybody's friend!" Launchpad said.

Launchpad falls on Huey; Huey screams and Donald hears it.

"Um, I've got to go to the bathroom. I'll be right back!" Donald said.

Huey, Louie, and Webby help Launchpad up. Dewey sees Scrooge and Jasmine push a giant boulder away from an entrance to a room with a bridge with blue lasers on it.

"Whoa! Suspension bridge? Chasm? Glowing blue mystical lasers? Classic!" Dewey said.

Donald looks muttering. "Scrooge. Wait till I get my hands on him."

Dewey goes to walk across the bridge.

Scrooge stops Dewey with his cane. "Even a basic death trap still has the word "death" in the title." Scrooge said and puts his cane in a laser which causes fire to burst from below through the bridge.

Donald gets hit by the fire that comes out when you touch a laser and squawks. "Yow!" He said and rubs his tail feathers; sees Dewey, Jasmine and Scrooge. "Oh, no."

"We'll find another route. It's not safe for amateur adventurers."Scrooge said.

"That sounds like a challenge!" Dewey said.

"I have to stress that is not a challenge." Scrooge said.

"Is exactly what you say to dissuade the weak of heart from accepting the challenge! Well, challenge accepted!" Dewey said.

"There's no challenge!"Scrooge exclaimed.

Dewey jumps onto the bridge.

"Dewey!" Donald says and sees and grabs a metal plate.

Dewey walks on the bridge through every laser. Donald is below stopping the fire from hitting him with the metal plate. "Dewey! Dew." Donald runs and screams to stop the fire."Dewey, Dewey, Dewey, Dewey Huh? Aah! Dew, uh, Dewey, Dewey, Dewey. " Donald runs to stop another fire from hitting Dewey. "Dew Oh, no! How does he Dewey it? I don't know" Donald goes to stop the final fire from hitting Dewey. "Dew! And now you know Nailed it!" Dewey still has his foot on the last laser. Donald is struggling to keep the fire down. Scrooge uses his cane to swing on the line under the bridge with Jasmine on his back.

"Sure, if you want to do it the easy way." Dewey said.

"Why wouldn't you want to do it the easy way? You've got to work smarter, lad, not harder." Scrooge said.

"Aah! Ugh, "lad. " I don't call you "old man" or "Scotty McTophat. ""Dewey said.

"Respect your elder. When you adventure with Scrooge McDuck" Scrooge said.

"But I'm not. You want me to adventure behind Scrooge McDuck, or wait by the sub! I might as well be back on the houseboat!" Dewey said.

"Because you have no idea what you're doing!" Scrooge said.

"So show me! Give me a chance instead of lumping us all together in the back seat while you drive!" Dewey said.

"I'm not lumping you all together." Scrooge said.

"Oh, really? Which triplet am I?" Dewey asked.

"It's uh-uh... It's Bluey?" Scrooge questioned.

Dewey walks off of the laser right as Donald lets go of the metal plate and the fire destroys the bridge.

"Aah! Ow! Ugh! Fantastic. You see what I'm talking about?" Scrooge said before yelling to Launchpad, Huey, Louie, and Webby. "You four find another way 'round! We're going to..." He started to say only to see Dewey climbing down to the floor. "push onward, apparently." He continued.

Donald lays on the ground, out of breath.

"Why, this is no bathroom! This shortcuts leads right to the treasure chamber! I don't even know why I hired the rest of you! Help him up!" Glomgold said.

Gabby McStabberson drags Donald by his legs.

Donald was hitting his head on rocks as he was dragged. "Ow. Ouch! Owie! Owie!"

Scrooge was heading into the next room. "Maybe I could just hire some family. Then they'd have to listen to me."  he mumbles

Glomgold: laughs. "There she is, the Jewel of Atlantis!"

Dewey looks whispering. "Who's that?"

Scrooge looks whispering. "Flintheart Glomgold, the poor man's version of me, which, to be fair, still makes him insanely rich."

Glomgold was cackling. "Load up the sub."

"They've got Uncle Donald?" Dewey said.

"What?" Scrooge asked.

Dewey jumps over the entrance he is behind and slides down a pile of money; Scrooge jumps into the money followed by Jasmine. "Let go of my uncle!" Dewey yelled.

"No." Glomgold said.

"I wasn't prepared for that." Dewey said as Jasmine rolled her eyes.

Scrooge pops out from under the coins, knocks down Glomgold, and points his cane at him. "What are you doing here, Flinty?"

"What are you doing here, Scrooge? I told you to keep the boys safe!" Donald said.

Scrooge without turning around. "Ah, they're perfectly fine." Scrooge said.

Donald looks. "Oh, yeah? Where are the other two?"

Scrooge without turning around. "Back safe in the room with the fire and the snakes."

"What?" Donald asked.

Glomgold still on the ground. "Ah, Scroogy. I see you know my newest employee."

"Your new job is with my sworn enemy?" Scrooge asked.

"I can't keep track of all your sworn enemies!" Donald said.

"Now, now, Donald has been a model employee, and an excellent prisoner." Glomgold said.

"Yeah! Wait, what?" Donald asked.

All of Glomgold's employees surround Donald as another blade is pointed at him. He is walked to the exit.

"Hiring my own nephew in order to use him against me? Now, that is good planning." Scrooge said.

Donald is thrown back down into the room.

"Have fun being the second richest duck in the world for the next five minutes." Glomgold said.

Gabby McStabberson throws a blade and it hits another trap door releasing water into the room. It fills the room, quickly.

"I'd like to point out that this trap was not my fault." Dewey said. 

Jasmine looks. "Dewy not now" She said.

Back in the room with the bridge with lasers, everyone else climbs down the bridge that has turned into a ladder. "Junior Woodchuck Rule 841: There's always another way around." Huey said.

The was phone ringing again.

"Oh, no, no, no, no!" Louie said.

"Oh, look! Uncle Hampus is here, and he only speaks Swedish. We don't want to be rude, so good-bye?" Webby said.

"And you're done. Yeah, you're never gonna be able to back up that lie. That was crazy!" Louie said.

Launchpad was falling from the effect of the poison. "Whoa!" He said. "Oh, hej, Beakley! Subina..." He said before starting to speak Swedish.

Glomgold was cackling and holding the jewel. "Take 'em down!" He said to her army.

"Ojda." Launchpad said.

Meanwhile back with Dewey, Jasmine, Scrooge and Donald.  The room was still filling quickly with water. "We gotta stop the water!" Jasmine says.

Donald quacks as he tries to block the water, but nothing is working. He gets angry stuck in the hole with water coming out of it.

"Oh, no. " Donald says as more holes break in the wall and Donald stops them; he sighs. "I knew it! I knew I couldn't trust you with the boys! I can barely trust you with Jasmine but it's not my place to take her from you"

"Not the time, Donald." Scrooge said.

"Crazy old man! All you care about is your next adventure. This is the Spear of Selene and your Lucky Dime all over again!" Donald said referring to the incidents involving Della, Lena and Vanessa.

"I was not responsible for the Spear of Selene or the other incident!" Scrooge exclaimed.

"Stop! Scrooge was trying to keep me out of trouble, but I was so caught up in...why is there a lamp on the floor?" Dewey said as Jasmine looked up.

"What?" Donald asked.

"Atlantis is upside down. That means that lamp was supposed to be on the floor surrounded by all this treasure." Jasmine started to say.

"Attagirl, lass. Keep going." Scrooge said.

"But why would you surround that thing with treasure unless-" Jasmine and Dewey started to say.

"That's the real Jewel of Atlantis!" Jasmine, Dewey and Scrooge all said at the same time.

"That thing lit up when the trap was sprung. I bet me bottom dollar it's the power source that runs the city!" Scrooge said.

"Uncle Donald, you gotta let the room flood so I can grab the jewel." Dewey said.

"That's crazy! I'm supposed to, what, let go? Trust you?" Donald asked.

"Well, yeah, that's kind of all you can do. This is a surprisingly insightful death trap!" Dewey said.

Donald looks at Dewey who is desperate for him to let go of the holes in the wall, and let's go. He swims out of the water before he runs out of breath and grabs onto the treasure chest Dewey, Jasmine and Scrooge are on. Dewey smiles as the water fills the room quickly. They reach the top and pry the jewel out of the giant hand that's holding it. The water spills back to where it came from.

"Hey! We're gonna be okay!" Donald said.

Scrooge, Dewey, Jasmine, and Donald walk out and see everyone else fighting Glomgold's army/employees.

"Oh, yeah, those guys." Donald said and sees Huey and Louie fighting one of Glomgold's employees. "Huey and Louie! You're doing okay!" Donald said.

"Wait! Where's Glomgold?" Scrooge asked as a walkie-talkie crackles.

"Hey, team. Wanted to thank you for keeping Scrooge's kin busy while I escape with the jewel and blow up Atlantis with my most hated rival inside." Glomgold said.

"But I thought employees were greatest treasure of all!" Hack said.

"Don't be ridiculous! Treasure is the greatest treasure of all. That's why it's called treasure! Glomgold out!" Glomgold said.

"We have to go!" Scrooge said.

Donald looks feeling his arm get grabbed. "Huh?" Donald asked and looked.

"Mr.Duck. Could we, um, maybe bum a ride with you?" Gabby asked.

"That was some quick thinking. You just may be adventurers yet, Dewey, Jasmine." Scrooge said.

They soon got back to Duckburg as reporters clamoring.

"Aye, aye. Okay. Settle down. Ha ha! Ladies and gentlemen of the press, it is with great pride that I, Flintheart Glomgold, present..." Glomgold started to say.

Scrooge was pulling up on the submarine as Jasmine jumped out holding the real jewel. "The Jewel of Atlantis!" Jasmine exclaimed.

"What?!" Glomgold said.

"Is that Scrooge McDuck and his daughter Jasmine McDuck? Mr. McDuck" The News Lady asked as the clamor resumes.

"An efficient, clean source of energy that could power Duckburg for 50 years, courtesy of your friends at McDuck Water and Electric." Scrooge said.

"Ooh, Mr. McDuck, how do you respond to claims by other Scottish billionaires that they have the real jewel?" The News Lady asked.

"That bauble? That's nice, but it's obviously super cursed." Scrooge said,

"No, it's not!" Glomgold said.

The water behind Glomgold begins to splash against the rocks as the kraken comes out of the water, roaring.

Glomgold screams as he is grabbed by the kraken. "Curse you, McDuck!" Glomgold exclaimed.

"Webby. Uncle Hampus." Beakly said looking at Webby and Launchpad.

"How long?" Louie asked.

"Whole time." Beakly said.

"Granny, I can explain." Webby said.

"Dear, you are safer in a sunken city with Scrooge McDuck than you are locked in a vault in Fort Knox. No more lies and you can go with him wherever you like." Beakly said as she and Webby hug.

"Now, Donald, don't..." Scrooge said.

"Stop. I admit I'm a little overprotective." Donald says.

"A little?!" Louie exclaimed.

"No matter what I do, these boys will get into trouble, so maybe you could teach them how to get out of trouble." Donald said.

"Uncle Donald?" Huey asked looking at his uncle.

"It might be okay if the boys saw you every once in a while." Donald said.

"At the mansion?" The boys asked.

"Sometimes, like birthdays or federal holidays. Nothing too..." Donald said but was cut off by the houseboat exploding; everyone glares at Dewey.

"Ooh! I may have left the engine running in the houseboat." Dewey said.

"I may have a dozen or so spare bedrooms in the mansion." Scrooge said.

Donald chuckles as the boys cheer and Jasmine smiles happily having her boyfriend live with her now.

"There you have it. Reclusive adventure capitalist Scrooge McDuck is back, with family in tow, solving mysteries and rewriting history." The News Lady said.

Later on they were back at the manor and Launchpad was helping Donald get his house boat into the pool. 

"Easy. A little to the left. No, no, no, no!" Donald said as Launchpad drops the houseboat in the pool, splashing Donald.

"Did I do it good?" Launchpad asked.

The kids are back in the garage. Dewey looks at the same picture from earlier. He pushes up a part that is folding down and there is another female duck in the picture as well.

"Mom?" Dewey asked quietly

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