The Infernal Internship of Mark Beaks!

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Episode opens with Scrooge and Glomgold staring intently at each other while bagpipe music plays in the background.

"Are we going to the store, or..."

"Quiet. I'm in the middle of a vision beast battle of wills"

"So, it's a staring contest?"

"It's not just a staring contest, Nice try, McDuck, but your family bickering will never get me to look away. Never!"

"It's a staring contest"

"Excuse me, this area of the Duckburg Billionaires Club is only for our elite members. The creme de la creme, the finest ducks in Duckburg!"

Mark Beaks enters as Huey and Dewey exits.

"Is that...?"

"Yep. Old guys, nice clubhouse you've got here. Got a real "I'm so rich I don't care how I look" quality about it. Rich peeps! I'm tagging us"

"I'm sorry, who are you?"

"Seriously, Mark Beaks? Founder and CEO of Waddle? Hahaha. Soon-to-be newest addition to the Duckburg Billionaires Club. C'mon!"

Beaks shows off his bank account balance, almost reaching one billion dollars. Glomgold shoves it aside without breaking eye contact with Scrooge.

"Aaaand creator of the newest tech innovation, project "Ta-Dah!"? It's everything you think it is, and nothing you're expecting. I'll flip you my peep deeds so you can follow my updates"

"I don't understand half of those words"

"Woah, weird. I wouldn't have thought you "successful guys" would be so behind the times. Allow me to take to the future" changes the music to a remix version of the bagpipe music.

Reemiiiiiiiix! Pew-pew-pew-pew-wew! Wait for it, wait for it, wait for it, wait for it....Oooohhh!!!"

"That was Mark Beaks! He's right in there! Oh man, I'm almost breathing the same air as him. Oh, ingenuity"

"C'mon, like I couldn't be a young influential business guy!"

"ha ha ha, oh"


"Oh, oh... you were serious? It's just... you're more the "crazy, irresponsible, fun guy" than the "serious, brilliant, successful guy"

"You don't know! At least I'm not the guy who reads about people who do stuff guy. I could be a bigger deal than Beaks in three years tops I'll pay for that in three years. I am very sorry"

Opening theme

"Keep making dat money, y'all, see you at two billion dollars and counting. Stuck-up old money duddies. Don't even have a social media presence"

"Mr. Beaks, I'm Dewey, future astronaut, president and..."


"Genius? You two! I like how much you like me, that shows real smarts. Come by the offices and I'll hook you up with a tour. Maybe even an after-school job? Pew-pew-pew-pew, pew... pew-pew-pew"

"You mean it?"

"Sure, why not?"

"Amazing sauce. I'll text you. Internship starts mañana"

"Och, wallow in the..."

"What? Did you say something?"

"I was just grumbling!"

"Well, do it louder!"

"THEN IT'S NOT GRUMBLING! Gah, I hate this music!"

"We've got to do something about the new guy"

"I never had Lou's pie!"

"No, NEW GUY!"

"Oh. Agreed! Let's get rid of him. Great, now I want pie!" rings bell and looks away and blinks, "Wait, no!"

"Ha! See you tomorrow, Flinty"

"Let's see. Can-do attitude. Check. Professional posture. Check. Completed checklist. Check. Wow, I can't believe we get to be interns at Waddle for Mark Beaks!"

"Yeah, I'm mostly doing it to show off this bad boy"

"What is that?"

"Oh, this? It's my super serious business briefcase. What brilliant business secrets is he hiding in there? Who knooows?"

"You can't open the lock, can you?"


"Welcome to Waddle. Where imagination and innovation get married and have babies"

claps hands an on digit hi-five app to never have to touch anyone to spread germs.

"Digital high five app so you never get left hanging, or you know, had have to touch anyone"

"Come, roll with Beaks. Here are the high-impact trampolines, the low-impact trampolines, and of course, the no-impact trampolines. Those are fun"


"Slides are the new stairs"

"Huh, that's actually pretty cool"

"If, by cool, you mean statistically proven to increase employee productivity. Heh, this guy.
Beaks    Oh, before you ask, yeah, it's all made of candy. You're welcome"

"Ooh, wow. Who knew work could be so awesome?"

"Mark Beaks did. Blammo!"

"He talks the way I want to live!"

"Here are your official Waddle Trainee Beanies. Congratulations, weenies! Oh, P.S. There's only space for one intern, so one of you is going home by the end of the day. Cool? Cool. Beaks out!"

"One internship? Well, heheh, you really didn't want it anyway, so I'll tell Mr. Beaks to give it to me"

"Oh no no no no, sliding my way to billions? Licking other people's stuff? It's everything I never knew I always wanted. I. AM. IIN!!!"

"This is about more than just goofing around."


"You're doing it wrong. This is supposed to be efficient, not fun. Wee"

But suddenly dewy sees gosalyn coming in, "gosalyn?"

"Huh? Dewy, what are you guys doing here? I thought you guys were going to join your uncle at that rich people billionaire club" She asked.

"We did but then we got a internship interview with mark beaks, what are you doing here?"

"Oh I'm here with dad"

She points to him reading a script and there was a camera crew.

"He got called and asked to do a commercial" she says.

"Hah, I'm about to be a billionaire, and when Scrooge tries to follow me online, I'll block him. Man, you are killing it today, Beaks!"

Then his secretary called, "mr. Beaks, mr. Mallard is here, he wants to know when the commercial starts"

"Oh tell him I'll be with him in a minute"

"Hey, you can't go in there. Stop right there!"

"Oh, neat"

Gosalyn was exploring when she bumps into a falcon.

"Watch it kid"

When she saw him, she felt suspicious about him, she hides to see him.

"Mr. Beaks, allow me to introduce myself. Falcon Graves, professional corporate saboteur and..."

"Professional is right, man. That suit game is on point"

"As I was saying, unfortunately for you, I've been hired to steal your coveted project "Ta-Dah!" and--What are you doing?" Gosalyn gasped then she ran to warn drake.

"Uh, I'm just updating my status to hostage. I feel like this could be huge for my online presence"

Graves crushes his phone, Beaks whips out another.

"Oh, were you not done with your speech?"

"Get me to research and development..."

"Hey, let him go!"



"Dad, dad" she ran to find him.

"Turn that nonsense off!"

"I already tried, it's impossible"

Scrooge hits wall button with his cane and music stops.

"Well how was I supposed to know the on button and the off button were the same button?"

"Did you sleep here last night?"

"Don't be ridiculous. Who can sleep when you're plotting against your nemesis? That cocky Mark Beaks may be the only man I hate as much as you"

"I know the feeling"

"So now I propose that we get rid of him" claps to turn on the projector.

"Do we really need a slide show?"

"Heh, sweet, naive Scroogie. Leave the devious planning to the professionals. You're in my world now, McDuck"

"Alright, show me what you got"

"No, you're actually on my side of the room"

Scrooge Slides out of Glomgold's side of the room.

"Oooh, task lists! This is a place of dreams. Oh, I don't know, Dewey. This looks like a bunch of boring business guy tasks. You're not really equipped to handle them, so..."

"And lose this internship to you? No way, this place has free snow cones" takes a snow cone, "Free snow cones"

"Thank you for calling Waddle, please hold. Thank you for calling Waddle, please hold. please hold. Waddle"

"Yep, yep, I totally get it. I hate talking on the phone, too. So that's why I kick my feet up, I'm leaning back..."

"Who are you talking to?"

"Oh, um, bus...- iness- man- ning- ton- son? "Oh, you just missed him"

"Okay, one sandwich cut diagonally with no crusts, no pickles but yes to pickles on the side so you can decide which pickles to use..."

"I got pizza. Everybody loves pizza!"

"New guy! New guy! New guy!"

"But I'm also the new guy...."

Then gosalyn found drake, "dad, dad" she tries to get his attention by pulling on his shirt.


"Not now gosalyn"

"But we got a problem"

He then looks down at her, "what's wrong?"

"We got a stranger danger" she points to graces who was with mark, "i think wants to hurt mr. Beaks"

But all drake saw was that he was another intern, "don't worry gosalyn in sure he's just an intern"

"But dad-"

"Sure he's creepy..." he looks at the falcon and stutter, "very creepy, but I promise you everything will be fine" then he walks away.

"But dad-ugh fine I'll just have to stop him myself" she was on a mission to deal with the falcon.

"There's the high-impact trampolines, the low-impact trampolines..."

"Mr. Beaks, is the tour really necessary?"

"Listen, Graves, if we're going to keep this hostage stuff on the DL, I gotta act natural, and naturally I give tours of my awesome company!"

"Must I wear the hat?"

"You bet. All trainees gotta wear the hat, and you are a trainee, right? Boop! Complimentary snow cone? Oops, you dropped it. Here's another. How about blueberry? Ah, good call. That one stains your mouth forever. Look, see? Aaaahhh"

"You do realize you're in quite a lot of danger right now?"

"I know! I'm going to be trending online for days. Hostage selfie!"

Graves crushes phone, Beaks whips out another.

"Backup phones"

"Excuse me, Mr. Beaks?"

"I just tagged us together. Sup?"

"Mr. Beaks, here's my completed, color-coded, and categorized checklist. I even made some categories for..."

"I ordered everybody pizza"

", who would you say is in the lead for the internship?"

"Oh, uh, I guess you're tied. Oh, mandatory dance break! "Pew-Pew! Chicka-pew! Chicka-pew!"

"And lo, he shall pay for his arrogance as his world crumbles around him, and Beaks will rue the day he heard the name Flintheart Glomgold! Oh, and Scrooge McDuck, I guess"

"Oh, are you finished?"

"What? Every evil plot starts with a declaration of hatred speech! Oh, you have so much to learn"

"Great. Now can we talk about the actual plan?"

"I thought you'd never ask"

"I asked several hours ago!"

"Behold. "change slide on slideshow on the projector while Glomgold's speaking, "Our scheme to destroy Beaks begins with an invitation to a billionaire's convention on a yacht. We'll tell him we're going, but then we won't show. First slam!"

"Seems unnecessary, especially the part about the yacht"

"Emotionally devastated Beaks will seek solace and drown his sorrows at the buffet!"

"A yacht and a buffet for one person? I'm not paying for that"

"Fine, we'll use my yacht. Now, distracted by delicious shrimp, Beaks won't realize he's being sailed into an active volcano, where it will get so hot, he'll jump into the yacht's pool, which unbeknownst to him will be filled with sharks!"

"Where did the sharks come from?"

"I've got a great shark guy. Beaks will be so terrified by the sharks, he'll forget he's in the volcano, and jump blindly into the lava! All while we watch from a bridge above"

"Wait, wait. I thought we wanted to boot him out of our club, not kill him. Although you have tried to kill me countless times, which usually ends up being more annoying than deadly"

"That's right, I'm a genius. Now pay attention cause this is where it gets complicated"

"Listen. I got your most important task yet: Getting my 2:15 artisanal cold pressed coffee. Now, I want almond infused foam. Not almonds in my foam, infused foam. Understood?"

"Coffee with stuff, got it!"

"You don't even know where it is! c'mon c'mon c'mon"

"Almost there! c'mon!"

"Here's another XL Waddle T-shirt, a bunch of Waddle yo-yos, and a Waddle jet-pack. Don't try it, it's super broken"

"Beaks. Coffee. Winner!"

"Oh ah, Um, I'm sorry, why am I getting my 2:15 coffee at 2:14? I didn't get an email about it moving up. Hello? Hello?"

"Just... take... the coffee!" Graves says as gosalyn rolled her eyes, she was annoyed with him.

"According to another Fandom page on the Disney Wiki, Getting Mark Beaks coffee early is one of his dislikes I didn't become an almost-billionaire by having coffee at random times of the day like some commoner! There's an order to things! MY ORDER! AND I..."

"Mr. Beaks! I have your 2:15 coffee at exactly 2:15"

"Ooh, yummy! Things got real for a second back there, right?"

"How is this not very real?"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, one sec. Kid, what's your name?"

"Huey, sir"

"sss oooh, don't love it... "How about brand new Waddle Intern Huey? Haha!"

"Achieve dream. Check"

"Now can we finally get to project "Ta-Dah!"?"

"Woah, is that an ironically fancy briefcase in my super chill work environment?"

"Uh, yeees?"

"What's going on in there? Like brilliant business secrets?"

"You know it."

"Very chill. Oh, I like how you roll. You are my new vice president of fancy business. Intern, you report to him now. Boom. Beaks out!"


"Yes! Faked it, maked it. I didn't even know this was my life's dream until today!"

"But how did I win, and still lose? I worked so hard and had so many completed checklists. Do you need me to get a briefcase? Cause I can go get one and become the vice president of being chill, cause I'm chill. I'm straight chilling! Like a villain, even!"

"Oh no, Huey's broken"

"Or, I can be chief manager of being broken!Cause anyone can just be anything! Look at me, everybody, now I'm the Duke of Making a Mess!"

"What's wrong with him?" Gosalyn asked.

"Watch out for the Duke!"

"Mr. Beaks, is everything okay?"

"Uh, this again?"

"Ow! Ow! Ugh!"

"Oh, I missed that last punch. Could you prop him back up and do it again?"

"No more games! You're all my captives now. You, vice president. Take me to project "Ta-Dah!"!"

Then he turns to gosalyn seeing her spying at him, he grabs her by her jacket.

"AH! hey let me go"

"No witnesses"

"Yes, of course, sure. Uuummmm..."

"Seriously? "It's that way"

"It's that way. Of course it's that way. Sorry, it's my first day, but ehhehh go this way"

"Welcome to the cutting edge of the latest technology. See that in the air, what is that? It's called magic"

"Open the vault, now. Or I hurt the girl"

"Ugh, Fine I'll open the vault now, but do what you want with the girl, I don't even care about her"finally take you to project 'Ta-Dah!'" Bleh! Ugh. Menacing man, small children, little girl prepare yourselves for my greatest invention"

Then suddenly drake walks in to find mark but when he saw gosalyn being held hostage he panicked.



"What? Nothing?" He drops gosalyn.


"Everything you think it is, and nothing you're expecting!"

"You got the nothing part right"

"So project "Ta-Dah!" is a hoax?"

"TA-DAHHHHH!!! I built hype for a fake product, everyone invests in my company, kablam! I'm a billionaire!"

"You got to be kidding me" gosalyn says as drake helps her up.

"You mean to tell me that I been here since 7:30 only to find that I'm doing a commercial for a product that's not even real!" Drake snapped.

"This is ridiculous, I'm calling my employer"

"Go for Beaks"

"How difficult" gosalyn says as drake pinched his beak and shook his head frustrated.

"Well gosalyn you We're right about the falcon"

"Uggghhhh!!... You've got to be kidding me!! Why would you hire me to steal something that doesn't exist???!!!"

"So he gets to say project "Ta-Dah!" was stolen, but he still keeps the money"

"See? Fancy business gets it. Why actually put in the hard work of "inventing" something when I can just tell everybody I did. Fake it til you make it, right? And become a billionaire! Buh-bam! Just crossed the mark. Aw, count them zeros! One! Two! Three! Four! Five- blah I'm bored. You get it. And it's all thanks to you bud. Get over here, selfington!"

"I can't believe I looked up to you"

"You and your whole company are as fake as project "Ta-Dah!""

"Maybe, but the money and the buzz are very, very real. I just got so many followers!"


"Gravesie, there's a helicopter waiting for you on the roof. You know what? Keep the beanie"

"Ugh! I do not being lied to!!!"

"Neither do I" drake says.


"Ooh, this is fun. Where are we going?"

"To the roof, so I can TOSS YOU OFF IT!!"

"Hey let him go" gosalyn pulls in graves shirt.

"Gosalyn no!" Drake tried to stop her.

"No witnesses" but graves grabs her.

"Hey!" Drake gets furious.

"Who loves being a part of my twisted, evil plot? You, yes you do!"

"Why on earth should we ever need this?" points to a stuffed bunny.

"Well, how else is Beak's going to know he's at the annual carrot festival? You clearly didn't understand the plan. Let's start from the beginning. Behold! Our s..."

"No!" accidentally kicks a box, a slide tray rolls out of it.

"Backstabbing Scrooge: Version 3" what-- What's this?"

"Oh, i-it's nothing!"
Scrooge projects the slides, revealing Glomgold's plan to make Scrooge fall into the same lava that Beaks would jump into.

"This whole thing is a trap for me, isn't it?"

"Whaaaaat? Nooooooo. Of course not. Your new best friend would neeeever... No, stay right there"
an axe falls off, but it missed Scrooge.

"Uh, thank goodness you moved at the last minute or you would have been destroyed by the axe"

"How long have you been planning that one? More than six months?"

"I don't want to say"

"I can't believe I wasted a whole day obsessing over someone I don't like, and it nearly got me killed. Who am I? You? Ugh. Have fun with your new nemesis. I'm going to go beat you both by actually being a better billionaire" starts music back up.

"Help, project 'Ta-Dah!' was stolen, and now I'm going to be tossed off the roof." Oh, should I add a sad face, or is that too much?"

Gosalyn struggles to release herself from his grip.

"Oh, ground" Graves takes away his phone, "Dude, not cool! That's my last backup phone!"


"We gotta save Beaks, right? I mean, he's the worst, but it's the right thing to do"

"Why? I'm sure your Biggest Favorite Friend will just fake his way through it like everything else"

" Okay, first off, that's not what BFF stands for. And secondly, guys like him, guys like me, we have to put on a show and fake it because smart guys like you are so good at making it. We don't need this. What we need.... is a checklist. In fact, here's a checklist for how to get through this. One, get a plan. Two, ask Huey for a plan. Three, do you have a plan yet, cause honestly I don't know how checklists work"

"Come boys focus" drake says. "Get behind me"

"I got it. Hey, Graves, over here" he pushes Dewey.

"This is dumb, I hate this plan"

Beaks takes back his phone while Graves is distracted.

"Haha, I win. Oh gross, your dumb fingerprints smudged my screen.""

"And that's I'm important then your life" gosalyn groans.

"You're a kid you Don't understand"

"Now go be Dewey!"

Dewey tries hitting Graves with his briefcase.

"Take this! And all of these!"

"Time Out! We have to take off these stupid hats. It's humiliating"

"Time in!"

"Dewey, whatever you do, do not tell Graves what's in the briefcase!"

"What is in the briefcase?"

"Oh, this briefcase? Just a bunch of fancy business secrets. Very hush-hush, you see the lock?"

"Give me that. What's the code?"

"Not so fast" drake takes the suit case, "unhand my daughter"

He looks at his right who he was still holding her.

"Go and get her then" he throws over the building.


"GOSALYN!" Drake ran then he slides, he caught her hand on time, he saw the fear on her face and pulls her up.

He checks her for any wounds then he looks back at haves and glared.

Then briefcase opens, bursting out money "Oh, okay..."

"You just made a big mistake mister" he sees drake marching over to him.

"You can hurt marks for all I care, BUT YOU LEAVE MY DAUGHTER OIT OF THIS"

But grabes just laughs, "and what are you gonna do, hurt me" he jab his finger on his chest.

But drake grabs his hand and twisted it, "AH!"

Then he twisted his arm right around, pulls himself up, wrapped his legs around his neck then started punching his beak face and chest  then he jumps off graves and kicks him, Graves falls off the roof, but safely lands on the low-impact trampoline.

"Aaahhh, That's it I'm done! and I'm untagging myself from all those photos"

"That's gotta be 20 million dollars! Where did you get a briefcase full of money?"

"Next to the suit of armor in the Billionaires Club. That place needs better security"

Then they see drake grabbing gosalyn shoulders.

"You ok"

"Yeah I'm fine"

"'Sup over here?"

"Um, we saved your life"

"Right, So drake still wanna shoot that commercial"

"Are you kidding me, you lied about a product then you nearly got my daughter killed"

"Come on you are gonna let that get between us I know we can work out something"

He grabs drake's shoulders then hands him some cash but drake just glared at him.

"Forget it, me and my daughter aren't an object you can just buy, no find yourself a new actor"

He grabs gosalyn hand and they head out then he turns to the boys.

"Hey, so obviously I have to fire you guys because you know the secret of Project "Ta-dah," and if you tell anybody I'll just say you're lying because you're mad I fired you. Cool? Cool. Cool"

Dewey snatches his phone and starts typing.

"My face looks like a butt." And... sent" Gives the phone to Huey.

"Seriously, that's your big plan? Who even cares about what--"

"It already has a thousand likes!"

"What? No! No! I can't delete it now! Give it Back! Give it Back!"

In slow motion Huey drops his phone causing Mark Beaks to shout out.


then he jumps off the the building and grabs his phone. With tears in his eyes, he types "#YOLO", presses send, and hugs his phone tight. In normal speed He lands on the same trampoline and then it bounces him to the ground.

"Ha! Me and my phone are fine! Haha, we totally crushed that fall!" The phone slips in his hand making it land on the ground, he was about to pick it up but the bike crushes his phone.

"Aw, man!"

"Letter for billionaire Mark Beaks"

"Aha! That's me" He rips the envelope and blows it and takes out the letter.

"Ooooo, an invite to a billionaires convention on a yacht. Awesome town, population: Beaks. I still get to be a Duckburg billionaire!"

"And everything that comes with it" He takes off his mustache off and puts his beard on and pulls out phone.

"Get the sharks ready" he Laughs sinisterly.

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