Meeting fethery

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This is p.o.v.

You're starting you first day working as an intern for dr. Fethry Duck but when you meet him, he's not what you expected to him to be

You then soon fell victim of his charms

[The episode begins with you walking up to McDuck Mansion]

You are (seagull, swan, pelican, or puffin), your name is Shelly Magellan and your the great-granddaughter of another multimillionaire and owner of a big company

You wear a sea foam green dress, a white trench coat, a crescent diamond collar, and black heel boots, blue eyes and short hair

Shelly: (sigh)

As you walk in, your greeted by his housekeeper, ms. Beakley

Scrooge McDuck is in his office working on some paperwork

Knock, knock

Scrooge: come in

Ms. Beakley: mr. McDuck, there's a women here to see you

Scrooge: ah that must by the new intern, sent her in

Ms. Beakley: mr. McDuck will see you now

You're grandfather made an agreement, but in order for their companies to collide together, you must work for his nephew fethry Duck

As you walk in, you see Scrooge McDuck for the very first time

Scrooge: ah you must be Shelly right

Shelly: (British accent) yes sir

Scrooge: come in, come in

You walk over to him, shake hands and sit down

And after hours of going over your resume

Scrooge: well, it seems your qualified for this type of jobs

You smile as you hear him talking about hiring you

You hear a Tin can on a desk ringing

Fethry: Brring, Brring, Brrring. Answer me please. Brrring.

Shelly: Huh

You were confused at first as Scrooge looked upset

Scrooge: ugh

Shelly: uh, I think your can is ringing.

Scrooge: Tatter me tartan, Ugh, that can is  Fethry calling from a top-secret deep sea laboratory

Shelly: oh Top-secret, Deep sea laboratory

you sound thrilled

Shelly: how intriguing

Scrooge    Don't get too excited. Fethery's a bit, well he's uh-

Nephews: Weird and crazy

You turned to see his three nephews, Dewey, Huey and Louie that are playing around in a wagon filled with dangerous weapons

Shelly: oh I'm sure he's not all that bad

Scrooge: oh you're a brave one lassie but do be careful, cause the last time we visit him for his invention, we rush down there just to go on some fool's errand wrapped up in an needlessly dangerous adventure with some rumbling lectures, That make no sense, it nearly caused me millions for some such nonsense.

He closes his book and takes his hand out to you

Scrooge: well good luck my dear and-

Shelly: (gasp)

You were surprised when you see him taking your hand in his

You're in the sub getting ready to meet fethry, launchpad is driving you as you look around to see The treacherous high seas

Launchpad: down here I call it the underwater sky

Shelly: whoa

You fascinated by the beauty of the Mid-atlantic ocean

Shelly: I bet you find so many Forbidden beasts of the deep out here

You looks at him and thought "maybe he might know something about fethry"

Shelly: say you worked for the McDuck family for a long time, tell me what to you know about dr. fethry Duck

Launchpad: don't know nothing much but that he's got his own team a nod discovered this new type of krill

Shelly: whoa

The more you know about this guy, the more good feeling you'll get about him

Shelly: so when are we- whoa


You see that he crashes into a haunted lighthouse

Shelly: ugh

Launchpad: we're here

You get out and look around to see the ocean view

Shelly: whoa I'm liking the view from out here

Fethry: Hey

Shelly: Huh

You hear his voice and look around to find him

Fethry: up here.

You look up to see him in the lighthouse

Fethry: It's me, dr. Fethry, Come on up.

You run upstairs and as you got inside, you see what you thought was him, happens to only a dummy

Shelly: hello, dr. Fethry? Hmm, dr.-

Fethry    WARNING!

Shelly: AH!

You get startled as he appears upside down in front of you

Fethry: Never drink sea water! Tempting as it is, it'll just make you thirstier

You heart beats fast from the surprise attack to quickly calm down

Shelly: (gasp) (gasp) (gasp)

Fethry: oh I'm so sorry (chuckles) I didn't mean to scare you

You see him climbing down

   Shelly: it's quite fine (gasp) What were you doing hanging upside down performing some kind of experiment on the effect of gravity on sponges?

Fethry: Well I was just decompressing from all the deep sea pressure on the uh... what's that thing that does all the thinking... BRAIN!

Shelly: OH

Fethry: you must by my new intern I'm Fethry.

Shelly: dr. Fethry, I'm Shelly  Magellan

You hand your hand in front of him and he takes in both of his and shakes it, you blush to feel his warm hand

Fethry: Shelly Huh what a nice name it's nice to meet ya

Shelly: (giggles) uh thank you, so what was  the dummy for?

Fethry: what dummy

He looks down to see that you were talking about Arturo

Fethry: what dummy, Oh you mean Arturo! He's just here to scare pirates

You panic to Hear the sound of pirates

Shelly: (gasp) pirates are you endangered for in trouble by troublesome bandits

He assures you everything is fine

Fethry: oh don't worry, none never come Here, Never. He's that good.

Fethry: it's been a while since we had an outside in the lab in years, it's really Great to see you

He looks down to see her diamond collar

Fethry: I like your necklace

You touched it and flattered by his compliment

Fethry: so shall we begin the tour

He bows down takes his elbow out in front of you

Shelly: yeah

You wrap your arm in his elbow And as you two walk, he stops turns around and grabs you shoulders as he looks in your eyes

Fethry: oh hey, You want to see something? I mean really see something?

Shelly: Uh, yeah sure, that's what I'm here for

Fethry: Then come, my ocean pearl, to liquid space, the silent habitat

Shelly: (giggles)

You were flustered by the cute name he gave you

Shelly: (gasp) oh

He pulls down a lever and you go down to see the rest of the lab

Fethry: Dive! Dive! Presenting man's niftiest invention: the Aquavator. Ahoy explorers. As we descend, we ask that you keep your hands and arms inside the vehicle. No flash photography, and watch your children, please.

Shelly: Uh, but there aren't any children here dr.

Fethry: Oh, well ignore everything I just said, let me be the first to welcome you to the McDuck sub-lab of the future. The sub-lab of the future was actually built in the past, nineteen sixty-four. The goal: to explore the unexplored.

You ignore what he was saying as you stare at him tenderly as he sows you the little diagram of the sub lab

Shelly: (sigh)

Fethry: We have the Tully Observatory where we do all our sciency projects and what have you. Five star cafeteria, Indoor jai alai court, Outdoor jai alai court, heh less popular,

You only meet him for one second and your starting to fall for him

Fethry: and my little addition: the Dream room. Great for naps, relaxation, embracing the unending darkness, becoming one with the abyss.

He shakes his head to snap himself out of his craziness, you back away eyes open a bit

Fethry: You're in for a real treat, shining seashell set your minds to wonder.

Shelly: Uh shining seashell?

You smirk at him

Fethry: yes, you collar is shiny like a shell and your name reminds me of a seashell shining seashell

You were not even once weirded out by him

Shelly: Wow, Genius? Visionary? And In charge of a massive research facility, I wonder if he's married

You see him licking the equipment, you walk over to him as he pulls out a light

Fethry: Behold. The world's best-kept secret: the ocean.

You get a closer look and see a strange fish staring at you

Shelly: oh, uh- well it's pretty amazing

You turn to him

Shelly: do you think we might see an apex predator.

Fethry: maybe there's plenty of ocean, so take it all in. Become one with it.

You turn to see him losing himself to science

Shelly: Huh dr. Fethry what are you doing

Fethry: shh, I'm becoming one with the ocean

You see him mimicking a dolphin

Shelly: ok?

He's a classic eccentric genius, one of the the top rung of scientists

Shelly: so dr. Fethry, I hope you don't mind me asking, Do you know any-

Shelly: AAHH! What was that?

You both look out the window to see volcanos

Fethry: Volcanic ruptures that blow toxic minerals into the ocean's lowest depths. You do not want to be around them

Shelly: oh, why

Fethry: good question....

He looks down to see something wrong

Fethry: for later, hmm The hydrothermal vents are mucking up the water. We'll need the help of my team.

Shelly: oh your team? Are we going to meet them

Fethry: yep, oh I can't wait for you to meen Mitzy

Shelly: mitzy?

Fethry: Puh-puh-puh-puh-pit stop!

Shelly: (gasp)

You grab on to one of the handles and hang on tight as he shifts the aquavator down

You go to the Docking sequence and turn around as you see fethry behind you holding a crowbar

Shelly: (gasp)

You panic as you thoughtcrimes was going to attack you, only to find him using it open the other side of the door

Fethry: ah, Got it.

You both walk in

Shelly: whoa, where are we

Fethry: the Tully Observatory

You pushes you ahead of him

Fethry: Go ahead, the team's waiting, Woah!

You heard a noise and turn around to find him gone

Shelly: dr. Fethry? Where are you, dr.
You turned around to see something crawling out of the shadow to attack you


Shelly: (screaming) AH!!

As you scream you see two giant sea-worms coming at you, you look up to find fethry pushing them back

Fethry: ugh, no she is not a threat, bad worms bad

You look up to find them calming down and pulling back

Shelly: dr. Fethry What are those?

Fethry: Giant sea worms mutated from the toxic vents

You look at them and quickly get back up

Fethry: Sorry about them, they were trained to be super protective in case any thieves try to break in and steal something valuable of mines, oh Shelly meet Steve and Sammy, boys meet Shelly my new intern

Shelly: Huh are they bad

Fethry: (chuckles) oh no, But they can sense fear. Just be friendly, affectionate, convince them you're not a threat. Observe

He takes your hand and presses it on the worms head, it allows you to pet it

You quickly calm down and feel safe around

Shelly: oh

Fethry: I wish you could've seen the others, well Come on, Gem of my ocean

You follow him in a room as he takes out a jar of krill

Fethry: Shelly, I'd like you to meet our distinguished team.

You look around trying to find them

Shelly: where are they?

Fethry: you're looking at them, Team, meet our newest member and lovely intern Shelly, blue Sea flower meet Charles, Sylvia, Cameron, Phillipe, Fish-breath, Simone, Virgil, Beverly, Nicholas, Alastair, Benji, Doctor Krill, and of course the ever feisty Hans.

At first you thought it was a joke until he became serious

Shelly: That's the team

Fethry: Uh huh. Their natural bio-luminescence can light our way if need be. It guarantees we always have a light source as we go deeper.

You bend down to get a closer look at them and smile at him

Fethry: fascinating

You bend down to get a closer look at them and smile at him

Shelly: yeah fascinating

You see him singing to them

Fethry: (humming)

You both go back to the aquavator, and continue to go deeper

Shelly: hmm, are we in the Benthopelagic zone

Fethry: Down here i just call it the deep, deep, total, absolute, very, very, bottom zone. It's easier to remember

You watch him walking back to the panel and thought

Shelly: so dr. Fethry, can you tell me something

Fethry: okay, I'm a woodchuck member

Shelly: what? no! I mean-well I was talking to your Uncle Scrooge and he and your cousins say that you're well weird

He looks up his face turned away from you and looks down a bit

Fethry: oh well let's just say that I'm different from my family

Shelly: really

You walk up to him and touch his shoulder

Shelly: well so am I

He turns to face her

Fethry: really

Shelly: yeah

Fethry: but how

Shelly: I'm the only girl in my family

Fethry: wow

You two stare in each other's eyes


Fethry/Shelly: whoa

Shelly: what was that

Fethry: looks like the End of the line, Something's cut the cable to the bottom observatory.

Shelly: What?

Fethry    This whole lab is falling apart. Ooh, I warned Uncle Scrooge about the upkeep.

Shelly: So those that we were not going to see your discovery

Fethry: Oh don't worry, I can still show you the findings in my airtight pod, but we'll have to swim

Shelly: swimming

As you two get ready to swim, you have a hard time confessing to fethry your fear of swimming

Fethry: Oh, do watch out for the vents.

Shelly: Uh dr. Fethry

Fethry: yeah

Shelly: I can't go

Fethry: oh of course you can

Shelly: NO, I-I can't swim

He looks at you in concerns and thought of an idea

Fethry: hey, I got an idea

As you two head out in the ocean, you hang tight to him as he opens up the jar and let's his team out, he looks down to see how scared you are and starts to in

Fethry: (singing) Blue krill, blue krill, under the sea, true blue little friends I sing to thee. Wet water above and wetter water below, let your friendly glow show the way through the O- cean.

As soon as you calm down, you look up and see the beauty of the krill

Shelly: whoa

Fethry: Alright team, flank out. Precious conch shell our journey continues.

Shelly: dr. Fethry, why those it feel warm down here

Fethry: it might the hydrothermal vents.

Shelly: oh ok

You made it inside

Fethry: Welcome. I'm still harmonizing the furniture to the room. Finding that positive circulation. Working on the sub-aquatic Feng shui.

You look around to see what a big mess it was

Shelly: what room is this

Fethry: oh well this pod was my broom closet

Shelly: broom closet, you mean your not a real scientist

Fethry: oh no I am, I used to be the lab's caretaker. Scrooge stationed me for little light cleaning. you could say I'm well versed in the custodial sciences.

Shelly: oh ok

Fethry: I spend last four and a half years here. Anyway, the moment you've been waiting for.

You get ready to see his discovery

Fethry: A true biological wonder. You are The first to see this unbelievable discovery .

Shelly: oh

Fethry: You must be thirsty after our long trip  . Can I get you something to drink

Shelly: Huh, no think you, I'm fine, now the thing

Fethry: Huh, Oh yes yes yes, over here. Now, just look out there

You look outside and see the krill forming in a circle and glowing

Fethry: ta-dah!

You were first confused

Shelly: Huh are they trying to communicate by their glow or did you train them to do something breathtaking

Fethry: no their glowing, all rainbow-y. I've never seen anything like it

You look up at him as he wraps his arm around your shoulder

Shelly: yeah they're very beautiful but how is this exactly a scientific breakthrough?

Fethry: I don't know. I just thought it looked pretty.

Shelly: but sir everyone knows that, it's not exactly a big discovery,

Fethry: I know but I wanted to see how you reacted, you see when I brought my cousins here, they just see me as a crazy weird cousin that'll never be a scientist, that's what Uncle Scrooge said to me, I'll never be a scientist with my craziness

You feel bad for him as He looks back into the window and frowns

Fethry: (sigh) look I understand if you don't want to be around a weirdo like me, you can leave if you want

You grab his shoulders and turns him to you

Shelly: that makes both of us

He stares at you in confusion

Fethry: Huh

Shelly: I'm weird too, that what makes me different from my family

He smiles as he grabs her arms and looks her in the eyes

Shelly: besides I don't think of you as weird just unique in your own way

Fethry: you don't find me weird

Shelly: I don't let it freak me out

As you two lean in to each other


Fethry/Shelly: whoa

You feel that something has shaken the pod

Shelly: what was that

He looks outside to see what was happening

Fethry: Oh it's nothing much but there's a monster's out there that gonna eat us!

Shelly: (gasp)

Fethry: We have to get out of here! Follow the team

As you both swam away from the monster that chewed up the lab, you know were no forced to conquer your fear of the ocean and swim

You make inside the aquavator, fethry takes his helmet off and pulls you pull

Shelly: what was that?

It was the size of mitzy, you looks back at fethry

Shelly: does this usually happen, are we going to die

He turns to you and looks sincere

Fethry: what? No, we'll be alright I promise (I hope)

You look at the light

Shelly: Maybe we can get a better look at it.

As you shine the light on it, you were shocked to see that it was 70 feet prehistoric shark known to mankind

Shelly: the Megalodon

Fethry: Huh? (gasp)

He joins you and surprise to see the prehistoric creature

Fethry: but they only existed for 3.6 million years ago, Didn't they go extinct

Shelly: parentally this one survived

Shelly: dr. Fethry what are we going to do

Panic, you see him trying to figure out a way out, he gets an idea and you hear him start to sing

Fethry: (singing) Blue krill, blue krill, in the deep dark sea.

Shelly: dr. Fethry what are yo-

He held out one finger up

Fethry: (singing) dear blue little friend, please set us free. Danger is here, danger is there, this Shelly and we're scared

They looked into the deep darkness of the ocean to find the Megalodon coming at them

Shelly/fethry: (gasp) ah

But before she could attack them, Mitzi came at the shark and hit her back

Shelly: Huh

Fethry: (gasp) Mitzi!

Shelly: who

You look up at the giant krill

Shelly: that's Mitzi?

Fethry: yeah, she got mutant by one of the vents

You breath in a sigh of relief knowing he's not taken but surprised by his gigantic teammate

As the the giant krill attack the great prehistoric shark, fethry brings you back up to the surface.

You both ran to va see her pop out of the ocean, you were amazed to see how colorful and beautiful she was

Fethry: (laughing) Mitzi, you did it, you showed that Prehistoric shark who's the boss, isn't she amazing

You look up at the giant krill and back at fethry

Shelly: yeah she sure is, thanks dr. Fethry

You touch his shoulders and he smiles back at you, then you look up at Mitzi

Shelly: and thank you too Mitzi for saving us

After they change back to their normal clothes, you get ready to leave

Fethry: Shelly wait

Shelly: yeah

You turn you to face him

Fethry: huh, do you still think you could work with a guy who talks to krill

You smile at him and say

Shelly: have you ever thought about what sea turtles think

He smiles back

Fethry: all the time

Shelly: then that will be out first project together, I'll back first thing in the morning

You put your hand in front of him

Shelly: dr. Fethry

he Smiles back at you

Fethry: looking forward to it, intern Shelly

As you finishing shaking, you can i lo ran to his face and kisses his left cheek

Fethry: oh

You wave goodbye as he turns red and touches his cheek

And as you got to the submarine, you thought

This is a start of a beautiful relationship

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