Darkwing in: la Llorna

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In Darkwing's hideout, shrouded in shadows. The air is tense. Darkwing and Gosalyn face each other, the atmosphere thick with conflict.

"Gosalyn, this has to stop. You can't keep putting yourself in danger" darkwing says.

Gosalyn's voice was trembling with emotions, "I'm not a kid, Darkwing! I can help you. I want to help you!"

"It's not about what you want! I can't focus if I'm worried about you getting hurt"

"So, what? You're sending me away?"

"Yes. It's for your own good. You need to be safe" darkwing sighs heavily, looking away.

"I don't belong in an orphanage! I belong with you!" Gosayln says furiously.

"Not anymore" Darkwing was cold.

At the orphanage. The walls seem to close in, oppressive and unwelcoming. Mrs. Crumple, the cruel caregiver, a Cassowary glares at Gosalyn as she enters.

"Welcome to back, troublemaker. Follow the rules, and you might survive"

"I won't stay here long"

She was leaning in, her breath cold, "We'll see about that"

Over the past few days, after Drake aka Darkwing abandoned Gosalyn, she sneaks out of the orphanage, running through the dark forest.

She reaches a secluded lake, collapsing at the water's edge, sobbing.

"How could he do this to me?" Gosayln sobbed.

The water ripples, and a mist rises. But a A ghostly legend, figure shadow appears dark eyes staring from the reflection of the lake. A woman in a white dress.

a figure from Latin American folklore. According to legend, she is a ghostly apparition of a woman who roams near bodies of water, weeping for her lost children. The myth of a weeping women.

The legendary La Llorona, she emerges, her eyes filled with sorrow, she saw pain in gosayln

She slowly pulls out of the lake, her boney cold fingers touched gosayln shoulder.

"AH!" She gets startled, but too upset to care when she looks up at La Llorona who whispered to her.

"Who... who are you?"

La Llorona kneeling beside her, whispering, "what's wrong? My hero... he sent me away. He thinks I'm a burden. I thought he cared enough to adopt me but I guess I was wrong"

La Llorona gently brushes gosayln hair back whispering.

Gosayln smiles at her, "thank you for listening to me...what's that? You know what it's like...you had children of your own? What happened to them?....they died...oh I'm so sorry how did they died?....they were drowned, just be hard, you know I lost my grandfather to a bad man"

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Over several more days, gosayln would always head back to The lakeside, to visit her new friend and mother figure.

After several nights later. Gosalyn sits by the water, speaking animatedly to La Llorona, who listens intently.

"And then I said, "You call that a trap? I've seen better from kindergarteners!.....I wish Darkwing could see that. Maybe then he wouldn't have sent me away. Thanks, La Llorona. You're the best friend I've had in a long time. What's that? I'm the daughter you wish you could have had. That's so sweet, well I guess I should get back now before Ms crumple gets mad and punished me again I swear she needs to stop being so mean, I wish someone would teach her a lesson"

But La Llorona is a dangerous ghost when it comes to children, at The orphanage. Mrs. Crumple is harsher than ever, berating Gosalyn as she scrubs the floor.

"You're not working fast enough, girl! Do you want to skip dinner again?"

"I'm going as fast as I can!"

Mrs. Crumple grabbing Gosalyn's arm roughly, "Don't you talk back to me! You'll learn your place soon enough"

It was raining outside when La Llorona saw how gosayln was being treated, she gets furious.

Later that night, by the lake. La Llorona steps out of the lake and heads to the orphanage when she sees Gosalyn.

As everyone heads to their room, gosayln saw La Llorona.

"La Llorona!" She whispered and hugs the ghost, "I'm so glad you're here, She's so mean, La Llorona. I don't know how much more I can take"

The next night, A dark, stormy night. The orphanage sits ominously against the backdrop of rolling thunder and flashes of lightning. Inside, Gosalyn lies in her bed, staring at the ceiling, the oppressive silence broken only by the occasional drip of rainwater through a crack in the roof.


"I can't stay here anymore... I have to leave"

Suddenly, a cold breeze sweeps through the room, extinguishing the single flickering candle by her bedside. The room plunges into darkness, and the temperature drops sharply. Gosalyn pulls her blanket tighter, eyes wide with fear.

La Llorona's Voice softly, echoing, "Gosalyn... niña..." Gosalyn sits up abruptly, heart pounding.

"La Llorona? Is that you?"

A misty figure materializes at the foot of her bed, La Llorona's sorrowful eyes glowing faintly in the dark.

The hallway outside Gosalyn's room. Mrs. Crumple walks down the darkened corridor, muttering to herself about the troublemaker she has to deal with. She hears a distant, haunting wail echoing through the halls.

"What now? Who's making that racket?"

The wail grows louder, more intense, reverberating off the walls. The air grows colder with each step she takes.

Then A gust of icy wind blasts through the corridor, knocking Mrs. Crumple off her feet. She scrambles to get up, panic setting in as she realizes she is not alone.

"Who's there? Show yourself!"

Darkwing's hideout. He's looking at news footage of the recent attack he thwarted, realizing Gosalyn's warnings were accurate.

"She was right. I've made a terrible mistake. I have to make things right" darkwing says to himself.

In Gosalyn's room. La Llorona stands beside Gosalyn, her spectral form now more defined, her expression one of determined anger.

The hallway. Mrs. Crumple stumbles to her feet, her breath visible in the cold air. Shadows move along the walls, and the wailing grows unbearably loud. Suddenly, La Llorona appears before her, her eyes burning with fury.

"What are you? Stay away from me!"

La Llorona raises her hand, and the shadows around Mrs. Crumple come to life, wrapping around her limbs, holding her in place. She struggles, but the grip tightens, making her scream in terror.

"Let me go! Please!" Ms crumple cried.

Gosayln hears Mrs. Crumple's screams echoing through the halls, fear gripping her heart. She stands at the door, hesitating.

"La Llorona, what are you doing?" Gosayln watched.

The shadows lift Mrs. Crumple into the air, her screams piercing the night. La Llorona steps closer, her face inches from Mrs. Crumple's.

A sudden explosion of force sends Mrs. Crumple crashing into a gas lamp, which topples over, igniting the curtains. Flames quickly spread through the hall, the heat intensifying.

The orphanage, now ablaze. Darkwing arrives, seeing the flames engulfing the building.

seeing the building engulfed in flames. He rushes in, calling out for Gosalyn.

"Gosalyn! Where are you?"

"Gosalyn! I'm coming!"

In Gosalyn's room. Smoke begins to fill the room, and Gosalyn coughs, trying to stay low. She gets scared and she hears Darkwing's voice faintly over the roar of the flames.




He finally finds her but the building started to collapse splitting apart.

"Gosayln come on grab my hand" he reachers out for her but then....

Gosayln looks back as if someone was calling her, "gosayln what are doing come on"

But she leaves, "gosayln don't"

He jumps and he sees her looking up at someone, he ran and as some debris collapsed.

"Gosayln! I'm coming" desperately. He pushes through and He finds Gosalyn unconscious on the floor, the fire closing in around her. He grabs her and carries her out just as the building starts to collapse.

"Hold on, Gosalyn. I've got you"

Outside the orphanage. Darkwing carries Gosalyn out just as the building starts to collapse. They tumble onto the grass, gasping for air. Gosalyn loses consciousness as Darkwing holds her, tears streaming down his face.

The hospital. Drake sits by Gosalyn's bed, guilt and worry etched on his face.

"I'm so sorry, Gosalyn. I should have never sent you away"

Gosalyn stirs, her eyes opening slowly. But something is different. She stares blankly at Darkwing, not speaking.

"She's conscious, but... she seems different. We'll need to monitor her closely"

"I'll take care of her. I'm not leaving her side again"

"Gosalyn, I'm here for you. I'm going to adopt you officially. We're going to get through this together"

Gosalyn doesn't respond, her gaze unchanging. Darkwing embraces her, vowing to be the protector and father she needs, despite the eerie silence that now surrounds her.

The lakeside. La Llorona watches from the shadows as Darkwing finalizes the adoption process. Her ghostly form flickers with rage.

"He thinks he can take you from me? No. You are mine, niña. I will get you back, no matter the cost"

In that hospital room, later that night. Gosalyn lies in bed, her eyes flickering with a ghostly light. La Llorona's voice echoes faintly in the room.

Gosalyn's expression remains blank, but a single tear falls, hinting at the internal struggle within her. Darkwing watches over her, unaware of the spirit that now resides within his daughter.

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