Darkwing in: terrifier

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Darkwing vs art the clown

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It's all starts at a Halloween carnival, It was a crisp, clear evening at the Halloween carnival in saint canard.

The air was filled with the sounds of laughter, the smell of caramel apples, and the twinkling lights of rides and attractions.

illuminated by flickering lanterns shaped like jack-o'-lanterns.

As visitors stepped inside the boardwalk, Drake and gosayln arrived for a little father and daughter bonding.

they were greeted by an array of carnival rides, The Ferris wheel was draped in cobwebs, with seats resembling giant pumpkins, slowly turning under the pale glow of the full moon.

The carousel featured mystical creatures like skeletal horses and ghostly griffins, their eyes glowing eerily as they spun to a hauntingly whimsical tune.

The midway was bustling with activity, filled with stalls offering an assortment of Halloween-themed games and prizes.

They watched as Children and adults alike tossed rings onto witch's hats, shot water guns at moving targets that resembled creepy clowns, and fished for rubber bats in cauldrons filled with bubbling, glowing green liquid.

"I love Halloween" gosayln says.

"So do I kiddo reminds me when I was a kid, I always go as Darkwing duck" Drake says.

"Like you always do on Halloween"

Booths were festooned with strings of lights shaped like tiny skulls and bats, casting an eerie but festive glow over the crowd.

Food vendors tempted carnival-goers with delicious treats that matched the spooky theme.

candy corn in every imaginable color, and cauldrons of bubbling witches' brew—actually steaming cups of hot apple cider.

There were also stands offering pumpkin-spiced everything, from donuts to popcorn, and even cotton candy spun into the shapes of ghosts and goblins.

"But you know what I like best about festivals?" Gosayln asked.

Street performers added to the carnival's magical atmosphere. Fire breathers and jugglers in skeleton costumes amazed onlookers with their dazzling acts. Stilt walkers dressed as towering vampires and mummies roamed the grounds, posing for pictures

"Hmm? The rides?" Drake says.

with excited children. Fortune tellers, with their crystal balls and tarot cards, invited curious visitors to glimpse into their futures, their booths decorated with twinkling fairy lights and draped in deep purple fabrics.

"No, the hunted houses"

The highlight of the carnival was undoubtedly the haunted house, a grand, decrepit-looking mansion at the center of the grounds.

Its façade was covered in creeping ivy and cracked stone, with ghostly figures peering out from the windows.

The two look up at the hunted house, "haunted houses, don't they scare you"

"I'm not afraid of haunted houses, in fact nothing here scares me" Gosalyn loved haunted houses and all things spooky.

"Oh really?" Drake asked.

Throughout the carnival, costumed attendees added to the festive spirit.

"Yeah all of these are nothing but fakes it's what I like best about Halloween, I especially love the hunted houses because I know nothing bad will ever happen to me, well...not with you around" she looks up at him with sparks of joy in her eyes made him smile.

Witches, vampires, zombies, and a myriad of other spooky characters mingled with the crowd, laughing and enjoying the various attractions.

The air was filled with the sounds of laughter, screams of delight from the rides, and the occasional playful scare from costumed performers.

Gosayln gets nudged by someone, "what the-" she looks back to see a tall clown black and white carrying a trash bag.

"You ok?" Drake asked.

"Yeah this rude clown bump into me"

"And you don't like clowns"

"Nah not really much of a clown person"

"Well I wouldn't blame you, clowns are scary"

But Gosalyn Mallard was on a mission. She wanted to find the perfect souvenir from the haunted house to give to her biological father Jim starling during her next visit to the prison.

"Oh speaking of which I promise dad I would get him something I wanna give him a souvenir"

"So what did you had in mind:  some sort of plastic skull or fake slime " Drake asked.

"I don't something creepy, I'm gonna go check the haunted house to see what I can find" so she eagerly made her way to the eeriest attraction in the carnival.

"Ok...be careful" The haunted house loomed ahead, draped in cobwebs with eerie lights flickering in the windows.

She entered with a confident stride, excited to see what scares awaited her inside. But outside a tall figure saw her go in and followed.

The house was filled with the typical haunted house fare: skeletons popping out of closets, ghostly figures drifting through hallways, and eerie sounds echoing through the rooms.

Gosalyn chuckled at the jump scares and marveled at the spooky decor. She was having a great time, completely in her element.

"Ok what to get for dad" she muttered repeatedly.

As she ventured deeper into the haunted house, she wandered till she bumped into a creepy clown.

a strange, silent, and bald mime clown the same one form before, he stared down at her.

"Ah! Oh geez, you scared me" but he started grinning at her.

At first, she thought it was just another part of the attraction.

"So what are you supposed to be some psychopath demonic clown, murdered at this carnival and now waiting for an innocent girl to fall into your trap After all, what haunted house didn't have a creepy clown?"

But he didn't say anything, "ok I love to stay but I need to find a gift for my dad so see ya" she moved on, walked over him.

But soon she realized the clown was following her, she looks back to see him following her.

"Do you mind"

Gosalyn tried to lose him by weaving through different rooms and doubling back on her path, all the while pretending to be scared in case it was all part of the act.

But the clown's persistent presence started to unsettle her. The grin never left his face, and his eyes followed her every move.

Finally, the clown cornered her in a dimly lit room filled with fake cobwebs and plastic spiders.

"What do you want from me? Leave me alone" Gosalyn's heart raced, and her breath quickened.

"Hey-hey back off, my dad is here and he'll make you feel-s-sorry" The clown's grin seemed to widen as he loomed closer.

She tried to back away, but there was nowhere to go. Panic took over, and everything went black as she passed out from fear.


When she woke up, she was in the arms of her father, Drake Mallard, who had come running when he heard her scream.

"Gosalyn, gosayln? Wake up are you okay honey?" he asked, his voice filled with concern. He patted her face delicately.

She looked around, dazed and confused, and noticed that the clown was gone.


The memory of the clown's menacing grin and the feeling of being trapped came rushing back, and she screamed, tears streaming down her face as she was gripped by a panic attack.

"There-was-a-c-c-crrr-eeeee-e-ppp-y cccc-clown!"

"A clown where?" He looks around to find no one.

He felt her shivering, "shhh, it's ok honey, he's gone" Drake held her tightly, soothing her as best he could, she gripped on the sleeve of his plaid purple shirt.

"Shh It's okay, Gosalyn. You're safe now. I'm here." He cups the back of her head, burying her head in his chest, arms wrapped around her as he strokes her hair.

As she calmed down, Drake helped her out of the haunted house by carrying her, keeping a watchful eye out for any sign of the creepy clown.

As they made their way back through the carnival, Drake stopped at a stall selling small, spooky trinkets. "How about we get something from here for Jim?" he suggested gently.

Gosalyn nodded, her eyes scanning the array of items until she found a small, intricately carved wooden bat. It wasn't from the haunted house, but it was perfect.

They left the carnival, and Drake promised her that they would figure out who the clown was and ensure he wouldn't scare anyone else again.

Despite the terrifying encounter, Gosalyn was determined to get a souvenir for Jim.

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