Steelbeak in: Amanda the adventurer 5

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He moves the big hand on the none and the little hand on the 3, then the hands started spinning out of control.

"Huh?" Then he heard a buzzing sound, "what's that?" He puts the watch down, then Annie points out.

"It's coming from over there daddy" he sees the clock on the wall, he moves the hands again.

Big hand on the four then the little hand on the six and it's spins again then he hears clicking sounds, he turns around to see a father clock but when he walks up to it, he hears a buzzing sound then sees a alarm clock that says: 03:45, he changes it to 10:55.

He rings ringing coming back to the board and when he goes to the board he was shocked to find a newspaper talking about a man named: Sam Colton and next to it was sticky note that said tick tock.

It fell on the floor then the ringing was getting louder.

Daddy" Annie covered her ears, she was getting scared.

"Hold on baby" But he picks up the paper, he finds more upsetting news then...

"Ugh" he throws it, all the clocks were still spinning, so he decides to watch the episode again.

"Daddy, didn't we already watch this one"

"Yeah but i just want to see if we miss something"

So the tape played and again it showed wooly, "oh it's just you."

He skipped through it typed in knee, "that's right! Wooly hurt his knee" then he skipped through again, typed doctor.

"Let's take wooly ti the hospital to see a doctor"

He skipped to the hospital clicks on the bone doctor.

"Come on, let's get wooly and fixed up"

"Amanda, this really hurts when is-" he skipped again and clicks on the x-ray.

"That's right" then he skipped it and the video pop out, steelbeak got what he needed.

"Did you find what you we're looking for daddy?" Annie asked.

"I did"

He goes to the the alarm clock and changes it to 10:50, then to the father clock: 3:05, it ding and as it opened.

Inside was another tape and on the door something written in red.

""Safe 826?" Annie approach him, "you see I knew we were missing something" he tells his daughter, "but what safe?"

Annie turns around then she pulls on his arm, "uh daddy" he turns around to see her pointing at a cardboard safe behind him, curious though.

He takes the tape and plays it, it shows Amanda and wooly at a picnic.

"Hi again! I'm Amanda!"

"And I'm wooly"

"It's such a night day for a picnic, what's your favorite food to eat at a picnic"

But before Annie could say anything, Amanda answered with a soured face.

"Oh, I Don't like that at all"

Then wooly covered his nose, "ugh, Amanda what's that smell? I never smelt anything like that"

"Hmmm, I don't know, wooly, you're right, it's a bad smell, what do you think is making that bad smell" she asked.

And steelbeak Looks at the screen then Annie looks very closely and points to  blurry image next to wooly.

"What's that daddy"

"I don't know Annie, let's see" he clicks on it.

"Pee-Ew! You're right" then the scene shows a rotting sandwich, "this sandwich is stinky because it's rotting"

But it was getting much darker when Amanda is seen next to a dead tree.

"This tree stump is rotting, too. You you know why? Things rot when they are not alive anymore. Do you know what the opposite of alive is-"

Annie gets scared, she holds on to Steelbeak and he typed dead.

"That's right, the tree stump is dead, dead is the opposite of alive. Good job" then the tv glitch again.

"Daddy? Why is Amanda talking about death"

He holds her hands, "I don't know honey, what parent would let their kid watch this show"

"Plants can die if they don't get enough light or water, or if they get a disease"

"Let's go back to our picnic" wooly says.

"Yeah, lets change the subject, whatever happened to the nice picnic"

But the scene changes to Amanda and wooly near a dead fox with a bush, a knife and a gun.

"Ah!" Annie is terrified that she buried her face in her father's chest, he holds her close.

"Animals can die in different ways too" wooly was even scared.

"What kind of show is this!" Steelbeak says.

"Look at poor mr. Fox, he is dead and rotting"

"Stop it" Steelbeak gets up, holding his frightened daughter.

"What do you think killed him?"

"I don't know, a bear trap maybe?" Steelbeak shrugs.

"The gun? The knife? Or the poisonous berries in the bush?"

Immediately Steelbeak picks up the remote and clicks on the knife.

"I do t think that was it"

"Ugh" Then he clicks on the gun, "no, it was t that"

"Ah, you got to be kidding me"

"Look at his funny tongue, he's silly, what killed him, wouldn't it be nice if he could tell us"

Then tv started to glitch and turned red, Amanda's voice became distorted.

"Mr. Fox, what made you die"

"Ah!" Steelbeak panicked and to make matters worst, Annie clutched on his beck tight and she whimpered, he pats her back for comfort.

Then when Steelbeak couldn't answer, the tv glitch, the bush was removed and it revealed that a bear trap killed the fox.

"It was the ugly bear trap, mr. Fox didn't know what got him until it was too late"

"Ah!" Annie cried and steelbeak glared at Amanda.

"Amanda, this had gone too far, You're scaring her" wooly says.

It threw Steelbeak off, "Huh?"

"I Don't like Where this is going"

"You and me both pal" Steelbeak muttered.

"We saw so many things today: a rotting sandwich, a rotting tree stump and a silly old rotting mr. Fox"

"How is this educational or fun for kids" Steelbeak asked.

But then the screen turned red and freezes, "sometimes...I feel myself...rotting"

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