Chapter 10

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A/N: So, uh, I've noticed I've mostly been putting female songs into the story, but it's gender-neutral, so I've picked a great guy song with a female singing in the background. It's a cool song.
Also, I need ideas. Human legend ideas! Are humans considered good luck or an omen? I'd love to see your ideas. I just don't want to steal another writers ideas.

Lunaris picks up Scrooge and the Trollhunter, Scrooge by his shirt and the Trollhunter by the horns on their helmet.

"Any last words, Earthers?" He asks.

A roaring is heard, making Scrooge and the Trollhunter turn as an electric guitar strum fills the air.

Scrooge weakly smiles, "Hi, kids."

Lunaris turns to see a giant Krill with a few ducks and a human on top of it, waving, the human holding an electric guitar.

The ducks exclaim, "Hi Uncle Scrooge."

Y/N yells out, "Scotty! Junior! Execute Rule Number Three!"

Trollhunter chuckles slightly before pulling their leg back and kicking Lunaris in the groin, making him drop the human and duck to the ground.

"When in doubt!" Trollhunter smirks.

Mitzy the krill starts walking towards the giant ship, Y/N starting to play some more on the guitar, Donald giving them an approving look at the choice of music.

"None of this makes any sense!" Lunaris exclaims.

Trollhunter smirks, "Welcome to my world, Lunaris."


Inside the prison that the rebellion is held in, Claire opens her eyes, purple retreating from the white of her eyes, slowly turning back to her normal brown colour as she realises people are still panicking. She rolls her eyes and starts to calm everyone down.

"Everyone calm down. They're just sending the ship putting us in the next Ice Age back into space." Claire smiles.

Lena asks, "How'd you know that?"

Claire explains, "With my Shadow Magic, I sometimes have visions. And look at the TV."

On the TV, Y/N plays Resistance.


Y/N starts singing as Mitzy pulls on the supports.

"I am a nation, I am a million faces
Formed together, made for elevation
I am a soldier, I won't surrender
Faith is like a fire that never burns to embers!

Trollhunter yells out, "Who's gonna stand up, who's gonna fight?"

"The voice of the unheard,"

"Who's gonna break these chains and lies?"

"Love is the answer!"

Trollhunter sings out, "I gotta speak it, believe it, that's how I feel inside!"

Y/N continues, "I! Can't! Sit here quiet!"

Lunaris's eyes widen in shock as the ship's supports crumble.

Trollhunter growls at Lunaris, "You can take my heart
You can take my breath
When you pry it from my

"No, no!" Lunaris yells, pushing the Trollhunter and Scrooge away as he runs into the ship.

Y/N continues, "This is how we rise up
Heavy as a hurricane
Louder than a freight train!
This is how we rise up
Heart is beating faster
Feels like thunder!

Fethry yells, "Pull, Mitzy! Pull!"

The pulling doesn't seem to do anything.

Gladstone frowns, "Looks like we're out of luck."

He throws the last of the melon away, making Y/N and the Trollhunter watch as a seagull catches the melon piece, then ends up fighting over it with another seagull, dropping it, which makes it land in Launchpad's hands, which then makes the seagulls attack him, which makes him lean on something, making the leg disconnect from the ship. The ship starts tilting over, Y/N strumming even harder, some cracks forming on the gold.

Call me a fanatic
It's our world!
They can never have it
This is how we rise up
It's our resistance!
You can't resist us!

Taking advantage of its still active thruster, Mitzy catches the falling craft and aims it back towards the moon. Y/N stops playing, strapping the guitar to their back as Mitzy lowers to the ground.

"Did you kiss a lot of ladybugs when you were a kid or something, Gladstone?" Y/N asks.

Gladstone shakes his head as everyone cheers, jumping off Mitzy's head.

"T H!" Y/N laughs, hugging the other human.

"Don't ever call me that again. It sounds weird." The Trollhunter frowns.

Y/N shrugs as the Trollhunter's gaze lands on their ankle.

"I'll be fine. Not broken or anything." Y/N smiles.

Scrooge frowns, "About time you came home! I hope you had a relaxing vacation while the rest of us were defending the planet!"

Y/N freezes as Donald growls, the rest of the family making motions to Scrooge to shut up.

"Oh, was he not on a cruise then?" Scrooge asks.

Suddenly, the giant golden ship turns around, coming back towards Earth. The Trollhunter pulls out their sword while Y/N aims the guitar towards the ship, making the Trollhunter deadpan at them.

Glomgold asks, "So... you guys got it from here, right?"

He then runs off, making the Trollhunter yell after him, "Coward!"


"After I blow up the earth, then you won't be a planet! Hahahaha!" Lunaris's voice comes through the Moonlanders comms.

One Moonlander that was guarding the rebellion spits out the pep she was drinking in shock.

"He wouldn't blow us up, right?" She asks.

"Sorry, he's going to blow up who now?" Another one asks.

A third Moonlander asks, "Wait, are we the bad guys?"

Claire asks, "You didn't know?"


Della glares at the ship before a smirk graces her face as she turns behind to see a golden ship not being used.

"Don't I owe you kids a trip to space?" She asks.

Y/N puts out their hand and asks, "Give me some of that Oxy-chew. I'm standing on the outside of the ship."

"Won't you float off, considering the lack of gravity in space?" the Trollhunter asks.

Y/N smirks, "You forget the magical necklace Douxie gave me."


The ship flies into the air, Y/N and their clone holding onto the outside while chewing on the Oxy-chew, some earpieces shoved in their ears so they can hear what's going on inside the spaceship.

"The inventor of this stuff could've solved world hunger if he made it in better flavours." Y/N shrugs.

Junior nods "Agreed. This tastes awful. Heck, even Coffee would've been a better flavour."

"I know, right? I had to chew that stuff for ten years on the moon! And the disgusting flavour intensifies with every bite!" Della tells the humans.

As the ship breaks through the atmosphere, Y/N pulls the guitar off their back, playing the music again, continuing where they left off, just standing on the ship, not even moving.

"That's one powerful necklace." Junior nods.

The ship swerves horribly as it dodges the laser fire.

"Are you trying to throw us off?!" Junior asks.

Scrooge orders, "All right, we have to take out that engine before it hits earth!"

The two humans nod, Y/N sings.

"Can you hear me?
Are you listening?
Sleeping in the shadows, could be making history!

Junior sings background, "Walk!"

"Through the fire"


"On the water
Used to be a slave, but now you are a conqueror!

Junior sings as they deflect bullets, "They can take my heart,
They can take my breath
When they pry it from my

"I can't get near that engine while his laser turrets are on." Della announces.

Scrooge orders, "Kids, knock out those lasers!"

Y/N and Junior nod, even though they're sure he meant the kids inside.

"This is how we rise up
Heavy as a hurricane
Louder than a freight train
This is how we rise up
Heart is beating faster
Feels like thunder!"

Lasers are shot out of both ships, Junior deflecting some with the Eclipse sword while Y/N just blasts soundwaves from the guitar.

Call me a fanatic
It's our world!
They can never have it
This is how we rise up
It's our resistance!
You can't resist us!"

The ship starts going Ramming Speed at the larger ship. 

"Up! Upupupupupup!" Louie orders.

"Hey, those were the next lyrics!" Junior smirks as the little ship swerves up.

"Up, up, up, up, up
We're rising up, up, up, up, up
" Y/N smirks.

Junior sings, "The voice of the unheard"

"Rising up, up, up, up, up
We're rising up, up, up, up, up

"Love is the answer"

The ship comes around for another pass, this time Junior pulls the glaives from their thighs and uses them to knock out a few turrets, shoving their sword on their back.

"One more run and we can knock out the engine!" Scrooge announces.

"Rising up, up, up, up, up
We're rising up, up, up, up, up"

"Love is the answer!"

"This is how we rise up
It's our resistance, you can't resist us!

This is how we rise up
Heavy as a hurricane,
Louder than a freight train
This is how we rise up
Heart is beating faster
Feels like thunder

Call me a fanatic
It's our world
They can never have it
This is how we rise up
It's our resistance
You can't resist us!

Everyone cheers as all the turrets are destroyed and the song finishes, everyone at the back of the ship, ready to knock out the engine.

"Now, time to finish the fight." Junior whispers.

Y/N nods. Suddenly, more turrets appear, shooting at the two species.


Junior pulls out their sword, trying to deflect the bullets as Y/N deflects with their guitar. Suddenly, Y/N is hit right between their left shoulder and chest, flying off the ship.

"Y/N!" Junior yells.

Junior grabs the electric guitar's cord, which is still attached to Y/N's arm, and pulls them back onto the ship as the large ship continues to batter the small ship.

"That stung." Y/N groans, rubbing their left shoulder. "I think I dislocated my arm."

"Guys! Y/N's down!" Junior yells.

Della steers the ship to right behind the engine, safe from the blaster fire, when the engine's blue fire extends, burning the front of the small ship.

"Guys, it's getting really hot out here!" Junior yells.

Louie asks, "What are you doing?"

"I can't find an angle out!" Della answers.

Y/N grabs Junior's arm, their grip tightening with more energy than they should have used. That energy should've been used to keep themself alive. Their E/C eyes stare through the glowing holes in the helmet, tears falling out of their eyes as the fire quickly evaporates them.

"You know the rules. Always finish the fight." Y/N whispers.

Junior nods, their helmet opening to reveal their own tear-filled E/C eyes.

"I'm the expendable one, Y/N. You have your whole life ahead of you. What's that lyric from that song? "A hero's not afraid to give his life"? I'm not scared that way. I'm meant to be expendable." Junior whispers.

Y/N frowns, hugging Junior and whispering, "Not to me. I lost everyone else. I can't lose you too."

Junior goes to pull off the amulet to give to Y/N in order to protect them when another ship appears, going on a suicide run into the engine, blowing up the large ship's engine. Both humans gasp, seeing the damage. Junior closes their helmet as they help Y/N up.

"Huh. Whaddaya know. A hero did come to save us just in time." Junior mutters.

They look through the smoke just as something purple slams into the ship's windscreen. Junior narrows their eyes at the purple thing. It's a Moonlander.

"Hi, Roomie..." The Moonlander says.

Della exclaims, "Penny! Didn't see that one coming! Anyway, this is my family! You know Donald?"

The Moonlander known as Penny orders, "Let me in!"

Junior agrees, "Yeah, let us in too! Y/N's injured!"

"Ooh, right!"

The ship opens, Junior dragging Y/N into the ship with one arm as Penny climbs in herself. Scrooge notices Y/N's injuries and burns, quickly running over to them.

"Are ye alright, bairn?" Scrooge asks.

Y/N smirks, "It takes a little more than blaster fire and actual fire to take down Y/N L/N."

"You were down, N/N." Junior smirks.

Y/N chuckles, "Well not for long!" before groaning in pain.

Junior chuckles at Y/N's enthusiasm.

"I'm supposed to protect you, Y/N. You really should be more careful." Junior frowns.

Scrooge nods, "The Trollhunter's right, bairn."

Y/N scoffs before gripping their left arm.

Junior exclaims, "Don't do that! You need help to pop that-"



"... Back into place." Junior finishes.

Scrooge stares in shock as Y/N mutters curses in Trollish.

"Language." Junior deadpans.

"Well when you dislocate your shoulder and go through the excruciating pain of putting it back in, then you can tell me to watch my language! It's not even English! It's Trollish!" Y/N exclaims.

Junior lets out a loud groan.

"Let's just get back to Earth. I'm getting really sick of your stubbornness." Junior mutters.

"You know you love me." Y/N smirks.

Junior jokes, "Yeah, love to put you in a coma."

Scrooge chuckles, seeing his kids in the two humans.


On Earth, everyone's been set free from the Moonlanders, who are deeply apologetic. Junior walks out of the ship carrying Y/N in their arms bridle style.

"Should this feel weird?" Y/N asks.

Junior nods, "Probably."

"Are you gonna put me down?"

"Nope." Junior smirks.

Y/N then notices Bradford walking towards them.

"Junior, V.I.L.E at ten o'clock." Y/N whispers.

"That's the Carmen Sandiego Universe."

"Same message."

Bradford walks up to the two humans, concern evident on his face, surprising both of them.

"What happened?" He asks, looking at the burns and bullet wounds.

Junior replies, "It's really not your business exactly what happened-"

Bradford frowns, "Do you know how annoying it is to tell the insurance companies how our employees have ended up hurt in order to get compensation?"

Y/N nods, "The bird has a point, Trollhunter."

Junior sighs, "Fine. We were standing outside the rocket and this dummy had the brilliant idea to get shot at without any armour on."

"It would've only put me in more danger, and you know that! Metal conducts electricity!" Y/N growls.

Junior shrugs, "I would've kept you on Earth, but-"

"We're both too stubborn for our own good." The two chorus.

Junior chuckles before turning to Bradford.

"They've been burned and shot. Do you know any good doctors to take them?" Junior asks.

Bradford nods, "Plenty."

Y/N asks, "Can you please put me down now? I was shot in my shoulder, not my legs."

"It wasn't your shoulder, it was in between your shoulder and chest. I'm only putting you down because Bradford here will be taking you straight to a hospital or some other competent doctor." Junior frowns.

Y/N mutters, "Am I really that protective?"

Junior nods, putting Y/N down on the solid ground. The human takes a step before stumbling, Bradford quickly catching them.

"Go on, Y/N. Maybe Tophat will be nice enough to hold a party for our freedom later." Junior jokes.

Y/N sighs, "Just tell M'ma that I'll be home later."

Junior nods, quickly running off to hug everyone else.

Bradford frowns, "We need to talk."

Y/N mutters a few Spanish curses.


Louie smirks, "Well, we survived that. So what do we do now?"

The Trollhunter walks up and replies, "Have a party for the release of Earth?"

Della sighs, "Maybe. But whatever we do, we'll do it together."

The Trollhunter smiles before walking up to Scrooge.

"Where's Y/N?" He asks.

"They're being taken care of. Those burns were pretty bad. They should be okay by morning. Speaking of, why don't we have a party tomorrow to celebrate our freedom?" Trollhunter asks.

Scrooge asks, "Are ye paying for it?"

Trollhunter scoffs, "With what money? I live off Y/N's paycheck."

"Trollhunter!" A familiar voice exclaims.

Trollhunter turns to see Claire.

"C-bomb! You're okay!" Trollhunter exclaims, hugging the girl.

Claire scoffs, "Of course I'm okay. I'm the daughter of a Councilwoman. Where's-?"

"Y/N's getting medical treatment. You'll have to hear it from them." Trollhunter frowns.

Della walks over to the group and hesitates, "Hey, uh, Clara, was it?"

"It's Claire, Della." Claire replies.

Della sighs, "Look, we got off on the wrong foot, with how I may have-"

Claire interrupts, "It's okay, Della. We're alive. I'm sure you've learned your lesson."

Donald stares at Claire in shock. That armour, the white patch in her hair, she hasn't changed in over twenty years.

"It's you. You haven't changed a bit." Donald smiles.

Claire turns to the sailor in shock, staring at him for a moment before she recognises him.

"Wow... you've grown. Your voice cracked too, it seems." Claire chuckles.

Scrooge exclaims, "Ye know each other?!"

Claire chuckles, "To be fair, I had saved him one time, and I wasn't even supposed to be there and then."

"She saved me on our first adventure with you, but made me promise not to tell." Donald explains.

Trollhunter chuckles, "And now you've told us, effectively breaking that promise."

Everyone chuckles, huddling together for a large hug.


"This has gone too far. The Ducks almost cost us the world today. And without the world, who would we larceny against?" Bradford frowns.

Quite a few people come out of the shadows, Gandra Dee, Rockerduck, Steelbeak, the Funzos mascot who takes off his head to reveal a dark figure underneath, (Is he the Phantom Blot? He seems to be. I'm just making sure.), Black Heron, and finally, a hooded figure. Y/N.

"The pieces are finally in place. Time had to come out of the shadows, take control, and end Clan McDuck. If the McDuck family wants an adventure, we'll give them their last."

Y/N narrows their eyes at Bradford. They sigh as they walk out of the room, Bradford following behind. Underneath the hood, their right arm in a sling, bandages all over their body from the burns.

"How far are you along from assembling a team to take the Inferna Copula from Magica?" Y/N asks, not turning towards him.

"We are still choosing which of our operatives would be the best for the mission." Bradford explains.

"You're going to have to move faster. Just as long as Heron isn't on that mission. The longer you take, the more at risk McDuck and the world are of being destroyed by Magica." Y/N orders.

Bradford frowns, "It would do you well to remember who's in charge."

Y/N stops walking, quickly turning to Bradford, glaring holes into his soul.

"It would do you well to remember I'm the only one with information about what you'd be up against if Magica uses that ring against us." Y/N hisses.

They turn away and start to walk away before they sigh.

"Look, Bradford, I can only trust the people in there as far as I can throw them. But I'm taking a large risk just by trusting you with this task. If you can get me the Inferna Copula, then Magica will pose almost no threat to you. Don't make me think that my trust is misplaced. Because if I think even for a second that you aren't going to fill in on your end, I will drop you all faster than a hot potato." Y/N frowns. "I don't want to go through the pain of trusting people that will break it without a second thought or care."

They walk to their designated room, where plenty of burn cream has been placed, and some history books on this world placed on their table. They sigh, sitting down as they pull out their phone.

"ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴛʜᴇʏ ɢᴏᴛᴛᴇɴ ᴀ ᴛᴇᴀᴍ ʏᴇᴛ?"

Y/N sighs, knowing who it is.

"ɴᴏᴛ ʏᴇᴛ. ɪ'ᴍ ᴘᴜꜱʜɪɴɢ, ᴛʜᴏᴜɢʜ. ᴋᴇᴇᴘ ᴍᴄᴅᴜᴄᴋꜱ ꜱᴀꜰᴇ."

Y/N opens the book, looking through the legends of humans in this world just as someone knocks on the door.

"Enter." Y/N orders.

Gandra Dee walks in, closing the door behind her.

"It's you, isn't it?" She asks.

Y/N replies, "Depends on what you mean by that."

"You're Y/N. Fenton's sibling of another species." Gandra whispers.

Y/N frowns, "Here, I'm Sifo-Dyas. What do you want, Gandra?"

"I want to know why you're with F.O.W.L."

Y/N chuckles, "It's really simple. I'm looking out for the world. Hydra- Damn it! I mean F.O.W.L. can get me something to help keep the world out of harm's way. I really have been watching too much Marvel."

Gandra frowns, "You have a mission you want completed. I want in."

Y/N asks, "Now why would you want that?"

"We worked pretty well against Beaks together, didn't we?" Gandra asks.

Y/N narrows their eyes at Gandra, "I have no idea what you're talking about."

"Are you sure about that? Trollhunter?" Gandra whispers.

Y/N deadpans, "You're mistaken. Trollhunter is my protector, and if you watched the news, you would've seen-"

"I don't know how you did it, but you got a clone of yourself. Just let me on your mission, and I won't tell anyone. I owe you one." Gandra whispers.

Y/N frowns, "You owe me more than one, but I'll see what I can do. I'm not in charge."

Gandra nods, walking out, Y/N now on edge.


The next morning, Angor Rot watches as the Trollhunter and Scrooge converse in the park. Normally, the Trollhunter would be his first target, but Morgana doesn't control him anymore, meaning the Trollhunters don't have to be his target anymore. But with Magica as his mistress, that may change after he's dealt with Scrooge McDuck.

"And then Blinky yelled, "Master Jim! You are no longer a troll! Put the toaster down!"!"

Scrooge chuckles, "Aye, sounds like ye and Y/N have had some adventures."

The Trollhunter shrugs, "Eh, it's nothing special, really. Just a few rogue Trolls and goblins, to be honest. The Golems are one of the rare things to fight. And Y/N's kind of a loose cannon sometimes."

"Ye think that's bad, ye should see Webbigail when she's playing any game that requires running." Scrooge smirks.

The Trollhunter visibly shudders, "Yikes. From what Y/N told me, she's intense. And when the two of us were accidentally sucked into Lena's magic-induced dreamworld, she was pretty insane there. Do you know how much she idolises you?"

Scrooge nods, "She even knows mah favourite tea and blood type."

Before the Trollhunter can say anything else, a golem made of glass climbs out of the large rubbish bin, throwing its fist at the duck and human, who quickly dodge.

"You've got to be kidding me! We just saved the planet! Give us a break!" Trollhunter exclaims.

Scrooge yells as he whacks one with his cane, but the cane just gets knocked away as more climb out of the bins, surrounding the two.

"Get away ye overgrown beer bottles!" Scrooge exclaims.

Trollhunter stabs one in the chest with their sword, dislodging the Animus totem. The totem falls to the ground before the Trollhunter crushes it with their heel, making it fall to the ground.

"Uncle Scrooge!"

The two turn to the voice to see Donald and the kids.

"Stay back! These guys are made of glass!"

Donald growls before letting out a strange shriek, immediately diving for one of the golems, spinning around them with glass in his hands, letting out unintelligible screams as an Animus totem falls to the ground. The Trollhunter immediately crushes it, making the golem fall to nothing.

"Impressive!" Trollhunter smiles.

Something catches Scrooge's eye in the trees.

"DeSpell!" Scrooge growls.

The Trollhunter hears him and turns to see him running off into the trees.

"McDuck, get back here, it's a trap!" Trollhunter exclaims.

Webby shoots some of the Golems with her grappling gun, destroying them as the Trollhunter pulls out a phone, quickly calling someone.

"Go ahead, Caller! You're on the air!"

"Y/N! We have an emergency! It's Angor Rot! The park!" the Trollhunter exclaims.

"On my way!"


Y/N puts their phone in their pocket, quickly running out of their room, knocking a few of the F.O.W.L. agents over.

"Sorry! Emergency!" Y/N exclaims.

"Where are you going, Sifo-Dyas?" Steelbeak asks.

Y/N yells, "Can't chat, Steelbeak! Personal emergency!"

They continue to run, ignoring the pain in their legs as they push the button to the elevator, sending them up through to Funzos Funzone, passing by the Funzos mascot.


"No time!" Y/N exclaims, running outside.

The human glances left and right, their breath quick and uneven as they spot the sign for the park.

"I'm coming, Junior." Y/N whispers.


Scrooge looks around, searching for a silhouette of his rival.

"Where is that tenacious treacherous witch?" He growls.

He sees a silhouette to his left and runs towards it, suddenly freezing with his cane in the air as yellow lights appear in a circle around him, aiming towards the sky. He tries to move his limbs, only for them not to obey him.

Suddenly, a stone creature steps out from behind the tree. He tries to yell something insulting at the stone creature but the only thing heard is a muffled moan.

"You've wandered into my web, Scrooge McDuck. I don't know why my Master wants you dead, but I always get my prey. I am Angor Rot, and I will be the last thing you see before you die." The stone being smirks.


Y/N finally makes it to the park, pulling a Dwärkstone(pronounced Dvork-stone, just watch Trollhunters, I can't find a good picture of the things.) out of their bag and yelling, "Get down!"

Everyone quickly ducks for cover as the human throws the Dwärkstone at the creature, making it explode.

"I want one!" Dewey yells.

Junior yells, "No, they're too dangerous! Y/N, go find McDuck! He's in danger! If Angor Rot is here, we may be too late to save him!"

Y/N nods, running the way their clone is pointing, searching for Scrooge.

Donald asks, "What are you talking about, Uncle Scrooge in danger?"

The kids nod, scared.

Junior groans, "Long story short, a Troll assassin from our world has been brought back to life and someone's made your Uncle his target!"


Scrooge tries to grumble an insult but the trap he's in forbids it.

"It's useless to speak." Angor Rot smirks as he uses magic to draw a mark on the right side of Scrooge's face.

Scrooge tries to let out a scream in pain as this magical mark on his face burns his feathers and skin.

"I have killed many creatures in the past, but none like you. Such curious game. I will not give you the sweet release of death. Not yet. I will relish the hunt as I did with the last Trollhunter." Angor smirks. 

He starts chanting a ritual while the mark continues to burn Scrooges right side of his face. (I am not writing all that down. It gave me a headache when I saw it.)

"Next time we meet, McDuck, you won't be so lucky." Angor Rot smirks as he walks away, disappearing.

"Uncle Scrooge!" His nephew's voices exclaim.

Scrooge would turn around to comfort them, but his body refuses to move.

Trollhunter yells, "He's in a stasis trap! Don't touch the stones!"

Y/N jumps into Scrooge, deactivating the stasis trap, making Scrooge fall to his knees.

"Are you okay, Uncle Scrooge?" Huey asks, looking at Scrooge.

Y/N and the Trollhunter exchange glances when they see the mark on Scrooge's face. Y/N collapses to the ground, crying, beating the floor in anger as their shoulders shake.

(That's what the mark looks like. Just imagine it on Scrooge. Or better yet, draw it and send it through to me, please. I'd love that.)

The Trollhunter growls, "The golems were a distraction."

"I couldn't stop him. I was too late. I'm so sorry, McDuck." Y/N sniffs. 

Scrooge asks, "What in blazes are ye talking about, bairn? I'm fine, just a wee bit burnt."

Y/N shakes their head, pulling a mirror out of their pocket, showing Scrooge the mark gracing the right side of his face.

"That's the sigil of Angor Rot. You've now been marked for a fate worse than death. I'm so sorry." Y/N whispers.

The Trollhunter orders, "We need to talk about this in a more private area."

Y/N nods, standing up as the group walks to Scrooge McDuck's mansion.


"So, let me get this straight, you two are from another world, were sent here because your world didn't need you, and now an assassin from your world is here?!" Della exclaims.

Della and Beakley pulled the group into the living room as soon as they saw the mark on Scrooge's face, which Y/N has already taken a picture of.

Junior nods, "That's part of it. Somehow, Magica DeSpell has the Inferna Copula, which controls Angor Rot. It stores his soul, and, while he's still connected to it, it's not in his body, which messes with many people. He's been eating the souls of his prey to fill the hole in his body where his soul should be. However, my predecessor Jim Lake Jr somehow got him his soul back into his body, then had to kill him as he held down Morgana Le Fay to stop our Eternal Night. We don't know how he's come back or how Magica got a hold of him."

"And now this magical miscreant is going to eat mah soul?!" Scrooge exclaims, angry.

Y/N nods, "Yes. We don't know how to remove the curse. Only Angor Rot does, and to get him to remove the curse- Of course!"

Y/N stands up starting to walk out the door, a glare on their face.

"Y/N? Where are you going?" Junior asks.

Y/N turns and replies, "To someone who can help. Trollhunter, you're playing bodyguard for Scrooge."

"What?! I don't need a bodyguard!" Scrooge protests.

"Oh, really? And how did it go last time you ran off on your own to confront Angor?" Y/N retorts, not giving him a chance to respond as they close the door.

"They do have a point." Beakley nods.

Junior frowns, "I guess I'm staying here for the night... Um, Citrus fruits should remove the mark physically, but as soon as Angor Rot appears, the mark will reappear."

Webby snaps her fingers, "I'll call Lena and Violet!"

"And I'll call Claire." Junior nods, pulling out their phone.


The human walks through F.O.W.L. headquarters with a dangerous air around them. Every footstep echoes through the hall, announcing their presence, making mostly everyone stay out of their path.

"Oooh, what's wrong, darling?" Heron smirks.

Y/N pushes her out of the way, their E/C eyes glaring at her with the heat of a thousand suns. They then slam open the boardroom doors.

"BRADFORD! You took too long!" Y/N exclaims.

Bradford looks up in shock as the human speedwalks to his side, picking him up by his collar with both hands, ignoring the pain in their arm as they hold him above their head, glaring at him.

"You took too long to form that bloody team and now he's in danger! You took too long to launch the mission!" Y/N yells, pushing him against a wall.

The other vultures try to pull Y/N's hands away from him, but the human doesn't budge.

"You better launch the mission to get the Inferna Copula damn soon or so help me I'll tie you down and shave you bald!" Y/N threatens before dropping him to the ground.

Bradford coughs slightly before asking, "What is going on?"

Y/N growls, "What's going on?! WHAT'S GOING ON?! I'll show you what's going on, Buzzard!"

The human pulls their phone out of their pocket, slamming it on the table to reveal a picture of Scrooge McDuck's marked face. Bradford freezes at the picture, staring in shock, not even blinking.

"My office. Now." Bradford orders.

Y/N picks up their phone, following Bradford into his office.

"Explain what happened." Bradford orders.

Y/N takes a breath before explaining, "The Trollhunter and Scrooge were in the park when golems attacked. I'm not sure what exactly happened, but the golems distracted everyone while Scrooge ran after Angor, thinking he was Magica. Then he gave him this and now Scrooge is cursed for a fate worse than death! If you don't get me that Inferna Copula, Scrooge won't be the only one who's condemned!"

Bradford nods, "Understood. We'll launch the mission tonight. Do you have anyone specific in mind for this mission?"

"Dee. She owes me. However, the next time you take too long with one of my requests, the next short-range missile will be going up your butt." Y/N replies as they walk out of the office.


Junior sighs as Claire paces.

"Where's Y/N?" Claire asks.

Junior replies, "Getting help. They're trying to get the Inferna Copula."

Claire smiles, "And they can control Angor Rot?"

"Yes... and no." Junior frowns.

Claire asks, "What do you mean?"

"I mean, after Scrooge is released from the curse, we're going to give Angor Rot his freedom." Junior replies.

"ARE YOU INSANE?! Do you know what he could do?"

Junior replies, "You'd have gone mad without your soul too, forced to kill. Remember what happened when he got his soul back and Jim spoke to him?"

Claire frowns, turning away, crossing her arms.

"We can't take that risk."

"Then we'd be no better than the one's who controlled him!" Junior growls.

They walk away from Claire, passing by a mirror. They stare at their reflection, their helmet opening up to reveal their face. The face of a child who's seen so much war in their life. The eyes of a little girl who's awoken to see her family killed in front of her, while at the same time, being the eyes of a man who had to go to war. They've seen enough war. It has to stop somehow.

"No better than the ones who controlled him?" A British voice asks.

Junior closes their helmet, noticing the ghost behind them.

"You must be Duckworth. Although you don't look like a duck." Junior replies.

Duckworth nods, "And you're the Trollhunter, Y/N's clone."

Junior frowns, "I have no idea what you're talking about."

"I'm a dead butler. I know everything."

Junior jokes, "Oh, so you're Alfred!"

Duckworth raises his eyebrow in confusion.

"In my universe, there's a fictional hero called Batman who has a butler everyone believes is immortal called Alfred. He just knows everything." Junior explains before crossing their arms, "But I am not Y/N's clone. I am their protector."

Duckworth deadpans at the human, not moving his gaze from them.

"Alright, how the heck did you figure it out, Alfred?" Junior demands.

Duckworth just floats into the ceiling.

"Hey, I asked you a question, buttsnack!" Junior yells, opening their helmet to poke their tongue out before closing their helmet.


Y/N looks through their room, searching for something.

"Where is it? Where is it?" Y/N whispers.

"Y/N? What are you looking for?" Maria asks.

Y/N replies, "My black clothes! I had a black hoodie, a black mask for my mouth and nose, black pants, you know! My sneak-around combo! I need them, M'ma!"

Maria starts, "Well, maybe if you-" She then pauses, raising her eyebrows, "Did you just call me M'ma?"

Y/N freezes, stopping their search as they process what she just asked.

"I'm so sorry! I shouldn't have called you that be-"

Maria chuckles, "It's alright, cariño. You can call me M'ma. I've always wanted another Polito anyway."

Y/N smiles, walking over to Maria and hugging her.

"Gracias, M'ma." Y/N smiles.

Maria just continues to hug Y/N for a while. Y/N breaks it and clears their throat.

"Um, I still need my black clothes." Y/N chuckles nervously.

"Did you check under your blankets?" Maria asks.

Y/N blinks before walking over to the blankets and pulling them off to see the mask and hood.

"Wow... Domestic blindness takes over, I guess?" Y/N chuckles.

A/N WOW! Here, buddy! You keep asking for Angor attacking the family, I give you Angor attacking the family. It takes a while to get to places, and I'm making up crap as I go along. Hope this was to your satisfaction.

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