Chapter 7

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Y/N wakes up to hear their phone going off. They look at the time, seeing it's only five in the morning. The sleep-zombie grabs the phone and answers it.

"Satan's Den, what the hell do you want?" Y/N asks.

"It's me, Louie."

Y/N asks, "Again, what do you want? And can I get back to sleep?"

Louie answers, "No to the last question, and you can come to breakfast over here. Business doesn't exactly sleep, and-"

"Oh, Scrooge needs his business back now?" Y/N asks, almost falling back asleep.

Louie hesitates, "Uh, sort of... Can you come into the mansion as soon as you can? Owlson or Manny will let you in."

Y/N groans, "FIIIIINNNNNEEE! But you owe me, Lazy. And I will cash in."

The teen hangs up, dragging themself to the kitchen, making themself a coffee. They sit down to drink it. After a few minutes, Claire walks into the room.

"I heard muttering. What are you doing up so early?" Claire asks.

Y/N answers, "Was called. Have to go to McDuck Enterprises because now I half own it. I'm gonna be the voice of reason, and I have a plan to keep people from figuring out Y/N and the Trollhunter are the same person, involving something from McDuck."

"Wanna tell me the plan?" Claire asks, making herself a coffee.

Y/N puts their pointer on their chin, seemingly in thought, then answers, "Nope. You'll figure it out when you watch the news this afternoon."

They get up, pouring Claire her cup, before making more coffee for themself, then picking up a big spoon and dipping it in a honey pot, pulling it out, then shoving it right in their mouth. After pulling it out, they turn to Claire.

"Are you awake enough to make a portal in front of the mansion?" Y/N asks.

Claire nods.

"Good. I'll just get changed. Louie told me to have breakfast there." Y/N smiles tiredly as they toss the spoon in the sink, walking back to their room.

They close the door, taking off their clothes, pants first. They pull off their shirt revealing the magic necklace Douxie gave them and a large scar from the bottom of their collarbone to their belly button. They narrow their eyes at the thick, jagged, pale cut, a constant reminder of that day.

"Get away from me!"

"Mum! Dad!"

"Get away from my wife!"


Y/N sighs, putting on their shirt, covering the scar and necklace.

(Take your pick.)

The teen yawns as they tidy up their hair slightly. They put on a zip-up hoodie over the shirt, leaving it open so people can see the words. Y/N walks back to the kitchen, picking up the coffee pot and pouring the coffee into two different disposable cups.

"I'm ready to go. I get the feeling magic's gonna be involved quite a bit today. Go search for Angor, if you're willing." Y/N yawns, picking up the cups.

Claire creates a portal to the mansion.

"Thanks, C-Bomb." Y/N nods, walking through the portal.

They step out and push their nose against the intercom.

"Hello?" a woman's voice answers.

"Louie called me. Invited me to breakfast. It's Y/N. Coffee isn't working. Please let me in or I'll fall asleep on the gate. And I really don't want my face to look like I've been branded." Y/N yawns.

"One moment."

After about five minutes, the gate opens and Y/N walks in, sipping the coffee in her right hand every now and then. When she reaches the door, it opens to reveal Mrs Beakley.

"Hi, Trollhunter told me about you. Beakley, right? Nice ta meet you. Let me in before I faint on your floor. If you want to vacuum my feet before I come in, you're gonna have to pick me up because I'm just too tired." Y/N attempts to smile.

The giant looks at the human's shirt and nods, smiling slightly. "They're just in the kitchen."

Y/N nods, their eyes half-closed as they slam into a doorway, stumbling back. They attempt to walk through the door again, this time swerving expertly around a headless horse on its hind legs.

"How'd you do that?" Louie asks, appearing just behind the horse.

"He was moving. The door arch wasn't. When you live with someone who runs after Trolls with no sense of self-preservation when they're tired, you learn to trust your instincts when something's moving towards you. They don't help with things that aren't moving." Y/N shrugs, putting the coffee cups on the table.

They sit down, then Y/N faceplants on the table, passing out.






Y/N jolts awake, falling off the chair.

"Are you okay, N/N?" Louie asks.

Y/N nods, "Yeah. I'm fine. I'm awake now."

The owl from the previous day asks, "Are you sure, Y/N?"

Y/N nods, "I'll be fine. Just too much coffee messing with my head and not enough food in my stomach. That's all. I don't think we've met."

"Zan Owlson." The owl smiles, holding out her hand to shake.

Y/N shakes the outstretched hand, "Y/N L/N. Nice to meet you, Miss Owlson. And who are you?"

The horse clops with his front hooves together, seeming to tap out Morse Code. 

After a moment, Y/N smiles, "Nice to meet you, Manny."

Suddenly, the door opens, making everyone turn their heads to the door to see Scrooge McDuck.

"Uncle Scrooge. Hi, thanks for coming." Louie nervously smiles.

Scrooge asks, "To breakfast?"

Y/N shrugs, "Don't ask me. I'm just hungry and was dragged via phone call."

Louie asks, "So, do you remember that bet that you made with Glomgold where the winner won the loser's fortune, and technically I won both your fortunes so that I could give it back to you?"

"Half the fortune. My name's on the paperwork." Y/N pipes up.

Scrooge deadpans, "It was yesterday."

Louie continues, "You said I'd be a bigger billionaire than you are one day, and well, today is a day, and..."

Scrooge asks, "What are you trying to say, lad?"

Louie spits it out, "Well, I'm keeping it all, so I can be the richest duck in the world!"

Owlson and the man horse hide behind Louie's chair.

Y/N sighs, "Fine! But I'm keeping my half so you don't do anything too stupid."

Scrooge laughs, "You? Hahaha, are going to be the richest duck in the world?"

Y/N frowns, "I'm not a duck, but yes, we are going to be the richest people in the world."

"Oh sure, it's just a complex international conglomeration. You "love" hard work. Heh. Have fun! I'll be here when you're ready to give my fortune back." Scrooge laughs as he walks out of the room.

Y/N frowns, "Challenge accepted. I fight Trolls every now and then with the Trollhunter. It's hard work."

Zan frowns, "That went far better than expected."

"Of- of course it did, Owlson. I have worked hard for three whole months. I deserve this. It's time to get down to business. Hyah. The business of being crazy rich. Much better. I'm the richest duck in the world! Woo hoo!" Louie exclaims.

Y/N frowns as they feel a magic ripple. They scratch at the scar on their chest hidden by their shirt.

"Can we have breakfast now? I'm starving, Lazy!" Y/N exclaims.


After breakfast and a drive to McDuck enterprises, Zan Owlson is going through the schedule, Y/N at least acting like a business person, even though they don't look like one.

"We could expand technology. Maybe make a video account, kinda like Buzztube, monetise it, and voila, we've already replaced the useless movie studio. Social media is important." Y/N smiles.

Owlson smiles, "That is a good idea. You two have a 9 o'clock call with your investors, and a 9:15 with the prime minister of Henmark and-" Zan shields her eyes from a shiny suit that Louie's wearing. "Wow, that suit is bright."

Y/N groans, facepalming.

"Emeralds: the gentleman's gem. You gotta dress for success, and I am very successful now. In fact, send out a memo. Everyone in the building should be wearing emeralds." Louie announces.

"Belay that. You're wasting money on emerald coated clothing! Dude, I don't even know business that well and I know that's a stupid thing to do. You keep wasting money like this and pretty soon there will be no money to waste!" Y/N growls.

Owlson frowns, "Right. You have a check-in at 9:47, although-"

Louie interrupts her, "Uh, okay. Hang on. Just gotta get comfortable. Maybe just. Ugh, if there was only something I could put my feet up on. Some kind of furniture for your feet."

Louie suddenly snaps his fingers, making a tv crew walk in, setting up cameras and other equipment.

"What's happening?" Zan asks.

Y/N shrugs, "Don't ask me. He didn't consult me."

"The greatest reunion in television history!" Louie exclaims.

Suddenly, two people walk in, who Y/N recognises from a TV show that appeared every now and then, Ottoman Empire.

"Louie, don't you dare." Y/N growls.

Louie shoos the human off. Y/N walks over to the owl.

"I'm not responsible for this one. Louie's taking the fall for this one. I have to go to the lab. Louie, you're budget is thirty-thousand." Y/N frowns, pulling out their phone and tapping a few keys.


Y/N walks into the lab to see Fenton carrying things over to the head scientist. Thankfully, they looked at the employee roll earlier and learned his name was Gyro Gearloose.

"Hello, Fenton. I need to speak with Mr Gearloose for a moment." Y/N frowns, a business face on.

Fenton nods, "Of course, Y/N." and runs to his office.

Gyro asks, "Who are you?"

"Long story short, I now own McDuck enterprises with Louie, the green Nephew, and I need something from you, Mr Gearloose. Name's L/N." Y/N gets straight to the point.

Gyro asks suspiciously, "What do you need from here?"

Y/N smirks, "A clone of myself. I know you have cracked cloning yourself, but I need one of myself. I'll give you whatever you need. A hair, blood, nails, dead skin cells, you name it."

Gyro asks, "How'd you know about the clones?"

"An acquaintance of both of ours, Mr Gearloose. The Trollhunter. After the Timephoon Fiasco, they told me everything. I just need one clone. No more. You can study my DNA, considering I haven't seen many others of my species around, so you haven't either, and as a scientist, you're probably very intrigued. Any questions about me, you can ask Fenton, and he'll ask me."

Gyro frowns, "I'll need some blood-"

"How much, and are your syringes sterilised? You can take it now." Y/N frowns.


After a few minutes of giving Gyro the needed DNA, Y/N's phone rings. They pick up the phone, seeing Owlson's number.

"Talk to me." Y/N answers.

"The board wants to speak with you." Owlson frowns.

Y/N nods, "I'm on my way."

They hang up and walk to the elevator.

"Oh, Mr Gearloose, I would appreciate your discrepancy about this. Fenton has my number, call me when they're ready." Y/N turns to Gyro.

Gryo nods as the doors close and Y/N sighs.

"I'm gonna have to cover both Louie's and my own butt." Y/N growls.

The elevator opens and the human walks to the meeting room. They open the door and stand next to Louie. Their eyes land on the three vultures on the other end of the table, or, more specifically, the one in the middle. Bradford. They try to keep a straight face, not letting the vulture know anything. 

"We need to discuss the... ottoman incident." Bradford frowns.

"Oh, it's great, isn't it? It was not cheap, though." Louie frowns.

Bradford asks, "And, how exactly does this ottoman benefit the company?"

Louie frowns, "I wanted it, and I'm very rich, so-"

Bradford interrupts, "This is a business, not a bank account! That money has to come from somewhere."

"He's not wrong, Louie." Y/N frowns.

"And, also, miss L/N, what is this?" Bradford asks, pulling out a phone and revealing a video of the teenager singing Marvel We Didn't Start The Fire.

Y/N answers, "Spoilers for the Avengers without spoiling anything at the same time, something that's gotten at least ten thousand views in the last twenty minutes, and a masterpiece. If we monetise the account now, we get money for every view. It's trending, so it'll be shared with others. I can do other songs, which will be very popular considering my species. Should cover some of the costs."

Bradford asks, "And the rest of the costs?"

"Figure it out. That is what I pay you to do, right?" Louie scoffs.

Bradford smirks, "Hmm, we are spending a lot on magical defence on a dark, mysterious island in the Heron Sea."

"That sounds important. What could Scrooge have been protecting there?" Y/N frowns.

Louie exclaims, "Great! Cut that! Now-"

"Belay that." Y/N orders, a dangerous look going over their face. "You seem very eager just to get rid of that one thing when there are a whole bunch of other useless things that could be cut, like the movie studio. Why that one, Bradford, was it?"

Bradford answers, "I've been trying to get Mr McDuck to cut expenses for that island for years."

"Why? This was Scrooge McDuck's company, after all, wasn't it? How many dangerous enemies has he faced? And how many of them were magical? There is a reason for his magical defences, even if they seem to just take up money, they have a very good reason. Now think, for all we know, that magical defence on that island could be the one thing stopping the world from disintegrating."

The human walks over to Bradford, a flame in their eyes, "But of course, what would I know? I'm just a teenager from another world, which has dealt with many magical threats, including Gumm-Gumms, Goblins, Gruesomes, and of course the occasional rogue gnome. My guardian dealt with many issues in my world, but of course, they aren't the same in this world. What the hell would I know, Bradford?"

Y/N's phone buzzes.

"I have to take this. Louie, use your head." Y/N growls, walking out of the room.

They look at the message, seeing it's from Gyro.

"𝚃𝚑𝚎𝚢'𝚛𝚎 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚢."

"𝙸'𝚕𝚕 𝚋𝚎 𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚎 𝚊𝚜 𝚜𝚘𝚘𝚗 𝚊𝚜 𝙸 𝚌𝚊𝚗." They send back.

Y/N rushes down to the lab, pulling out their amulet.

"I'm here. Where are they?" Y/N asks.

"I'm right here." Y/N hears their own voice answer from behind them.

They turn to see their own face in front of them. They both look the other up and down.

"Damn, do I really look like that?" Y/N asks the clone.

The clone asks, "What's wrong with it?"

"No, I'm saying, Damn, I'm attractive." Y/N smirks. "That was quick, Gearloose. Do they have the same memories?"

Gearloose nods, "Mostly. Now every memory after you gave me your DNA is its own."

The clone scoffs, "Let's go. Louie's done something stupid, if my memories are anything to go by."

Y/N nods, handing Gearloose twenty dollars.

"Not much, but it's something. Thanks." Y/N smiles, shoving their hoodie onto their clone as they go into the elevator. "You know the incantation?"

The clone smiles, "Of course. Just like the lucid nightmare?"

"Sort of. Hide in the shadows and watch me." Y/N smiles.

Y/N then stops, lifting their clone's shirt slightly, looking for the scar.

"I don't have it." The clone frowns.

The clone summons the Eclipse armour, a smirk lacing their face as it's concealed with the armour. Suddenly, Owlson calls.

"There's an emergency on your island in the Heron sea!"

Y/N groans, "Louie! Get the plane ready. We're taking a trip."

Y/N barges into the office, gives Bradford a stink eye, which makes him shiver slightly as they grab the green duck.

"Emergency on the island you just cut funding to! I told you not to freaking cut the freaking funding! Let's go, Louie." Y/N growls, scaring the child.

They drag Louie to the plane, which has been painted green. They pull him onto the plane and toss him in.

"I have to grab someone." Y/N growls, walking away for a moment.

They reappear with a familiar figure.

"Trollhunter?" Louie asks.

Trollhunter frowns, "I'm here to protect Y/N. Nothing else."

The plane takes off.

"How long should it take to get there, Zan?" Y/N asks.

Owlson answers, "Two hours."

Y/N nods, walking away to a corner, staring at a wall, daydreaming to speed up time.


"This is your captain Launchpad speaking. Approaching a mysterious, mist-shrouded island. Should be crashing within the hour." Launchpad smiles over the speakers.

Louie doesn't react, and Owlson makes a horrified look.

"Since Louie's not reacting, I assume this is a regular occurrence. So, I'm betting thirty minutes." Y/N frowns.

"Maybe so we don't die, we can use this time to go over everything we know about this island?" Owlson suggests.

Trollhunter nods, "Agreed."

Owlson looks at the Trollhunter in shock, about to ask something when Y/N holds up their hand.

"They're my guardian. Quite literally. They're with me." Y/N frowns.

Owlson nods, understanding.

"We know nothing about this island. It is so secret that Scrooge had it removed from maps and satellite images. If we're to survive-" Owlson frowns, looking through the tablet.

Trollhunter grabs the owl's arm.

"Calm down. I've done things like this a thousand times. We'll be fine. It's my job to keep everyone safe. Especially Y/N." Trollhunter tries to soothe the owl.

Louie scoffs, "There's nothing on this island that I can't handle. I am the richest duck in the world! Woo woo woo!"

"Arrogance gets you killed." Trollhunter and Y/N announce at the same time.

The plane lands, the group walking out to see a dark, stormy, mysterious island.

"Well, this is terrifying." Y/N deadpans.

"Hm, not really the private, rich-guy island I was hoping for. Heh, put in a white sand beach over there, private lagoon over here, maybe a water slide, or is that too tacky? I'm not sure." Louie frowns.

Y/N mutters something, getting the Trollhunter to elbow them.

"Why would Scrooge invest so much money in protecting this... creepy pile of pillars?" Owlson asks.

Y/N looks around, shivering as magic seems to pulse through the island, the mist making the pillars look like bodies surrounding the birds and humans.

"I have a bad feeling about this." Y/N frowns.

The group walks over a hill to see another Money Bin.

"That's why! He was hiding a secret money bin!" Louie exclaims.

Trollhunter frowns, "I don't think so..."

Louie laughs, running, "Man, I am an even better bajillionaire than I thought. I bet it's, like, full of like the best treasure."

Y/N clears their throat.

"We, you idiot." They glare.

Louie frowns, "Fine. We."

Launchpad notices, "It must really be something if you had all these doohickeys to keep people out."

Trollhunter looks at the strange technology in worry.

"Or to keep something in." Manny clops.

"I concur with Manny." Trollhunter frowns.

Y/N turns to the Trollhunter, who is staring at the bin.

"Come on, let's get in-" Louie starts only to see a giant hole in the bin. "My beautiful bin! What has happened to you?"

Y/N hits him in the back of the head as the Trollhunter looks through the place.

"When you cut the magical defences, it must have allowed... something... to break through. But what?" Owlson asks.

Trollhunter turns around, their eyes landing on a giant creature.


Launchpad smiles, "Let's ask this guy."

Everyone turns to see the giant monster.

"Shrek?" Y/N asks, confused at the green zombie-like creature wearing what seems to be a vest along with other clothes and a nose-ring.

Launchpad starts, "Excuse me, sir. Are you from around here, or-"

The creature roars, scaring everyone off, the Trollhunter staying near Y/N, summoning their sword.

"What... was... that?" Louie asks.

Trollhunter growls, "Whatever the hell McDuck put in the bin, you idiot!"

"We need to get out of here, right now!" Y/N orders.

Louie frowns, "Okay, no problem. I'm the richest duck in the world. I got this."

Y/N stares in shock.

"Now is not the time to be talking about our money, Louie!" Y/N exclaims.

"Richest!" The creature yells in the rich people's faces.

Something clicks in Y/N's mind as it says that. Then its eyes land on Y/N and the Trollhunter, moving its eyes between the two in confusion and anger.

"No. Flipping. Way." Y/N whispers.

Trollhunter asks, "What?"

Louie exclaims at the creature, "Excuse me, you are on my property right now, buddy. You'd better leave before I have you removed."

Y/N grabs Louie, pushing him away as everyone runs.

"Uh, okay I'll give you a million dollars to leave! And a plane! And a horse-thing! And a Trollhunter!" Louie prattles.

"And a what?!" Trollhunter exclaims, turning to the duck in anger, Manny sharing the same sentiments.

Y/N exclaims, "No one is selling anyone!"

"Do something! I am too rich to die!" Louie exclaims.

Trollhunter deadpans, "Can I kill him now?"

"No! No matter how tempting it is!" Y/N yells.

"Richest!" The creature yells.

Launchpad exclaims, "I'll save you Louie McD!"

"Oh no, Launchpad!"

Y/N orders, "Everyone, to the plane!"

"Oh no, me! Oh, nothing stops him! Owlson, do something!" Louie asks.

Owlson scoffs, "Oh sure, like they cover this in Business school!"

Y/N smiles, "We do cover this over in Arcadia in normal school, though. Although that's only recently and it's because of the world ending, like, three times already. No, wait, four times. I forgot about Morando. School was cancelled the second time and everyone went home annoyed."

Everyone stares at Y/N in confusion as they run. Trollhunter throws their sword at the creature, then jumps on its head, grabbing its nose-ring, then jumping down, pulling it down with them into a hole. The Trollhunter climbs over the creature and jumps to the ledge, just missing, starting to fall again.

"Gotcha, Hunter!" Y/N smirks, grabbing their clone's wrist before they fall to their death.

Trollhunter looks down at the creature and lets out a breath.

"Okay, help me up." Trollhunter orders.

Manny walks over and wraps his hooves around the Trollhunter's other wrist, helping Y/N pull them up.

"Thanks, Manny." The two humans chorus.

Louie cheers, "Whoo-hoo! I did it!"

Y/N and Owlson scowl, "You did it?!"

Louie nods, "Yeah, because, technically, I am Launchpad's and Trollhunter's boss-"

"No, you're not. Y/N is," Trollhunter snarls, "and they aren't even my boss. I'm their guardian as a favour. I don't work for anyone."

Louie scoffs, "Anyway, nothing can stop the richest duck in the world!"

The creature at the bottom of the pit gets up again, roaring.

"Let's get out of here before Nose-ring Shrek comes after us." Y/N orders.

"Get to the bin!" Louie exclaims.

Y/N grabs him by his suit and orders, "Get to the plane. The sooner we get off this island, the sooner I can chew Bradford out about cutting funds to this island."

Trollhunter asks, "Wait, Bradford?"

Y/N nods, "Yes, now let's get moving!"

"Why didn't you think of going to the plane?" Zan asks Louie.

Louie exclaims, "I'm under pressure, okay?!"

Trollhunter scoffs, "So is everyone else, Richie Rich. Just get moving."

Zan exclaims at Louie, "You ignored all my advice, stranded us on Monster Island, cut important funding-"

"Cut funding? That's it!" Louie interrupts, "Team, I have a plan if you're willing to follow me. What do you say? Do you trust the boss?"

Y/N and Trollhunter chorus, "Not at all."


After a few minutes, and with Y/N muttering angrily, a plan is put in place, leaving Manny without his Gold Louie head.

"Hello, Bradford? Cut the funding to the McDuck satellite system immediately. Yes, I know what I'm doing. Drop them all on my location. Now!" Louie orders as everyone runs to the plane.

Trollhunter sighs, "I'm getting more and more annoyed with this kid."

Y/N nods in agreement, grabbing Louie's collar and throwing him into the plane. The human turns to see the creature.


Y/N yells, "Get a life! What would your parents say about you murdering people?"

The plane takes off, everyone inside as satellites crash into the island.

"We're alive." Y/N breathes.

Manny clops, "You owe me a head."

Trollhunter pulls a rock figure of Scrooge's head out of a box.

"You mean this head?" They smile.

The man-horse clops a thank you to the human.

"You look better with Scrooge's head. Must be the colour. Compliments your fur." Y/N smiles.

"And Scrooge thought I couldn't handle being the richest duck in the world, haha haha. Mr McQuack, take us home. Let the rich life of Louie Duck begin! Ah ha ha!" Louie smiles.

"Alright, back to business." Zan frowns.

Louie exclaims, "What? I just saved our lives back there, and it was very stressful."

Y/N scoffs, "You think that's bad? You have to run a business. It's hard work. I'm only using my part for the Social Media."

"I'll need you in the office at 6:00 am to make up for the day we just lost." Zan continues.

Y/N pales, turning to the Trollhunter.

"I'm only your bodyguard. Not your secretary." Trollhunter smirks.

Louie exclaims, "Ahh, I don't have to listen to you, Owlson. I am the richest duck in the-"

Suddenly, part of the plane is ripped off, revealing the creature from earlier.

"How is this thing still alive!?" Y/N yells.

Trollhunter shrugs, "It's a Troll."

"It can't be! Trolls are from another world! This is more like Shrek-Frankenstien!" Y/N exclaims.

Suddenly, the creature goes to attack Y/N, hitting them into a wall.

"Leave my charge alone!" Trollhunter yells, jumping on the creature, pulling at its nose-ring.

"Ahh! What do you want from me?" Louie asks.

The creature just roars, making Louie scream.

"Enough!" Owlson screams.

Everyone looks to the owl in confusion, the Bombie actually looking intimidated.

"I was at the top of my class at Mouseton. Ran several successful businesses. But none of that prepared me for you Duckberg billionaires. Reckless thrill-seekers, madmen with the minds of children, actual children!"

"Hey!" Y/N protests as Owlson ties a rope to herself.

Owlson continues, "I tried to keep you people humble, but all you care about is money, and power. Well, I'm done trying to make you better. I'm going to become a better billionaire myself. I quit! Consider this my two weeks notice, because I will stay on to train my replacement like a professional! Now, everyone, hold on to something!"

Suddenly, the doors open, letting in a breeze of wind as things fall out.

"I was starting to get hot in this armour." Trollhunter jokes.

"Pull up, Launchpad!" Y/N exclaims.

The plane pulls up, Louie getting hit by his ottoman, which then hits Y/N, making the two fall out.

"Y/N!" Trollhunter yells, letting go and diving after the two rich people.

Y/N opens their arms up, trying to make themself fall slower while Trollhunter makes themself fall faster until they reach the human. Louie continues to scream. The two humans look at each other, exchanging a glance as they fall faster to Louie. They grab him, The Trollhunter opening their shield as they crash into the water. Louie notices his ottoman nearby and pulls the two humans onto it, floating towards the shore.

"Every bone in my body is sore." Y/N groans.

Louie smirks, "Huh, best hundred million I ever spent."

Trollhunter groans, "Shut up."

Suddenly, the trio hears the creature roaring again. They turn to see it.

"Oh, come on!" Y/N exclaims.

The Trollhunter grabs the duck and puts him on their shoulder, running through the streets with Y/N close behind. They then see Scrooge McDuck trying to... clean people's shoes?

"Uncle Scrooge! Help!" Louie screams.

Trollhunter throws Louie at Scrooge and turns, throwing their thigh blades at the creature.

"You have a lot of explaining to do, Tophat!" Trollhunter yells.


Y/N ducks as a car is thrown at them. They run to Scrooge, hiding behind a car.

Louie asks, "What is that thing?!"

Scrooge answers, "The Bombie!"

"Now we have a name for it!" Y/N exclaims.

The Bombie roars, Y/N feeling their fear heightening. They look over the car to see the carnage, destroyed cars, and burning buildings. They duck down again, remembering the last time they saw so much destruction and carnage, repressing the pain.

"That tells me nothing!" Louie yells.

Scrooge exclaims, "The Bombie is a curse upon whoever is the richest duck in the world."

"Person!" Y/N exclaims. "I'm not a duck!"

Louie exclaims, "Feels like something you should have told me this morning!"

Scrooge exclaims, "I didn't think you'd shut down his magical prison on your first day!"

"I told him not to!" Y/N growls.

The bombie continues to roar, looking for the duck and human while the Trollhunter throws him into a building.

"Well, how do I stop it?" Louie asks.

Scrooge answers, "You can't! He cannot be bought. He cannot be fought. Though riches you've got, your life will be fraught, until you have earned the one thing you have not."

"But I'm the richest duck in the world! I have everything!" Louie exclaims.

Trollhunter exclaims, "I figured it out!"

Y/N looks over at the Trollhunter only to fall to their knees, fear going through their eyes as they see their father on the ground as the ducks continue to talk.

"That's what I said. I tried everything. Nothing worked. I barely managed to contain him on Falcon Island!" Scrooge exclaims.

"Papa..." The teenager whispers.

The Trollhunter turns to Y/N, confused, until they see the carnage.

"Oh, no!" Trollhunter exclaims, quickly realising the problem.

They run to the human in concern.

"Daddy... Mummy... Papa..." Y/N whispers continuously.

The Bombie rushes over to the humans, ready to clobber them.

"STOP!" Trollhunter yells, making the Bombie stop in his tracks. "Can't you see they've suffered enough? Look at the carnage you've caused, Bombie!"

The Trollhunter hugs Y/N with one arm while gesturing to the destruction, while Y/N is shuddering like a leaf.

"I couldn't save them... it hurts... save them... Papa..." Y/N whispers.

"Please, just stop. You've hurt them so much already. They've seen too much destruction! Please, just leave them alone!" Trollhunter exclaims.

Everyone stares at the two humans in confusion. They look at the tears streaming down Y/N's face, and the fear in their glazed over eyes, like they've just seen a murder as their right hand twitches.

"Gunmar killed them... Make it stop! Make it stop!" Y/N exclaims, suddenly grabbing their head and pushes on it, trying to stop the flashbacks. "Stop it! I've seen it too much already! Just STOP IT! Please!"

Trollhunter grabs Y/N's hands and looks into their eyes.

"Y/N! Look at me. Gunmar is dead. He can't hurt you here. Neither can the Gumm-Gumms or that giant worm from the Darklands, or Changelings. I won't let anything bad happen to you as long as I'm here." Trollhunter frowns, opening their helmet slightly, showing their eyes to Y/N. "You'll be fine."

Y/N continues shaking when Trollhunter starts singing softly. Music always helps to control Y/N's emotions.

"Und immer wenn der Regen fällt
Dann tauch ich ein hinein in deine Welt
Du kämpfst mit Dämonen
Die tief in dir wohnen
Fühlst dich dem Abgrund so nah

Y/N breathes in and mutters, "Spring nicht"

Trollhutner continues singing, "Es zerreist dich von innen
Du bist wie von Sinnen
Doch jetzt bin ich für dich da

Y/N whispers, "Nimm meine Hand"

"Du wirst nicht einsam untergehn
Wir werdens gemeinsam überstehn

Y/N smiles back, the Bombie just staring confused at the two humans as they continue singing the song.

Scrooge asks, "Any idea what they're saying?"

Louie shrugs, "Don't ask me."

"Und immer wenn der Regen fällt
Tauch ich ein in deine Welt
Werd ein Teil von dir
Und halte deine Hand
Und immer wenn der Regen fällt
Bin ich die, die zu dir hält
Und die einzige die dich verstehen kann

Immer wenn der Regen fällt
Deine Tränen sind vergeblich
Der Schmerz unerträglich
Und tief in dir keimt der Zorn
Denn du fühlst dich verloren
Zum scheitern geboren

Doch jetzt blicken wir nach vorn
Du wirst nicht einsam untergehn
Wir werdens gemeinsam überstehn
Und immer wenn der Regen fällt
Tauch ich ein in deine Welt
Werd ein Teil von dir
Und halte deine Hand
Und immer wenn der Regen fällt
Bin ich die, die zu dir hält
Und die einzige die dich verstehen kannImmer
Und immer wenn der Regen fällt

Und immer wenn der Regen fällt
Dann tauch ich ein hinein in deine Welt
Und immer wenn der Regen fällt
Tauch ich ein in deine Welt

Werd ein Teil von dir
Und halte deine Hand
Und immer wenn der Regen fällt
Bin ich die, die zu dir hält
Und die einzige die dich verstehen kannImmer
Und immer wenn der Regen fällt"

Y/N stands up and wipes their face with their sleeve.

"I'm okay now." Y/N smiles, their eyes landing on the Bombie's shoes. "This curse takes a toll on both you and us. Being cursed to chase after the richest person in the world must be awful."

The teenager grabs a piece of cloth off the ground and dunks it in a bucket of water.

"Oi! Ducks! Get over here and let's get rid of the curse together!" Y/N smiles.

Louie and Scrooge hesitantly walk over. Trollhunter chuckles, walking towards Y/N.

"The one thing that the richest people need to learn? Owlson said it earlier, Louie. Humility. Not an easy thing to be." Trollhunter smirks.

Scrooge scoffs, "Sentimental hogwash!"

The Bombie roars in Scrooge's face.

"Fair point."

Trollhunter chuckles, "I like this guy."

As Y/N, Scrooge, and Louie clean the Bombie's shoes, Louie sighs.

"Uncle Scrooge, you can have your fortune back. I am not cut out to be the richest duck in the world." Louie frowns.

Scrooge smiles, "Of course not. Not yet, anyway. But Louie, you were a better billionaire than I was today in every sense of the word."

The Bombie smiles at his shoes, seeing his reflection and he walks off, the curse seemingly gone.

"So, you're not super mad at me?" Louie asks.

Trollhunter chuckles as Scrooge answers, "Lad, if this is the worst damage you did as the richest duck in the world, then everything is fine."

Y/N smirks, "I'll give back my half on one condition. Hire me so we can improve your social media department. It'll completely replace your movie department, which is utterly useless. All ya gotta do is monetise the account so every view earns you money."

Scrooge frowns, "Fine."

"I'll take an hour of unpaid lunch break if it makes you feel better." Y/N smiles.

Trollhunter shrugs, "I live off Y/N's expenses. Quite literally. You don't have to worry about me asking for a job."

Scrooge asks, "By the way, what was that about earlier? Ye just broke down."

Y/N frowns, scratching at their scar, "It's a long story. I'll tell you it another day. Let's just go to the bin to get all the paperwork sorted."

The group walks to the bin, not realising that there's a stone creature watching them, very intrigued at the entire group.


Y/N sighs, signing the paper to join McDuck Enterprises for real when their phone goes off.

"Y/N's Roadkill Cafe! You kill it, we grill it!" Y/N smirks.

"Y/N L/N. It's about time we were properly introduced."

Y/N pales for a moment, "Well, that's not creepy at all, sir. Whatever yer selling, I ain't buying."

"I must applaud you. Keeping part of McDuck's money away from him, that's genius, and you've done a great service." The guy on the phone smirks.

"Sorry, you're too late. I just gave it back so I could get an actual job. Get lost." Y/N growls.

"I'll send someone to approach you tomorrow after your shift at McDuck Enterprises. Tell no one. Don't worry, you won't be hurt. We just have much to discuss."

The phone disconnects, concerning Y/N. They finish up the paperwork and run home, their clone in armour following them as a stone creature narrows his eye at them, slinking off into the shadows.

A/N Woah! That was a doozy. Who called Y/N like a creep? And look, Angor's looking at us through the shadows. Aww, I want to adopt the poor baby. He deserves better. Wait, if this is the richest person in the world episode, that means the next episode is...

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