Part 13:- Talks

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"Hmm?" He hummed waiting for her to convey her words.

"What were your dreams of a wife?" She was unsure regarding her own question.

Would he answer that? What if it was too much to ask? Will he think of me as a desperate and clingy girl?

"Let me tell you a secret " Rishi quickly responded making her surprised.
"I always wanted my wife to be a human"  He said in his most serious voice as if giving a presentation on climate change.

Saanvi glared at him but poor her, In the dim lights Rishi could not see her warning.

She sighed and closed her eyes to call it a day when suddenly he spoke up again, "Compatibility! I wanted Compatibility in my relationship with my wife.
I was never the kind of boy girls liked to be with. Remember the boy in the class who would always sit on the last bench and hardly respond to anything? Well, that's me. Girls want boys who are active, charming, and good looking maybe? But I am far from that. I always knew I was going to have an arranged marriage so I really didn't have any preference you ask, I just wanted someone to understand and support me just like my family does. "

Saanvi had a small smile on her face listening to his words, 'what were your dreams of a husband? ' Rishi wanted to ask but he didn't.

Maybe she is not comfortable talking about her feelings. I don't have to creep her out, let her be comfortable here first. What if my question triggers her past memory about which she doesn't want to talk? Maybe I should just give her some space.

"You know when you love someone's charismatic side or just his looks or just his pretense behavior you just love that till a saturation point. They die down after some time but when you love someone's presence in your life, their words, their existence the charm of that love never fades away. It's just keeping growing. I learned it the hard way but now I know that I want a companion and not a showpiece to show around to get validation and appreciation from the people who don't even matter in my life".

She answered his unasked question and there was complete silence in the room. It was hard for both of them to let the conversation going. They wanted to talk but had not even a clue about each other's life.

"Rishi what if your parents get to know that Suchi is not your blood" Saanvi asked breaking the ice.

"So? "

"So what? Won't be they angry that we hid such a big truth from them and what if they don't want Suchi then" Saanvi was surprised if Rishi's cool demeanor.

"I bet they will still behave the same"

"Why so sure? "

"I know that. You just don't worry about it"  He assured her with a small smile. Saanvi couldn't see his face in the dim lights but she could feel his smile through his words. She hummed unsure in response.

"What do you do? " This time Rishi asked breaking the silence trying to divert her attention from her overthinking.

"I am Marketing head in "GoodWood" Enterprise owned by my Father Suraj Maalik which deals with furniture" Saanvi said with a proud smile.

"Oh wow! I know the company we had many successful deals in past. " Rishi was pleasantly surprised to know that she was working in one of the best furniture enterprises.
The company's name itself puffs her chest with pride. She saw her father working hard to set up this enterprise and now when it is a well-known enterprise she couldn't help but feel proud of her father and extremely delighted to be part of such a reputed workspace.

"What do you do? " She was already aware of his parents' name and fame in the industry as she researched about her in-laws just a day before but she didn't exactly know what he did.

"Managing director at BeVish Wonderworld" Rishi spoke with a sweet smile adorning his face.

"That's great! " She was impressed. She knew what all it took to be at such a high rank. No doubt he would have worked day and night to get the position.

Their talks went on and on till midnight. Rishi who was narrating about some incidents during his early days in the company looked towards her to get her take on the whole situation but found her sleeping keeping her hand on Suchi's stomach.

He smiled seeing her sleeping peacefully. At least now she would be away from her overburdening thoughts which were making her anxious since morning.

Covering three of them with the blanket properly, he too laid beside Suchi caressing her head, "Good night, doll. Good night, Saanvi! "

The cold soft wind was blowing making leaves of trees dance to their tune. The colorful birds chirped in chorus melody, welcoming the first ray of sun. The warm pinkish-orange hue in the blue sky spread its arms to engulf all the living beings. It was a beautiful morning.

Saanvi smiled looking at Suchi who was hiding in her stomach. Minutes before when she woke up she found Rishi tightly securing both of them in his arms.
For a second she was scared who dared to enter in her bedroom but soon realized she is a married woman now and the person sleeping beside her is her husband. Carefully tucking his arm away, she kissed Suchi's head, and as a response suchi snuggled more into her stomach.

Saanvi made Suchi sit on the bed along with her to which she made a cranky face at her all ready to cry but when her eyes caught the sight of her Dadda she jumped down from Saanvi's lap and climbed on Rishi's stomach.

"Dadda" She kissed his cheek and slept on her Dadda's chest in solace.
Rishi too lifted his head and kissed her head in half-sleep, "doll".

Saanvi could not help but adore the duo. Just 2-3 days and they were already so fond of each other.

Glancing at them with admiration she went to get ready for the day.

Dressed in a pink frock, Suchi was busing reciting her fairy tale to Rishi as they descended down the stairs for breakfast. Her tiny legs swung in his arms and the tinkling of her anklets matched her Mumma's. She continued narrating her tales in her gibberish making an animated face while  Rishi held her delicately responding back to her words with an equally animated face.

Saanvi was walking slowly behind them in her pink shimmery Saree. Clearly, she was not habitual of wearing a saree. Rishi asked her to change into something comfortable but when she said she liked it, the discussion was over.

"Suchi" Andy chirped happily looking at her, Suchi snapped her head towards him to find him standing there with two choco bars in his hands.

Seeing her twinkling eyes, Rishi kept her down carefully as they reached the last stair. She ran to the old man who was having her chocolates. Her talking sandals and anklets were equally excited as the hall filled with their sweet sound.

Rishi waited for Saanvi to follow up. She was about to trip when he quickly balanced her holding her shoulders.
"Told you to change in something comfortable " Rishi looked at her with accusing eyes.

"But I like sarees " Saanvi quickly defended her stand.

"Yeah! Whatever you say" Rishi rolled his eyes holding her hand and walking towards the table.

"Don't roll your eyes at me" Saanvi made a face at him.

"Otherwise? " Rishi smirked at her.

"Idiot" Saanvi huffed while he just chuckled looking at annoyed face.

"Oh-ho someone is being romantic" Meera whistled looking at Rishi and Saanvi's joint hands. They quickly withdrew their hands as the whole attention was shifted to them. Rishi looked away as his skin heated up while Saanvi kept looking down not meeting their gaze.

"Aww! They are so cute. Blushing haan? " Meera's eyes twinkled looking at them. 

"Now sit down and have your breakfast " Bela shook her head looking at Meera signalling her not to tease them.

Understanding the look, Meera quickly sat down on her chair, "I am so hungry, Shaan pass me the bowl".

" Come, Saanvi " Bela called Saanvi lovingly and made her sir beside herself.

Finally, Every one settled for Breakfast. Suchi took everyone's attention. All of them wanted to feed her but Bade Dadu being the eldest declared he will feed her. As soon as he made Suchi sit on his lap. Badi Dadi tapped his shoulder questioning him if he was sure with his decision.
Giving her a nervous smile, he quickly made Suchi sit in her lap. Badi Dadi's face was adorned with a proud grin.
"Now that's right!". Men of the family shook their head at the poor old man. Poor old man!

Rishi waited for Bela to ask him if he wanted more food but she was also busy in taking care of Suchi. Rishi waited for her pateintly, he didn't actually want anything but her to ask once like every day.

" This is called Karma" Mahir who was sitting beside nudged him. Rishi looked at him confused.

"Remember when you came into our lives, I was too ignored like this from my own family. Now your turn Mumma'a boy" Mahir smirked at him battling his eyes.

"I can't believe dad. You are holding grudges against a 5-year old kid " Rishi passed him an unimpressed smile.

"Who 5 -year old? You are 28 years old now " Mahir rolled his eyes stuffing halwa in his mouth.

"But that time I have just 5 years old " Rishi whinned.

"Now Suchi is ONLY 4 years old " Mahir pasted his four fingers on Rishi's face.

"Arghh! Dad, you are annoying" Rishi glared at him.

"Too bad, you can't change your Dad now" Mahir patted his back sympathetically.
Please ignore grammatical mistakes.

Got some free time in between😋😋. So here is your update❤.

Thanks for reading❤.

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