Part 9:- Sorry! we can't hear you

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"Did you eat this beta? Try it, Sumi makes it best" Badi Dadi caressed Saanvi's head stuffing another piece of sweet in her mouth before she could finish the previous one.

Saanvi couldn't sleep properly the whole night without Suchi. She was just hoping for morning to come soon but it seemed like it was testing her patience.

Being irritated with her thumping heart, she didn't sleep. She completed her pending work and then immersed herself in the beautiful memories of the past. When Suchi was born how she cried taking her in arms. How tiny she was but capable of ringing the bells of love.
As soon as Suchi was kept in her arms, Saanvi forgot her pain. For her, Suchi is an angel and the best thing that happened to her in the last five years. She is hope, a ray of light in her dark world. Since the time she has come into existence, Saanvi's share of depression, anxiety has reduced. Suchi is not only her flesh and blood but also a piece of her heart, She is part of her body, Saanvi has kept her for 9 months in her body. Whenever Suchi is hurt, it pains Saanvi. Whenever Suchi cries, Saanvi feels distressed.

For Saanvi, Suchi is her life, a reason to live.
If Saanvi is in better condition today it is because of Suchi.

Suchi is her Jaan.

As the first ray of the morning peeked through her window, the birds sang in melody. The trees danced along with the cold breeze, the pinkish-orange hue in the sky wished the living beings a sweet morning, Saanvi, with an enthusiastic smile ran to get ready.
She checked up on her Dad, after giving him food and meds, she moved to Rishi's house.

She thought they will scold her and so happened as she reached their house. She pressed the bell and waited for the door to open, fidgeting her fingers.

One of the house helps opened the door with a bright smile and let her in. Saanvi stood in the living room being all nervous. Rishi didn't pick up her call earlier she assumed he was busy. She was petrified about how the family members will react seeing her early in the morning.

She was in her thoughts when Sumi saw her.
"How dare you? What are you doing here? " Sumi asked her in a dead-serious voice.

Andy who came behind her was also giving her a serious look.

"I... I... I... Aunty... " Saanvi's face went pale looking at them.

"Aunty? Who is Aunty? and first of all, you get out. You are not supposed to enter just like that" Sumi held her wrist and took her out.

"Bela! Please bring that" She called for Bela, who came with an Aarti thali in her hand, smiling at them.

Sumi took the thali from her, "you are the daughter of this house, You are a form of Goddess Laxmi. You can't enter inside just like that, let us welcome you properly" Sumi grinned showering flowers on her, and then proceeded to take her Aarti.

"Aunty... This... Is... " Saanvi was touched with their gesture of love and respect but she knew it was not her place. It was just a misunderstanding.

"Who is Aunty? Call me cool Dadi or babes just like Rishi and Meera" Sumi warded off the evil from her.

Saanvi nodded, "Actually... I came here to clear the... "

"Leave it! Come here, I have prepared besan laddoo. Eat them! Sumi dragged her inside. Andy and Bela too followed them smiling while Mahir came with the tray containing different sweets.

Soon everyone joined in except Rishi and Suchi.

They kept stuffing the sweets in Saanvi's mouth and she kept denying it.

"Mumma" They turned to see Suchi in Rishi's lap in a green frock and green hairband. As usual, she looked like a cutie pie.
She was wearing Meera's clothes.

"Aww. She is looking like a Guava. Can I eat her? Meera took her in her arms kissing her cheeks to which Suchi giggled.

" You too looked the same when you were this old" Mahir pulled his princess' cheeks.

Saanvi was overwhelmed looking at the love they were showering on her and her daughter. She wanted only this love.

Controlling her selfish urge of keeping the family to herself, she moved towards Rishi.
She took a deep breath before continuing, "Aunty, Uncle... I was saying that Suchi... "

"We know dear, you don't have to explain anything to us. From now on you and Suchi will stay here. We will get you two married tomorrow. You don't have to speak words fed by your stupid boyfriend " Mahir patted her head, glaring at Rishi.

Rishi's look again screamed I-am-not-at-fault but who was going to believe him anyway.

"No Uncle, it's not... I " Saanvi tried to say when Bela interrupted her.

"Suchi is growing up Saanvi, it's not good for you two to stay apart now. The little child craves for her father and moreover, we accept your relationship. Why are you both keen on staying away? " Bela gave her a puzzled look at last.

"No aunty... It's"

"Your name is Saanvi? " This time Rishi cut her off who was standing beside her.

She glared at him, she was trying hard to clear off the things, and here he was concerned about her name.

He looked away immediately otherwise the girl would have surely burned him down with her death glare.

"Saanvi, Rishi told us you went to the hospital yesterday, everything fine? " Andy asked her concerned.

"Yes Uncle just papa fainted because of not having sufficient meals"

"Is he home now? " Bade Dadu asked her to which she nodded her head.

"Good! I think we should pay a visit" Andy suggested.

Sumi agreed instantly.

"No...No ... It's not needed Uncle" Saanvi tried to say but it seemed like they were on some mission of interrupting her or not hearing her words.

"No dear, it's needed. He is family now. Come, everyone! "

"Do something" Saanvi nudged Rishi.

"Do you think they listen to me" Rishi rolled his eyes.

"Useless" Saanvi muttered under her breath, she facepalmed thinking how she is going to explain all this to her father now?

While Rishi kept wondering if she called him useless.
Please ignore grammatical mistakes.

Seems like someone is getting married in the next part 👀👀.

Thanks for reading❤.

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