EXCLUSIVE: Interview with Fugidove!

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Good morning Ninjago citizens! Welcome back to another exclusive interview in the monthly Ninjago Times. Today's interview will be a special one as we're going to be interviewing one of ninjago's most underrated criminals: Fugi-dove! So grab onto your feathers and dive in!

All the questions here were submitted by our lovely readers. So if you would like to ask more than do be sure to send us some through our instabook account!

Question 1: "Can you fly without your wings? How far?"

Fugidove: "*bird noise* What sort of question is that!? I have my wings for a reason, which is flying! Although... I did once try to fly without flapping them and.. I don't mean to brag or anything.. but I managed to move a full ten inches! Sire, its not the same as the distance I'm able to cover by flapping my wings (it's three kilometres by the way) but its something!"

Question 2: "Omg Fugidove I'm your biggest fan ilysm. Can I join your bird gang please?"

Fugidove: "Why thank you for the flattering words! *bird noise* And for the second part..well.. I am a dove and they are best known for being social animals... so... yes. However, you can't copy me. You have to pick another bird, The dove was my idea! *bird noise*"

Question 3: "How did your rivalry with Jay begin?"

Fugidove: "Wait are they talking about Bluejay?! Oh he just started his criminal career and I'm helping him as his master! We used to be enemies but we're basically partners in crime now. Our rivalry didn't begin long ago...he had destroyed my bank heist that was going completely well until he showed up! But.. the past is in the past and we're beyond that now. Besides we're BPCFs! Best partners in crime forever! I even follow him on chirp! His username is @lightning_Rod21 by the way! Tell him I said hi!"

Question 4: "Why do you like birds?"

Fugidove: "*bird noise* Ooh I was excited for this question! You see, many of the more common people merely think of birds as nothing more than balls of fluff with little beaks, But I disagree with their narrow minded views! For the average bird is capable of MORE than pecking at worms and squeaking and pooping on cars. They are the deadliest animals that roam this planet and no one even suspects them! They can be trained to follow your bidding, and their feet are pointy! What's not to love about them?!"

Question 5: "What did you score on your IQ test?"

Fugidove: "A solid 120! The same as the average dove, people just don't know it. Next question!"

Question 6: "Do you have a girlfriend?"

Fugidove: "Do you really believe one of your narrow minded, bird propaganda spreading kind can achieve the title of my girlfriend?! Absolutely not!"

Question 7: "Do you like soft toys?"

Fugidove: "Oh I love them! Hence why I love my wings so much. They're soft. *bird noise*"

Question 8: "What's your favourite ice cream flavor?"

Fugidove: "Currently its Dairy Dragon's Bananakhan. Cause I heard that Bluejay had a part in making it and I always do my best to support him! Other than that, I usually go for birdseed. Unfortunately this flavour isn't that widespread so I usually just make my own."

Question 9: "Is being in prison fun? If yes, I'm joining you."

Fugidove: "In my opinion I think it is mostly fun. We exercise together, drink lemonade if we're on good behaviour, sometimes we even have sleepovers and the guards even sneak us some snacks! You can even form your own clubs and hang out like buddies! Though one downside is that the exercise is very hardcore and there's a fifty percent chance of the lunches giving you a tummy ache... but other than that I'll give it a solid seven out of ten!"

Thats all for today folks! Be sure to send us more questions if you have any and tune in next time for the next exclusive article of Ninjago times!

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