Chapter 5 Snake in the Grass

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"I waited a few weeks before accepting Jake's offer to go out, even though I didn't like Emma. I felt sorry for her because I knew she was too sensitive to cope with how Jake had treated her. But I promised myself that; I would find a way to help Emma and Nathan. The question was, how?


 Today after school, I saw Emma crying over Jake, which was difficult to witness. Fortunately, Nathan, her best friend, was present to provide comfort. He even removed his jacket to shield her from the wind. I have to admit, seeing them together made me think that Emma and Nathan would make a great couple.  

  "I felt guilty when I saw Jake approaching. I knew that my actions had led to his abrupt breakup with Emma," I thought. "Hi, Katharine," Jake said with a wink in my direction. "Oh, hi, Jake," I responded, trying to act normal. 

   "Katharine, we have been together for almost a week now, so I was thinking we should go somewhere special," Jake suggested. "Sure, sounds great," I said, pushing the guilt aside; for the time being.  Jake held my hand and took me to this cute place with flowers in almost every corner.  I grinned this was exciting. I sat at the table with him and we waited for the waitress. She arrived and we both ordered our food. 

       I decided to excuse myself to the restaurant when Jake got a phone call. "Do hurry, back, Katie baby," He whined. I went inside the lady's room.

           I was about to exit when I was finished when I picked up a voice on the other side of the wall. Strange, I thought, who could that be? I listened closer and realized it was Jake. He was on the phone bragging about how he had smeared Emma's name in the dirt and made it so no man would love her. He then went on to say that he loved me more and that he intended to ask me to have sex with him tonight. We will see about that I thought. I knew we had come close to it a few times, but his mother walked in on us the last time and scolded us before we could get to it.

         I continued to eavesdrop on his conversation. I heard him say, after tonight he was going to use me like Emma then drop me like a sack of potatoes for the next hot babe that came along.  I gasped. "I don't think so," I said. I knew then I had to find some way to prove that Jake was a snake in the grass. There must be some way, but how? I did not plan to have sex with him because that would be crazy especially if he wanted to dump me after this evening. Why waste it on that jerk? I better play along like I am clueless for the rest of dinner.

      I went back to the table as he was hanging up. "Katie, baby I missed you something terrible." Jake lied. I saw through it but pretended not to care. I was obsessed with him even knowing he was a bad boy. What was wrong with me? I was not always like this. I ate my dinner, and he took me back to his place after he finished his.

       I entered the bedroom we shared. Yes, I had moved in with him after the incident with his mother. This ensured we had more privacy. I sighed. Should I do what he wanted?  What if he still dumped me like he had Emma? I was not sure what to do.

     Jake entered the room topless. I did not bother correcting him, I had seen him without his shirt many times before. It was only because he usually did not wear it when we met for tennis. We had done that before he dated Emma and a few times before we dated.

      "So, babe, you ready to make yourself mine?" Jake whispered in my ear. I hesiasted. I was somewhat of a bad girl but had never had sex with anyone. All my previous boyfriends had not asked. The other boys were a bit of a bore. Jake was excited, but did he plan to dump me like he said on the phone or what?

      I did not answer. I just sat there. Jake came over to me and started to touch my shirt. I shoved him away. This relationship was getting bad fast. I was not so sure I wanted to be the bad girl anymore.

    "Jake, I don't think I'm ready. I mean, it has only been a week of dating. I would rather be engaged at least before I commit to something so big," I said. I hoped that this would help him snap out of it.

   I stood up and turned to go. Jake grabbed me and shoved me hard against the closet. He forced me to go inside it with him. I kicked him when he attempted to touch me. I slapped him too then ran home without a second glance. Good day, Nathan was right, Jake is just a snake in disguise, a creepy good snake.

   "I let him know, I was ending things as soon as I arrived home. I could tell he thought I was joking. He said, "Babe, you can't be serious. I was only joking about dumping you. I want you, girl." I replied, "Too bad, you are too bad even for my taste," when he called me over the phone to whine and beg me back. I hung up.".

       The next day, I felt good. I was a free woman. At school, I did not go anywhere with my ex-boyfriend. I was glad, I had taken my few things to his place with me when I went home the night before. I smiled when I saw Nathan holding Emma's hand in class. I felt bad for the guy because Emma was not even looking at him. What was wrong with her? Nathan was a better man than Jake.

    After school, I approached Nathan, "I want you to know I dumped Jake last night, not that you care anyway, but he is a snake in the grass. It is a good thing Emma is not with him anymore. He tried to attack me last night." I said. Nathan's look said it all. I could tell he hated Jake.

     Nathan looked for Jake and punched him twice. "That was for what you did to Emma, and the other is for what you did to Katharine, you know Jake you are the one who will be alone forever. It is sad because you could have been something; if you were not such a pig-headed, creep!" He yelled at Jake. 

   I was proud of Nathan for what he did to offend the honor of Emma and me. Goodness, I wonder if he has a brother. If he did I would go for that guy because I decided I want to be a good girl from here on out.

     "Say, Nathan, thanks for standing up the Jerkasourus for all the ladies," I said. "Oh, and I wish you and Emma the best," I told him. Somehow for once, I felt I meant it.

 A few weeks later, I heard Jake got expelled. Good for him.  No one wanted him around anyway.   I found out Nathan has a brother named Louis but he is to young for me. Louis is only fourteen, and I may not look it, but I am twenty. I skipped school a lot when I was younger which is why I am a bit behind in school. I finally made it to my senior year though.

Author's note: Yes, no more Jake!  It is about time. I could not stand the guy either and I made him up.

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