viii. Fox's out of the bag

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EIGHT, fox's out of the bag

     HIMARI WAS RELIEVED to hear from Bonnie that Elena made it back home safely. Despite not meeting the famous doppelgänger yet, something about the human girl intrigued her, the way people seemed to orbit her, and willingly put their lives in danger just for her was fascinating. Maybe it was the allure of the Petrova charm that was the reason for these thoughts but that couldn't be it because Himari had not fallen for it the first time around with Katherine Pierce. It's safe to say that Elena piqued Himari's curiosity.

It pushed Himari to want to protect Elena more now than ever. She was at risk everywhere she went and her getting kidnapped proved it.

She needed to speak with Elijah to figure out their plan more thoroughly. But he was nowhere to be found. His prolonged silence had initially sparked worry. His absence, combined with Stefan and Damon's unscathed return, raised questions in Himari's mind. It wasn't until two nights ago when a knock sounded at her door, revealing Elijah's unexpected presence. His impeccably sharp suit had been ruined, destroyed by a puncture through his shirt like he had been stabbed where his heart would be.

Almost immediately Himari pieced together that the Salvatores had bested Elijah somehow, however, she guessed they had no idea it would take a little more than a wooden stake to kill an Original.

She pitied them. Elijah was not one to forgive easily.

The sound of the front door opening caused Himari to look up from the grimoires and ancient history books scattered across her table. She'd been spending her time digging through every single one of her resources for the location of the artifact and for some reason, she never made any progress. The location spells she's tried have all had the same unfavorable outcome. It was like it was being protected by so many strong enchantments— as if it didn't want to be found. But that didn't deter her determination, because one way or another she'd get it.

Elijah's entrance was marked by a brooding silence, and the intensity in his eyes spoke of impending doom.

"Is your frown permanent?" Himari quipped, undeterred by the brewing storm. 

A scoff was Elijah's only initial response.

"You know I've been meaning to ask how you let the Salvatores, of all people, best you?" Himari probed, her eyes tracing his movements into the room.

His jaw clenched, the scene replaying in his head. "Usually, people ask if you're okay after such a situation," He remarked.

Rolling her eyes, the witch retorted, "People ask when they care, but I don't. Besides, you're breathing or— at least you imitate that human function well, so you're fine."

Her little remarks never bothered him. He knew Himari to be unsympathetic towards him for obvious reasons.

"It was an ambush," He explained, giving her a quizzical look. "How did they know of the location? I never gave it to you."

"I helped Bonnie do a locator spell. It didn't give away your exact whereabouts, they had to figure out the rest on their own. They're quite resourceful, aren't they?" She clarified.

Elijah nodded thoughtfully. "Resourceful and relentless," he admitted. "Those Salvatores... they could be either a salvation or a menace for Elena."

"I think... they're good for her, in a way. They'll do anything to protect her. All her friends would. That's exactly what she needs right now considering Klaus only getting closer by the day," Himari opined.

Elijah knew this. Time seemed to be slipping through his fingers, and no progress was being made on either end because despite having the moonstone in their possession they still needed the last puzzle piece. The artifact. He thought carefully about his next choice of words. He couldn't let desperation get to him and result in doing things that could be dangerous.

Elijah sighed, adjusting his collar, and wiping the scowl off his face. He moved toward her, eyes examining the mess of books on the table. "I might've agreed with you days ago but now I'm not so sure... I fear we might have a problem on our hands."

Himari knitted her eyebrows. "What sort of Problem?"

"The Salvatores."

That was no shock to her. "What have they done now?"

"They're going to be after the moonstone," Elijah informed, settling into a chair opposite from the witch. "I overheard Damon Salvatore speaking to a man by the name of 'Slater.' He was feeding him lies about 'the sun and moon curse' and how he could release the curse by destroying it. Initially, they were trying to get in touch with Niklaus, but the topic of their conversation changed rather quickly."

Ah, The hoax. "I have the moonstone. I won't give it to them if that's what you're worried about— we made a deal. I made sure to be very careful with my words. I protect Elena in exchange for it."

"You haven't even heard the best part."

Himari's confusion deepened at that.

"This 'Slater' seems well-versed in his history.  Let's just say the moonstone isn't the sole object they're going to be after now," Elijah informed, carefully watching the change of expression on the witch's face switch from confusion to one of irritation.

Himari couldn't understand why they just couldn't do their part of the deal. Stay put and keep Elena safe. Why would they be trying to get in contact with Klaus? Why try to meddle with things they know nothing about?

"They wouldn't even know where to begin." She shut the book in front of her harder than expected. "Elijah... I've exhausted every spell in my repertoire searching for this artifact. There's nothing. It's like it doesn't want to be found or... it's being hidden. The only thing left—"

"Is to call for my mother." The original concluded.

A pause followed.

"Do it," He commanded.

Himari couldn't hide the confusion on her face. "Why the change of heart?" She inquired, now curious to know why he was okay with the idea of reaching out to Esther so suddenly.

"It's our final option." He simply stated with no explanation.

Once again, that feeling of distrust grew in her gut. But it wasn't the time to dwell on it. 

"Ah, so you're desperate. It's alright; you can admit it," Himari teased, dismissing the skepticism that lingered and leaning closer to the table.

"Call it what you want."

She laughed and said, "As happy as I am to hear you're suddenly on board with the idea, I need to do a few things first."

Himari has yet to speak with Elena Gilbert, the most important puzzle piece within her plan, and she believed their introduction was long overdue. She realized getting Stefan and Damon to trust her was simply going to be a nuisance she didn't have time for. So going to Elena directly seemed to be the only way that the Salvatores would listen and stop their recklessness for good.

There was also Bonnie Bennett.

The first time Himari spoke with the young witch, it was in a dream and she had told her indirectly that she'd need her help to search for the artifact. It has been some time now, if Bonnie didn't give her any new information then Himari would go through with speaking to the Original Witch and face the consequences afterward.

"Care to share?" Elijah asked.

"I think it's time I formally meet the famous doppelgänger."

If all fails —with Bonnie— contacting the Original Witch would be Himari's last resort. Initially, she brought up the idea to Elijah to see how he'd react and naturally, he vetoed it. That was expected. She was ready to go through this entire process alone but now that Elijah was suddenly on board, she couldn't lie, it did complicate things for her. Because not only did that mean he was exhausting his last resources in search of this artifact, but it also meant that finding it would be much more difficult.

Elena wanted— no, she needed answers to soothe this overwhelming fear of dying. Her life had been threatened just by her mere existence. Ever since she was born there was a target on her back, her destiny was set in stone. She would die no matter what. It's the price that came with being a doppelgänger— with being a sacrifice. And it didn't help that the people she trusted most were lying to her. It's what led her here, to the tomb, to Katherine.

The only person, who she believed, not to sugarcoat the truth. As cunning as the vampire was she was not a liar— for the most part. After listening to what Rose had told her about how he was coming after her because she was the most important piece to his curse, nothing but anxiety consumed Elena. Stefan and Damon doubted the actuality of Klaus. Despite knowing of him before Roses's arrival, they didn't believe he was real.

Elena did.

And she needed some sort of information on how to stop him from coming to Mystic Falls or figure out if it was possible to kill him.

But the thing is, Katherine wouldn't give up anything for free. She was clever and liked to play with the truth in her favor. The urge to do so grew stronger when Elena sought her for answers. She couldn't just give away knowledge without earning something in return and while the blood was a nice exchange, it wasn't quite what she was feening for. Himari was the reason she was being fed by her own doppelgänger as she desiccated. And if there was one thing Katherine was good at, it was manipulating people into doing the dirty work for her.

"...I ran and never looked back." The Vampire tells Elena, who had been giving her blood in exchange for information.

"That's it? Nothing else happened?"

"Some time had passed and there were rumors about some coven being the downfall of Klaus." Katherine's frail hand grabbed the tiny cup, drinking the blood, and continuing. "So me being me, I decided to go search for them and see if I could strike up a deal. It was a mistake— thinking witches would ever help a vampire like me."

Elena straightened her posture, appearing even more interested now. "A coven? How were they going to kill Klaus?"

"The rumors said that this coven created a spirit—the Kitsune— which would be just as, if not more, powerful than Klaus. A person is chosen to be the host of the spirit and they gain 'extraordinary' powers."

"And how exactly does the chosen person kill him?" Elena asked, adjusting her hair, a feeling of hope growing within her.

"I'm not sure, it all gets blurry from that point on," Katherine shrugged.

Elena sighed, defeated, leaning back onto the rocky wall behind her. A thoughtful expression fell upon her face recalling Katherine's words.
She filled the small cup with blood once again and pushed it over to her. "You said it was a mistake finding the coven. Why? Wouldn't they have helped you if they knew who exactly you were running from?"

The vampire stayed silent for a moment, gulping, before taking it. "The minute I stepped foot into their territory, I knew I wasn't trusted. I met people who I thought were going to help me. One promised me a daylight ring, but of course, everywhere I went someone needed my blood for something. At first, it was a fair exchange, but she wanted more. That calculating stare of hers told me everything I needed to know if I chose to agree. It was like she had me all figured out the minute she met me. She reminded me of Klaus in a way. So, again, I ran... or tried to."

"Of Klaus? How is that possible?" Elena stammered, saying his name.

"They both wanted me dead."

Elena furrowed her eyebrows. "But why? Why would she— What did you do to her?"

"I didn't do anything but survive," Katherine replied defensively.

"And people died because of it, didn't they?" Elena scoffed in disbelief.

The vampire was silent for a moment as if she were reflecting on her choice of actions from centuries ago. She would not go back and change anything from before if it meant that she would die. 

"Once Klaus made his appearance. I made sure to run far, far away and this time I succeeded," Katherine broke eye contact. A hint of guilt laced within her voice.

"Leaving everyone to die just like you were going to do to us." 

"Not everyone died. She didn't. The Kitsune prevailed."

Elena's eyes widen. "If the host— if she's is alive then shouldn't Klaus technically be dead...?"

"He should." The vampire nodded.

"So why isn't he?"

"Wouldn't you like to know—"

"—Wait," Elena pointed at her, accusatory. "How would you know of the host's whereabouts? You left. Unless... for some reason, you went back? Did you keep track of her?"

Katherine's face subtly changed.

Awaiting an answer, Elena attempted to dig through her memory and search for something in conversations she's had recently. Bonnie had mentioned her new witch friend, who helped find Elena, had a way of killing Klaus but she was tight-lipped about the details. However, Bonnie had inadvertently let it slip that this new witch was on the hunt for something.

The way Katherine spoke about the Kitsune, someone elusive yet powerful, stirred realization in Elena's mind. Her breath hitched at the coincidence of a new witch appearing in town and going on about knowing how to kill Klaus around the same time he was set to arrive.

Elena wanted more information. "Stefan mentioned Bonnie's new friend attending the Masquerade Ball... that's how they got you into this tomb. She used magic otherwise you would've never allowed it."

Katherine's breath got caught in her throat. She remained silent.

Elena examined the vampire thoroughly, taking note of the dried-up blood down her chin and below her eyes. This urged her to continue her questioning. "...And by the looks of it, she made you suffer but why?"

"She's a witch and they really hate vampires," Katherine said, scowling.

"A witch that you were working with initially," Elena recalled. "You owed her... and you double-crossed her by bringing another witch to the masquerade ball."

Katherine was growing irritated, she took a deep breath, letting out a frustrated sigh. "Yes. Point to you."

"But that doesn't explain why she kept you in debt to her...why not just kill you?"

"Killing me would've been too easy." The vampire shrugged.

"What did you do to her—?" As soon as the question left her mouth, her voice fell into silence. She stared at the vampire in shock, backing up a little before completely standing up. If Elena was right about this— if Katherine had just accidentally spilled some valuable information then that meant...

"C'mon, Elena, you really need me to spell it out for you?" Katherine said, a smirk creeping onto her features. 

"It's— It's Bonnie's friend. She's the Kitsune." Her eyes widened, standing up.

The Vampire used the rocky wall beside her to push herself up. Ideas began to brew in her head on how exactly she could manipulate this situation in her favor as she watched the confusion build in Elena's face.

Elena was at a loss for words. She didn't know what to do with such information. Was Katherine even telling the truth?

"How do I know you're not lying?"

"I have no reason to lie, Elena."

The human huffed, making a gesture with her hand. "Okay. Let's go with that— that you're not lying. Do you know what she's looking for? Does she know about the curse?"

"Not exactly, but it's important to her. She was very secretive when I tried to ask about it, who knows maybe it's a way to kill Klaus." Katherine shrugged, "And she does know about the curse. She knows everything."

This meant Himari knew the sacrifices that were going to be made if the ritual did happen. Elena frowned, "That doesn't make sense..."

"What's so hard to understand?"

"Stefan said she was here to help. But if she's aware of everything... of the people that are going to die in the process of breaking the curse, then that'd make her a liar," Elena turned around to face the Vampire once again. "Or you are."

"Oh, Elena..." Katherine tilted her head. "Again, I have no reason to lie. I'm stuck here to rot until my body shuts down forever."

"You're bored. It's more than enough to lie." She countered. Katherine only stared at her swallowing down any response she had.

Until the sound of footsteps coming down the stone stairs in a hurry causing both of their heads to turn to the opening as Stefan entered and went straight to Elena. He was worried as he held her face in his hands asking if she was okay. The scene made Katherine roll her eyes, something twisting in her stomach.

Elena didn't know what to do with this new information. She didn't know who she could trust, or who to believe. Katherine seemed to be telling the truth about Klaus, the ritual, and maybe even Himari too.

"I haven't even told you the best part," Katherine says, earning their attention. "He killed them. My entire family. Just to get back at me for running. Whatever you do to escape Klaus, he will get his vengeance. On your friends, your family, on anyone that you've ever loved."

Stefan immediately turned Elena to him. "No. Look at me. Do not listen to her, okay?"

"Always the protector." Katherine scoffs lightly. "But even you must realize that she's doomed. There's nothing you can do to stop it. Unless, of course, you have the moonstone."

"What?" Elena said confused.

"I can help you get it from Himari." The vampire offered. "And... if you hand her over to Klaus yourself maybe he'll spare you. Maybe you and your friends won't have to die at all."

Stefan laughs, pointing at her. "There it is. There's the ultimate lie, isn't it? You spun this whole thing so we'd need your help."

"I didn't spin anything, Stefan. It's the truth."

"No. Let me guess. You wanna offer your help for your freedom? You manipulative, psychotic bitch."

"My freedom? That's where you're wrong, Stefan. I don't want my freedom. Because when Klaus shows up and he will, I'll be in the tomb where no vampire will enter because they can't get out. I'll be the safest psychotic bitch in town." Katherine let the words sink in as she looked at him and then at Elena before turning away and walking further into the dark abyss letting the shadows swallow her whole.

Himari's introduction to Elena would have to wait. Bigger problems were brewing, she couldn't let them overflow. The drive to this guy
"Slater's" place was long and nerve-wracking. She had no idea what to expect the vampire knew of the very thing she'd been on the search for the last five centuries. She couldn't comprehend how he even knew so much about the moonstone, the curse, the artifact. Maybe he knew about her too. She couldn't have that. If one person knew, she wondered how many were out there that carried the same knowledge as him.

It, in a way, scared her.

If they knew about her then they knew her weaknesses.

If that information got in the wrong hands twice, she knew she wouldn't be able to fight against it, and whoever possessed the weapon to her downfall. Unconsciously, she played with the red jewel around her neck. A nervous tick perhaps.

"You alright?" Elijah asked, his tone holding concern as he briefly looked at her and noticed she was lost in her own thoughts.

Himari let go of her necklace, placing her hands behind her back then glanced up. "Do you care?"

"This may come as a shock to you but yes. I do care, Himari." Elijah admitted casually, keeping his attention forward.

The witch didn't say anything. She didn't know what to say. He was choosing to be vulnerable for some odd reason. Now of all times. But she respected it, his honesty. It was nice to hear in the midst of all the chaos.

"Have I found my way into your cold dead heart? Lucky me." Himari teased, smiling at him.

"You might have." He faintly grinned. It was small, barely noticeable.

Himari caught it. A frown formed on her features. She wondered why the sudden openness, was he starting to see her in a different light?

She didn't want to know.

"Are you going to kill him if he knows more than he should?" She asked him, dismissing her previous thoughts.

"Would you prefer him alive knowing so much information?" He reached the top of the stairs first.

Himari followed behind. "No. That's why I asked. Sometimes you're just... unpredictable."

He only hummed in response, pushing the double doors open, ignoring the courtesy of knocking.

Himari scanned the well-decorated area before entering, perplexed by the large windows that defied typical vampire hiding habits —at least, those who didn't have a daylight ring. "What if he's not here—?"

Footsteps sounded against the hardwood floor interrupting. A man emerged, he appeared more scared than threatening. Perfect.

Himari smirked. "Slater, is it?"

Puzzled but compliant, he nodded.

Elijah wasted no time speeding toward him, focusing intently. "I need you to do something for us."

"What... what do you need?"

The witch began to circled around, examining the room with feigned interest.

"Tell us everything you know about the artifact you spoke of to Damon Salvatore," Elijah says, still holding his gaze.

"I don't know much. Just rumors." Slater glances nervously between the two. "But it's said that the Kitsune's heart, the artifact, is tied to Klaus' curse. It's infused with the essence of the sun, moon, and earth that bind Klaus to his werewolf side."

Himari perked up at his words. She knew of the artifact's power, not the reasoning behind it being a necessity in the ritual. Yes, it was another factor that hindered Klaus' abilities, but why tie it to him? Why make it harder for her?

"Himari, right?" Slater addressed her, this surprised the witch causing her to narrow her eyes at him. "He won't be able to break the curse without you."

"Without me?" She echoed, visibly caught off guard. She spared Elijah a quick glance, he appeared to have no reaction.

"You're the last of your kind. The only witch capable of locating and utilizing the Kitsune's heart to the fullest potential without any consequences. Klaus is going to want you."

Himari's stoic facade threatened to crack, but she kept her composure. However, that didn't stop the inner turmoil from forming. She despised the idea that Klaus would want her for any reason. Least of all, to perform the ritual that would help him in the end. She wondered if this was why he dragged out this game for so long. Did he truly believe one way or another, he'd win? That she would bow and surrender to him.

Her nose scrunched, feeling her anger bubbling to the surface. She looked at Slater, unsure if he was trying to get a rise out of her or just simply clueless about the reaction to his words might've caused.

Elijah, still, had nothing to say. He remained calm. This was all the witch needed to know that he knew of all this already. So instead of responding, she tilted her head at the original, holding his gaze. Without a spoken word, Slater began to wither in pain, he held his head in his hands as if it might explode. He was forced to his knees, as his cries for mercy filled the room. Elijah knew this was Himari's doing. Of course, it was. If he didn't know any better, he'd say this was a warning.

Himari stepped closer to the original. Her voice cut through the tension. "I thought we were past the dishonesty, Elijah."

"Niklaus never mentioned you would be needed to perform the ritual." He calmly stated, unaffected by the threat.

"Is that so?" She wasn't convinced.

"It is. I would've told you." Elijah's posture remained unwavering as he took a pause, looking at Slater's pained form. "This anger you're feeling— it's wrongfully aimed at me. I am on your side."

"Prove it."

"That vow I made years ago to you would've revealed if I was lying in this moment. I am not." Elijah assured, watching as Himari furrowed her eyebrows. "I've made deals with witches before you. It's no surprise you took the opportunity to ensure I wouldn't lie to you. It's smart. You're smart, Himari. It's why you must believe me when I tell you I am not here to betray you."

The witch swallowed whatever was stuck in her throat. Anger, uncertainty, or maybe it was guilt for assuming the worst of Elijah. She wasn't sure.

He was right. Her anger was misplaced. The thought of Klaus being so sure of her cooperation in the future, must mean he had something. An advantage she was unaware of. So it didn't matter if she got the moonstone or the artifact, he'd lure her out somehow— and that terrified her.

You cannot lose. You won't.

Elijah observed her, waiting for her next words, her next move. All he could see was the ghost of a scared little girl.

An unfamiliar sting in her eyes pulled Himari out of her thoughts. She met Elijah's gaze, and slowly, Slater's agony faded, and his life as well.

"Okay." Was all she said, her voice was soft. It was her acknowledging his honesty.

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