Alere Tellengale

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Name: Alere (A-lair-ay)

Age: 18


Sexuality: homosexual

Personality: Alere is very stubborn, constantly irritated, serious, semi-mature, VERY blunt, and distant.

Possible secret:
he falls in love very easily, and often keeps his past to himself.


Skin tone:
pale peach

Hair length/color:
short, spiky, bleach blonde.

homemade axe

Eye color:
blue with a tint of green (or turquoise.)

Alere (a-lair-ay)
Errore (a-roar-ay)
Alaina (a-lain-ah)
Olivar (awe-live-ah)
Valeen (Vah-lean)

Background story:

  Alere was a very kind and caring child with his family. He lost his mother at a young age by poison, from his father. The loss was terrible and he and his brother were awfully neglected. His sister, Alaina, was granted the most attention. Eventually though there was an accident and they lost their sister. In a fit of rage their father, Olivar sent them on their way, out of the house. Eventually they found a cave, where they lived while the town grew more loathsome towards the brothers. An organization came (the RULC) and took Alere away. He was sent there where he was tortured and experimented on. There he met the GC7 and Joe tnsavell. He lost memory on the GC7 and became an adopted son of Joe. In a crazy plan he escaped the organization and joined the real world once more. He was a changed man by that time, no longer the child he once was. He stayed with a farmer's family where he became part of their life. The powers and curse got to him eventually while he did research on his family. He killed them. He remembered his father, in anger. He set a goal to find the man. He traveled far and wide wreaking havoc wherever he went. He left a trail of dead bodies behind him, and became a wanted criminal. He returned to Segreto, his home. He found his brother, Errore there. Errore heard of what his sibling had done, and forbade him to come home. Alere left, and had an emotional fit, others died. He became paranoid of himself but hid it with a smart-aleck attitude. He met a young man that he fell in love with. He could be happy with him. They lived on a small island alone. The boy's name was Valeen. Alere killed him, in part of the curse. He was on the run again. He became distant to anyone who wanted to help. He found Olivar (his father) where he successfully killed him. There he met his brother, who was reluctant to be with him. That, is where his story begins.


Alere is not a virgin, he has a temperature fetish, and he enjoys switching things around.

He is both dominant and submissive.

Alere suffers from depression, insomnia, schizophrenia, and paranoia.

He is very straight forward and often says what he thinks. (He's Honest)

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