Chapter 11 - A Family Friend

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Shella wasn't happy, no where near it. Athena observed how she kept streching her claws regularly while clenching her jaw in a fierce grip, keeping her from just...running wild with anger. "Acting like this won't solve anything-" "what else do you expect me to do?! Sit quietly while my own daughter is out there in a work she has no idea about?!" Shella growled through gritted fangs. The elderly Lycanroc could only sigh, seeing her daughter in a pit of anger wasn't helping their case one bit. Athena understood, of course she did. After all, she was like that towards Shella when she was still a young pup, growling at Bodolf when he didn't fully understand the "danger" of their child being missing.

That silly, old Lycanroc. If only he could of found another way to deal with this, Athena thought.

"Well, you aren't helping Anisa one bit with this whining are you?!" Athena shouted "I want her to be safe just as much as you...but your father had his reason for sending her off, you think it's because she's different from us...but that's not even half the reason..."
The den was quiet for a moment, letting the sound of the droplets fall from the tips of the stones above. Water dripping while Shella thought, about everything.

Where's Anisa? Is she safe? Is she in trouble? What is happening?

What did Athena mean?

"Anisa will be fine Shella. The village isn't far from here and I'm sure Dalia will look out for her." Athena's daughter took a second, watching the water droplets drop before finally glancing at her mother "I'm scared mother. I don't want her to Rocko did..."

"Everything will be fine, Anisa will be fine." Athena observed Shella's face, still worried but letting a sense of peace settle inside her heart.

Along with the painful memories.

(Belongs to it's rightful owner).

"Anisa?! Is that really you dear?!"

Anisa and Amara just stared, sitting in silence with a small chill hanging in the air.
"Oh! You probably won't remember me dear, you were only a couple days old the last time I saw you..." Mrs. Fortune trailed off, her split tail swishing from side to side from sensing the awkward mood clawing the air; along with the ever-growing chill.

"What do you mean?" Anisa asked. "Well dear, this Espeon is kinda an old friend of your family!" The Espeon cheered. It was awkward to say the least for Anisa; having never seen a Pokemon like her before, Amara was the first.
"Sorry dear, shouldn't of just jumped that on you so sudden! I forgot to ask why you're here...well I already know but..."

"What do you mean, you already know?" Anisa cut in. Amara could only giggle, shoving aside questions on Anisa and the psychic Pokemon's relationship for later, "she's a psychic pokemon Anisa."
"Exactly Amara!" Anisa sat, scratching her head. Why didn't her mother tell her this? Anisa thought, then again, her family never tell her much in the first place.

Way to bring down your mood Anisa...

Noticing her friend's discomfort, Amara laid her paw on Anisa's back and smiled before returning her head back to the cat-like pokemon.
"Pushing questions aside for now, Anisa wanted to come her for...information", "I think I know where this is going" Mrs. Fortune dashed off after her answer.

She started to rummage around under the round table in the center. She pulled out a letter that seemed a few years old due to the yellowing colouring it had with many small rips here and there; the letter being held closed by a green-like material that let off a weird smell.
"I'm sure this is what you need, my 'friend' owes me a favour so this should help but you just showing up Anisa will make him happy to help!" Mrs. Fortune handed the slightly ripped letter to the Lycanroc, "if he does say no then tell him I'll pay him...a little visit." The Espeon giggled but both the statement and giggle put together sent a tiny shiver down both Anisa's and Amara's spines; the message being more darker under the surface.

"Well! I'll let you two be on your way to the Luna Woods, don't forget to visit sometime you two so we can catch up!" Before the two could reply, she already started beckoning them out of her tent, a quite excited expression hanging on her face.

She swooped back inside after a quick wave.

"Well, that was interesting..." Amara said, she glanced over to Anisa by the sudden silence to be met with her shaken form and fear clouded eyes. "I-I feel like I'm about to faint." Anisa's orange fur stood on end, tail stiff and her heart racing like she was running for her dear life.

I will at this rate.

"Anisa, you'll be fine...I promise." Her thoughts were cut short from the small paw resting on her back, causing her to slowly and steadily turn her head towards the voice. Amara smiled, "they're really nice pokemon when you meet them and the way Mrs. Fortune talks about them means they're on friendly terms...even if it did sound a little intimidating."
Still stiff in the bones, Anisa nodded and smiled awkwardly to reassure the white fox.

"To Luna Woods we the Midnight Lycanrocs..."

Author Note

Happy birthday pansy1! Told you I'll get it done!

I'm so sorry for not putting a chapter fun for about two months, I've been super busy with multiple things like covers, studying and figuring things out for collage.

I don't know when the next chapter will be but I hope it'll be soon!

Also, sorry if it's bad.

(Art at the top goes to it's rightful owner).


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