Chapter 7 - The Breeze Village

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"Amara...where are we going exactly?"

The Lycanroc and Vulpix trugged through the trees, dusk long gone and replaced with the light of the full moon.
"It's getting late so I'm taking you to my house! I'm sure you're tired...from today..." silence fell upon the pair, continuing through the trees with Anisa still thinking about what had happend.

The fearful eyes of her pack, Bodolf's expression, her mother and grandmother trying to reason with the alpha, everything. Floating in her mind like a dreadful storm, a storm of hatred, fear, embrassment, confusion...she hated it while it destroys her on the inside.

"So...were did you get that neckless from? I've never seen you wear it before Anisa." Amara asked, trying to keep the convisation going. Being in the forest during the night with nothing but silence just felt off to the white fox, considering what happend about two hours ago and the downcasted look on her friend's face.

I hate seeing you like this, it's not you. Where did the happy go lucky pup I first met go? What happened to that spark in your eye?

I wish I could of stepped in but if I did, I would of got you into more trouble than you're in already...

"I could ask you the same question, where did you get that flower from?" Amara kicked a tiny rock in front of her, causing it to hit a tree and bounce back once again. "I asked first!" Anisa giggled a bit at her friend's little outburst, causing the worry Amara felt to be swept up by the wind of Anisa's smile.

"Okay, my friend Andrew gave me before I left...he might be lazy but he's still a good friend." The neckless dangled from her neck, Amara staring at its beauty.
"Now it's your turn, where did you get the flower from? You weren't wearing it last week." Anisa asked. "I got it from the place where we first met, it had a pretty bush full of these pretty golden flowers." Amara messed with with the flower in her white tuff of hair on her head, causing the scent to flow through the wind like a sweet blanket.

"It suits you, you're beautiful as always." Amara's ears perked up, smiling like a dork. "Thank're the only one who's said that...", muttering her last part, her smile faded away with the breeze before shaking her head.
"It doesn't matter, let's get going! I'm sure you're cold and I want you to taste some of my special tea!"

"Special tea?" Anisa asked.

"Yep! My mum and dad sometimes ask me to make it for them whenever they feel down, it cheers them up and I want you to cheer up too!" As they continued to walk, sounds started to reach their ears. The sounds of pokemon laughing, chatting, singing all coming from a little village, lit up with strings of light across the streets and lit lamps with little cottages.

Anisa stood and watched, seeing such happy faces brough a sense of happiness inside her.

"Welcome to Breeze Village Anisa!" Amara announced.

"It's...pretty Amara, I wish my home was this brightly lit." The little Vulpix nudged her friend to follow her, making their way to the village path. Amara took the lead walking in, Anisa keeping a little behind her friend as different pokemom stopped their activities and watch, whispering to each other as they did.

Anisa clenched her jaw, dropping her head once again to avoid all of the staring. A shiver crawled up her spine, feeling like she'll start to stiffen up and because I stone statue while the thoughts returned to haunt her mind, to devour her from the inside.

"Anisa, you're're...not the only one they're staring at..." Amara and Anisa arrived at one of the small cottages lying in the village and opened the door.

"I'm home Mum!"


"They're probably out again, like always." Amara sighed, letting her friend in. Anisa took in her very new surroundings, eveything looking like it came from a different world.

The kitchen looked clean, pots and pans neatly stored away, no creeks in the wooden floor when she stepped in and the fire was a blaze in the medium sized living room, plump pillows lying near the fire for warmth.

"Take a seat on a pillow Anisa, I'm sure you're cold and tired. Do you want me to make you some tea?" Amara patted next to her on a orange cushion with the words "You Rock" stiched on in red letters.

"I don't want to intrude or anything..." Anisa replyed, sitting down on the cushion.
"It's fine Anisa, I just want you to feel comfortable and...I don't want to see you upset..." Amara glanced at the fire, hearing the crackling noises of the blaze and firewood made things more calm around them..

It was peaceful.

"I'll be back, you just rest here by the fire." The white fox disappered into the kitchen, leaving Anisa alone by the warm fire while she thought.

They're family, my pack...just gone.

I can't go back to them, I'm a freak.

I'm supposed to help with the pack, being the granddaughter of the alpha but I brought shame. I don't deserve it, I don't deserve my friends, my family...

I need to stop thinking, Amara is trying to help but I feel like I'm disturbing the life here.

I don't belong here, I don't belong in the pack.

...where do I belong?

The sound of the front door was heard, talking echoed the hall as it made it's way to where Anisa sat.

"Oh, there's back already? Usually they're away for at least three days..." the Lycanroc jumped a bit, only realizing Amara had already returned from the kitchen with a blue mug sat in front of her.

"We're back Fluffyball!"

Author Note

New chapter that purrobably sucks but oh well!!!

Sorry if it takes me a bit to get new chapters out, I try to balance a lot of things.

Anyway, going to meet new characters next chapter.

(Art at the top goes to it's rightful owner).


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