Dusk - Prologue

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"Since you are my daughter, you will not be charged for your crime but when your egg hatches, the child and the rest of the pack are not allowed to know who the father is!" The alpha roared.

The two wolf pokemon continued to glare at one another with their piercing, blue eyes, aggression clouding their minds.

"For now on, your mate will be Dash, he was the one I chose for you before you ran off with that night dweller!"

"But father-"

"No buts Shella!" He roared once again.

She had no choice but to listen to her demanding father, not just because he was her father but also the pack leader. Being the biggest and strongest Midday Lycanroc within their pack causing them to become alpha.

"You are dissmised!"

The beta trampled out of the dark, dreaded cave her father resided in, her mind racing with many emotions as her sharp canines clenched in frustration.

Whispers floating from the omegas as Shella walked her trail of shame and anger, trying her best to block out all of the sound which continued to claw at her ears.

Entering her once cheery cave, she was met with the cocky, egotistical Lycanroc ever. "What do you want Dash?" She asked.

"Well, as your new mate, I need to look after you and our egg." He wrapped his tail around the cream coloured egg. "That is not our egg, only mine and-"

"And that mut? Yeah, I know about him!" He tried to suspense a growl, stopping it from escaping the prison of his throat. "Were you like it or not, I'm your mate so you will follow my orders, do that and everything will be fine."

"I don't care-"

Shella crashed to the rocky terrain from Dash's Accelrock, small drops of blood ran from her barely noticeable wounds.

"Now, be a good little pup while I'm gone." Shella looked away, not wanting to even look at him as he walked out of the stone cave.

"It's just you...and me now." Shella said to the egg lying on the cold floor. "Even though you will be here with me, I know you'll remind me of your father....I can't wait until he returns, I want him to be around you in your childhood." She cradled her beloved egg with her tail, warmth radiating into the egg.
"You'll be the best thing to happen to this world and you'll do great things, I know you will. Me and your father will always support you!" Her childish spirit sparked back into her eyes, forgetting her worries for now.

"I know you will!"

Author Note

You should know by now that I keep the prologues to my stories short. It's baseclly an introduction to the story.

Anyway, first chapter of Dusk is finally out!

I hope you enjoy the story.

(Art at the top goes to it's rightful owner).


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