Chapter 10: Baseball

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(Katherine's Outfit for the game ^^^ except for the purse and sunglasses)

Jasper's POV

To ask if a vampire ever felt nervous, I normally would scoff at the question.  But, here I am, standing out in the field with my family as I waited for my mate to arrive.  I was nervous as a hell.  I was also anxious to show off my skills to my mate, but I feared what if I push too hard and possibly hurt someone.  I snap my head to the sound of the familiar engine of Emmett's jeep.  My face breaks out into a big smile as I catch the scent of my mate and see her exiting the jeep with her brother and Bella.   Edward gets out of the driver's side and moves closer to Bella as they draw near.  I immediately pull Katherine into my arms and breathe her in.  As we walk to the home base, I see Carlisle and Rosalie deciding who bats first by grabbing the bat see who tops first.  Rosalie won, but Carlisle tries to cheat which he earns a playful smack and smile from Rose. 

"You gonna tell me yet why you need a storm to play?" Katherine asks.

I chuckle, "When we play baseball, we can be a little...loud.  Thunder drowns out how we play."  She was still a little confused but I grip her chin gently with my thumb and forefinger and kiss her lips gently.  As I pull away, I giver her a small smirk, "You'll see what I mean."

I move to grab a bat and see that Esme made Bella an umpire and Rosalie was up to bat first.  I look over and see Alice on the pitcher's mound and smiles as we begin to hear the start of the storm. 

"It's time." She smiles big. 

Rose gets ready to go first.  Alice makes the pitch, throwing her leg up and shoots the ball towards Rose.  Rose strikes the ball in time with the thunder.  The impact of the ball hitting the metal makes a loud sound that was similar to thunder crackling. 

I look over and see Katherine's surprised look and Bella beats her to her thoughts.

"Ok, now, I see why you need the thunder."  Bella gasps. 

"That's gonna be a home-run, right?"  Dax asks as he stands next to Bella.

Esme smirks, "Edward's very fast."

All of us watch Edward take off at vampire speed to catch the ball while Rose runs around the bases to catch home.  Wasn't long till the ball comes flying out of the woods, heading towards Esme.  She gets ready to catch it as soon as Rose begins sliding home. 

As Rose hits home, Bella makes her decision.

"You're out."  She jerks her thumb out.

"Out! Whoo!"  Emmett cheers, but Rose was ready to kill Bella.  "Babe, come on! It's just a game."  Emmett calls out to her from the field.

Rose sneers and Bella as she brushes past her.

"Nice, kitty."  Carlisle says, trying to calm Rose down.

"Can we play?"  Katherine asks. 

"Ever played baseball before?"  Carlisle asks as he hands Katherine a bat. 

She smirks and steps up to the plate.  Alice smiles and throws the ball.  With a loud crack of the bat, Katherine manages to hit the ball far, but Emmett and Edward had their eyes on it.  They both leapt into the air but slam into each other, missing the ball completely. 

Katherine runs as fast as she can around the bases, her hat flying off her head. 

Emmett and Edward scramble to get up, Edward was laughing hard, flipping Emmett off while Emmett gives him a smack on his shoulder and grabs the ball, but it was too late.  

Katherine slides home. 

Bella swipes her hands out, "Safe!"

Esme, Rose, Bella, and Katherine were laughing in triumph and cheering.  I help Katherine up to her feet and hug her tight. 

"By the way, 3 year softball champion in three different schools.  Burn!" Katherine teases as she calls out to Emmett and Edward. 

I chuckle and kiss her cheek as we move away to let Carlisle have his turn.  He scored a home-run and slides home.  I smirk at Katherine as I move up to bat. 

Emmett climbs a tree to grab my ball and sends it back to us.  I growl in frustration as I was called out.  I was hoping to show off my skills, but maybe next time. 

"My monkey-man."  Rosalie grins.

Dax grabs the bat from me and gives me a pat on the back, trying to calm me.  I couldn't help but pout though.  At least I still gotten a kiss from my Katherine. 

Dax steps up to the plate and smirks at Alice.  I could feel the lust in the air for them two.  It stirred with mine for Katherine.  Almost driving the Major crazy. 

Dax hits the ball and sends it far, Edward takes off for it as Dax runs around the bases.  Soon, it comes back flying and Dax finds himself trapped between Edward and Emmett.  He had to decide, sacrifice or risk.  He runs towards Edward and Edward catches the ball from Emmett, but Dax twists out of the way and manages to get to the base stand. 

Carlisle and Esme were cheering, but everything came to a stop when Alice's distress hits me.  She turns and looks into the woods.  Her fear begins to take over.

"Stop!"  She shouts. 


Katherine's POV

When Alice called out to stop, I knew something was terribly wrong.  Especially when Edward was looking into the woods with dread.  Dax and I sniffed the air.  Death.  That's what we smelled.  Three vampires who reeked with death.  It was them.  The ones who killed all those humans.  Waylon, Charlie's friend.  Suddenly, everyone surrounded us and Jasper was pulling me away as Edward did the same with Bella.  Alice was terrified for Dax.  I could see it in her eyes.

"They were leaving, then they heard us."  Alice says with fear.

"Let's go."  Edward says, but Carlisle stops us.

"It's too late."

Edward gives him a hard look and looks down at Bella, "Get your hair down."

Rosalie scoffs, "Like that would help. I could smell her from across the field."

I could hear them now.  Their bare feet against the leaves and the grass as they glided through the woods.

"We shouldn't have brought you here.  None of you." Edward says with pain laced in his voice as he sends Alice and Jasper an apologetic look.  "I'm so sorry."  He turns and looks at Bella, pulling her closer to him as Jasper does the same with me.  Alice holds Dax behind her, to protect him. 

"Just be quiet and stand behind me."  Edward says softly to Bella. 

Right on cue, three figures emerge from the foggy woods.  One with smooth, pale black skin and dreadlocks.  A woman next to him with fire red hair and her face was covered with freckles.  And one with long blonde hair tied up, wearing a leather brown jacket.   As they draw closer, I could practically feel every victim they fed on.  Including Waylon.  That jacket reeked of him.  I glare at them all with Dax, ready for anything.  If we had to, we would attack them in a heartbeat.

As they were close enough, Laurent holds up a baseball in his hand, sending Carlisle a friendly smile. 

"I believe this belongs to you."

With a swift throw, the ball whizzes fast in the air and Carlisle catches it with ease.

"Thank you."  Carlisle smiles. 

"I'm Laurent...And this is Victoria..."  He nods at the woman.  "And James."  And nods at the blonde who had a curious look at everyone...including Bella, Dax, and I.  His look was stone cold, full of evil thoughts.

"I'm Carlisle...This is my family."

"Hello."  Laurent greets us warmly. 

"I'm afraid your hunting activities have caused something of a mess for us."  Carlisle explains to Laurent.

"Our apologies.  We didn't realize the territory had been claimed." Laurent sends an apologetic look.

"Yes, well...We maintain a permanent residence nearby."  Carlisle says.

"Really?"  Laurent's voice was full of surprise as Victoria and James had a look of surprise as well.  But, James' curiosity never left his eyes. It sicken me.

"Well, we won't be a problem anymore.  We were just passing through."  Laurent says.

"The humans were tracking us, but we lead them east.  You should be safe."  Victoria smirks at us.

"Excellent."  Carlisle smiles.

After a brief moment, "So...could you use three more players?"  Laurent asks.

They could see their uncertainty, "Oh, come on. Just one game."  Laurent smirks.

"Sure, why not?  A few of us were can take their place.  You go first." Carlisle throws the ball towards Laurent, but Victoria catches it.

"I'm the one with the wicked curve-ball."  She smirks.

"Well, I think we can handle that." Emmett laughs. 

Laurent and Victoria laugh and high-fives each other as they headed towards the field but James had his eyes on us.  First, he looked at me and tilts his head.  My upper lip twitches and I turn in Jasper's arm as we begin to head towards the car.  Then, Dax who gives him a cold glare.  And then, there was Bella who kept her eyes on Edward.  James was about to take the field with his friends...but, it happened. 

The wind begins to whistle, sending Bella's scent to James' nose.  He takes a deep breath in the air and practically moans in pleasure.  He smirks and turns towards everyone.

"You brought a snack."

Before we knew it, Bella, Dax, and I were pushed behind everyone.  Dax and I pushed Bella behind us and growled lowly at James, very lowly.  We didn't want to expose our secret too soon.

"A human?!" Laurent exclaims as he and Victoria get into attack stands as the Cullens guard us. 

"They're with us.  I think it best if you leave."  Carlisle says carefully as he holds his protective stand. 

James growls lowly at Edward as Edward snarls lowly at him. 

"I can see the game is over.  We'll go now." Laurent says as he stays in his stand, but slowly, and carefully move away.  "James..."  Laurent beckons, but James continue to growl, but smirks evilly at Edward, Jasper, and Alice. 

Victoria moves away and James stands straight, chuckling as he pulls Victoria into his arms.  Edward had a look of dread as they walk away. 

"Get Bella and the others out of here... Go." Carlisle urges Edward and Jasper. 

Alice takes Dax's hand and pulls him quickly to her car. 

Jasper snarls and snaps the metal bat in half over his knee.  He was seriously pissed off. 

"Jasper, go!" Carlisle pulls on his arm and urges him away. 

Jasper growls and grabs my arm, gently, but rough.  He pulls me into Alice's car and Dax and I could see Edward roughly pulling her into the jeep. 

Alice starts up her car and takes off, "So, what, now that guy is gonna come after us?"  Dax asks as he sits in the front while Jasper and I sat in the back.

The engine revved loudly as she drives out of the woods and makes it to the road.

"James is a tracker.  He lives for the hunt, it's like an obsession with him.  Our reactions set him off and now, we're his most exciting game ever.  He wants Bella." Alice looks over at Dax with a broken look.  If she could cry, she would right now.  "And you.  And Katherine, too." She says as she looks at me through the rear-view mirror. 

Jasper growls lowly.

I turn to him and grab his hand.  His eyes were pitch black with anger.  "Jasper." 

Jasper takes a deep breath, breathing my scent into him.

"So, what do we do?"  Dax asks carefully. 

"We need to stop him before he gets to either of you.  Only way to kill him is to rip him apart...and burn the pieces." Jasper grits out. 

"Where are we going?"  Dax asks as he rubs his face in frustration. 

"We need to get them both away from Forks.  Keep them safe." Jasper says to Alice and Alice sent him an agreeing nod. 

"We need to think first.  Come up with a plan.  I'm sure Edward is freaking out as well, but we need to think it all out, before we find ourselves heading into a trap'." I say.  I move to rest on Alice's seat and place a hand over her shoulder, she grabs it and squeezes it lightly. 
"Alice, you know, I'm right.  Let's go talk to Carlisle and see if anyone came up with a plan.  If no one has one, we'll just leave." 

Jasper lets out a hard breath and growls in frustration.  He knew I was right. 

"We're are your parents?" Alice asks.

"They're with Charlie.  I'll text them to say we're gonna go out of town for the weekend.

By 'texting', he means telepathic communication.  

Alice suddenly lets out a small gasps as her eyes rapidly move, like she was thinking in a daydream.  She frowns deeply and snaps out of her trance.

"What did you see, Alice?"  Jasper asks carefully as he leans close.

"He's going to go after Bella first.  Her scent is too strong for him to resist.  Edward was going to take Bella out to Vancouver but Bella made him change his mind.  He's taking her home." She frowns in confusion.

"Charlie."  I gasp.

"She went to protect Charlie, first.  She knew James would start collect her scent.  And possibly, kill Charlie."  Dax says. 

"They're heading back home."  Alice says. 

We turn a road and I could see Bella's truck in front of us.  Emmett was riding in the bed. 

"She's sad."  Jasper says softly. 

"She must have done something in order to leave."  Dax says and looks at his phone.  "Mom and Dad are ok with everything.  They just careful." Dax sends me a knowing look and I sigh and lean back against my seat.  James doesn't know who he is messing with.

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