Chapter 6: The Truth

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Katherine's POV

(Kat's outfit for the day)

(Dax's outfit for the day)

The guys from last night made the news.  After we drained them, Oriel gave their bodies the kiss of death and burned them to ashes.  Along with the warehouse.  Making it seem it was an accident.  I went to Bella's this morning to catch a right with her. I tried to get more information from her about Edward, but she kept a tight lip. At the same time, I was disappointed, but proud of her for keeping the secrecy. Before we left, I had gotten a peak of her computer.  'Cold Ones'.  'Vampires.'  Oh, crap.  She knows.  Bella kind of avoided me throughout the whole day.  She and Edward took off into the woods.


  I turn to the voice and it was Jasper.


I hear Alice call out to Dax.  Both of them had a worried look on their face.

"Can we talk?"  Jasper asks.

  "Sure.  Are you ok?"  I ask.

He takes my hand and rubs his cold thumb over my knuckles.  "Come with me?"  He asks and gently pulls me with him. 

'I think they are going to tell us their secret.' Dax says in my mind.

"Ok."  I say and I grab my bag.

He guides me to an open area deep in the woods, near a creek.  "It's beautiful." I say.  And it was.  It was breath taking.

"I have to tell you something.  Something very important and it could affect us."  He says.

I go and sit on a rock and pull him in front of me, "You can tell me anything, Jasper."  I say.

He sighs and leans forward to bury his face in my neck.  He was scared.  He moves to press his forehead against mine, "I don't want to scare you away."  He says.

I place a comforting hand over his cheek and he opens his golden eyes to stare at mine, "Tell me...please."  I whisper.

He pulls away and sighs, "My family and I are very different from everyone.  We...we're not human."  He says.

I try and pretend to be confused; I already knew what he was.  "We're vampires."  He finally breaths out.

"Vampires?"  I should be an actress, I swear.

He suddenly moves faster than the human eye all around then appears in front of me.  I gasp in surprise.

He looks terrified now.  He hesitates before speaking, "I'm sorry.  For scaring you." He says.

I shake my head, "I'm not."

He looked surprised and confused.  "Why? I'm a monster.  One of the world's dangerous predator."  He growls out.

"I can see who and what you are, Jasper."  I place my hands on his cheeks and make him look at me, "You're a good person.  You're so sweet and kind to me.  And caring.   I never connected so well with anyone than you."  I say.

He gives me a small smile and grips my wrists, pulling my hands down and holding them close to him.  "There's a reason for that.  We're mates. Vampires all have a special person they instantly connect with. Their souls are practically one. You are my soul mate, Katherine." He says.

So, it's true. He's my soul mate. My one who I am destined to be with always. So this is why mother wanted us to come here. Not just to be normal but to meet the Cullens, to meet our mates. But who was mated to Cin and Oriel? Not the rest of the Cullens.

"That explains the sparks I feel when we touch?" I asks.

Jasper nods and smiles, bringing his hand to my cheek and lightly brush his cold fingers over my warm, pink cheeks. I shiver at the feeling of the sparks against my skin.

"I knew you were mine the moment I saw you. But, I was a scared. My control, my thirst for blood, I'm not strong enough. It gets harder and harder to resist." He swallows hard.

"Do I make you thirsty?" I ask.

He smiles and leans down to bury his face in my neck, inhaling deeply. I tremble as I feel his nose brush against my skin, feeling his lips trail up to my jaw. He slowly pulls away but his nose nearly touched mine. His eyes were closed as he savored the smell. When he opened his eyes, all I saw was love, pure love.

"You smell like the forest rain. Fresh, sweet. I feel no burning in my throat from your scent. Just...peace." He whispers. "I never felt this since I became what I am."

I looked into his golden eyes, I could see the pain from his memories that were swimming around in his head. Haunting him.

"You have a lot of questions." He says, more like a statement than a question.

"Lots." I laugh softly.

He gives me a loving smile and guides me to a bolder, "I'll try an answer as best as I can for you." He says as he sits next to me.


Jasper's POV

I sigh deeply as I await for her questions to start spilling from her lips.  It was so strange that she wasn't afraid of me.  But, after she knows about me, all of me, I know she will fear me. 

"So, first, what is the deal with Edward and Bella?" She asks.

I chuckle softly, "Bella and Edward are mates as well, but, Edward fears for her safety.  You see, very rarely, vampires have what we call a singer.  A blood singer.  Basically, their blood sings to us.  Calls for us to drain.  It's one of the most irresistible scents.  It's extremely hard to avoid and ignore.  Bella is Edward's singer.  Her scent is incredibly intoxicating.  I barely have any control myself."

"But, you do.  Edward, too." She assures me.  I couldn't help but smile at her.  "So, that's why he was away from school when we moved here?"  She asks.

I nod, "He thought being away from her would help cut the bond off.  He didn't want to give up his mate, but, at the same time, he didn't want to hurt her.  But, the bond only grew stronger.  So, he came back and tried to get use to her scent.  It's still hard, but it's tolerable now for him."

"Do you have any...special powers?" She asks, hesitantly. 

"You mean if I turn into mist, or a wolf or bat?  Fly?" I tease.

She blushes, "Well, no.  I figured that was just a myth.  But..."

"Actually, I do.  Every vampire is different, but some don't have powers."  I take her hand in mine and play with her warm fingers.  Sending her a wave of comfort, happiness, and serenity.

She smiles big and looks at me with a coy eye, "Was that you?"

"The correct term for me would be 'Pathokinesis'.  I can feel what others feel and I can impel emotions towards them.  I can make them feel anything I wish them to feel.  It has it's advantages, and yet, it can be...destructive."  Remorse fills my core.

Katherine looks at me, not with pity, but I do feel her sadness.  She suddenly takes my hand and sends me comfort. 

I give her a small smile, "Thank you, my darlin'."

"I want you to feel nothing but peace."  She says softly. 

I take her hand and bring it to my lips, kissing her soft, warm flesh.  Behind the comfort, I could feel her love towards me.  We never said the words, but I do love her so much. 

"What about the rest of your siblings?  Do they all have powers?"  She asks.

"Edward is a telepath.  He can read everyone's mind.  But, for some reason, he can't read Bella's.  Or yours, Dax's, Cin's and Oriel's."  I frown at that. 

"Weird." She mutters.

"Alice can see the future.  But, the future is not always set.  It's all based on the person's decision.  If the person changes their mind, a different course is made in their future.  Like, say, a man goes out and decides to stop by the bank, and a robbery is happening.  He gets in the line of fire and dies.   But, if changed his mind and decides to go tomorrow, then he's safe."  I explain.

"That's amazing." She smiles.  "She must of seen us coming." She laughs.

"Well, like Edward's power, your future is only half shown to her.  She said it was like pieces of a puzzle was missing.  She never had that happen to her before."  I said.

She frowns and looks down to play with a rock.

I get up and pick up some rocks to show off my skipping stones skills.  The stones kept making whistling noises as I threw them like bullets.

"What about the rest of your family?" She asks from behind me.

I sigh, "Well, Emmett is the strongest in the family.  We're not sure if that's his power.  You see, when we're first made. As a newborn, we call it, we're at our most powerful, most deadliest, because our blood still runs in our veins.  He carries the strength of a newborn." I throw another stone.  "Everyone else is just a regular vampire." 

"From what I gather, I know vampires hunt for human blood."  Her words made me miss a skip.  "And I can see you don't do that.  How do you feed?"

I slowly turn around and look at her, "Some vampires do.  But, my family and I, we're vegetarians as we like to joke.  We feed on the blood of animals.  But," I stop and sigh, moving back to sit next to her.  "Think of it as living off of tofu.  It keeps you full, but you're not completely satisfied."

She looks down and became hesitant, "Have you ever...bitten someone?" She asks, carefully.

I sigh in shame and look away, "Katherine, I...I'm..." I stop and take a breath.  "I haven't been in the Cullen's coven very long.  Before I became a part of the family, I was a human drinker." 

I couldn't feel any fear or anger towards her, which was strange, but I continued my tale. 

"When you taste...human blood...a vampire is sent into a frenzy's almost impossible to stop.  It's too strong to fight...but...some, very few vampires are strong enough to stop.  Stop enough to turn someone.  Which is a very painful process." I scoff softly.

"Painful?  How?"  Katherine asks softly. 

Memories of my transformation fill my mind, "A vampire has these...glands inside our mouths.  It fills up when the thirst comes.  The venom inside the glands is what can turn a human into a vampire.  The transformation is...indescribable, and not in a good way.  Once the venom is injected, it is described very close as being burned alive.  There is no medicine that is strong enough to numb the pain.  Depending on how much venom is inside a human body, it can last for several days." 

Katherine frowns and looks down, her sadness chokes me.  Was that for me?

I place a hand over hers, "It's over now.  It was a long time ago."

"Who turned you?"  She asks. I dreaded this question. 

I sigh and let go of her hand and walk away, standing near the creek, "It's hard to talk about that right now.  But, I promise when I'm ready...I'll tell you.  It's just...a real painful memory I just wish I could forget."

Katherine sighs softly, "Ok, Jasper.  But, do all of you have different creators or the same?"

I turn and walk close to her, "Carlisle is our leader, a father figure to us.  I don't know who turned him, but he's Esme's creator, and Edward's and Rosalie, and Emmett's.  Alice, she, she doesn't remember anything about her newborn years.  It's like it was erased from her mind.  She has no idea who turned her.  To be turned and abandoned like she was, it's...I can't find a word for it." I felt such sympathy for Alice.

"Are there more like you?" 

"Several covens nearly all over the world.  I've visited quiet a few of them.  We have cousins up in Denali, Alaska." I say. 

She smiles softly, "This is so...mind-blowing." She chuckles softly. 

"I know it's a lot to handle, but, I'll share everything with you and guide you through it." I smile at my beautiful mate.

Suddenly, we begin to feel the soft rain against our skin.  I reach for Katherine's hand and together we run towards a nearby bridge and cover ourselves from the rain. 

"Another rainy day in Forks." I laugh as I brush the cold water off my clothes.

I watch Katherine reach out and catch drops of rain, just holding the water at the palm of her hand.  Almost as if she didn't mind the cold. 

"The rain never bothered me.  Not even when I was a kid.  I was always lucky.  When I was a little, I use to dance in the rain, not caring about my parents yelling at me to come inside before I catch a cold.  I barely caught one.  I hardly get sick.  It was the only times I ever" She says softly. 

I watch the way her eyes light up as she fades away into her memories.  I smile down at her and pull her into my arms gently.  I slide a hand over her arm, feeling her skin tremble at my touch and place a hand near hers, catching the rain with her. 

Giggling, she suddenly escapes my arms and run out into the rain, twirling around.  Spinning in circles as she looks up, letting the rain splash against her face, wetting her hair.  I shake my head, laughing at her silliness and run out with her, catching her in my arms.  She squeals in my arms and I spin her around while she spread her arms out. 

Laughing with glee, she wraps her arms around my neck as I hold on to her.  We were now both soaked from the rain, but I didn't care, and neither did she.  I slowed down on the twirling and we found ourselves frozen in place, just looking into each others eyes.  I reach up and brush my hand over he cheek, watching how her pink cheeks turn red.  I brush my thumb near her lips, catching a rain drop.  My eyes trail over her lush lips and I found myself leaning in again.


Katherine's POV

The cold rain wasn't the reason I was shivering so hard.  It was because of Jasper's touch.  Just being in his arms made my body shake with need.  I needed him so badly.  I needed to feel him.  When he began to lean in closer towards me, I couldn't help but meet him halfway.  His soft, wet lips brush against mine and, finally, we shared our first kiss.

When his lips finally consumed with mine, my skin felt like tiny fireworks were shooting off at the tip of my pores. It felt so right and home. I was home in his arms. Jasper felt stiff in my embrace as we kissed. I could feel he was trying to control himself. His grip tightens a little as the kiss deepens. His tongue brushing against mine, it was something I've never felt before. My breathing picks up and tiny moans escape my lips. I swear I could have heard Jasper growl lowly in his throat. His breathing becomes rapidly against my lips. Suddenly, I was let go and he was back under the bridge, containing himself. I move towards him but, he holds a hand up to stop me.

"Jasper?" I asks carefully.

Breathing heavily, I could see his eyes were turning black. His lust was taking over, "It's hard to control myself sometimes around you. All I want to do is be with you, breathe you into my body. Become one with you. But, you're human. I don't want to hurt you."

I wanted to tell him...I wanted to say it so badly...but, I can't. The restrain Mother has on me was too powerful.

I begin to walk carefully towards him, standing close with him under the bridge, "You won't hurt me. I know it. I trust you, Jasper."

Jasper's breathing sustains and he takes a deep breath, breathing her scent in, "I've waited so long for you. Where have you been all my life?" He chuckles.

I smile at him and laugh softly, "Lost in the dark."

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