Chapter 8: Meet the Family

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Katherine's POV

(Kat's outfit ^^^)

(Dax's Outfit ^^^)

The next day, Dax and I were getting ready for meeting The Cullens. I had a feeling Dax was more nervous than I was. I hear footsteps and I see Dax wearing a tight button up blue shirt and I give him a funny look.

Dax looks down at his shirt and winces at me, "Too much?"

"Eh, a little. We're just having dinner at their house, not the Hilton." I said sarcastically.

He growls in frustration and starts unbuttoning the shirt, "I can't help it. I'm nervous. I haven't 'met the parents' since 12 years ago." He throws the shirt into a hamper and I saw he was wearing a white long sleeve shirt under it.

"Wait. That's perfect. Very causal." I stop him from taking it off.

"Really?" He asks.

I nod, "All you need is a jacket." I said.

He sighs anxiously and nods, "Ok."

I stop him before he leaves, "By the way, have you told Alice about..." I trail off.

Dax's eyes begin to fill with pain and I began to regret my question, "No. If I tell her, then I would need to tell her everything. Until Mother takes off this stupid restrain, I'm going to tell her." Then, he leaves to grab a jacket from his room.

I sigh and see Midnight looking up at me, tilting her head with curiosity, "Well, Midnight. Time to meet the parents."

She bows a little as her eyes glowed bright, neon green.


We headed over to Bella's house to wait for Edward and Jasper. But when Edward drives up, I didn't see Jasper. Which caused me to frown deeply.

Edward gets out of the car and helps us get into the back, sending me an apologetic look, "Jasper couldn't be here. Alice had a vision that he was going to lose control in the car. It's a long ride to the house and him being in the car with Bella..." He trails off.

I nod in understanding, "It's ok. I don't want to risk Bella's life either. I can see how much you care about her." I send him a small smile.

He returns one and nods, "I have to admit, it's very refreshing, yet frustrating that I can't read any of your minds."

I giggle, "Count yourself lucky. Dax's thoughts..." I whistle lowly. "Might give you nightmares."

"I heard that!" Dax says loudly from the car.

"You need to learn how to not talk in your sleep." I laugh and get in the back.

I hear Edward chuckle and helps Bella into the car then gets into the driver's side and takes off. The ride to their house was very relaxing. The view from the windows of the path was amazing. I let out a soft gasp as we start to pull up to this beautiful house.

Dax and I let out a wolf's whistle, "This is your home?" He asks.

I catch Edward's smirk, "Has been for years." He pulls up near the entrance and gets out. Moving vampire speed to let Bella out first, then Dax and I.

We walk up to the door which was a huge glass door. Most of the whole house seemed like a glass house, you could see through almost every room. It was breath-taking.

"This is incredible. It's so wide and open, you know." Bella excliams as Edward helps her with her jacket and she puts it on the nearby bench. I take off my light brown coat and Dax puts his next to mine.

"Defiantly not what we expected." I laugh softly.

"What did you expect...Coffins and dungeons and moats?" Edward lets out a scoffed laugh.

"No, not the moats." Bella says nervously.

"Not the moats..." Edward chuckles and guides us to the stairs, but stops up a few steps to look back at us. "This is the one place we don't have to hide." He explains.

We nod in understanding and begin to go up the stairs, the further we got to the top, the louder we started to hear a TV going off. Sounded like a cooking channel. I breathe in deeply at the wonderful aroma of Italian food. My stomach growls lowly.

"I told them not to do this." Edward says, embarrassed.

As we draw closer, Dax and I begin to hear voices.

"...You add a little of olive oil to a non-stick saute pan...What I do, I cut this in strips and then..." The TV blared.

I heard the loud sound of a knife cutting on a wooden board. Oil sizzling in the pan.

"Is she even Italian?" A woman's voice scoffs.

"Her name is Bella." A man's points out.

"What about the others?" The same woman's voice says.

"I'm sure they'll love it no matter what." Carlisle's voice speaks up.

Suddenly, everything stops as we get closer.

"Get a whiff of that..." The woman's voice says as I hear her smelling the air. "Here comes the humans..." She jokes.

We begin to enter a room and I see a few familiar faces, but one woman who I've never seen before. She was gorgeous. Long, curly dark hair, warm golden eyes, and pale like all the Cullens.

The woman walks up to Bella with a warm smile, "Bella! We're making Italiano for you, and your friends." She sends the smile to me and Dax.

"Oh!" Bella says in surprise.

"Bella, Dax, Katherine, this is Esme. My mother for all intents and purposes." Edward introduces us.

"Bon giorno." Bella mutters Italian.

"Molto Bene!" Esme exclaims in surprise as she replies.

Carlisle finishes his last touches to the food, "You've given us an excuse to use the kitchen for the first time." He smiles at us and moves to stand near Esme.

"I hope you're all hungry." Esme says.

"Yeah, absolutely..." Bella trails off, but Edward was more bluntly.

"She already ate."

Rosalie looked like she was ready to kill someone as she smashes the salad bowl in her hands.

She walks over the broken glass and lean on the wall with a scoff, "Perfect!"

I raised a hand, "Actually, I'm pretty hungry." Right on cue, my stomach growls again.

"Yeah, me too. The meal smells amazing." Dax says.

Rosalie looked a little embarrassed but shakes it off and continues to glare at Bella.

"Yeah, it's just...I know you guys don't eat..." Bella stutters out as she gives them all an apologetic look.

"Of course, it's very considerate of you." Esme gives her a polite smile.

"Just ignore Rosalie, I do." Edward rolls his eyes.

"Yeah, let's just keep pretending like this isn't dangerous for all of us." Rosalie says sarcastically.

"I would never tell anybody anything." Bella shakes her head.

"She knows that." Carlisle says.

Emmett leans on the wall near Rosalie, "Yeah, well, the problem is you guys have become public now with us, so..." He says.

"Emmett!" Esme scolds at him.

"No, they should know." Rosalie glares at all of us with such anger that could freeze hell. "The entire family will be implicated if this ends badly." She snarls at us.

"Badly as in..." Bella swallows hard. "We become the meal."

Everyone begins to snicker softly, I could even see Rosalie give a tiny smile.

Suddenly, Dax and I begin to sense Alice and Jasper. Dax's smile lights up as he sees Alice walking on a tree branch that was near the balcony and sends him a smile back.

"Hi, Bella!" She calls out and jumps off the branch with Jasper in tow. Alice practically skips towards Bella. "I'm Alice."

"Hi." Bella smiles back then jumps in surprise when Alice gives her a hug. Suddenly, Alice jumps back in surprise.

"Oh, you do smell good." Alice gasps.

"Alice, what are you...?" Edward stutters in confusion.

"It's OK. Bella and I are gonna be great friends." She smiles, then turns to Dax. "Daxy." She moves towards him into his open arms.

Dax cups her face and kisses her softly, "Hi, pixie." He smiles.

Carlisle and Esme smile at Dax and Alice, while Rosalie looks at them in surprise, "Alice, doesn't his scent bother you?" Rosalie asks.

Alice shakes her head, "I don't feel the thirst with him. Or Katherine. Their scents are special." She gestures at us, "Go ahead, take a whiff."

Rosalie stays in her spot, but Emmett shrugs and moves close to us, sniffing. Suddenly, he frowns and sniffs more.

"Huh." He turns and looks at Rosalie, "That never happened before."

"What?" She asks.

"I'm not thirsty. At all." He looks over to Bella, "Well, except for her, the thirst is strong. But, not them." He points to Dax and I.

I look over and see Jasper swallowing hard, he was holding his breath, my poor cowboy. Everyone could see his discomfort and send us an apologetic look.

"Sorry, Jasper's our newest vegetarian. It's a little difficult for him." Carlisle says.

I move over to stand next to him as he introduces himself.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Bella. Dax." His voice strains.

As soon as I was close enough, he pulls me into his arms and buries his face in my neck, "It's ok, Jasper." I whisper in his ear.

"It's okay, Jasper. You won't hurt her." Alice says.

Edward looked like he was had enough and it was getting extremely awkward for him, "Alright...I'm gonna take Bella on a tour of the rest of the house." He takes Bella's hand and guides her to another part.

"I'll see you soon." Alice smiles.

Bella gives her a polite smile while Edward gives them an embarrassed look.

"Cute." Esme gushes as they leave.

"I think that went well." Carlisle says.

I giggle with Alice.

"Clean this up. Now!" Esme scolds at Rosalie.

"Mrs. Cullen, if the food isn't ruined, my sister and I would like to eat it. I mean, you and your family did go through all this trouble for us. It would be rude of us not to." Dax says as he holds Alice close to him.

Esme smiles, "That's very sweet of you Dax. But, please, call me Esme. Dinner should be ready soon. We'll let you know."

Alice gives him a big smile and begins to pull him upstairs, "Come on, Daxy, let me show you around."

"I like him." Carlisle says as he continues to cook.

Esme smiles and goes back to grating the cheese, "Me, too."

Jasper lifts his head from my neck and gives me a warm smile, but I could see he was a little embarrassed.

"Jasper, it's ok." I say softly.

He sighs and brushes my hair out of my face, "I just wish it was easier for me."

"In time, I believe it will be. I'll stay near you whenever she's here, would that work?" I ask.

He nods, "That'll work. Your scent makes it easy for me to deal with other humans."

I hear Rosalie scoff, "I still think it's too dangerous for you and the others to have human mates." She says as she dumps the salad and glass into the trashcan.

"Rose, everyone deserves to have a mate. Human or not." Carlisle frowns.

Rosalie crosses her arms over her chest and sighs.

I move to stand near her and she holds her breath, "Rosalie, take a whiff, I don't affect anyone in this room. Not even Jasper. You know how much strain it is on him. So," I shrug. "Have at it."

Rosalie glares at me, but it drops a little. She leans close and breaths in, she was just as surprised as Emmett was.

"Told ya." He smirks.

"How is that possible?" Rosalie frowns. "It smells like..."

"Like the Earth. The trees, the grass, the rain. It's like nature herself." Jasper smirks and wraps his arms around my waist.

"It's a very unique scent. Your brother smells like fresh ocean water. Clean and crisp." Esme smiles.

I couldn't figure out what to say, "We're special, I guess." I shrug.

Rosalie gives me an apologetic look, "I'm sorry for coming off so rude. I'm usually not, but I can't help but be concern about all of this." 

I nod in understanding, "It's ok.  I get it.  But, last thing we ever want is to be on any of your bad sides.  And we definitely don't want anyone in trouble." I say to them all.

Carlisle sends me a warm smile as well as Esme did. 

Rosalie sighs, "Just make sure Bella doesn't do anything stupid."  She snarls a little.

I laugh, "Promise.  Can we be friends?  Truce?"  I hold my hand out.

Rosalie scoffs, but laughs, "Truce." She nods and shakes my hand with her gloved hand. 

"Now, that has been settled, Jasper, why not take Katherine and show her around the house." Esme smiles.

Jasper takes my hand and smiles at his sister and his family, then sends me a warm smile as we head to another part of the house. 


Jasper's POV

A breath of relief escaped my lips as we draw further and further away from my family.  Rose's irritation was overwhelming, my parent's happiness was a wonderful feeling, and Emmett's immaturity was annoying.  Not to mention Bella's intoxicating scent was choking me.  Thank god, my mate was there to help me.  Her scent helps to keep me at bay.  But, it's still a little difficult. 

I feel a soft tug of my hand and see Katherine smiling up at me, "Hey, you ok?"

I smile back, "As long as you're here, always."

I love the way she blushes, how she buries her face in my chest, and wrap her small arms around me.  She felt so right and perfect in my arms.  I want to keep her there forever. 

"So, how about that tour?"  She teases. 

I couldn't help but laugh and started to show her around the house.  Last room I decided to show off was my room.  We head down a hallway and I stopped in front of a bookshelf.  I catch Katherine frowning in confusion.  I simply give her a smirk and trail my fingers at the corner of the shelf till I find the door handle and, with a loud click, I start to open the secret door to my room. 

Katherine gasps in surprise and laughs, "How very Bruce Wayne of you."

I chuckle, "It's the only way for me to have complete peace.  It's sound proof and emotional proof.  Until I invite people in."

Katherine laughs softly and I hold the door open for her to go inside.  Up the stairs inside led her to my room.  The stairway walls were covered from top to bottom with my collection.  I watch her look all around with such a child-like curiosity.  It was cute.  I loved the gasp she made as we reached for my bedroom.  Not many of us have beds since we don't sleep, but I like the comfort they bring.

"Wow.  It's so beautiful." She whispers. 

"I know it's not like most, but I love to read."  I say shyly. 

She turns and gives me a comforting smile, " It's perfect." I watch her turn and see a book on the bed.  It was hers. I just finished it.  She picks it up and smooths a hand over the cover.

"I was planning to return it to you soon.  I just finished it last night." I smile at her. 

She looks up and me and hugs her book, "I hope you enjoyed it."

I nod, "I did.  Thank you again for letting me borrow it." 

She places the book back down on the bed and begins to look around my collection, I watch her pull out a certain history book.  One that talks about the Confederate Army.  I watch her flip through the pages and hear her heart skip a beat.  I knew she found my picture.  I watch her turn as her eyes light up. 

"It's you!" She exclaims as she turns the book to let me see my picture.  That old picture of me. 

"I remember when this was taken." I stop and laughed softly.  "It was when they promoted me as Major.  Best day of my life.  Well," I stop and smirk at her, remembering our meeting.  "Till I met you."

She giggles and blushes.

I shut the book and reach up to put it back, not realizing my sleeves begin to roll up.  Exposing the bite marks left by the newborns.  I shiver as I feel Katherine's hand on my skin, tracing the scars.  She looked at me with a questionable look.

"Battle scars when I was in Maria's coven."  I frown.  "When I trained the newborns, they always left their marks.  It's a constant reminder of who I was before."

I feel Katherine's hand caress my cheek to make her look down into her eyes, "I don't see who you were.  I see what made you who are you now."

I smile softly down at her and lean closer to kiss her soft lips.  When we kiss, I don't want to stop, but I have to constantly remind myself, she's human and needs to breathe.  When we slowly pull away, I feel her heavy breaths against my lips.  All I wanted to do was more with her.  But, a knock broke me out of my trance and I see Alice at the door frame with Dax. 

"Esme says dinner is ready for Dax and Kat.  Bella and Edward are in the music room right now."  She says as she holds on to Dax's arms as he wraps them around her tiny waist. 

I sigh deeply, disappointed that this moment was interrupted, but I needed to tended to Katherine's needs. 


Katherine's POV

Dinner was absolutely amazing.  Everyone did a wonderful job with everything.  Dax leans back against his chair with a satisfied sigh and groans softly.

"I'm stuffed."  He mutters.

"Me, too.  Esme, Carlisle, you all did a great job."  I said with a smile. 

"Thank you both.  I'm glad you enjoyed it."  Esme gives me a warm smile. 

Suddenly, Dax lets out a burp and blushes as he covers his mouth.  "Excuse me."

Everyone chuckles, "Don't worry, Dax.  I have three sons.  One who constantly burps." Esme  sends Emmett a playful glare.

I giggle at Emmett's reaction and look over to Jasper who was laughing softly.  He sends me a smile and takes my hand in mine, intertwining our fingers together. 

Suddenly, we hear music coming from another room.  After washing our hands, we all headed towards a music room and inside, I see Bella sitting at the piano with Edward.  He was playing a beautiful lullaby...specially for Bella.

Jasper takes me into his arms and holds me close as we listen to the beautiful melody.  Edward was an amazing musician.  After centuries of living, I'm not surprised.  I watch Bella's face light up as she watches his fingers practically dance over the keys. 

I looked up at Jasper and he gives me a soft kiss on my head and holds me close to him as we listened together.  I never wanted this moment to end, but, sadly, for now, it had to.  Since it was time to head home.

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