Important : Before you Begin

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This story moves in two parallel time lines. Almost every chapter is divided in two parts, Past and Present.

The Past arc focuses on YiJun and Xiao Xian's life. The past arc starts four hundred years ago in Wang Kingdom.

The Present arc focuses on Lan Wangji and Wei Xian's life.

Wang YiJun and Lan Wangji are one and the same. So basically, past arc YiJun is present arc's Lan Wangji. He is an immortal creature.

Xiao Xian, is YiJun's / Lan Wangji's lover from the past arc. It is Xiao Xian, who still shares Lan Wangji's bed in present arc.

Wei Xian, is a college student who is a adopted son of Jiang family.
At the beginning of the present arc, Lan Wangji and Wei Xian have not met each other yet.
So there are two Xians in this story.

Why is Xiao Xian in Lan Wangji's bed?
What exactly is YiJun/Lan Wangji?
What is it, that YiJun is searching for?
How did a human prince turn into an immortal being?
And if Xiao Xian is already next to Lan Wangji / YiJun, then who is Wei Xian?

Author's Note

I would suggest that you to read the first three to four chapter's past and present arcs as two different stories. This is to avoid confusion.
This story falls under mystery genre so please expect mysterious things to happen. All mysteries will be solved one by one as the story progresses.

One more thing, this story has a
Happy Ending

A little bit about the world of Dusk and Dawn


The First Night Creature

A cursed creature was created five hundred years ago. He was immortal. This creature of night was perfect in every respect. A day walker, who could create more of his kind. But his creations were not perfect. They couldn't stand the daylight. What was also fatal for these night creatures was the bite of pure born wolves. But the night creatures had power of persuasion. They could control minds of humans and wolves. They were attracted to blood.

Xiao Bloodline

Blessed by the God of Magic. The people born of this bloodline could do magic. But most of that power was lost when the first night creature came into existence.

Zhu Bloodline

Created when the first night creature came into existence. These people were born with the power to shift into wolves once they had taken a human life or killed a human being. Almost every one from Zhu bloodline, has a life partner/soulmate from Bai bloodline. Who are their protectors.

Bai Bloodline

They have the power to control pure wolves. Powers of persuasion, possessed by night creatures don't work on people born in Bai bloodline.

The above is just for reference, as everything is explained in the story.

Some comments by the readers who stuck with the story till the end

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