Part 3 :- 'Better' or 'Worse'

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 "Xian!" YiJun turns and throws his sword at the masked attacker and catches Xian in his arms. YiJun watches as blood oozes out of the cut Xian has received on the nape of his neck, staining Xian's pale peach-colored garments red.

Xian brings his hand up to touch YiJun's cheek slowly, "It didn't touch you, did it, Jun?"

"No, it didn't. You saved me."

Xian smiles feebly, "Good... good..." and his hand falls away from YiJun's cheek; his eyes close.

"Xian! Xian, wake up, Xian..." YiJun holds the younger boy in his arms, and tears roll down his cheeks.

"Prince, you need to leave. We will deal with these bandits." One of the soldiers says, trying to shield YiJun from more masked bandits, while another brings a horse and helps YiJun and Xian mount it.

"I am sorry, Uncle," YiJun says, looking at his uncle, who is dealing with a handful of masked assailants. His uncle nods, and YiJun, holding Xian close to his body, ride towards the palace. On reaching there, he finds the royal physician waiting for him at the gate. The physician observers the prince as he gets off the horse, "Prince, thank God you are not critically injured. Please go to your room. I have already prepared it just in case."

"Doctor, it's not me, but Xian, who needs you. Please follow me."

"Prince... It's the King's order... "

"Doctor, I will let you treat me only after I am sure about Xian's well-being. So, I suggest you get to it fast." With that said, YiJun carries Xian into his chamber.

The physician follows them closely, and as soon as YiJun puts Xian on the bed, the doctor gets to work. He bandages the wound and checks his vitals.

"Prince, he has lost quite a bit of blood, but he is young and strong; he will recover. Also, lucky for him, the knife missed a major artery. He will be fine in a few days."

"Why isn't he waking up?"

"Exhaustion and shock. Xian is only fourteen. He has never been in such a violent situation before. He should be up soon."

YiJun nods and keeps looking at Xian.  'I should never have risked my life like that. I need to change the way I have been dealing with things. I will make sure he is fine. I will...'

When YiJun has not spoken for a few minutes, the physician finally voices his concern, "Prince, if I don't tend to your wounds now, your father will punish me. Moreover, I can assure you that Xian will be fine. He should regain consciousness any moment now."

"Mn." YiJun agrees and disrobes. There is silence in the room as the physician disinfects and dresses all his wounds. 

Once done, the physician looks at YiJin with sad eyes, "Prince, you were lucky this time. Had it not been for Xian's gut feeling that something terrible has befallen you, I am afraid we would have lost you today."

"Thank you. You may leave now. I will be more careful in the future."

The physician gestures the guards to come and carry Xian to his room, but YiJun stops them, "He will stay here. I am used to him."

The physician nods understandingly and leaves, closing the door behind him. YiJun sits next to Xian and carefully takes the younger boy into his arms and hugs him gently. "You are so stupid! Why did you put yourself at risk like that?"

YiJun stiffens when he feels Xian's arms slowly come up to wrap themselves around his neck. "Why did you put yourself in danger like that, Jun? Stop being reckless. Everyone is worried about you. I am worried about you."

YiJun lets go of Xian and tries to remove himself from the younger boy's grip, but Xian's hold on his friend tightens. YiJun uses force, "Take your hands off of me!" YiJun says in a cold tone.

"Ahhhhh!" Xian winces and lets go of YiJun, "It would have been better if the knife had taken my life instead of just wounding me. At least then, I would not feel like this." The young boy mutters, with unshed tears in his eyes.

Yijun immediately hugs him again, "Don't say that. Please. I am sorry. Xian, you need to stay away from me. If you don't, then I will end up hurting you, and you will end up hating me for it. I can bear anything, but not your hatred."

"Jun, I can never hate you. Please, tell me why you think that you will hurt me?"

YiJun once again lets go of Xian, but Xian holds his wrist. "Prince, I saved your life; you must repay this debt."

YiJun is taken aback by the words spoken so formally. 'I should repay him... It's better to make a clean break.' He decides. "What do you want as payment Xiao Xian?"

"I need three things."

"Mn. Whatever it is, I promise I will give it to you."

"First, I need you to promise me that you will never put yourself in danger like how you have been doing for the past two years."

YiJun mulls over it for a few seconds and agrees, "Ok. What else?"

"Second, I need to see if you are alright."

YiJun looks at Xian with soft eyes, "The first two requests are about me. Xian, is there nothing you want for yourself?"

"You are wrong, Prince, all three requests are for me."

"Ok then, what is your last request?"

"Tonight, you will be Mine. You will be, My Jun."

YiJun's heart starts pounding at the words so carelessly spoken by the younger boy. "What do you mean?"

Xian resumes, "You will not stop me from doing anything. You will not leave me. You will not shout at me or scold me. You will not push me away. I want us to be how we were before you chose to forsake me."

"I did not forsake you, Xian."

"Those are the things I want, Prince, will you keep your promise or will you go back on your promise?"


"Shen, do you believe in vampires?"

Shen stiffens for a moment, 'Does he know about YiJun?'

 Shen smiles, "Officer, I don't have time for your games. I told you that I am a busy man. So if there is something you are serious about, something that is logical, please be quick about it, or stop wasting my time."

Zhau doesn't get perturbed in the least, "Shen, gorgeous as you are... you must open your mind to possibilities." Zhau pauses before continuing, "The footage shows a person; a humanoid form, holding the victim close and whisper something to him, before biting his neck. Shortly after, the victim's body hit the ground. The cause of death: Extreme blood loss."

Zhau takes out another set of documents and hands it over to Shen, "This is the victim's profile. He was a suspected criminal. A child abuser."

Shen's eyes widen when he looks at the victim's profile. Zhau observes Shen's every move, every micro-expression, "Seeing as this has come as a shock to you, I take it, that you are either scandalized, or you already suspect someone; someone, who you thought was incapable of doing such a thing."

Zhau strokes Shen's arm, "Trust me, Mr. Zhu Shen, I intend to get to the bottom of this... And I hope to God that you are not involved."

Shen regains his composure, "And why is that you didn't want me to be involved?"

"Simple, I like you. And I fully intend to woo you. Either way, Shen, I will get you."

Shen's ears turn red with embarrassment, and a slight blush colors his cheeks. Officer smiles and winks at Zhu Shen one last time before turning and walking away, "This is just the beginning, Mr. Zhu Shen. I will see you soon."

Shen goes back inside. He stops YiJun, who is on his way out. 

 "YiJun, was last night the first time you drank directly from a mortal?"

YiJun narrows his eyes, "Uncle, what is wrong?"

Shen takes a deep breath, "YiJun, the police have found our company car next to a dead man. The victim was the same guy who you had brought back here a couple of days ago."

"Uncle..." Wangji starts, but Shen doesn't let him continue, "YiJun, there are eyewitnesses who confirm your presence at the scene of the crime. There is also footage that shows a night creature attacking the victim."

"Uncle... "

"YiJun, I know he deserved to die, but you can not take a life like that!"

YiJun has finally had enough, "Uncle! I have never killed a mortal, and I can swear on Xian that I did not kill him. I only drank from him, and like always, I let him go. I persuaded him to go to the nearest police station and confess his crimes. Uncle, if someone has seen me there, then I think it's safe to say that someone is trying to frame me!" YiJun takes a deep breath, "Moreover, the car went missing the same night, remember?"

'He will never use Xian's name for lying. What the hell was I thinking? YiJun would never do that.' Shen concludes before retracting, "I am sorry, YiJun. I believe you. I shouldn't have doubted you." Shen pauses and contemplates for a few seconds before continuing, "You may be right about the framing part..." Shen trails off.

"Uncle, on the matter we were discussing before, I think you are right. I think I should use this situation to my advantage." YiJun's ears turn red once more.

Shen nods, "What are you planning to do?"

YiJun takes a deep breath, "I am going to keep an eye on him, and then," YiJun bites his lips, "I will taste him again."

"YiJun! Are you crazy!? You said it yourself that he smelled different. You said that you have only ever felt drawn to Xian's blood, then why?"

YiJun turns his back towards Shen, "Uncle, I... today I followed the scent from memory. I found him. I followed him. Uncle, he looks exactly like Xian."

"YiJun," Shen turns the younger man to face him once again, "We have been through this before."

"I know that, uncle, but there is just something about this boy... "

"YiJun, I know you are not reckless, and I trust you. But when it comes to Xian... "

"Uncle, I will not harm him...."

"Ok, do what feels right. Be careful. You need to be on your guard all the time, you understand?"

"Mn." Wangji nods.

"I hope you can deal with this situation at the earliest. I would like you to be at the auditions with me the day after tomorrow." With that, Shen leaves.

YiJun opens his laptop and enters a few details. Immediately, Wei Xian's picture, along with other personal details, gets displayed on the screen. YiJun touches his lips, remembering the kiss they had shared; the kiss YiJun had not even told his uncle about, "Wei Xian, what are you? Why did I touch you? Why did I let you touch me; kiss me?" 

Yijun stares at the screen before touching Wei Xian's image with this fingertips, "Wei Xian, I am coming for you."

{Note:- Word Count 1897

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