Part 3 :- Lost and Found

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"Look into my eyes... "

Xian stares into YiJun's eyes.

"You feel no pain." YiJun uses his power of persuasion. 'The least I can do is make him comfortable.'

"YiJun, you know, just by telling me not to feel pain, you can't stop me from feeling pain," Xian says, continuing to smile weakly.

'It didn't work on him!... Why?' YiJun wonders. 

"Your Jun is stupid, Xian, and that is why he needs you to stay with him forever." YiJun tries to smile.

They reach the physician's chamber, but the room is empty. 

He puts Xian on the bed. 

"He must have stepped out. Hold on. I will bring him to... "

"Jun, please stop. I can't bear it anymore. We only have a few more moments. I can feel it. I don't want to die here alone. Stay with me." Xian requests. 

YiJun stops. Then something occurs to him.

"Uncle, did you do something to heal me?"

"No. You healed on your own." Shen replies.

'Maybe her blood can heal him.' YiJun thinks. He takes the knife he had used on Su Shin and taking the blood left on it on his fingers, and rubs it on Xian's wrist. 

Xian winces. But nothing happens. 

"What are you doing?" Xian asks.

YiJun doesn't answer. Instead, he cuts his finger and holds it to Xian's mouth. 

"Lick it."

"Jun, I know that you tasted my blood when we..." Xian starts, then he realizes that Shen was with them, "but that doesn't mean that I will lick your finger. That's gross." He jokes. 

'Even when he is in so much pain, he wants to make me smile.'

"Please," YiJun begs.

"Fine," Xian says before licking the blood off of YiJun's finger.

"How do you feel?" YiJun asks.

"Gross," Xian says, smirking. But before YiJun can say anything, Xian's smirk disappears, and his brows knit together.

Xian looks at YiJun.

"I think it's time. I can't hold on any longer."

"No... No, you can't leave me. I promise that I will always come to you at dusk and be with at dawn- I will kiss you every day. I will never stop loving you- Please don't leave me." YiJun mutters desperately, holding Xian in his arms.

"I am sorry, Jun...I shouldn't have believed that woman. I should have trusted our bond more. I love you. I will never love anyone but you; in every single life, I will only love you. Jun, I can't hold on anymore- I don't know how or when, but I know in my heart that we will meet again- I will wait for you at dusk. I will wait till you come to me." Xian whispers, running out of time and breaths.

With all the strength he can muster, he pulls YiJun towards himself and brings their lips together. 

The two men kiss desperately till Xian's hand falls away from YiJun's neck, and his lips become unresponsive.

YiJun breaks the kiss and looks at his lover's face. 

"Nooooooooooo ... Please come back...Please stay. Please....." YiJun screams, holding Xian's body close, rocking him gently.

When he finally let's go, his eyes fall on Xian's wrists. 

'They have healed.' YiJun notices.

He turns to look at Shen, who is standing just behind YiJun. 

"His wrists healed. Do you think he is healing slowly? He said we would meet again. He never lies. I- have to wait." YiJun says more to himself than to Shen.

Shen doesn't reply. He puts a hand on YiJun's shoulder and gives it a light squeeze.


"Look into my eyes... "

Xian looks into the stranger's eyes, completely mesmerized. He doesn't understand why he didn't stop this strange man from invading his space. 

'Why is his blood calling to me...Why do I want to taste him?' The masked man wonders, lifting his mask and exposing his lips and jaw.

"You will forget them. You will forget me. And you will forget what I am going to do as soon as I leave." The masked man says before closing the remaining distance between them. He puts his mouth over the cut and starts licking Xian's wound. 

"Ahhh... " Xian moans and pulls the masked man closer. 

The masked man starts backing Xian up till Xian's back is firmly presses against the wall. 

He steps between Xian's legs and starts sucking where he was licking just moments ago.

'He is hard. Fuck!' Xian's brain supplies. 

'He may take advantage of me... He certainly looks the type. I should probably stop him', Xian thinks, but instead of pushing him away, he pulls the stranger closer, 'I don't want to stop him...More!... Harder!... Fuck!... Closer!... Closer.' 

"More... Harder!... Fuck!... Closer!... Closer." Xian begs. 

The stranger obliges. He pulls Xian closer till there is not even an inch of space to spare between their bodies. 

Encouraged, the stranger sucks Xian's neck harder. 

"Ahhh... " Xian moans, his breaths become heavy. He pants near his savior's ears.

After what feels like ages, the stranger looks up at Xian. 

The stranger's eyes are dazed. 

"Close your eyes," Xian whispers, and the stranger unexpectedly obeys. 

Xian takes off his face mask and looks at the stranger's closed eyes and exposed lips and jaw for a few seconds.

'MINE!' Xian's heart screams, and before he realizes what he is doing, he  leans in and captures the stranger's lips. 

"Mnnnn!" A small moan leaves the stranger's chest, and he parts his lips, allowing Xian's tongue to enter. 

Xian's tongue explores the stranger's mouth, and his hand moves between their bodies. His hands wander lower, caressing the hard lines of the stranger's chest and abdomen. 

The stranger holds Xian's wandering hand and intertwines their fingers. He pins Xian's hand over his head and starts rutting between his legs. The kiss deepens as the stranger's tongue meets Xian's, and he starts giving as good as he gets. 

A low whine leaves the stranger chest when Xian leans away only to return with a vengeance and bite the masked man's lips.

"What are you doing!?" A man's stern voice floats over to them, and Xian realizes what he had been doing. He freezes. 

The stranger lets go immediately and turns. He shields Xian's body with his. In the meanwhile, surprised and scandalized by his actions, Xian's face burns with shame and embarrassment, and he turns to face the wall. He closes his eyes and leans on it. 

'What was I doing?... Why did I do it?... Who was he?... Did I give away my first kiss to a stranger!?'

Xian feels his heart. It's beating a mile a minute. He has never felt so undone, so unnerved, in almost nineteen years of his life, and he wonders why. 

'I should at least have seen his face.' Xian thinks before realizing that it was all too quiet.

He turns around, but there is no one in sight.

'Where did he go?'

Xian remembers the feel of the stranger's mouth on his neck. He touches the spot when he remembers the knife cutting him. 

'It's not hurting. There is no cut. How is that possible!? I am sure that the kidnapper cut me.'

A chill runs through his entire body when he remembers that he almost got kidnapped.

'That was close... ' 

Xian looks at the time, "Oh God... I hope Shijie hasn't woken up."

Xian runs to his bike, but before he can mount it, something catches his eyes. 

He picks it up. 

It's a locket.

The locket looks antique. 

'It's a couple of hundred years old, at least.' Xian observes and puts it in his pant pocket before heading home.

*A few hundred meters away*

"What the hell were you doing to that boy, YiJun!" Shen asks Wangji. 

Wangji gulps. "I don't know, uncle."

"Did you drink from him?"

"Yes." Wangji murmurs. 

'After all these years, what made me break my promise to Xian today?.... Who was that boy?... He smelled ordinary at first, but his blood- Why did he kiss me?... Why did I let him?.... Was it him?... It couldn't have been... '

"You shouldn't have done that, YiJun. You said that blood doesn't attract you. Have you been lying to me all these years?" Shen accuses. 

When YiJun doesn't answer, Shen shakes his head disapprovingly and walks away, leaving Wangji standing in the empty alley, all alone. 

"I did not lie to you, Uncle. I have only ever been attracted to blood once before. I have only ever gotten attracted to Xian's blood." Wangji murmurs, before disappearing between the shadows.

{Note:- Word count 1359

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 Have a nice day}

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