Part 5 :- Till 'Death' do us Part

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{Note 1:- Mild violent content. I will mark it with A/N at the start and end.} 


*About two hundred years since YiJun had started waiting for His Xian to return*

A war had broken out: the East India Company had attacked China. It was being called The Opium war. 

YiJun and Shen had fought for a year; none had used their powers. It wouldn't have been fair.

Initially, they had decided to stay away. The war was not their concern. However, when the village, that had sheltered them was attacked, Shen and YiJun had fought to protect it. 

Then when the smell of blood and rotting flesh had become too much for YiJun to handle, they had retreated. 

YiJun had decided to help save lives instead. 

Having studied medicine over the years, he had become a proficient physician. 

It was on one such night when he was helping the wounded that once again, a familiar scent distracted him.

Keeping his hope low, for he did not want to get disappointed, he looks around.

Shortly after, a man, who is bleeding profoundly, is brought inside the medical camp. The men put the bleeding man in a corner and leave.

YiJun walks over to him. The man looks at YiJun and smiles, "You can't help me, doctor. My time has come."

YiJun crouches next to the man; with a wet cloth, he wipes blood and grime off his face. 

YiJun's heart starts racing. The young man in front of him looks exactly like His Xian. The immortal slices his wrist and holds it to the young man's mouth, "Drink it." He commands. 

The young man coughs up blood and turns his face away. "What are you doing?" he asks, sounding utterly disgusted. 

YiJun turns the young man's face towards himself gently, "What is your name?" He enquires. 

The young man doesn't make eye contact with YiJun, but answers anyway, "Xiao Xian."

YiJun's eyes widen. But before he can do anything, the young man coughs up blood again and falls unconscious.

YiJun panics. He picks up the wounded unconscious man in his arms and runs away from the battle zone. He doesn't even realize that he is being watched and followed.

YiJun carries the man to a decent looking home and knocks. Shen opens the door, and his eyes widen in shock. YiJun brings the man inside and puts him on a bed, "Uncle, it's him. It's Xian. Even his name is the same."

Shen puts his hand in YiJun's shoulder, "What about everything else?"

YiJun's face falls. He ignores Shen and gets busy cleaning the man's face. He slits his wrist again and lets a few drops of his blood fall into the man's mouth.

Within a few seconds, his wounds heal, and he opens his eyes slowly.

YiJun smiles, "Do you remember me?" He asks hopefully, and the man, Xian, blinks, nodding his head.

YiJun is about to hug the man, but Shen stops him, "Wait." He looks at the soldier, "Who is this man?" he asks, pointing at YiJun.

"He is the doctor from our medical base." The soldier looks around and tries to sit up. YiJun tries to help him, but he recoils from the immortal's touch, "Stay away. There is something wrong with you. Just don't come near me!"

YiJun's eyes fill with tears, he blinks and tears make their way down his face; the soldier gets off the bed and stands as far away from YiJun as possible, "You are a monster!" He looks around the room, and his eyes fall on Xian's unmoving form. The soldier panics, "You killed him! Did you bring me here to kill me?"

YiJun cups the soldiers face despite the soldier resisting him, "Look into my eyes... "

"Get away from me, you freak!" The soldier yells.

YiJun recoils from the force of it and cowers, "I am sorry." he mumbles and leaves the room.

Shen walks towards the soldier, "Young man, forgive my nephew. He was just so happy to have saved your life that he got excited."

The soldier calms down, "But his eyes, the red tears and this boy." The soldier points at Xian's unmoving body.

"Ah, him, he is our patient. My nephew has been treating him. But the medicines are not working on him." Shen explains.

"I need to go home. My wife is expecting." The soldier says, standing up. There is guilt on his face, "Please apologize to the doctor on my behalf." The soldier bows and leaves.

The man dressed in blue with his face hidden under a mask, watches everything from a distance. Yet again, no one senses his presence.


*Ever Night club*

*A dimly lit room in the basement*

Shin sits on Jin Gayo's lap in her blood-stained wedding gown. She hugs Gayo and lightly kisses him on his lips, "Brotherrrrr... " She purrs.

Gayo smiles. He kisses her forehead and hugs her, "I have missed you, beautiful."

XiChen stands a few feet away, his eyes glued to the floor.

Shin leaves Gayo's lap and hugs XiChen, "Chen Chen... " She whispers in XiChen's ears before cupping his face, "You are still one of the most beautiful men, I have ever seen."

"Thank you, miss," XiChen answers politely, avoiding her eyes.

"And as shy as ever," Shin smirks, tapping XiChen's chest. She turns to Gayo, "Brother, I need a mirror. A big mirror."

Gayo gestures a guard, and the guard leaves. Meanwhile, Gayo keeps following Shin's every move.

She once again takes her place on Gayo's lap. "You love me, don't you, brother?" She purrs, and Gayo snakes his hand around her waist, "Of course."

She lets out a sigh, "Brother, why hasn't the guard returned with my mirror yet?" She demands. 

Just then, the guard enters and sets up the mirror. He turns to leave, but Shin stops him, "Guard, are you human?" She asks, and the guard nods.

"Come here." She orders; the guard walks a little closer. Shin looks at herself in the mirror, "Tell me, boy, how do I look?"

Sweat breaks out on the guard's forehead, "You look beautiful, My Lady."

"Closer!" She yells; the guard comes to stand next to her. She turns to face him, "Look into my eyes...." She whispers. The guard blinks. Shin smirks, "You are mine now. "

{A/N mild violent/dark content}

The guard nods.

"Tell me, how do I look?"

"Beautiful, but a little pale." The guard answers in a daze; Shin pulls the guard close and kisses him, "Now that wasn't so hard, was it?" She smirks, and the guard shakes his head. 

Shin immediately tilts his head and bites his neck. The guard moans. But as she continues to suck the blood out of him, his moans turn into screams. He keeps screaming louder and louder till he can, no more. 

Blood drips down Shin's lips and onto her neck, all the way to her chest. She smiles at Gayo, who looks at her completely mesmerized. 

She looks at herself in the mirror and smiles, "I am beautiful." She states and looks around the room before walking to XiChen. "Brother tells me that you were the one who saved me and brought me back."

XiChen nods without making eye-contact. 

Shin slaps him hard, and he falls to his knees, "You were late!" She yells.

Gayo leaves the chair, "Shin!"

"Yes, brother?" She asks, condescendingly.

"He saved your life." Gayo tries to stand in front of XiChen, shielding him.

"Sorry, Chen Chen, but you were at fault." She smiles affectionately and suddenly hugs XiChen. She kisses his jaw and steps back a little. She looks between XiChen and Jin Gayo.

Anger flashes across her face; her eyes change color and become red. Her nails elongate, and she slashes at XiChen face. He closes his eyes and purses his lips. 

Gayo runs to XiChen and inspects his disfigured face. He slits his wrist immediately and holds it to XiChen's wrist, "Drink."

XiChen gently pushes his wrist away, "I am not worth it, Master. I made a mistake and got punished. I deserved it. I will heal."

As XiChen speaks the words, his wounds start healing.

Gayo hugs him, "I am sorry." He mutters, before turning to Shin, who runs towards a wall and starts banging her head, "Stop this Shin, whatever it is that you want, just say it." Gayo pleads, trying to restrain her. 

She smirks triumphantly and turns back, "I want, XiChen." She demands. Gayo's face darkens, "You know that's not something you can ask for."

"Then kill me. If you love this man more than me, kill me!" She yells; Gayo looks at XiChen with a pained expression. 

XiChen walks over to Shin and wipes her bloody forehead, "Princess, it's not right for you to have me. You know that."

{A/N end of violent/dark content}

Shin wraps her arms around XiChen's neck and starts kissing him hungrily. XiChen doesn't resist. But when Shin's hands start unbuttoning his shirt, he holds her wrist, "Shin, please. Anything else, just not this."

Gayo walks over to them, "XiChen, get Lan for her. I know the kind of men she likes." he strokes Shin's face, "Now tell me, dear one, who is Xian?"

"Xian?" Shin cocks her head to a side and blinks.

"Yes, for the last eighteen years, you have been muttering his name. Who is he?"

*Jiang Residence*

Xian has breakfast, gets dressed, and goes to college along with Jiang Cheng. He had decided against telling Yanli and Cheng about Zhau. He wanted to fill them in once he knew more about the whole situation.

Once at college, the three siblings invite a few close friends for the party, that they had been planning.

Xian calls up The Emperor's smile and lets them know that he won't be able to make it today and gets surprised when he is informed, that Mr. Shen had ordered to keep the club closed for the next couple of days.

Next, he calls up Zhau and asks him to come to college. Zhau arrives, and the pair make their way to a small cafe just a few minutes walk from the college.

Zhau looks around the almost empty cafe, "What do you want to know, brother?" he asks as soon as they make themselves comfortable.

Xian looks around to make sure that they were alone, "Gege, I think someone is trying to hurt our family." 

Zhau's brows knit together, "I had the same feeling."

"Gege, I love Mr. Lan, but there are things that he is hiding from me. I need you to tell me everything you know."

Zhau takes a deep breath, "Xian, I too think that you need to know everything. I will tell you all I know, but you need to promise me that you will keep an open mind about this. And not judge Mr. Lan, prematurely."

"Why do you say that? Gege, has he done something horrible?" Xian's lips quiver.

"No. He didn't. He just fell in love."

Zhau proceeds to tell Xian everything that Shen had told him about bloodlines, soul binding, and Xian's return. 

When Zhau has finished explaining, Xian is in tears. He can feel the pain YiJun must have gone through. 

Xian realizes why Wangji was always so reluctant to touch him. The young man doesn't know how to react, "Gege, you said that I look exactly like Xian, right?"

Zhau nods. 

"Then is Mr. Lan in love with me because he sees his soulmate in me?"

Zhau shakes his head, "You should ask him that yourself."

What Zhau had not realized was that, Shen too, did not know much about the lotus mark; Cong had not had enough time to elaborate on it either. So Zhau had only told Xian what Shen had told him, which was that when Xian returns, he would recognize YiJun instantly; that his powers will not work on Xian, that Xian's blood will excite and call to Jun, and that he would be capable of magic.

Since at the time, Shen had not realized the lotus mark's importance, he had omitted to tell Zhau about it.

Wei Xian feels confused. He wanted to be YiJun's Xian and belong to him, was conflicted, for he had neither recognized YiJun, nor could he perform magic. 

The fact that the power of persuasion did not work on him could merely be because he was a descendant of the Bai line, and YiJun's attraction towards him could also be for the same reason. 

Also, there was the fact that Xian had turned nineteen at dawn, but he still didn't feel any different than he had, a day or so ago.

Xian decides that he will come clean and tell Wangji everything at the party. He decides that it didn't matter if he is not Jun's Xian. What matters is that he is in love with Jun, and he has to have him in his life.

He decides to stop feeling insecure about the man in YiJun's bed and that if YiJun's Xian ever wakes up, he would decide what to do about it at that time.

{Note:- Word count 2170

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 Have a nice day.}

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