Part 9 :- In 'Pain' and In 'Pleasure'

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Days turn into months, and the boys get busy with training and education. They spend most of the nights in each other's arms. Sometimes they lose control, but the spell keeps them from taking the next step as the pain becomes unbearable for both of them, any time their feelings get the best of them.

Xian's knowledge both in medicine and the history of his people increases, and so does his knowledge of ancient spells. He hides his knowledge from everyone, for magic is forbidden in the Wang Kingdom.

With the ban on magic, his ancestors had lost their powers to perform magic as well. Their books, which were a treasure to his people once upon a time, had become just souvenirs handed down from parents to their children. For what use are books on magic when they had lost the power to perform it?

Now his people could do nothing more than tricks and mediocre spells.

What no one had imagined, however, was that Xian was different. The ancient mark of the white lotus that had appeared on his body was more than just a mark. His parents had known only half of the story. They had not read all the ancient books, so they had not known that the day Xian had got the mark, his dormant powers had partially activated.

Xian had studied the books thoroughly. He had realized that he could do magic the day he had performed the blood protection spell.

After that, he had tried to do more magic, but they were only partially successful. After much deliberation, he had concluded that maybe he needed more practice.

Xian had hidden this truth even from Jun. Though he knew that Jun would accept him, he knew that the King would never let him be near YiJun, if he knew that Xian could do magic.

YiJun's abilities had grown leaps and bounds too. Due to his good looks and supreme combat skills, he had achieved a great reputation.

Yet no one was aware of the constant pain they were enduring day and night because they couldn't be close to each other like they wanted to.

The months turn into years, and two years pass in a blink of an eye.

Finally, the day that Xian would turn eighteen almost arrives. Xi Xi asks Xian to spend the night at home. For the spell that had controlled Xian and YiJun's life for the past two years was about to break.

"Son, the spell will break tomorrow at dawn since you were born at the break of dawn. Maybe, that is why that is your favorite time of the day." Xi Xi tells a happy Xian.

"Mother, I want Jun to be the first one to see me when the spell breaks. Please, mother, will you allow me?" Xian asks.

Xi Xi knows what it is that her son is asking of her. She had seen the boys suffer for the past two years. She couldn't bring herself to stop Xian anymore, "Yes. I will tell you what you need to do once the spell breaks."

Xian smiles brightly, "Mother, you don't have to; I already know what I need to do. Don't worry. I will do what is required."

He rides to the palace late at night and wakes up Jun.

"There is a place that I want you to see." He says, taking the Prince to a small abandoned cottage on the outskirts of the kingdom.

"What is this place, Xian?"

"This is where I study," Xian says, lighting a few candles to brighten up the place.

YiJun looks around the now somewhat bright room. His eyes fall on the small table and two chairs, and a shelf stocked with books, "It's modest, but well-stocked." He observes, pursing his lips, "Do you entertain guests here often?"

"Jun, are you feeling jealous?" Xian asks, kissing the older boy on the side of his lips.


"My dear Jun, you have nothing to worry, just like in my heart, you are the only one to have ever entered here," Xian says, putting his hand over YiJun's cheek.

"Not even your parents?" YiJun asks, kissing Xian's palm.

"No. It's just ours; our secret." Xian says, pulling YiJun towards the bed; YiJun lets him, "Xian, how much longer do we have to wait? Haven't we waited enough?"


"Amm...It's just that-" Xian starts, but trails off.

"Say it. Whatever it is that is bothering you."

"The pay... I remember it being much lower. I mean, the information on the brochure supplied at the hall had a different pay mentioned." Xian voices his thoughts hesitantly.

"Yes, it is more than what I had decided to pay for the position. Is that a problem? If you want, I can... "

"No. Thank you. As long as I am just doing what is mentioned, I am more than happy to accept the payment."

Wangji smiles, "Good. Are there any other questions?"

"What should I call you? I mean, how should I address you," Xian asks.

'Jun.' Wangji thinks, catching Xian's eyes, "What do you think you should call me?"

"Wangji." Xian smiles mischievously, making it sound like a challenge, wanting to get a response out of the Ice Prince.

"Do you think you are my equal?" Wangji asks, walking towards the young man.

"I am better than you."

"How so?" Wangji asks once again, backing Xian up against the wall, trapping him between his arms. 'I know you will say something to hurt me.'

"I didn't ask anyone to sell themselves," Xian answers, looking Wangji directly in his eyes. There is anger in them, but passion too.

Wangji had expected this. He smirks and leans closer. 'I need to taste his lips.'

He had begun to curse the promise he had made to his uncle, not to compel the boy against his will.

Wangji wants to taste the boy all over. Wangji wants all of him. Wangji knows that he is obsessed. He had come across Xian's lookalikes several times in the past four centuries, but none had had a profound impact on him like Wei Xian. None had made him hard like this None had tasted like this. Wangji was addicted.

He had not fed in four days, yet he felt full with only a few drops of Xian's blood in him.

"Ah, yes, I asked you to sleep with me...I am sorry. I was merely giving you a chance."

"Mn?" Xian feels confused.

"No one has ever been able to resist me. Everyone wants me." Wangji pauses and turns away from Xian.

"I am sorry. I don't follow."

"I thought you had feelings for me. I thought you wanted to sleep with me. I was just giving you what I thought," Wangji turns and traps Xian again, "you wanted."

"How dare you!?" Xian yells, pushing Wangji away.

Wangji smirks again. "Can you prove that you don't want me?"

"How should I prove it to you?" Xian asks, falling into Wangji's trap.

"Kiss me without falling for me."

"What? No! Why would I do that!?"

"Ah, I knew it. You don't have it in you to kiss me without falling for me." Wangji ridicules the young man.

"It's not that. I have someone in my heart. I can't - I don't think it's right." Xian says, looking away.

'He has me in his heart.' Wangji backs away, smiling; it's a bright, happy smile. Wangji's heart fills with joy.

Xian misses the smile; he feels conflicted. No one had ever challenged him like this.

"So you have a boyfriend?" Wangji asks, wanting to know more.

"I never told you that it's a boy!" Xian looks at Wangji suspiciously.

"I presumed it was a boy. So, have you already promised yourself to him? If so, why do I feel like you want me." Wangji whispers in Xian's ears and trails his fingers over the young man's hips.

Xian's breath hitches; his heart begins to race.

The smell of Xian's arousal once again hits Wangji's senses. He knows his eyes will turn red at any moment. 'Damn it!'

He hits the wall next to Xian, making the young man flinch.

Wangji turns and starts walking away. He needs this confrontation to end. He needs to distance himself from Xian before he breaks his promise to his uncle, "Go to the live stage. Meet with Senior Li. He will guide you. I will watch your performance tonight."

"But what about - " Xian wants to know what to call the Ice Prince, but Wangji doesn't let him finish.

"Leave. Leave Now." He bites out, and Xian rushes out, closing the door behind him.

As soon as the door closes, Wangji takes a deep breath. Red tears make their way down his face, "Are you my Xian? Please be him- I don't think I can wait any longer."

Wangji feels lost and conflicted. He knows that the one sharing his bed for the past four hundred years is just a shell that he had not been able to let go. Xian's last words come back to him, 'I love you... I will never love anyone but you. In every single life, I will only love you. Jun, I can't hold on anymore- I don't know how or when, but I know in my heart that we will meet again. I will wait for you at dusk. I will wait till you come to me.'

Wangji slumps down on his chair like a man defeated by fate. "Xian, don't you think your Jun has waited enough? Seven times I thought you returned to me; Seven times I was wrong. Xian, why does this boy affect me so? Xian, if it's not you, will you hate me if I mark him? If I take him to our bed, if I touch him, if I make love to him- Xian, I hope for our sake, that this time, this boy is you."




Xian runs out of The Emperor's Smile. He tries to calm his mind and body, 'I love Jun, I know it in my heart that I do. I want him. He is gentle, sweet, and good. He understands me. He loves me. I know he does. Yet, he doesn't want me to know who he is. Why? Why does he not want me to look upon his face? Is he scared that I wouldn't find him attractive? That's impossible. I already know I love him, yet, my heart seems to want The Ice Prince too. Why? Why can't I bring myself to hate that arrogant man? Why do I want to touch him? Why do I want him to touch me?... I don't deserve Jun. Jun will hate me if he comes to know how my body betrays me when I am around Mr. Lan.' He feels like his heart is getting torn in two. Tears freely fall from his almond-shaped eyes.

He is sitting on the steps of The night club lost in thought, when he feels a gentle hand on his shoulder. He gets startled and stands only to come face to face with a tall, handsome man with a warm smile, "Are you alright?" he asks, stepping away.

Xian wipes his tears, "I am fine. Thank you."

The young man smiles, "It looks like something has upset you, and you need some alone time. But unfortunately, it's time to open the club for business and- " He looks away, feeling guilty.

"I am sorry. I was just about to go inside. By the way, I am Wei Xian, the new Live stage singer." Xian says, holding his hand out to the gentle stranger.

The young man looks at the offered hand and smiles, "I am sorry, but my hands are not clean at the moment."

"There is always a next time," Xian says, waving his hands at the young man and entering the club.

As Xian makes his way towards the back of the stage, his mind in turmoil, 'When will you let me see you, Jun? How much longer do we have to wait till we can be together? Haven't we waited enough?'

{Note:- Word count 2054

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