▫️109 - Sit down kids, momma Pearl's gonna ramble about her OCs▫️

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Me: loses followers constantly and doesn't make an effort to push out content before I start my series
Also me: doesn't notice half the time and decides to make a giant part dedicated to OC rambles

But yea! If you follow my art book you'll know I was gonna draw some OC introductions a while back, but then I went through an art crisis (wow that never happens) and never ended up finishing them

I'll only be discussing my main five, since I know the most about them, although I might get into the side 2-4 at some point

I'll try to make this brief, but it's something I really had to get out

Alsolookupthefivemanbandifyoudon'tknowwhatitis I'm obsessed with the trope and I'll be using it a bunch

:: LEADER ::
Tabitha, her friends call her Tabby. She's the oldest of the group and generally pretty bold about decision-making, with plenty of confidence. She's the mother of the group and cares about each and every Distressed Smol under her command. Unfortunately, while some are quick to become her friend, certain Angsty Bois take some time to get open with her. She's protective, patient, and a little bossy, and I promise she's more flawed than I've made her seem because I don't want these descriptions to drag out too much

Brief appearance: tall and buff, generally keeps her hair in a braid. Latina descent. Brown eyes and dark hair/skin. wears casual clothing in dark blue or gray
Element they're associated with: wood
Champion: unsure
Species: human
Fatal fear: mysophobia, the fear of sickness

:: LANCER ::
Rita Penstamin, an overly creative teenage gal with a tendency to paint random surfaces and walk from place to place while balancing on walls. She starts out very different from her actual personality because of two main reasons: one being a disappearance, and the other a stubbornness to be a loner that won't last long. She kickstarts the story when she meets Cody, and the two end up the Power BFFs. No romance for her, that's certain. She's relatively cocky and is adamant on opinions within the group, but more cautious about making battle plans and the like

Brief appearance: tall noodle with more flexibility than I'll ever have. Typical white girl (blue eyes, dirty blonde hair pulled back in a half-up ponytail, tan skin). Likes wearing exposing clothes like crop tops and short shorts, but not to the point that it's indecent. Likes to wear purple
Element they're associated with: fire
Champion: most likely will be related to luck and chance
Species: human
Fatal fear: unsure

:: HEART ::
A bit unorthodox for this position (but not the most so of the cast) is Cody! Or his unnecessarily long real name, Codallionce, which he considers silly. The most spoilerific section, but only for the beginning of the series, so it's cool. He's a fish out of water with a love for humanity and the ability to shapeshift into his normal form, which is a cat. He forms a very close bond with Rita and will always listen to what others have to say. Essentially her familiar in terms of magic. He's forgetful, somewhat impulsive and very unknowledgeable about the environment around him. Hilariously immature, acts like a ten year old sometimes. Basically the cinnamon roll of the group

Brief appearance: very tan with blond hair and tons of freckles. Brown eyes that look blind because of a spell cast on them to help him see that creates a film on them. About 5'7". Oh look, another noodle. Wears big sweaters with the sleeves rolled up and baggy gray shorts, when on Earth, that is
As a cat, he keeps his hair and eye color and has a white chest and fluffy tail
Element he's associated with: earth
Champion: unsure, may relate to healing or invention
Species: ailuranthrope, or werecat (full control of powers)
Fatal fear: unsure

:: BIG GUY ::
The most unorthodox and loosely fitting of them all! Bailey Fleet could also fit in the category of token lolli and definitely isn't big physically, but she makes up for it in brashness and heart. She's the youngest of the group, and therefore at Cody's level of immature. I think the best way to summarize her personality is the fact that she's entirely inspired by my experiences volunteering in my mom's first grade class, despite being older. She's bold, impatient, childish, picky, and a total goofball. Even though she's pretends not to, she has a strong love for her brother and appreciates how much he protects her, although he definitely isn't very good at it

Brief appearance: short and somewhat pudgy with fair skin and a few freckles. Big brown eyes and brown hair just about shoulder length. Loves her big panda hat and almost never takes it off. Also likes to wear skirts and, like the dork she is, t-shirts over sweaters. Wears primarily pink and green
Element they're associated with: metal
Champion: unsure
Species: human
Fatal fear: acrophobia, the fear of heights

Carter Fleet rounds out the last member of our group. As Bailey's older brother, he always tries to make sure she's safe, even if he's not the best at it. She's the only person he shows affection to without hiding it. Like the little emo he is, he's always trying to act cool and casual and "unfeeling" or whatever traits he's picked up from anti-heroes, but in the end, he's not subtle, and the others know he appreciates them. Giant nerd. He's intelligent and easily embarrassed, and tries to keep certain things about himself hidden, as he worries it might alienate people. These include his claustrophobia and bisexual orientation

Brief description: short, straight brown hair and freckles. Fair skin, slightly darker than Bailey's. Second shortest with a lanky build. Hazel eyes. Generally wears a light jacket over simple shirts and pants in neutral or cool tones
Element they're associated with: water (loose)
Champion: unsure
Species: human
Fatal fear: claustrophobia, the fear of closed spaces

That's it for the main chars! We're almost done, promise, I'm just gonna say a few things about the side ones

We've got Simon Penstamin, a cliche summer child with a strong friendship with Rita (they're cousins). He's super friendly and doesn't get introduced until book two. Yep, there's three books, I keep trying to condense them into one because I'm not crazy about the first one's pacing but it's not working

There's also Ankh, or Glyph/May, since she doesn't have a name yet. Nonhuman literal cat lady shaman thing who acts as a mentor and is honestly pretty childish considering her role

Lastly, Myo. Like Cody, I have him a nickname before a full name, so that's all I know so far. Nonhuman (not sure of species yet) and cocky, a narcissist who's still way too insecure and thinks he's more competent than he actually is


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