▫️137 - Things I do when I'm home alone▫️

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I was all evening so why not (I do have a life I swear my friends and I are all busy with studying and I took a break tonight)

5, ranked in order of most to least frequent

1 :: draw
Oh my gOD I draw so much
My parents will leave at like,, 5?? And come home at 9 and I'll be sitting at the computer eyes glazed over shading a piece I started that day
"Did you eat dinner"
",,oh oops"

2 :: yt
Because of course
(This one kinda goes with the drawing thing because I'll generally have on an lp or commentary while I draw, at least for big and/or digital projects)

3 :: SING
I love singing so, so much!!!! You have no idea!!!!!! But I'm pretty sure I suck so I don't like doing it around people,,, basic I know but when am I not
I really want to do covers one day but I'm worried since I've never really taken singing lessons, closest thing is piano
Still I was singing would you be so kind ALL EVENING I love Dodie sm she's great

4 :: strut around in dresses and try to be pretty
I'm fairly feminine?? Or I try to be
I used to be a lil tomboyish but that's way out the window now
If my younger self could see me they'd be s h o o k e t h, I used to hate makeup and dresses and showing shoulders/stomach/cleavage but now I Embrace My Boobs

5 :: hug my cat, lay on the ground and think about life
Me and Shadow will just lie there as I ponder things
Not even serious topics either, I already know the meaning of life, just stuff like "what if fruit had legs"

This was weird

Hey look what I tagged onto the end!!

I kinda want to change my user but at the same time nO I've had THREE OF THEM in the past almost three years That's Enough (shoutout to anyone who can name the past ones you're officially more tolerant of me than I am)

But the one I have right now is an intentionally fakedeep thing about not really feeling l ever amount to all I want to be and "be pearlescent" or whatever but that's kinda too negative for my silly dying account and I don't really like believing it anymore

Plus there's that, will this help or hurt the whole dying thing??

User I'm considering would be pearlescentdork by the way, or something like that

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