▫️48 - Fablehaven things▫️

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I love love love this series and I've read it a ton of times, many of them while I've been on Wattpad, but I don't think I've ever really put random thoughts about it in a post? These aren't going to make any sense but I mean do my posts ever really make any sense? Also there's some spoilers probably I didn't pay attention, but I'm guessing that won't matter

- Kendra and Warren are the best brotp

- scratch that Seth and Bracken are the best brotp

- (okay but actually though Newel and Doren are the best brotp, the Internet is lying)

- #LetSethBeSingle2k18

- Gavin's true role is the best thing that ever happened to me

- best romance in the entire series is not Brackendra, not . . . wait people ship Warren and Vanessa? It's Patton and Lena get your facts straight

- an alternate name for Brackendra is Kracken

- idiot points and awesome dollars

- "Remind me to teach you guys about the food pyramid." "A pyramid made of food?" "We are your humble pupils."

- Mara deserved better than this

- could we maybe have gotten more than one chapter of Seth thinking Kendra was dead? Y'know, to show that he loves her? Yea thanks

- the books get bigger as the series goes on and by the end I'm still reading them at the same speed

- Seth looks like such a badass on the book covers (well, the versions on my boxset, some versions don't have Best Sibs on them at all) but in the books he's just this idiot preteen who my dad compares to my cat

- half of the series is just me screaming "GOD DAMNIT SETH YOU HAD ONE JOB"

- people have done draw the squad with these dorks I'm

- chokepods scare me more than Navarog

- Olloch the Glutton may be an accurate name but I just can't read it with a straight face

- Nagi Luna sounds like a retired, elderly version of someone's first OC

- the Fairy Queen in a short skirt with a sword is just so cool man

- Kendra temporarily got jealous of Bracken's mom without knowing they were related

- I knew Vincent was a red shirt from the second he was announced without a specific role outside Obsidian Waste

- Tanu is awesome tbh

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