Chapter 12: The Volturi

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Jasper's POV

My fear grew with every step I took towards the entrance of the Volturi's domain.  Fear for my mate more.  Who knows what decision Aro would make for my mate, for Alice's mate.  For all of us.  I didn't want to risk the life of my mate or her mortality.  I wanted nothing more than her safety.  But, if Aro decides that she will be turned, so be it.  As long as she stays with me, safe and sound. 

I watch Alice take Dax's hand as we reached the building, I could feel the fear rising inside her.  For Dax and for Edward and Bella.  For everyone. 

"...I won't be needing your services after all, gentlemen." I could hear Edward speaking to someone.  Possibly from the guard. 

I could smell Bella's scent close to Edward's.  Thank god, she reached him in time.  I admire her bravery.  Her love for my brother.  She's perfect for Edward. 

"Aro wants to speak with you again."

Felix.  And I'm going to guess his partner in crime, Dimitri wasn't too far behind. 

"No rules were broken." Edward tries to assure them, but I could feel they they wanted nothing more than to send Edward to Aro and hope to carry out his judgement. 

"Nevertheless, we should take this a more appropriate venue." Dimitri says. 

I could feel the panic emotions coming from Edward, we picked up our pace to head towards them. 

"Fine.  Bella, why don't you go enjoy the rest of the festival?"

"The girl comes with us."

"No. You can go to hell."  Edward scoffs at them.

Finally, we reached the doors and Alice broke the locks with ease, and smile at them all as she takes off her scarf and sunglasses, but leaves her gloves on.

"Come on, guys.  It's a festival.  We wouldn't want to make a scene." She says.

"No.  We wouldn't." Felix giving off his sinister grin.

From behind them, I could see a small female figure walking down the hallways, her heels clicking at her pace.  She throws off her hood and I could finally see who it was.  I can't say I was a surprise to see Jane.  Aro's favorite lapdog. 


Edward gives her a respective greeting, keeping his eyes to the floor, "Jane."  But, I could feel his fear for Bella.  Hell, it was as great as my own for Kat.  And Alice, there was no doubt she was afraid for Dax.  With a single smile, Jane could make us all feel the worse pain of all.  I don't want my love to feel her pain. 

"Aro send me to see what's taking so long." Jane says as she glares at everyone. 

Jane turns and guides our way to Aro.  Edward takes Bella's hand, leading her behind him to protect her.  I take Kat into my arms and guide her.  I watch Bella's face as she turns to look over to Alice with worry. 

Alice gives her a small worried look, "Just do as she says." She whispers and takes Dax's hand to guide him. 

Together, we all followed Jane with Felix and Dimitri behind us. 


Kat's POV

So, this was Jane.  Hmmph!  I could smell every victim she ever feasted on.  Especially, the big one and the short one who stood next to him.  The Cullens feared these guys.  What a joke.  I could easily kill them all.  But, every species need laws.  To bring down the law, it could mean dire for the world.  Depending on how many vampires are out there.  I look over my shoulder to catch's Dax's glare towards Dimitri.  Dimitri couldn't keep his eyes off of Alice.  Dax pulls Alice into his arms and glares more at Dimitri, but Dimitri just smirks at him. 

As we were turning a corner, I watch Felix hand Edward a red cape.  Since his shirt was outside from almost exposing himself.  Idiot. 

As we reached a flight of stone stairs and soft light down below,  Jane moves to allow us to go first,

"Go ahead." 

As we walked, I couldn't help overhear Edward and Bella speaking softly.

"Don't be scared." He says softly.

"Are you?" She asks.

For a moment of silence, "No." Edward says.

Jane scoffs behind them as we reached the elevators.  Edward goes in first with Bella.  And Alice with Dax.  Then, me and Jasper.  It almost seems that Edward, Alice, and Jasper surrounded us to protect us all as the Volturi crowded in the elevator with us. 

The elevator dings and the doors closes, sending us to the our judgements.  With Opera music blaring in the speakers. 

"If anything happens, I'm not thinking twice.  I'll attack and expose myself if I have to." Dax says through out telepathic bond.

"Ditto.  The time has come for us to come out of hiding.  The Volturi won't know what'll hit them." I say back.

Dax sends me a smirk, then pulls Alice tighter in his arms. 

Finally, the doors open and we exit.  Ahead of us we see a secretary's desk and a beautiful woman sitting down.  When she looks us at us, she smiles and stands up to bid us, 'Good afternoon' in Italian.

I catch Bella's frown and confusion, I knew what she was thinking.  Why would a coven of vampires have a human worker?

Bella leans closer to Edward, "Is she human?"

"Yes." Edward says.

"Does she know?" Bella says nervously as she hints.


"Then why would..."  Bella was about asks, but it came to her, "She wants to be..." She sighs in realization.

"And so she will be." Dimitri says.

"Or dessert." Jane says.

Jasper tightens his hold around me as we walk closer to huge doors.  Jane steps forth and yanks the doors open, showing us the great hall of Volturi.  The Dome ceiling was very Italian setting.  Like Rome.  Marble everywhere.  Several vampires stood around the room and three black thrones stood with the three leaders sitting.  Marcus, Caius, and Aro. 

"Sister, sent you out to get one and you bring back three.  And 3/4.  Such a clever girl." A vampire said with a smirk.  I'm guessing he was Jane's brother, Alec.

Aro stood with a bright smile as he exclaim, "What a happy surprise!  Bella is alive after all."  He walks towards us all and stood before Edward and Bella, "Isn't that wonderful?  I love a happy ending."  I watch Aro reach to take Edward's hand.  Bella quickly lets go of Edward, gasping softly. 

"They are so rare." Aro says as he searches through Edward's memories.  "'La Tua Cantante'.  And your mate as well!"  He looks over to Bella, swallowing hard, "Her blood appeals to you
so makes me thirsty.  How can you stand to be so close to her?"

Edward could feel Aro invading his mind, seeing his memories, I could see it written on his face, "It's not without difficulty."

"Yes, I can see that." 

Edward slightly turns to Bella, still not taking his eyes off of Aro, "Aro can read every thought I ever had.  With one touch.  And now you know everything."  He gives Aro his full attention, "So, get on with it." 

Giving a small laugh, "You're quite soul reader yourself, Edward. can't read Bella's thoughts.  Nor the one called Katherine...and Dax.  Fascinating!" He exclaims as he lets go of Edward and steps away.  "I would love to see if...young Bella is an exception to my gifts, as well."  Aro holds out a hand towards Bella, "Would you do me the honor?"

Bella takes hesitant steps, but holds out her hand and Aro gladly takes it, placing his hand on top of hers and searches.  Then, looks up at her in surprise.

"Interesting.  I see nothing." He frowns as he lets her go and turns to think.  But, I knew I wasn't going to like his ideas. 

"I wonder if..." He turns back towards us with a smirk, "Let's see if she is immune to all our powers.  Shall we, Jane?"

Jane turns to look at her, but Edward had a look of panic and tried to rush at Jane.

"No!" He growls.

"Pain." Jane smiles at Edward.

Suddenly, Edward grunts and freezes in his tracks.  His body goes rigid as if he was in horrible pain.  Groaning loudly, he finally falls to the floor and arches his body in pain. 

Jasper and Alice rush to him to help him.  Bella tries to help, but Alec moves to grab Bella's arm.

"Stop!  Stop, please!  Stop! Stop!  Just stop hurting him, please!  Please!" Bella shouts, begging them.

Aro sighs, then turns to Jane, "Jane?"

Jane kept going, till after a few seconds, she takes her eyes off of Edward to face Aro.


Edward grunts and sighs as the pain finally stops.  I couldn't believe what I just watched.  I could see Dax shaking with rage.  I knew what he was thinking.  If Jane did that to Jasper....she's dead. 

"Go ahead, my dear."  Aro says.

Jane turns to look at Bella, humor in her eyes, "This may hurt just a little." She smirks and begins to smile. 

Bella pants in fear, waiting for the pain to hit her like it hurt Edward.  But, after a moment, nothing happen.

Aro lets out a loud laugh of excitement, clapping his hands together.  Jane looked pissed. 

"Remarkable!" Aro gasps in wonder.  "She confounds us all.  So, what we do with you now?"

Marcus speaks up from where he sat, "You already know what you're going to do, Aro." 

"They  know too much, they are liabilities." Caius says.

Aro sighs in disappointment, "That's true.  Felix?"

Alec pushed Bella out of his way and Bella looks behind her to see Felix walking towards her.  But, Edward wasn't going to let him touch her. 

Flipping Bella to stand behind him, he rushes and Felix, sending him to the ground.  Alice rushes to help, but Dimitri catches her by her throat.

Jasper tries, but Jane...that bitch!  Sent him to the ground in pain. 


Seeing our love ones being harmed, we couldn't help but let out growls and snarls.  Aro snaps his head up at us in confusion, but admiration. 

Dax rushes to Dimitri, grabbing his hand off of Alice's throat in a tight grip.  You could hear his wrist snapping like marble.

Alice gasps as she moves away from Dimitri, watching her love bend his arm like nothing. 

Growling loudly, Dax grips him by his throat and holds him up, his fangs erupting from his mouth as he snarls down at Dimitri. 

"Don't touch my mate!" His voice bites out gravely. 

With a twist, he sends Dimitri flying into the marble wall, debris exploding around his body.  Dax gently grabs Alice in a protective hold and growls at all the vampires. 

Panting with rage, I let out a loud roar and rush at Jane, shoving her into a marble column with my fangs protruding from my mouth.

Jasper gasps and slowly turns to look at us in shock.  Edward and Felix were too busy to even pay attention. 

Snarling in her face, seeing the fear in her blood eyes.  I growl softly, then snap my head towards Alec as he tries to unleash his powers on me.  Seeing the black cloud erupt from his fingers and hands. 

I push back my fangs, "Don't think you wanna do that, unless you want dear sister's dust covering your body."  I dig my nails into her throat.

Jane gasps and breaths heavily as she feels my nails dig into her skin, cracking it like marble.  She furiously shakes her head at her brother and Alec had no choice to back off. 

"And...Jane?" I ask sweetly, before my glare covers my face and my eyes glow bright neon green, "YOU DON'T WANT TO FUCKING PISS ME OFF!!!"  I roared in her face.

We all snap our heads to the battle between Edward and Felix.  Felix finally over powered Edward and had his head in his hands, ready snap it off. 

"Please! No, no!  Please!"  Bella screams out in fear.

Aro holds his hand up to stop him, to listen to Bella.

"Kill me... kill me.  Not him."  Bella begs.

I frown at her, "Bella, what the hell are you doing?" 

She looks at us as she was drained, "I don't want him to die because of me." She says. 

Dax scoffs, "I can easily take him." 

Felix grips Edward's head in warning, making Bella cry out for him, "Please!"

Aro could only look at her in complete shock and slowly walk towards her, "How extraordinary.  You would give up your life...for someone like us."  Felix roughly pulls Edward to his feet, still holding on to his neck and his arm around his back.  "A vampire.  A soulless monster."

"Just get away from her!" Edward struggles out.

Bella sends Aro a cold glare, "You don't know a thing...about his soul."

"And..." Aro turns to look at me and Dax, "You naughty Cullens.  Keeping these two such a secret.  How naughty of you all." He looks at us with wonder.  "What are you, dear child?"  He asks as he holds a hand out to me.

I snarl at Jane once more, then throw her to the floor.  She grunts and grips her throat, feeling her skin heal.  The cracks closing almost instantly. 

I begin to walk towards him, but stop when I hear Jasper, "Don't touch her." He snarls.  He was about to rush at Aro, but I managed to block him.  Standing in his way with my hands on his chest, he frowns deeply at me in confusion and concern. 

"Jasper, it's ok.  He can't harm me." I whisper.

Still, Jasper glares at Aro in anger and stands behind me as I take a step forward and give Aro my hand.

I allowed Aro to see almost everything I've seen...and I knew Edward would see it too. 

Screams of many fallen victims by my hand.   The sounds of the Earth whispering to me.  Transforming into my wolf.  My past where I fought several enemies.  Mother and Father. 

Aro snatches his hand away in shock, looking at me and Dax in fear, he hides it in the admiration in his eyes. 

"An Elemental!  Two of them!" He laughs excitedly.  "In my domain of all places, again.  My, didn't know that your mate was one.  Nor, you, sweet Alice." He looks at both of them.  "How I would love to have you both as a part of my coven.  Alice and Jasper are free to join as well." Aro smiles. 

Dax glares at Aro, "You can all go to hell." He snarls. 

Aro's smile slowly turns into a frown, "Hmm, sad.  I do hope you'll change your mind.  I would love to have you both.  Now...hmmm...what of Bella?  You know as well as I do, that it's a great risk for her to know about my kind...even yours.  And since, dear Edward has decided he will never turn her...she must be terminated."

"Wait!  Bella will be one of us.  I've seen it.  I'll change her myself."  Alice speaks up for all to hear. 

Aro excitedly moves to reach out for her hand, Dax holds her back with a small growl, but Alice gives him a sweet smile and pulls out of his arms, taking off her gloves and places her hand into Aro's letting her see the beautiful vision of Bella and Edward, with Bella immortal.  Her skin shinning like diamonds and her eyes golden brown, like the Cullens. 

Aro lets go of her hand and Dax didn't waste anytime to pull her back into his arms.

"Mesmerizing!  To see, what you have seen.  Before it is happened."  Aro exclaims and moves to stand close to Bella, leaning close against her face as he strokes her cheek, "Your gifts...will make for an intriguing...immortal.  Isabella.  Go now." He says with excitement as he moves away.  "Make your preparations."  Aro says and nods at Felix to let Edward go. 

Edward moves to pull Bella back into his arms and Jasper takes my hand and leads me to the others.

Marcus gave us all a bored, sad look, "Let's be done with this. Heidi will arrive, any moment."  He stands up to study us all with a small smile.  "Thank you...for the visit."

"We'll return the favor.  I would advise...that you follow through on your promise soon.  We do not offer second chances."  Caius warns us. 

We all walked towards the door, but me and Dax were held back with a grunt.  Jasper, Alice, Bella, and Edward turn back in concern. 

"Crap." I whisper and turn to Dax who was annoyed as well.

"Aro." "Aro." We both spoke as one and slowly turn to face him with a blank look.  "Mother wants to talk to you." We say.

Loud rumbling erupts in the dome as darkness covers the room.  Wind whooshed it's cold grip all around our bodies and, suddenly, the doors burst open with a powerful force.  A dark cloud stood at the entrance and, emerging from the darkness, Mother and Father walk into the hall. 

Dax and I moved out of their way, pulling Jasper and Alice out of the way.  Bella follows our movements and pulls Edward out of the way as well.  Mother never took her eyes off of Aro as she gave him such a furious glare.  Father followed her footsteps as they moved to stand in the middle of the dome. 

"Hear my warning, Aro Volturi." Mother speaks up strongly.  "And hear it well."  She lowers her voice with warning.  "The Elementals, my children, are under our protection.  As well as their mates and the Cullens.  You know who I am, and you know what I can do.  Anyone in your clan fails to follow my warning, any harm falls on my children and their loved ones..." 

Mother rushes at the speed of light towards Aro, shoving into his chest with a hard thrust and sending him flying into his throne. 

Aro gasps and groans as he felt his chest was caved in, but the loud sound of crackling say he was healing and Mother stood over hm with fire in her eyes. 

"Volturi shall fall..." Her voice echos as she disappears into the dark void. 

Father walks backward into the void with a warning glare.

"Beware our wrath." His voice echoed gravelly as they both disappear. 

Aro gasps in wonder with wide eyes, "Magnifico!" He exclaims.  He looks over to us and gives us a smirk, " young friends."

Finally, we were out of there and walking onward to our freedom, but coming our way, we see a female vampire leading a group humans, and they were heading towards where the Volturi were. Some were even children! 

Dax looks over to me and frowns before waving his fingers.

"Nice fishing, Heidi." Dimitri smiles.

"Yes, they do look rather juicy." Heidi smirks seductively.

"Save some for me." Dimitri growls lustfully. 

I roll my eyes, and feel Jasper tighten his hold over me and I watch Bella look over towards the kids. 

Before the kids could even go inside, they disappear into the air.  We knew what it meant for them if they stepped into the hall.  It would mean their death.  But, we couldn't save their families.  As much as we wanted to, we only can save the innocent. 

"This way, please.  Stay together." Heidi commands the group. 

Dax and I cover our ears and Bella watch us with confusion, but I watch her jump and look behind us with shock.  Edward pulls her into the elevator, and Alice and Jasper look at us in pity as they guide us as well. 

We just didn't want to hear the screaming. 

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